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  5. ClusterTemplate
OpenStack v4.0.0 published on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 by Pulumi


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OpenStack v4.0.0 published on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 by Pulumi

    Manages a V1 Magnum cluster template resource within OpenStack.

    Example Usage

    Create a Cluster template

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as openstack from "@pulumi/openstack";
    const clustertemplate1 = new openstack.containerinfra.ClusterTemplate("clustertemplate_1", {
        name: "clustertemplate_1",
        image: "Fedora-Atomic-27",
        coe: "kubernetes",
        flavor: "m1.small",
        masterFlavor: "m1.medium",
        dnsNameserver: "",
        dockerStorageDriver: "devicemapper",
        dockerVolumeSize: 10,
        volumeDriver: "cinder",
        networkDriver: "flannel",
        serverType: "vm",
        masterLbEnabled: true,
        floatingIpEnabled: false,
        labels: {
            kube_tag: "1.11.1",
            kube_dashboard_enabled: "true",
            prometheus_monitoring: "true",
            influx_grafana_dashboard_enabled: "true",
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_openstack as openstack
    clustertemplate1 = openstack.containerinfra.ClusterTemplate("clustertemplate_1",
            "kube_tag": "1.11.1",
            "kube_dashboard_enabled": "true",
            "prometheus_monitoring": "true",
            "influx_grafana_dashboard_enabled": "true",
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := containerinfra.NewClusterTemplate(ctx, "clustertemplate_1", &containerinfra.ClusterTemplateArgs{
    			Name:                pulumi.String("clustertemplate_1"),
    			Image:               pulumi.String("Fedora-Atomic-27"),
    			Coe:                 pulumi.String("kubernetes"),
    			Flavor:              pulumi.String("m1.small"),
    			MasterFlavor:        pulumi.String("m1.medium"),
    			DnsNameserver:       pulumi.String(""),
    			DockerStorageDriver: pulumi.String("devicemapper"),
    			DockerVolumeSize:    pulumi.Int(10),
    			VolumeDriver:        pulumi.String("cinder"),
    			NetworkDriver:       pulumi.String("flannel"),
    			ServerType:          pulumi.String("vm"),
    			MasterLbEnabled:     pulumi.Bool(true),
    			FloatingIpEnabled:   pulumi.Bool(false),
    			Labels: pulumi.Map{
    				"kube_tag":                         pulumi.Any("1.11.1"),
    				"kube_dashboard_enabled":           pulumi.Any("true"),
    				"prometheus_monitoring":            pulumi.Any("true"),
    				"influx_grafana_dashboard_enabled": pulumi.Any("true"),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using OpenStack = Pulumi.OpenStack;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var clustertemplate1 = new OpenStack.ContainerInfra.ClusterTemplate("clustertemplate_1", new()
            Name = "clustertemplate_1",
            Image = "Fedora-Atomic-27",
            Coe = "kubernetes",
            Flavor = "m1.small",
            MasterFlavor = "m1.medium",
            DnsNameserver = "",
            DockerStorageDriver = "devicemapper",
            DockerVolumeSize = 10,
            VolumeDriver = "cinder",
            NetworkDriver = "flannel",
            ServerType = "vm",
            MasterLbEnabled = true,
            FloatingIpEnabled = false,
            Labels = 
                { "kube_tag", "1.11.1" },
                { "kube_dashboard_enabled", "true" },
                { "prometheus_monitoring", "true" },
                { "influx_grafana_dashboard_enabled", "true" },
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.openstack.containerinfra.ClusterTemplate;
    import com.pulumi.openstack.containerinfra.ClusterTemplateArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            var clustertemplate1 = new ClusterTemplate("clustertemplate1", ClusterTemplateArgs.builder()        
                    Map.entry("kube_tag", "1.11.1"),
                    Map.entry("kube_dashboard_enabled", "true"),
                    Map.entry("prometheus_monitoring", "true"),
                    Map.entry("influx_grafana_dashboard_enabled", "true")
        type: openstack:containerinfra:ClusterTemplate
        name: clustertemplate_1
          name: clustertemplate_1
          image: Fedora-Atomic-27
          coe: kubernetes
          flavor: m1.small
          masterFlavor: m1.medium
          dockerStorageDriver: devicemapper
          dockerVolumeSize: 10
          volumeDriver: cinder
          networkDriver: flannel
          serverType: vm
          masterLbEnabled: true
          floatingIpEnabled: false
            kube_tag: 1.11.1
            kube_dashboard_enabled: 'true'
            prometheus_monitoring: 'true'
            influx_grafana_dashboard_enabled: 'true'

    Attributes reference

    The following attributes are exported:

    • region - See Argument Reference above.
    • name - See Argument Reference above.
    • project_id - See Argument Reference above.
    • created_at - The time at which cluster template was created.
    • updated_at - The time at which cluster template was created.
    • apiserver_port - See Argument Reference above.
    • coe - See Argument Reference above.
    • cluster_distro - See Argument Reference above.
    • dns_nameserver - See Argument Reference above.
    • docker_storage_driver - See Argument Reference above.
    • docker_volume_size - See Argument Reference above.
    • external_network_id - See Argument Reference above.
    • fixed_network - See Argument Reference above.
    • fixed_subnet - See Argument Reference above.
    • flavor - See Argument Reference above.
    • master_flavor - See Argument Reference above.
    • floating_ip_enabled - See Argument Reference above.
    • http_proxy - See Argument Reference above.
    • https_proxy - See Argument Reference above.
    • image - See Argument Reference above.
    • insecure_registry - See Argument Reference above.
    • keypair_id - See Argument Reference above.
    • labels - See Argument Reference above.
    • links - A list containing associated cluster template links.
    • master_lb_enabled - See Argument Reference above.
    • network_driver - See Argument Reference above.
    • no_proxy - See Argument Reference above.
    • public - See Argument Reference above.
    • registry_enabled - See Argument Reference above.
    • server_type - See Argument Reference above.
    • tls_disabled - See Argument Reference above.
    • volume_driver - See Argument Reference above.
    • hidden - See Argument Reference above.

    Create ClusterTemplate Resource

    Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.

    Constructor syntax

    new ClusterTemplate(name: string, args: ClusterTemplateArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
    def ClusterTemplate(resource_name: str,
                        args: ClusterTemplateArgs,
                        opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
    def ClusterTemplate(resource_name: str,
                        opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
                        coe: Optional[str] = None,
                        image: Optional[str] = None,
                        fixed_network: Optional[str] = None,
                        volume_driver: Optional[str] = None,
                        cluster_distro: Optional[str] = None,
                        docker_volume_size: Optional[int] = None,
                        external_network_id: Optional[str] = None,
                        apiserver_port: Optional[int] = None,
                        fixed_subnet: Optional[str] = None,
                        flavor: Optional[str] = None,
                        floating_ip_enabled: Optional[bool] = None,
                        hidden: Optional[bool] = None,
                        http_proxy: Optional[str] = None,
                        https_proxy: Optional[str] = None,
                        docker_storage_driver: Optional[str] = None,
                        dns_nameserver: Optional[str] = None,
                        public: Optional[bool] = None,
                        labels: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None,
                        master_flavor: Optional[str] = None,
                        master_lb_enabled: Optional[bool] = None,
                        name: Optional[str] = None,
                        network_driver: Optional[str] = None,
                        no_proxy: Optional[str] = None,
                        keypair_id: Optional[str] = None,
                        region: Optional[str] = None,
                        registry_enabled: Optional[bool] = None,
                        server_type: Optional[str] = None,
                        tls_disabled: Optional[bool] = None,
                        insecure_registry: Optional[str] = None)
    func NewClusterTemplate(ctx *Context, name string, args ClusterTemplateArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*ClusterTemplate, error)
    public ClusterTemplate(string name, ClusterTemplateArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public ClusterTemplate(String name, ClusterTemplateArgs args)
    public ClusterTemplate(String name, ClusterTemplateArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
    type: openstack:containerinfra:ClusterTemplate
    properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
    options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.


    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ClusterTemplateArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    resource_name str
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ClusterTemplateArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    ctx Context
    Context object for the current deployment.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ClusterTemplateArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOption
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ClusterTemplateArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name String
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ClusterTemplateArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    options CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.

    Constructor example

    The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.

    var clusterTemplateResource = new OpenStack.ContainerInfra.ClusterTemplate("clusterTemplateResource", new()
        Coe = "string",
        Image = "string",
        FixedNetwork = "string",
        VolumeDriver = "string",
        ClusterDistro = "string",
        DockerVolumeSize = 0,
        ExternalNetworkId = "string",
        ApiserverPort = 0,
        FixedSubnet = "string",
        Flavor = "string",
        FloatingIpEnabled = false,
        Hidden = false,
        HttpProxy = "string",
        HttpsProxy = "string",
        DockerStorageDriver = "string",
        DnsNameserver = "string",
        Public = false,
        Labels = 
            { "string", "any" },
        MasterFlavor = "string",
        MasterLbEnabled = false,
        Name = "string",
        NetworkDriver = "string",
        NoProxy = "string",
        KeypairId = "string",
        Region = "string",
        RegistryEnabled = false,
        ServerType = "string",
        TlsDisabled = false,
        InsecureRegistry = "string",
    example, err := containerinfra.NewClusterTemplate(ctx, "clusterTemplateResource", &containerinfra.ClusterTemplateArgs{
    	Coe:                 pulumi.String("string"),
    	Image:               pulumi.String("string"),
    	FixedNetwork:        pulumi.String("string"),
    	VolumeDriver:        pulumi.String("string"),
    	ClusterDistro:       pulumi.String("string"),
    	DockerVolumeSize:    pulumi.Int(0),
    	ExternalNetworkId:   pulumi.String("string"),
    	ApiserverPort:       pulumi.Int(0),
    	FixedSubnet:         pulumi.String("string"),
    	Flavor:              pulumi.String("string"),
    	FloatingIpEnabled:   pulumi.Bool(false),
    	Hidden:              pulumi.Bool(false),
    	HttpProxy:           pulumi.String("string"),
    	HttpsProxy:          pulumi.String("string"),
    	DockerStorageDriver: pulumi.String("string"),
    	DnsNameserver:       pulumi.String("string"),
    	Public:              pulumi.Bool(false),
    	Labels: pulumi.Map{
    		"string": pulumi.Any("any"),
    	MasterFlavor:     pulumi.String("string"),
    	MasterLbEnabled:  pulumi.Bool(false),
    	Name:             pulumi.String("string"),
    	NetworkDriver:    pulumi.String("string"),
    	NoProxy:          pulumi.String("string"),
    	KeypairId:        pulumi.String("string"),
    	Region:           pulumi.String("string"),
    	RegistryEnabled:  pulumi.Bool(false),
    	ServerType:       pulumi.String("string"),
    	TlsDisabled:      pulumi.Bool(false),
    	InsecureRegistry: pulumi.String("string"),
    var clusterTemplateResource = new ClusterTemplate("clusterTemplateResource", ClusterTemplateArgs.builder()
        .labels(Map.of("string", "any"))
    cluster_template_resource = openstack.containerinfra.ClusterTemplate("clusterTemplateResource",
            "string": "any",
    const clusterTemplateResource = new openstack.containerinfra.ClusterTemplate("clusterTemplateResource", {
        coe: "string",
        image: "string",
        fixedNetwork: "string",
        volumeDriver: "string",
        clusterDistro: "string",
        dockerVolumeSize: 0,
        externalNetworkId: "string",
        apiserverPort: 0,
        fixedSubnet: "string",
        flavor: "string",
        floatingIpEnabled: false,
        hidden: false,
        httpProxy: "string",
        httpsProxy: "string",
        dockerStorageDriver: "string",
        dnsNameserver: "string",
        "public": false,
        labels: {
            string: "any",
        masterFlavor: "string",
        masterLbEnabled: false,
        name: "string",
        networkDriver: "string",
        noProxy: "string",
        keypairId: "string",
        region: "string",
        registryEnabled: false,
        serverType: "string",
        tlsDisabled: false,
        insecureRegistry: "string",
    type: openstack:containerinfra:ClusterTemplate
        apiserverPort: 0
        clusterDistro: string
        coe: string
        dnsNameserver: string
        dockerStorageDriver: string
        dockerVolumeSize: 0
        externalNetworkId: string
        fixedNetwork: string
        fixedSubnet: string
        flavor: string
        floatingIpEnabled: false
        hidden: false
        httpProxy: string
        httpsProxy: string
        image: string
        insecureRegistry: string
        keypairId: string
            string: any
        masterFlavor: string
        masterLbEnabled: false
        name: string
        networkDriver: string
        noProxy: string
        public: false
        region: string
        registryEnabled: false
        serverType: string
        tlsDisabled: false
        volumeDriver: string

    ClusterTemplate Resource Properties

    To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.


    The ClusterTemplate resource accepts the following input properties:

    Coe string
    The Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template. Changing this updates the engine of the existing cluster template.
    Image string
    The reference to an image that is used for nodes of the cluster. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_IMAGE environment variable. Changing this updates the image attribute of the existing cluster template.
    ApiserverPort int
    The API server port for the Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template. Changing this updates the API server port of the existing cluster template.
    ClusterDistro string
    The distro for the cluster (fedora-atomic, coreos, etc.). Changing this updates the cluster distro of the existing cluster template.
    DnsNameserver string
    Address of the DNS nameserver that is used in nodes of the cluster. Changing this updates the DNS nameserver of the existing cluster template.
    DockerStorageDriver string
    Docker storage driver. Changing this updates the Docker storage driver of the existing cluster template.
    DockerVolumeSize int
    The size (in GB) of the Docker volume. Changing this updates the Docker volume size of the existing cluster template.
    ExternalNetworkId string
    The ID of the external network that will be used for the cluster. Changing this updates the external network ID of the existing cluster template.
    FixedNetwork string
    The fixed network that will be attached to the cluster. Changing this updates the fixed network of the existing cluster template.
    FixedSubnet string
    The fixed subnet that will be attached to the cluster. Changing this updates the fixed subnet of the existing cluster template.
    Flavor string
    The flavor for the nodes of the cluster. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_FLAVOR environment variable. Changing this updates the flavor of the existing cluster template.
    FloatingIpEnabled bool
    Indicates whether created cluster should create floating IP for every node or not. Changing this updates the floating IP enabled attribute of the existing cluster template.
    Hidden bool
    Indicates whether the ClusterTemplate is hidden or not. Changing this updates the hidden attribute of the existing cluster template.
    HttpProxy string
    The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTP requests and relay them. Changing this updates the HTTP proxy address of the existing cluster template.
    HttpsProxy string
    The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTPS requests and relay them. Changing this updates the HTTPS proxy address of the existing cluster template.
    InsecureRegistry string
    The insecure registry URL for the cluster template. Changing this updates the insecure registry attribute of the existing cluster template.
    KeypairId string
    The name of the Compute service SSH keypair. Changing this updates the keypair of the existing cluster template.
    Labels Dictionary<string, object>
    The list of key value pairs representing additional properties of the cluster template. Changing this updates the labels of the existing cluster template.
    MasterFlavor string
    The flavor for the master nodes. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_MASTER_FLAVOR environment variable. Changing this updates the master flavor of the existing cluster template.
    MasterLbEnabled bool
    Indicates whether created cluster should has a loadbalancer for master nodes or not. Changing this updates the attribute of the existing cluster template.
    Name string
    The name of the cluster template. Changing this updates the name of the existing cluster template.
    NetworkDriver string
    The name of the driver for the container network. Changing this updates the network driver of the existing cluster template.
    NoProxy string
    A comma-separated list of IP addresses that shouldn't be used in the cluster. Changing this updates the no proxy list of the existing cluster template.
    Public bool
    Indicates whether cluster template should be public. Changing this updates the public attribute of the existing cluster template.
    Region string
    The region in which to obtain the V1 Container Infra client. A Container Infra client is needed to create a cluster template. If omitted,the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    RegistryEnabled bool
    Indicates whether Docker registry is enabled in the cluster. Changing this updates the registry enabled attribute of the existing cluster template.
    ServerType string
    The server type for the cluster template. Changing this updates the server type of the existing cluster template.
    TlsDisabled bool
    Indicates whether the TLS should be disabled in the cluster. Changing this updates the attribute of the existing cluster.
    VolumeDriver string
    The name of the driver that is used for the volumes of the cluster nodes. Changing this updates the volume driver of the existing cluster template.
    Coe string
    The Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template. Changing this updates the engine of the existing cluster template.
    Image string
    The reference to an image that is used for nodes of the cluster. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_IMAGE environment variable. Changing this updates the image attribute of the existing cluster template.
    ApiserverPort int
    The API server port for the Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template. Changing this updates the API server port of the existing cluster template.
    ClusterDistro string
    The distro for the cluster (fedora-atomic, coreos, etc.). Changing this updates the cluster distro of the existing cluster template.
    DnsNameserver string
    Address of the DNS nameserver that is used in nodes of the cluster. Changing this updates the DNS nameserver of the existing cluster template.
    DockerStorageDriver string
    Docker storage driver. Changing this updates the Docker storage driver of the existing cluster template.
    DockerVolumeSize int
    The size (in GB) of the Docker volume. Changing this updates the Docker volume size of the existing cluster template.
    ExternalNetworkId string
    The ID of the external network that will be used for the cluster. Changing this updates the external network ID of the existing cluster template.
    FixedNetwork string
    The fixed network that will be attached to the cluster. Changing this updates the fixed network of the existing cluster template.
    FixedSubnet string
    The fixed subnet that will be attached to the cluster. Changing this updates the fixed subnet of the existing cluster template.
    Flavor string
    The flavor for the nodes of the cluster. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_FLAVOR environment variable. Changing this updates the flavor of the existing cluster template.
    FloatingIpEnabled bool
    Indicates whether created cluster should create floating IP for every node or not. Changing this updates the floating IP enabled attribute of the existing cluster template.
    Hidden bool
    Indicates whether the ClusterTemplate is hidden or not. Changing this updates the hidden attribute of the existing cluster template.
    HttpProxy string
    The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTP requests and relay them. Changing this updates the HTTP proxy address of the existing cluster template.
    HttpsProxy string
    The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTPS requests and relay them. Changing this updates the HTTPS proxy address of the existing cluster template.
    InsecureRegistry string
    The insecure registry URL for the cluster template. Changing this updates the insecure registry attribute of the existing cluster template.
    KeypairId string
    The name of the Compute service SSH keypair. Changing this updates the keypair of the existing cluster template.
    Labels map[string]interface{}
    The list of key value pairs representing additional properties of the cluster template. Changing this updates the labels of the existing cluster template.
    MasterFlavor string
    The flavor for the master nodes. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_MASTER_FLAVOR environment variable. Changing this updates the master flavor of the existing cluster template.
    MasterLbEnabled bool
    Indicates whether created cluster should has a loadbalancer for master nodes or not. Changing this updates the attribute of the existing cluster template.
    Name string
    The name of the cluster template. Changing this updates the name of the existing cluster template.
    NetworkDriver string
    The name of the driver for the container network. Changing this updates the network driver of the existing cluster template.
    NoProxy string
    A comma-separated list of IP addresses that shouldn't be used in the cluster. Changing this updates the no proxy list of the existing cluster template.
    Public bool
    Indicates whether cluster template should be public. Changing this updates the public attribute of the existing cluster template.
    Region string
    The region in which to obtain the V1 Container Infra client. A Container Infra client is needed to create a cluster template. If omitted,the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    RegistryEnabled bool
    Indicates whether Docker registry is enabled in the cluster. Changing this updates the registry enabled attribute of the existing cluster template.
    ServerType string
    The server type for the cluster template. Changing this updates the server type of the existing cluster template.
    TlsDisabled bool
    Indicates whether the TLS should be disabled in the cluster. Changing this updates the attribute of the existing cluster.
    VolumeDriver string
    The name of the driver that is used for the volumes of the cluster nodes. Changing this updates the volume driver of the existing cluster template.
    coe String
    The Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template. Changing this updates the engine of the existing cluster template.
    image String
    The reference to an image that is used for nodes of the cluster. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_IMAGE environment variable. Changing this updates the image attribute of the existing cluster template.
    apiserverPort Integer
    The API server port for the Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template. Changing this updates the API server port of the existing cluster template.
    clusterDistro String
    The distro for the cluster (fedora-atomic, coreos, etc.). Changing this updates the cluster distro of the existing cluster template.
    dnsNameserver String
    Address of the DNS nameserver that is used in nodes of the cluster. Changing this updates the DNS nameserver of the existing cluster template.
    dockerStorageDriver String
    Docker storage driver. Changing this updates the Docker storage driver of the existing cluster template.
    dockerVolumeSize Integer
    The size (in GB) of the Docker volume. Changing this updates the Docker volume size of the existing cluster template.
    externalNetworkId String
    The ID of the external network that will be used for the cluster. Changing this updates the external network ID of the existing cluster template.
    fixedNetwork String
    The fixed network that will be attached to the cluster. Changing this updates the fixed network of the existing cluster template.
    fixedSubnet String
    The fixed subnet that will be attached to the cluster. Changing this updates the fixed subnet of the existing cluster template.
    flavor String
    The flavor for the nodes of the cluster. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_FLAVOR environment variable. Changing this updates the flavor of the existing cluster template.
    floatingIpEnabled Boolean
    Indicates whether created cluster should create floating IP for every node or not. Changing this updates the floating IP enabled attribute of the existing cluster template.
    hidden Boolean
    Indicates whether the ClusterTemplate is hidden or not. Changing this updates the hidden attribute of the existing cluster template.
    httpProxy String
    The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTP requests and relay them. Changing this updates the HTTP proxy address of the existing cluster template.
    httpsProxy String
    The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTPS requests and relay them. Changing this updates the HTTPS proxy address of the existing cluster template.
    insecureRegistry String
    The insecure registry URL for the cluster template. Changing this updates the insecure registry attribute of the existing cluster template.
    keypairId String
    The name of the Compute service SSH keypair. Changing this updates the keypair of the existing cluster template.
    labels Map<String,Object>
    The list of key value pairs representing additional properties of the cluster template. Changing this updates the labels of the existing cluster template.
    masterFlavor String
    The flavor for the master nodes. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_MASTER_FLAVOR environment variable. Changing this updates the master flavor of the existing cluster template.
    masterLbEnabled Boolean
    Indicates whether created cluster should has a loadbalancer for master nodes or not. Changing this updates the attribute of the existing cluster template.
    name String
    The name of the cluster template. Changing this updates the name of the existing cluster template.
    networkDriver String
    The name of the driver for the container network. Changing this updates the network driver of the existing cluster template.
    noProxy String
    A comma-separated list of IP addresses that shouldn't be used in the cluster. Changing this updates the no proxy list of the existing cluster template.
    public_ Boolean
    Indicates whether cluster template should be public. Changing this updates the public attribute of the existing cluster template.
    region String
    The region in which to obtain the V1 Container Infra client. A Container Infra client is needed to create a cluster template. If omitted,the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    registryEnabled Boolean
    Indicates whether Docker registry is enabled in the cluster. Changing this updates the registry enabled attribute of the existing cluster template.
    serverType String
    The server type for the cluster template. Changing this updates the server type of the existing cluster template.
    tlsDisabled Boolean
    Indicates whether the TLS should be disabled in the cluster. Changing this updates the attribute of the existing cluster.
    volumeDriver String
    The name of the driver that is used for the volumes of the cluster nodes. Changing this updates the volume driver of the existing cluster template.
    coe string
    The Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template. Changing this updates the engine of the existing cluster template.
    image string
    The reference to an image that is used for nodes of the cluster. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_IMAGE environment variable. Changing this updates the image attribute of the existing cluster template.
    apiserverPort number
    The API server port for the Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template. Changing this updates the API server port of the existing cluster template.
    clusterDistro string
    The distro for the cluster (fedora-atomic, coreos, etc.). Changing this updates the cluster distro of the existing cluster template.
    dnsNameserver string
    Address of the DNS nameserver that is used in nodes of the cluster. Changing this updates the DNS nameserver of the existing cluster template.
    dockerStorageDriver string
    Docker storage driver. Changing this updates the Docker storage driver of the existing cluster template.
    dockerVolumeSize number
    The size (in GB) of the Docker volume. Changing this updates the Docker volume size of the existing cluster template.
    externalNetworkId string
    The ID of the external network that will be used for the cluster. Changing this updates the external network ID of the existing cluster template.
    fixedNetwork string
    The fixed network that will be attached to the cluster. Changing this updates the fixed network of the existing cluster template.
    fixedSubnet string
    The fixed subnet that will be attached to the cluster. Changing this updates the fixed subnet of the existing cluster template.
    flavor string
    The flavor for the nodes of the cluster. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_FLAVOR environment variable. Changing this updates the flavor of the existing cluster template.
    floatingIpEnabled boolean
    Indicates whether created cluster should create floating IP for every node or not. Changing this updates the floating IP enabled attribute of the existing cluster template.
    hidden boolean
    Indicates whether the ClusterTemplate is hidden or not. Changing this updates the hidden attribute of the existing cluster template.
    httpProxy string
    The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTP requests and relay them. Changing this updates the HTTP proxy address of the existing cluster template.
    httpsProxy string
    The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTPS requests and relay them. Changing this updates the HTTPS proxy address of the existing cluster template.
    insecureRegistry string
    The insecure registry URL for the cluster template. Changing this updates the insecure registry attribute of the existing cluster template.
    keypairId string
    The name of the Compute service SSH keypair. Changing this updates the keypair of the existing cluster template.
    labels {[key: string]: any}
    The list of key value pairs representing additional properties of the cluster template. Changing this updates the labels of the existing cluster template.
    masterFlavor string
    The flavor for the master nodes. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_MASTER_FLAVOR environment variable. Changing this updates the master flavor of the existing cluster template.
    masterLbEnabled boolean
    Indicates whether created cluster should has a loadbalancer for master nodes or not. Changing this updates the attribute of the existing cluster template.
    name string
    The name of the cluster template. Changing this updates the name of the existing cluster template.
    networkDriver string
    The name of the driver for the container network. Changing this updates the network driver of the existing cluster template.
    noProxy string
    A comma-separated list of IP addresses that shouldn't be used in the cluster. Changing this updates the no proxy list of the existing cluster template.
    public boolean
    Indicates whether cluster template should be public. Changing this updates the public attribute of the existing cluster template.
    region string
    The region in which to obtain the V1 Container Infra client. A Container Infra client is needed to create a cluster template. If omitted,the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    registryEnabled boolean
    Indicates whether Docker registry is enabled in the cluster. Changing this updates the registry enabled attribute of the existing cluster template.
    serverType string
    The server type for the cluster template. Changing this updates the server type of the existing cluster template.
    tlsDisabled boolean
    Indicates whether the TLS should be disabled in the cluster. Changing this updates the attribute of the existing cluster.
    volumeDriver string
    The name of the driver that is used for the volumes of the cluster nodes. Changing this updates the volume driver of the existing cluster template.
    coe str
    The Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template. Changing this updates the engine of the existing cluster template.
    image str
    The reference to an image that is used for nodes of the cluster. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_IMAGE environment variable. Changing this updates the image attribute of the existing cluster template.
    apiserver_port int
    The API server port for the Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template. Changing this updates the API server port of the existing cluster template.
    cluster_distro str
    The distro for the cluster (fedora-atomic, coreos, etc.). Changing this updates the cluster distro of the existing cluster template.
    dns_nameserver str
    Address of the DNS nameserver that is used in nodes of the cluster. Changing this updates the DNS nameserver of the existing cluster template.
    docker_storage_driver str
    Docker storage driver. Changing this updates the Docker storage driver of the existing cluster template.
    docker_volume_size int
    The size (in GB) of the Docker volume. Changing this updates the Docker volume size of the existing cluster template.
    external_network_id str
    The ID of the external network that will be used for the cluster. Changing this updates the external network ID of the existing cluster template.
    fixed_network str
    The fixed network that will be attached to the cluster. Changing this updates the fixed network of the existing cluster template.
    fixed_subnet str
    The fixed subnet that will be attached to the cluster. Changing this updates the fixed subnet of the existing cluster template.
    flavor str
    The flavor for the nodes of the cluster. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_FLAVOR environment variable. Changing this updates the flavor of the existing cluster template.
    floating_ip_enabled bool
    Indicates whether created cluster should create floating IP for every node or not. Changing this updates the floating IP enabled attribute of the existing cluster template.
    hidden bool
    Indicates whether the ClusterTemplate is hidden or not. Changing this updates the hidden attribute of the existing cluster template.
    http_proxy str
    The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTP requests and relay them. Changing this updates the HTTP proxy address of the existing cluster template.
    https_proxy str
    The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTPS requests and relay them. Changing this updates the HTTPS proxy address of the existing cluster template.
    insecure_registry str
    The insecure registry URL for the cluster template. Changing this updates the insecure registry attribute of the existing cluster template.
    keypair_id str
    The name of the Compute service SSH keypair. Changing this updates the keypair of the existing cluster template.
    labels Mapping[str, Any]
    The list of key value pairs representing additional properties of the cluster template. Changing this updates the labels of the existing cluster template.
    master_flavor str
    The flavor for the master nodes. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_MASTER_FLAVOR environment variable. Changing this updates the master flavor of the existing cluster template.
    master_lb_enabled bool
    Indicates whether created cluster should has a loadbalancer for master nodes or not. Changing this updates the attribute of the existing cluster template.
    name str
    The name of the cluster template. Changing this updates the name of the existing cluster template.
    network_driver str
    The name of the driver for the container network. Changing this updates the network driver of the existing cluster template.
    no_proxy str
    A comma-separated list of IP addresses that shouldn't be used in the cluster. Changing this updates the no proxy list of the existing cluster template.
    public bool
    Indicates whether cluster template should be public. Changing this updates the public attribute of the existing cluster template.
    region str
    The region in which to obtain the V1 Container Infra client. A Container Infra client is needed to create a cluster template. If omitted,the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    registry_enabled bool
    Indicates whether Docker registry is enabled in the cluster. Changing this updates the registry enabled attribute of the existing cluster template.
    server_type str
    The server type for the cluster template. Changing this updates the server type of the existing cluster template.
    tls_disabled bool
    Indicates whether the TLS should be disabled in the cluster. Changing this updates the attribute of the existing cluster.
    volume_driver str
    The name of the driver that is used for the volumes of the cluster nodes. Changing this updates the volume driver of the existing cluster template.
    coe String
    The Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template. Changing this updates the engine of the existing cluster template.
    image String
    The reference to an image that is used for nodes of the cluster. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_IMAGE environment variable. Changing this updates the image attribute of the existing cluster template.
    apiserverPort Number
    The API server port for the Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template. Changing this updates the API server port of the existing cluster template.
    clusterDistro String
    The distro for the cluster (fedora-atomic, coreos, etc.). Changing this updates the cluster distro of the existing cluster template.
    dnsNameserver String
    Address of the DNS nameserver that is used in nodes of the cluster. Changing this updates the DNS nameserver of the existing cluster template.
    dockerStorageDriver String
    Docker storage driver. Changing this updates the Docker storage driver of the existing cluster template.
    dockerVolumeSize Number
    The size (in GB) of the Docker volume. Changing this updates the Docker volume size of the existing cluster template.
    externalNetworkId String
    The ID of the external network that will be used for the cluster. Changing this updates the external network ID of the existing cluster template.
    fixedNetwork String
    The fixed network that will be attached to the cluster. Changing this updates the fixed network of the existing cluster template.
    fixedSubnet String
    The fixed subnet that will be attached to the cluster. Changing this updates the fixed subnet of the existing cluster template.
    flavor String
    The flavor for the nodes of the cluster. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_FLAVOR environment variable. Changing this updates the flavor of the existing cluster template.
    floatingIpEnabled Boolean
    Indicates whether created cluster should create floating IP for every node or not. Changing this updates the floating IP enabled attribute of the existing cluster template.
    hidden Boolean
    Indicates whether the ClusterTemplate is hidden or not. Changing this updates the hidden attribute of the existing cluster template.
    httpProxy String
    The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTP requests and relay them. Changing this updates the HTTP proxy address of the existing cluster template.
    httpsProxy String
    The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTPS requests and relay them. Changing this updates the HTTPS proxy address of the existing cluster template.
    insecureRegistry String
    The insecure registry URL for the cluster template. Changing this updates the insecure registry attribute of the existing cluster template.
    keypairId String
    The name of the Compute service SSH keypair. Changing this updates the keypair of the existing cluster template.
    labels Map<Any>
    The list of key value pairs representing additional properties of the cluster template. Changing this updates the labels of the existing cluster template.
    masterFlavor String
    The flavor for the master nodes. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_MASTER_FLAVOR environment variable. Changing this updates the master flavor of the existing cluster template.
    masterLbEnabled Boolean
    Indicates whether created cluster should has a loadbalancer for master nodes or not. Changing this updates the attribute of the existing cluster template.
    name String
    The name of the cluster template. Changing this updates the name of the existing cluster template.
    networkDriver String
    The name of the driver for the container network. Changing this updates the network driver of the existing cluster template.
    noProxy String
    A comma-separated list of IP addresses that shouldn't be used in the cluster. Changing this updates the no proxy list of the existing cluster template.
    public Boolean
    Indicates whether cluster template should be public. Changing this updates the public attribute of the existing cluster template.
    region String
    The region in which to obtain the V1 Container Infra client. A Container Infra client is needed to create a cluster template. If omitted,the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    registryEnabled Boolean
    Indicates whether Docker registry is enabled in the cluster. Changing this updates the registry enabled attribute of the existing cluster template.
    serverType String
    The server type for the cluster template. Changing this updates the server type of the existing cluster template.
    tlsDisabled Boolean
    Indicates whether the TLS should be disabled in the cluster. Changing this updates the attribute of the existing cluster.
    volumeDriver String
    The name of the driver that is used for the volumes of the cluster nodes. Changing this updates the volume driver of the existing cluster template.


    All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the ClusterTemplate resource produces the following output properties:

    CreatedAt string
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    ProjectId string
    The project of the cluster template. Required if admin wants to create a cluster template in another project. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    UpdatedAt string
    UserId string
    The user of the cluster template. Required if admin wants to create a cluster template for another user. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    CreatedAt string
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    ProjectId string
    The project of the cluster template. Required if admin wants to create a cluster template in another project. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    UpdatedAt string
    UserId string
    The user of the cluster template. Required if admin wants to create a cluster template for another user. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    createdAt String
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    projectId String
    The project of the cluster template. Required if admin wants to create a cluster template in another project. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    updatedAt String
    userId String
    The user of the cluster template. Required if admin wants to create a cluster template for another user. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    createdAt string
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    projectId string
    The project of the cluster template. Required if admin wants to create a cluster template in another project. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    updatedAt string
    userId string
    The user of the cluster template. Required if admin wants to create a cluster template for another user. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    created_at str
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    project_id str
    The project of the cluster template. Required if admin wants to create a cluster template in another project. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    updated_at str
    user_id str
    The user of the cluster template. Required if admin wants to create a cluster template for another user. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    createdAt String
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    projectId String
    The project of the cluster template. Required if admin wants to create a cluster template in another project. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    updatedAt String
    userId String
    The user of the cluster template. Required if admin wants to create a cluster template for another user. Changing this creates a new cluster template.

    Look up Existing ClusterTemplate Resource

    Get an existing ClusterTemplate resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.

    public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: ClusterTemplateState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): ClusterTemplate
    def get(resource_name: str,
            id: str,
            opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
            apiserver_port: Optional[int] = None,
            cluster_distro: Optional[str] = None,
            coe: Optional[str] = None,
            created_at: Optional[str] = None,
            dns_nameserver: Optional[str] = None,
            docker_storage_driver: Optional[str] = None,
            docker_volume_size: Optional[int] = None,
            external_network_id: Optional[str] = None,
            fixed_network: Optional[str] = None,
            fixed_subnet: Optional[str] = None,
            flavor: Optional[str] = None,
            floating_ip_enabled: Optional[bool] = None,
            hidden: Optional[bool] = None,
            http_proxy: Optional[str] = None,
            https_proxy: Optional[str] = None,
            image: Optional[str] = None,
            insecure_registry: Optional[str] = None,
            keypair_id: Optional[str] = None,
            labels: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None,
            master_flavor: Optional[str] = None,
            master_lb_enabled: Optional[bool] = None,
            name: Optional[str] = None,
            network_driver: Optional[str] = None,
            no_proxy: Optional[str] = None,
            project_id: Optional[str] = None,
            public: Optional[bool] = None,
            region: Optional[str] = None,
            registry_enabled: Optional[bool] = None,
            server_type: Optional[str] = None,
            tls_disabled: Optional[bool] = None,
            updated_at: Optional[str] = None,
            user_id: Optional[str] = None,
            volume_driver: Optional[str] = None) -> ClusterTemplate
    func GetClusterTemplate(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *ClusterTemplateState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*ClusterTemplate, error)
    public static ClusterTemplate Get(string name, Input<string> id, ClusterTemplateState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public static ClusterTemplate get(String name, Output<String> id, ClusterTemplateState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
    Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The following state arguments are supported:
    ApiserverPort int
    The API server port for the Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template. Changing this updates the API server port of the existing cluster template.
    ClusterDistro string
    The distro for the cluster (fedora-atomic, coreos, etc.). Changing this updates the cluster distro of the existing cluster template.
    Coe string
    The Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template. Changing this updates the engine of the existing cluster template.
    CreatedAt string
    DnsNameserver string
    Address of the DNS nameserver that is used in nodes of the cluster. Changing this updates the DNS nameserver of the existing cluster template.
    DockerStorageDriver string
    Docker storage driver. Changing this updates the Docker storage driver of the existing cluster template.
    DockerVolumeSize int
    The size (in GB) of the Docker volume. Changing this updates the Docker volume size of the existing cluster template.
    ExternalNetworkId string
    The ID of the external network that will be used for the cluster. Changing this updates the external network ID of the existing cluster template.
    FixedNetwork string
    The fixed network that will be attached to the cluster. Changing this updates the fixed network of the existing cluster template.
    FixedSubnet string
    The fixed subnet that will be attached to the cluster. Changing this updates the fixed subnet of the existing cluster template.
    Flavor string
    The flavor for the nodes of the cluster. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_FLAVOR environment variable. Changing this updates the flavor of the existing cluster template.
    FloatingIpEnabled bool
    Indicates whether created cluster should create floating IP for every node or not. Changing this updates the floating IP enabled attribute of the existing cluster template.
    Hidden bool
    Indicates whether the ClusterTemplate is hidden or not. Changing this updates the hidden attribute of the existing cluster template.
    HttpProxy string
    The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTP requests and relay them. Changing this updates the HTTP proxy address of the existing cluster template.
    HttpsProxy string
    The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTPS requests and relay them. Changing this updates the HTTPS proxy address of the existing cluster template.
    Image string
    The reference to an image that is used for nodes of the cluster. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_IMAGE environment variable. Changing this updates the image attribute of the existing cluster template.
    InsecureRegistry string
    The insecure registry URL for the cluster template. Changing this updates the insecure registry attribute of the existing cluster template.
    KeypairId string
    The name of the Compute service SSH keypair. Changing this updates the keypair of the existing cluster template.
    Labels Dictionary<string, object>
    The list of key value pairs representing additional properties of the cluster template. Changing this updates the labels of the existing cluster template.
    MasterFlavor string
    The flavor for the master nodes. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_MASTER_FLAVOR environment variable. Changing this updates the master flavor of the existing cluster template.
    MasterLbEnabled bool
    Indicates whether created cluster should has a loadbalancer for master nodes or not. Changing this updates the attribute of the existing cluster template.
    Name string
    The name of the cluster template. Changing this updates the name of the existing cluster template.
    NetworkDriver string
    The name of the driver for the container network. Changing this updates the network driver of the existing cluster template.
    NoProxy string
    A comma-separated list of IP addresses that shouldn't be used in the cluster. Changing this updates the no proxy list of the existing cluster template.
    ProjectId string
    The project of the cluster template. Required if admin wants to create a cluster template in another project. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    Public bool
    Indicates whether cluster template should be public. Changing this updates the public attribute of the existing cluster template.
    Region string
    The region in which to obtain the V1 Container Infra client. A Container Infra client is needed to create a cluster template. If omitted,the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    RegistryEnabled bool
    Indicates whether Docker registry is enabled in the cluster. Changing this updates the registry enabled attribute of the existing cluster template.
    ServerType string
    The server type for the cluster template. Changing this updates the server type of the existing cluster template.
    TlsDisabled bool
    Indicates whether the TLS should be disabled in the cluster. Changing this updates the attribute of the existing cluster.
    UpdatedAt string
    UserId string
    The user of the cluster template. Required if admin wants to create a cluster template for another user. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    VolumeDriver string
    The name of the driver that is used for the volumes of the cluster nodes. Changing this updates the volume driver of the existing cluster template.
    ApiserverPort int
    The API server port for the Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template. Changing this updates the API server port of the existing cluster template.
    ClusterDistro string
    The distro for the cluster (fedora-atomic, coreos, etc.). Changing this updates the cluster distro of the existing cluster template.
    Coe string
    The Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template. Changing this updates the engine of the existing cluster template.
    CreatedAt string
    DnsNameserver string
    Address of the DNS nameserver that is used in nodes of the cluster. Changing this updates the DNS nameserver of the existing cluster template.
    DockerStorageDriver string
    Docker storage driver. Changing this updates the Docker storage driver of the existing cluster template.
    DockerVolumeSize int
    The size (in GB) of the Docker volume. Changing this updates the Docker volume size of the existing cluster template.
    ExternalNetworkId string
    The ID of the external network that will be used for the cluster. Changing this updates the external network ID of the existing cluster template.
    FixedNetwork string
    The fixed network that will be attached to the cluster. Changing this updates the fixed network of the existing cluster template.
    FixedSubnet string
    The fixed subnet that will be attached to the cluster. Changing this updates the fixed subnet of the existing cluster template.
    Flavor string
    The flavor for the nodes of the cluster. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_FLAVOR environment variable. Changing this updates the flavor of the existing cluster template.
    FloatingIpEnabled bool
    Indicates whether created cluster should create floating IP for every node or not. Changing this updates the floating IP enabled attribute of the existing cluster template.
    Hidden bool
    Indicates whether the ClusterTemplate is hidden or not. Changing this updates the hidden attribute of the existing cluster template.
    HttpProxy string
    The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTP requests and relay them. Changing this updates the HTTP proxy address of the existing cluster template.
    HttpsProxy string
    The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTPS requests and relay them. Changing this updates the HTTPS proxy address of the existing cluster template.
    Image string
    The reference to an image that is used for nodes of the cluster. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_IMAGE environment variable. Changing this updates the image attribute of the existing cluster template.
    InsecureRegistry string
    The insecure registry URL for the cluster template. Changing this updates the insecure registry attribute of the existing cluster template.
    KeypairId string
    The name of the Compute service SSH keypair. Changing this updates the keypair of the existing cluster template.
    Labels map[string]interface{}
    The list of key value pairs representing additional properties of the cluster template. Changing this updates the labels of the existing cluster template.
    MasterFlavor string
    The flavor for the master nodes. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_MASTER_FLAVOR environment variable. Changing this updates the master flavor of the existing cluster template.
    MasterLbEnabled bool
    Indicates whether created cluster should has a loadbalancer for master nodes or not. Changing this updates the attribute of the existing cluster template.
    Name string
    The name of the cluster template. Changing this updates the name of the existing cluster template.
    NetworkDriver string
    The name of the driver for the container network. Changing this updates the network driver of the existing cluster template.
    NoProxy string
    A comma-separated list of IP addresses that shouldn't be used in the cluster. Changing this updates the no proxy list of the existing cluster template.
    ProjectId string
    The project of the cluster template. Required if admin wants to create a cluster template in another project. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    Public bool
    Indicates whether cluster template should be public. Changing this updates the public attribute of the existing cluster template.
    Region string
    The region in which to obtain the V1 Container Infra client. A Container Infra client is needed to create a cluster template. If omitted,the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    RegistryEnabled bool
    Indicates whether Docker registry is enabled in the cluster. Changing this updates the registry enabled attribute of the existing cluster template.
    ServerType string
    The server type for the cluster template. Changing this updates the server type of the existing cluster template.
    TlsDisabled bool
    Indicates whether the TLS should be disabled in the cluster. Changing this updates the attribute of the existing cluster.
    UpdatedAt string
    UserId string
    The user of the cluster template. Required if admin wants to create a cluster template for another user. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    VolumeDriver string
    The name of the driver that is used for the volumes of the cluster nodes. Changing this updates the volume driver of the existing cluster template.
    apiserverPort Integer
    The API server port for the Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template. Changing this updates the API server port of the existing cluster template.
    clusterDistro String
    The distro for the cluster (fedora-atomic, coreos, etc.). Changing this updates the cluster distro of the existing cluster template.
    coe String
    The Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template. Changing this updates the engine of the existing cluster template.
    createdAt String
    dnsNameserver String
    Address of the DNS nameserver that is used in nodes of the cluster. Changing this updates the DNS nameserver of the existing cluster template.
    dockerStorageDriver String
    Docker storage driver. Changing this updates the Docker storage driver of the existing cluster template.
    dockerVolumeSize Integer
    The size (in GB) of the Docker volume. Changing this updates the Docker volume size of the existing cluster template.
    externalNetworkId String
    The ID of the external network that will be used for the cluster. Changing this updates the external network ID of the existing cluster template.
    fixedNetwork String
    The fixed network that will be attached to the cluster. Changing this updates the fixed network of the existing cluster template.
    fixedSubnet String
    The fixed subnet that will be attached to the cluster. Changing this updates the fixed subnet of the existing cluster template.
    flavor String
    The flavor for the nodes of the cluster. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_FLAVOR environment variable. Changing this updates the flavor of the existing cluster template.
    floatingIpEnabled Boolean
    Indicates whether created cluster should create floating IP for every node or not. Changing this updates the floating IP enabled attribute of the existing cluster template.
    hidden Boolean
    Indicates whether the ClusterTemplate is hidden or not. Changing this updates the hidden attribute of the existing cluster template.
    httpProxy String
    The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTP requests and relay them. Changing this updates the HTTP proxy address of the existing cluster template.
    httpsProxy String
    The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTPS requests and relay them. Changing this updates the HTTPS proxy address of the existing cluster template.
    image String
    The reference to an image that is used for nodes of the cluster. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_IMAGE environment variable. Changing this updates the image attribute of the existing cluster template.
    insecureRegistry String
    The insecure registry URL for the cluster template. Changing this updates the insecure registry attribute of the existing cluster template.
    keypairId String
    The name of the Compute service SSH keypair. Changing this updates the keypair of the existing cluster template.
    labels Map<String,Object>
    The list of key value pairs representing additional properties of the cluster template. Changing this updates the labels of the existing cluster template.
    masterFlavor String
    The flavor for the master nodes. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_MASTER_FLAVOR environment variable. Changing this updates the master flavor of the existing cluster template.
    masterLbEnabled Boolean
    Indicates whether created cluster should has a loadbalancer for master nodes or not. Changing this updates the attribute of the existing cluster template.
    name String
    The name of the cluster template. Changing this updates the name of the existing cluster template.
    networkDriver String
    The name of the driver for the container network. Changing this updates the network driver of the existing cluster template.
    noProxy String
    A comma-separated list of IP addresses that shouldn't be used in the cluster. Changing this updates the no proxy list of the existing cluster template.
    projectId String
    The project of the cluster template. Required if admin wants to create a cluster template in another project. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    public_ Boolean
    Indicates whether cluster template should be public. Changing this updates the public attribute of the existing cluster template.
    region String
    The region in which to obtain the V1 Container Infra client. A Container Infra client is needed to create a cluster template. If omitted,the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    registryEnabled Boolean
    Indicates whether Docker registry is enabled in the cluster. Changing this updates the registry enabled attribute of the existing cluster template.
    serverType String
    The server type for the cluster template. Changing this updates the server type of the existing cluster template.
    tlsDisabled Boolean
    Indicates whether the TLS should be disabled in the cluster. Changing this updates the attribute of the existing cluster.
    updatedAt String
    userId String
    The user of the cluster template. Required if admin wants to create a cluster template for another user. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    volumeDriver String
    The name of the driver that is used for the volumes of the cluster nodes. Changing this updates the volume driver of the existing cluster template.
    apiserverPort number
    The API server port for the Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template. Changing this updates the API server port of the existing cluster template.
    clusterDistro string
    The distro for the cluster (fedora-atomic, coreos, etc.). Changing this updates the cluster distro of the existing cluster template.
    coe string
    The Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template. Changing this updates the engine of the existing cluster template.
    createdAt string
    dnsNameserver string
    Address of the DNS nameserver that is used in nodes of the cluster. Changing this updates the DNS nameserver of the existing cluster template.
    dockerStorageDriver string
    Docker storage driver. Changing this updates the Docker storage driver of the existing cluster template.
    dockerVolumeSize number
    The size (in GB) of the Docker volume. Changing this updates the Docker volume size of the existing cluster template.
    externalNetworkId string
    The ID of the external network that will be used for the cluster. Changing this updates the external network ID of the existing cluster template.
    fixedNetwork string
    The fixed network that will be attached to the cluster. Changing this updates the fixed network of the existing cluster template.
    fixedSubnet string
    The fixed subnet that will be attached to the cluster. Changing this updates the fixed subnet of the existing cluster template.
    flavor string
    The flavor for the nodes of the cluster. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_FLAVOR environment variable. Changing this updates the flavor of the existing cluster template.
    floatingIpEnabled boolean
    Indicates whether created cluster should create floating IP for every node or not. Changing this updates the floating IP enabled attribute of the existing cluster template.
    hidden boolean
    Indicates whether the ClusterTemplate is hidden or not. Changing this updates the hidden attribute of the existing cluster template.
    httpProxy string
    The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTP requests and relay them. Changing this updates the HTTP proxy address of the existing cluster template.
    httpsProxy string
    The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTPS requests and relay them. Changing this updates the HTTPS proxy address of the existing cluster template.
    image string
    The reference to an image that is used for nodes of the cluster. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_IMAGE environment variable. Changing this updates the image attribute of the existing cluster template.
    insecureRegistry string
    The insecure registry URL for the cluster template. Changing this updates the insecure registry attribute of the existing cluster template.
    keypairId string
    The name of the Compute service SSH keypair. Changing this updates the keypair of the existing cluster template.
    labels {[key: string]: any}
    The list of key value pairs representing additional properties of the cluster template. Changing this updates the labels of the existing cluster template.
    masterFlavor string
    The flavor for the master nodes. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_MASTER_FLAVOR environment variable. Changing this updates the master flavor of the existing cluster template.
    masterLbEnabled boolean
    Indicates whether created cluster should has a loadbalancer for master nodes or not. Changing this updates the attribute of the existing cluster template.
    name string
    The name of the cluster template. Changing this updates the name of the existing cluster template.
    networkDriver string
    The name of the driver for the container network. Changing this updates the network driver of the existing cluster template.
    noProxy string
    A comma-separated list of IP addresses that shouldn't be used in the cluster. Changing this updates the no proxy list of the existing cluster template.
    projectId string
    The project of the cluster template. Required if admin wants to create a cluster template in another project. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    public boolean
    Indicates whether cluster template should be public. Changing this updates the public attribute of the existing cluster template.
    region string
    The region in which to obtain the V1 Container Infra client. A Container Infra client is needed to create a cluster template. If omitted,the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    registryEnabled boolean
    Indicates whether Docker registry is enabled in the cluster. Changing this updates the registry enabled attribute of the existing cluster template.
    serverType string
    The server type for the cluster template. Changing this updates the server type of the existing cluster template.
    tlsDisabled boolean
    Indicates whether the TLS should be disabled in the cluster. Changing this updates the attribute of the existing cluster.
    updatedAt string
    userId string
    The user of the cluster template. Required if admin wants to create a cluster template for another user. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    volumeDriver string
    The name of the driver that is used for the volumes of the cluster nodes. Changing this updates the volume driver of the existing cluster template.
    apiserver_port int
    The API server port for the Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template. Changing this updates the API server port of the existing cluster template.
    cluster_distro str
    The distro for the cluster (fedora-atomic, coreos, etc.). Changing this updates the cluster distro of the existing cluster template.
    coe str
    The Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template. Changing this updates the engine of the existing cluster template.
    created_at str
    dns_nameserver str
    Address of the DNS nameserver that is used in nodes of the cluster. Changing this updates the DNS nameserver of the existing cluster template.
    docker_storage_driver str
    Docker storage driver. Changing this updates the Docker storage driver of the existing cluster template.
    docker_volume_size int
    The size (in GB) of the Docker volume. Changing this updates the Docker volume size of the existing cluster template.
    external_network_id str
    The ID of the external network that will be used for the cluster. Changing this updates the external network ID of the existing cluster template.
    fixed_network str
    The fixed network that will be attached to the cluster. Changing this updates the fixed network of the existing cluster template.
    fixed_subnet str
    The fixed subnet that will be attached to the cluster. Changing this updates the fixed subnet of the existing cluster template.
    flavor str
    The flavor for the nodes of the cluster. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_FLAVOR environment variable. Changing this updates the flavor of the existing cluster template.
    floating_ip_enabled bool
    Indicates whether created cluster should create floating IP for every node or not. Changing this updates the floating IP enabled attribute of the existing cluster template.
    hidden bool
    Indicates whether the ClusterTemplate is hidden or not. Changing this updates the hidden attribute of the existing cluster template.
    http_proxy str
    The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTP requests and relay them. Changing this updates the HTTP proxy address of the existing cluster template.
    https_proxy str
    The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTPS requests and relay them. Changing this updates the HTTPS proxy address of the existing cluster template.
    image str
    The reference to an image that is used for nodes of the cluster. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_IMAGE environment variable. Changing this updates the image attribute of the existing cluster template.
    insecure_registry str
    The insecure registry URL for the cluster template. Changing this updates the insecure registry attribute of the existing cluster template.
    keypair_id str
    The name of the Compute service SSH keypair. Changing this updates the keypair of the existing cluster template.
    labels Mapping[str, Any]
    The list of key value pairs representing additional properties of the cluster template. Changing this updates the labels of the existing cluster template.
    master_flavor str
    The flavor for the master nodes. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_MASTER_FLAVOR environment variable. Changing this updates the master flavor of the existing cluster template.
    master_lb_enabled bool
    Indicates whether created cluster should has a loadbalancer for master nodes or not. Changing this updates the attribute of the existing cluster template.
    name str
    The name of the cluster template. Changing this updates the name of the existing cluster template.
    network_driver str
    The name of the driver for the container network. Changing this updates the network driver of the existing cluster template.
    no_proxy str
    A comma-separated list of IP addresses that shouldn't be used in the cluster. Changing this updates the no proxy list of the existing cluster template.
    project_id str
    The project of the cluster template. Required if admin wants to create a cluster template in another project. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    public bool
    Indicates whether cluster template should be public. Changing this updates the public attribute of the existing cluster template.
    region str
    The region in which to obtain the V1 Container Infra client. A Container Infra client is needed to create a cluster template. If omitted,the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    registry_enabled bool
    Indicates whether Docker registry is enabled in the cluster. Changing this updates the registry enabled attribute of the existing cluster template.
    server_type str
    The server type for the cluster template. Changing this updates the server type of the existing cluster template.
    tls_disabled bool
    Indicates whether the TLS should be disabled in the cluster. Changing this updates the attribute of the existing cluster.
    updated_at str
    user_id str
    The user of the cluster template. Required if admin wants to create a cluster template for another user. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    volume_driver str
    The name of the driver that is used for the volumes of the cluster nodes. Changing this updates the volume driver of the existing cluster template.
    apiserverPort Number
    The API server port for the Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template. Changing this updates the API server port of the existing cluster template.
    clusterDistro String
    The distro for the cluster (fedora-atomic, coreos, etc.). Changing this updates the cluster distro of the existing cluster template.
    coe String
    The Container Orchestration Engine for this cluster template. Changing this updates the engine of the existing cluster template.
    createdAt String
    dnsNameserver String
    Address of the DNS nameserver that is used in nodes of the cluster. Changing this updates the DNS nameserver of the existing cluster template.
    dockerStorageDriver String
    Docker storage driver. Changing this updates the Docker storage driver of the existing cluster template.
    dockerVolumeSize Number
    The size (in GB) of the Docker volume. Changing this updates the Docker volume size of the existing cluster template.
    externalNetworkId String
    The ID of the external network that will be used for the cluster. Changing this updates the external network ID of the existing cluster template.
    fixedNetwork String
    The fixed network that will be attached to the cluster. Changing this updates the fixed network of the existing cluster template.
    fixedSubnet String
    The fixed subnet that will be attached to the cluster. Changing this updates the fixed subnet of the existing cluster template.
    flavor String
    The flavor for the nodes of the cluster. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_FLAVOR environment variable. Changing this updates the flavor of the existing cluster template.
    floatingIpEnabled Boolean
    Indicates whether created cluster should create floating IP for every node or not. Changing this updates the floating IP enabled attribute of the existing cluster template.
    hidden Boolean
    Indicates whether the ClusterTemplate is hidden or not. Changing this updates the hidden attribute of the existing cluster template.
    httpProxy String
    The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTP requests and relay them. Changing this updates the HTTP proxy address of the existing cluster template.
    httpsProxy String
    The address of a proxy for receiving all HTTPS requests and relay them. Changing this updates the HTTPS proxy address of the existing cluster template.
    image String
    The reference to an image that is used for nodes of the cluster. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_IMAGE environment variable. Changing this updates the image attribute of the existing cluster template.
    insecureRegistry String
    The insecure registry URL for the cluster template. Changing this updates the insecure registry attribute of the existing cluster template.
    keypairId String
    The name of the Compute service SSH keypair. Changing this updates the keypair of the existing cluster template.
    labels Map<Any>
    The list of key value pairs representing additional properties of the cluster template. Changing this updates the labels of the existing cluster template.
    masterFlavor String
    The flavor for the master nodes. Can be set via the OS_MAGNUM_MASTER_FLAVOR environment variable. Changing this updates the master flavor of the existing cluster template.
    masterLbEnabled Boolean
    Indicates whether created cluster should has a loadbalancer for master nodes or not. Changing this updates the attribute of the existing cluster template.
    name String
    The name of the cluster template. Changing this updates the name of the existing cluster template.
    networkDriver String
    The name of the driver for the container network. Changing this updates the network driver of the existing cluster template.
    noProxy String
    A comma-separated list of IP addresses that shouldn't be used in the cluster. Changing this updates the no proxy list of the existing cluster template.
    projectId String
    The project of the cluster template. Required if admin wants to create a cluster template in another project. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    public Boolean
    Indicates whether cluster template should be public. Changing this updates the public attribute of the existing cluster template.
    region String
    The region in which to obtain the V1 Container Infra client. A Container Infra client is needed to create a cluster template. If omitted,the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    registryEnabled Boolean
    Indicates whether Docker registry is enabled in the cluster. Changing this updates the registry enabled attribute of the existing cluster template.
    serverType String
    The server type for the cluster template. Changing this updates the server type of the existing cluster template.
    tlsDisabled Boolean
    Indicates whether the TLS should be disabled in the cluster. Changing this updates the attribute of the existing cluster.
    updatedAt String
    userId String
    The user of the cluster template. Required if admin wants to create a cluster template for another user. Changing this creates a new cluster template.
    volumeDriver String
    The name of the driver that is used for the volumes of the cluster nodes. Changing this updates the volume driver of the existing cluster template.


    Cluster templates can be imported using the id, e.g.

    $ pulumi import openstack:containerinfra/clusterTemplate:ClusterTemplate clustertemplate_1 b9a45c5c-cd03-4958-82aa-b80bf93cb922

    To learn more about importing existing cloud resources, see Importing resources.

    Package Details

    OpenStack pulumi/pulumi-openstack
    This Pulumi package is based on the openstack Terraform Provider.
    openstack logo
    OpenStack v4.0.0 published on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 by Pulumi