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OpenStack v4.0.0 published on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 by Pulumi


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OpenStack v4.0.0 published on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 by Pulumi

    Create Instance Resource

    Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.

    Constructor syntax

    new Instance(name: string, args?: InstanceArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
    def Instance(resource_name: str,
                 args: Optional[InstanceArgs] = None,
                 opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
    def Instance(resource_name: str,
                 opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
                 access_ip_v4: Optional[str] = None,
                 access_ip_v6: Optional[str] = None,
                 admin_pass: Optional[str] = None,
                 availability_zone: Optional[str] = None,
                 availability_zone_hints: Optional[str] = None,
                 block_devices: Optional[Sequence[InstanceBlockDeviceArgs]] = None,
                 config_drive: Optional[bool] = None,
                 flavor_id: Optional[str] = None,
                 flavor_name: Optional[str] = None,
                 force_delete: Optional[bool] = None,
                 image_id: Optional[str] = None,
                 image_name: Optional[str] = None,
                 key_pair: Optional[str] = None,
                 metadata: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None,
                 name: Optional[str] = None,
                 network_mode: Optional[str] = None,
                 networks: Optional[Sequence[InstanceNetworkArgs]] = None,
                 personalities: Optional[Sequence[InstancePersonalityArgs]] = None,
                 power_state: Optional[str] = None,
                 region: Optional[str] = None,
                 scheduler_hints: Optional[Sequence[InstanceSchedulerHintArgs]] = None,
                 security_groups: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
                 stop_before_destroy: Optional[bool] = None,
                 tags: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
                 user_data: Optional[str] = None,
                 vendor_options: Optional[InstanceVendorOptionsArgs] = None)
    func NewInstance(ctx *Context, name string, args *InstanceArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*Instance, error)
    public Instance(string name, InstanceArgs? args = null, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public Instance(String name, InstanceArgs args)
    public Instance(String name, InstanceArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
    type: openstack:compute:Instance
    properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
    options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.


    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args InstanceArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    resource_name str
    The unique name of the resource.
    args InstanceArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    ctx Context
    Context object for the current deployment.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args InstanceArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOption
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args InstanceArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name String
    The unique name of the resource.
    args InstanceArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    options CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.

    Constructor example

    The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.

    var instanceResource = new OpenStack.Compute.Instance("instanceResource", new()
        AccessIpV4 = "string",
        AccessIpV6 = "string",
        AdminPass = "string",
        AvailabilityZone = "string",
        AvailabilityZoneHints = "string",
        BlockDevices = new[]
            new OpenStack.Compute.Inputs.InstanceBlockDeviceArgs
                SourceType = "string",
                BootIndex = 0,
                DeleteOnTermination = false,
                DestinationType = "string",
                DeviceType = "string",
                DiskBus = "string",
                GuestFormat = "string",
                Multiattach = false,
                Uuid = "string",
                VolumeSize = 0,
                VolumeType = "string",
        ConfigDrive = false,
        FlavorId = "string",
        FlavorName = "string",
        ForceDelete = false,
        ImageId = "string",
        ImageName = "string",
        KeyPair = "string",
        Metadata = 
            { "string", "any" },
        Name = "string",
        NetworkMode = "string",
        Networks = new[]
            new OpenStack.Compute.Inputs.InstanceNetworkArgs
                AccessNetwork = false,
                FixedIpV4 = "string",
                FixedIpV6 = "string",
                Mac = "string",
                Name = "string",
                Port = "string",
                Uuid = "string",
        Personalities = new[]
            new OpenStack.Compute.Inputs.InstancePersonalityArgs
                Content = "string",
                File = "string",
        PowerState = "string",
        Region = "string",
        SchedulerHints = new[]
            new OpenStack.Compute.Inputs.InstanceSchedulerHintArgs
                AdditionalProperties = 
                    { "string", "any" },
                BuildNearHostIp = "string",
                DifferentCells = new[]
                DifferentHosts = new[]
                Group = "string",
                Queries = new[]
                SameHosts = new[]
                TargetCell = "string",
        SecurityGroups = new[]
        StopBeforeDestroy = false,
        Tags = new[]
        UserData = "string",
        VendorOptions = new OpenStack.Compute.Inputs.InstanceVendorOptionsArgs
            DetachPortsBeforeDestroy = false,
            IgnoreResizeConfirmation = false,
    example, err := compute.NewInstance(ctx, "instanceResource", &compute.InstanceArgs{
    	AccessIpV4:            pulumi.String("string"),
    	AccessIpV6:            pulumi.String("string"),
    	AdminPass:             pulumi.String("string"),
    	AvailabilityZone:      pulumi.String("string"),
    	AvailabilityZoneHints: pulumi.String("string"),
    	BlockDevices: compute.InstanceBlockDeviceArray{
    			SourceType:          pulumi.String("string"),
    			BootIndex:           pulumi.Int(0),
    			DeleteOnTermination: pulumi.Bool(false),
    			DestinationType:     pulumi.String("string"),
    			DeviceType:          pulumi.String("string"),
    			DiskBus:             pulumi.String("string"),
    			GuestFormat:         pulumi.String("string"),
    			Multiattach:         pulumi.Bool(false),
    			Uuid:                pulumi.String("string"),
    			VolumeSize:          pulumi.Int(0),
    			VolumeType:          pulumi.String("string"),
    	ConfigDrive: pulumi.Bool(false),
    	FlavorId:    pulumi.String("string"),
    	FlavorName:  pulumi.String("string"),
    	ForceDelete: pulumi.Bool(false),
    	ImageId:     pulumi.String("string"),
    	ImageName:   pulumi.String("string"),
    	KeyPair:     pulumi.String("string"),
    	Metadata: pulumi.Map{
    		"string": pulumi.Any("any"),
    	Name:        pulumi.String("string"),
    	NetworkMode: pulumi.String("string"),
    	Networks: compute.InstanceNetworkArray{
    			AccessNetwork: pulumi.Bool(false),
    			FixedIpV4:     pulumi.String("string"),
    			FixedIpV6:     pulumi.String("string"),
    			Mac:           pulumi.String("string"),
    			Name:          pulumi.String("string"),
    			Port:          pulumi.String("string"),
    			Uuid:          pulumi.String("string"),
    	Personalities: compute.InstancePersonalityArray{
    			Content: pulumi.String("string"),
    			File:    pulumi.String("string"),
    	PowerState: pulumi.String("string"),
    	Region:     pulumi.String("string"),
    	SchedulerHints: compute.InstanceSchedulerHintArray{
    			AdditionalProperties: pulumi.Map{
    				"string": pulumi.Any("any"),
    			BuildNearHostIp: pulumi.String("string"),
    			DifferentCells: pulumi.StringArray{
    			DifferentHosts: pulumi.StringArray{
    			Group: pulumi.String("string"),
    			Queries: pulumi.StringArray{
    			SameHosts: pulumi.StringArray{
    			TargetCell: pulumi.String("string"),
    	SecurityGroups: pulumi.StringArray{
    	StopBeforeDestroy: pulumi.Bool(false),
    	Tags: pulumi.StringArray{
    	UserData: pulumi.String("string"),
    	VendorOptions: &compute.InstanceVendorOptionsArgs{
    		DetachPortsBeforeDestroy: pulumi.Bool(false),
    		IgnoreResizeConfirmation: pulumi.Bool(false),
    var instanceResource = new Instance("instanceResource", InstanceArgs.builder()
        .metadata(Map.of("string", "any"))
            .additionalProperties(Map.of("string", "any"))
    instance_resource = openstack.compute.Instance("instanceResource",
            "string": "any",
                "string": "any",
    const instanceResource = new openstack.compute.Instance("instanceResource", {
        accessIpV4: "string",
        accessIpV6: "string",
        adminPass: "string",
        availabilityZone: "string",
        availabilityZoneHints: "string",
        blockDevices: [{
            sourceType: "string",
            bootIndex: 0,
            deleteOnTermination: false,
            destinationType: "string",
            deviceType: "string",
            diskBus: "string",
            guestFormat: "string",
            multiattach: false,
            uuid: "string",
            volumeSize: 0,
            volumeType: "string",
        configDrive: false,
        flavorId: "string",
        flavorName: "string",
        forceDelete: false,
        imageId: "string",
        imageName: "string",
        keyPair: "string",
        metadata: {
            string: "any",
        name: "string",
        networkMode: "string",
        networks: [{
            accessNetwork: false,
            fixedIpV4: "string",
            fixedIpV6: "string",
            mac: "string",
            name: "string",
            port: "string",
            uuid: "string",
        personalities: [{
            content: "string",
            file: "string",
        powerState: "string",
        region: "string",
        schedulerHints: [{
            additionalProperties: {
                string: "any",
            buildNearHostIp: "string",
            differentCells: ["string"],
            differentHosts: ["string"],
            group: "string",
            queries: ["string"],
            sameHosts: ["string"],
            targetCell: "string",
        securityGroups: ["string"],
        stopBeforeDestroy: false,
        tags: ["string"],
        userData: "string",
        vendorOptions: {
            detachPortsBeforeDestroy: false,
            ignoreResizeConfirmation: false,
    type: openstack:compute:Instance
        accessIpV4: string
        accessIpV6: string
        adminPass: string
        availabilityZone: string
        availabilityZoneHints: string
            - bootIndex: 0
              deleteOnTermination: false
              destinationType: string
              deviceType: string
              diskBus: string
              guestFormat: string
              multiattach: false
              sourceType: string
              uuid: string
              volumeSize: 0
              volumeType: string
        configDrive: false
        flavorId: string
        flavorName: string
        forceDelete: false
        imageId: string
        imageName: string
        keyPair: string
            string: any
        name: string
        networkMode: string
            - accessNetwork: false
              fixedIpV4: string
              fixedIpV6: string
              mac: string
              name: string
              port: string
              uuid: string
            - content: string
              file: string
        powerState: string
        region: string
            - additionalProperties:
                string: any
              buildNearHostIp: string
                - string
                - string
              group: string
                - string
                - string
              targetCell: string
            - string
        stopBeforeDestroy: false
            - string
        userData: string
            detachPortsBeforeDestroy: false
            ignoreResizeConfirmation: false

    Instance Resource Properties

    To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.


    The Instance resource accepts the following input properties:

    AccessIpV4 string
    The first detected Fixed IPv4 address.
    AccessIpV6 string
    The first detected Fixed IPv6 address.
    AdminPass string
    The administrative password to assign to the server. Changing this changes the root password on the existing server.
    AvailabilityZone string
    The availability zone in which to create the server. Conflicts with availability_zone_hints. Changing this creates a new server.
    AvailabilityZoneHints string
    The availability zone in which to create the server. This argument is preferred to availability_zone, when scheduling the server on a particular host or node. Conflicts with availability_zone. Changing this creates a new server.
    BlockDevices List<Pulumi.OpenStack.Compute.Inputs.InstanceBlockDevice>
    Configuration of block devices. The block_device structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server. You can specify multiple block devices which will create an instance with multiple disks. This configuration is very flexible, so please see the following reference for more information.
    ConfigDrive bool
    Whether to use the config_drive feature to configure the instance. Changing this creates a new server.
    FlavorId string
    The flavor ID of the desired flavor for the server. Changing this resizes the existing server.
    FlavorName string
    The name of the desired flavor for the server. Changing this resizes the existing server.
    ForceDelete bool
    Whether to force the OpenStack instance to be forcefully deleted. This is useful for environments that have reclaim / soft deletion enabled.
    ImageId string
    (Optional; Required if image_name is empty and not booting from a volume. Do not specify if booting from a volume.) The image ID of the desired image for the server. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    ImageName string
    (Optional; Required if image_id is empty and not booting from a volume. Do not specify if booting from a volume.) The name of the desired image for the server. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    KeyPair string
    The name of a key pair to put on the server. The key pair must already be created and associated with the tenant's account. Changing this creates a new server.
    Metadata Dictionary<string, object>
    Metadata key/value pairs to make available from within the instance. Changing this updates the existing server metadata.
    Name string
    A unique name for the resource.
    NetworkMode string
    Special string for network option to create the server. network_mode can be "auto" or "none". Please see the following reference for more information. Conflicts with network.
    Networks List<Pulumi.OpenStack.Compute.Inputs.InstanceNetwork>
    An array of one or more networks to attach to the instance. The network object structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server.
    Personalities List<Pulumi.OpenStack.Compute.Inputs.InstancePersonality>
    Customize the personality of an instance by defining one or more files and their contents. The personality structure is described below. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    PowerState string
    Provide the VM state. Only 'active', 'shutoff' and 'shelved_offloaded' are supported values. Note: If the initial power_state is the shutoff the VM will be stopped immediately after build and the provisioners like remote-exec or files are not supported.
    Region string
    The region in which to create the server instance. If omitted, the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new server.
    SchedulerHints List<Pulumi.OpenStack.Compute.Inputs.InstanceSchedulerHint>
    Provide the Nova scheduler with hints on how the instance should be launched. The available hints are described below.
    SecurityGroups List<string>
    An array of one or more security group names to associate with the server. Changing this results in adding/removing security groups from the existing server. Note: When attaching the instance to networks using Ports, place the security groups on the Port and not the instance. Note: Names should be used and not ids, as ids trigger unnecessary updates.
    StopBeforeDestroy bool
    Whether to try stop instance gracefully before destroying it, thus giving chance for guest OS daemons to stop correctly. If instance doesn't stop within timeout, it will be destroyed anyway.
    Tags List<string>
    A set of string tags for the instance. Changing this updates the existing instance tags.
    UserData string
    The user data to provide when launching the instance. Changing this creates a new server.
    VendorOptions Pulumi.OpenStack.Compute.Inputs.InstanceVendorOptions
    Map of additional vendor-specific options. Supported options are described below.
    AccessIpV4 string
    The first detected Fixed IPv4 address.
    AccessIpV6 string
    The first detected Fixed IPv6 address.
    AdminPass string
    The administrative password to assign to the server. Changing this changes the root password on the existing server.
    AvailabilityZone string
    The availability zone in which to create the server. Conflicts with availability_zone_hints. Changing this creates a new server.
    AvailabilityZoneHints string
    The availability zone in which to create the server. This argument is preferred to availability_zone, when scheduling the server on a particular host or node. Conflicts with availability_zone. Changing this creates a new server.
    BlockDevices []InstanceBlockDeviceArgs
    Configuration of block devices. The block_device structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server. You can specify multiple block devices which will create an instance with multiple disks. This configuration is very flexible, so please see the following reference for more information.
    ConfigDrive bool
    Whether to use the config_drive feature to configure the instance. Changing this creates a new server.
    FlavorId string
    The flavor ID of the desired flavor for the server. Changing this resizes the existing server.
    FlavorName string
    The name of the desired flavor for the server. Changing this resizes the existing server.
    ForceDelete bool
    Whether to force the OpenStack instance to be forcefully deleted. This is useful for environments that have reclaim / soft deletion enabled.
    ImageId string
    (Optional; Required if image_name is empty and not booting from a volume. Do not specify if booting from a volume.) The image ID of the desired image for the server. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    ImageName string
    (Optional; Required if image_id is empty and not booting from a volume. Do not specify if booting from a volume.) The name of the desired image for the server. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    KeyPair string
    The name of a key pair to put on the server. The key pair must already be created and associated with the tenant's account. Changing this creates a new server.
    Metadata map[string]interface{}
    Metadata key/value pairs to make available from within the instance. Changing this updates the existing server metadata.
    Name string
    A unique name for the resource.
    NetworkMode string
    Special string for network option to create the server. network_mode can be "auto" or "none". Please see the following reference for more information. Conflicts with network.
    Networks []InstanceNetworkArgs
    An array of one or more networks to attach to the instance. The network object structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server.
    Personalities []InstancePersonalityArgs
    Customize the personality of an instance by defining one or more files and their contents. The personality structure is described below. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    PowerState string
    Provide the VM state. Only 'active', 'shutoff' and 'shelved_offloaded' are supported values. Note: If the initial power_state is the shutoff the VM will be stopped immediately after build and the provisioners like remote-exec or files are not supported.
    Region string
    The region in which to create the server instance. If omitted, the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new server.
    SchedulerHints []InstanceSchedulerHintArgs
    Provide the Nova scheduler with hints on how the instance should be launched. The available hints are described below.
    SecurityGroups []string
    An array of one or more security group names to associate with the server. Changing this results in adding/removing security groups from the existing server. Note: When attaching the instance to networks using Ports, place the security groups on the Port and not the instance. Note: Names should be used and not ids, as ids trigger unnecessary updates.
    StopBeforeDestroy bool
    Whether to try stop instance gracefully before destroying it, thus giving chance for guest OS daemons to stop correctly. If instance doesn't stop within timeout, it will be destroyed anyway.
    Tags []string
    A set of string tags for the instance. Changing this updates the existing instance tags.
    UserData string
    The user data to provide when launching the instance. Changing this creates a new server.
    VendorOptions InstanceVendorOptionsArgs
    Map of additional vendor-specific options. Supported options are described below.
    accessIpV4 String
    The first detected Fixed IPv4 address.
    accessIpV6 String
    The first detected Fixed IPv6 address.
    adminPass String
    The administrative password to assign to the server. Changing this changes the root password on the existing server.
    availabilityZone String
    The availability zone in which to create the server. Conflicts with availability_zone_hints. Changing this creates a new server.
    availabilityZoneHints String
    The availability zone in which to create the server. This argument is preferred to availability_zone, when scheduling the server on a particular host or node. Conflicts with availability_zone. Changing this creates a new server.
    blockDevices List<InstanceBlockDevice>
    Configuration of block devices. The block_device structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server. You can specify multiple block devices which will create an instance with multiple disks. This configuration is very flexible, so please see the following reference for more information.
    configDrive Boolean
    Whether to use the config_drive feature to configure the instance. Changing this creates a new server.
    flavorId String
    The flavor ID of the desired flavor for the server. Changing this resizes the existing server.
    flavorName String
    The name of the desired flavor for the server. Changing this resizes the existing server.
    forceDelete Boolean
    Whether to force the OpenStack instance to be forcefully deleted. This is useful for environments that have reclaim / soft deletion enabled.
    imageId String
    (Optional; Required if image_name is empty and not booting from a volume. Do not specify if booting from a volume.) The image ID of the desired image for the server. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    imageName String
    (Optional; Required if image_id is empty and not booting from a volume. Do not specify if booting from a volume.) The name of the desired image for the server. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    keyPair String
    The name of a key pair to put on the server. The key pair must already be created and associated with the tenant's account. Changing this creates a new server.
    metadata Map<String,Object>
    Metadata key/value pairs to make available from within the instance. Changing this updates the existing server metadata.
    name String
    A unique name for the resource.
    networkMode String
    Special string for network option to create the server. network_mode can be "auto" or "none". Please see the following reference for more information. Conflicts with network.
    networks List<InstanceNetwork>
    An array of one or more networks to attach to the instance. The network object structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server.
    personalities List<InstancePersonality>
    Customize the personality of an instance by defining one or more files and their contents. The personality structure is described below. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    powerState String
    Provide the VM state. Only 'active', 'shutoff' and 'shelved_offloaded' are supported values. Note: If the initial power_state is the shutoff the VM will be stopped immediately after build and the provisioners like remote-exec or files are not supported.
    region String
    The region in which to create the server instance. If omitted, the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new server.
    schedulerHints List<InstanceSchedulerHint>
    Provide the Nova scheduler with hints on how the instance should be launched. The available hints are described below.
    securityGroups List<String>
    An array of one or more security group names to associate with the server. Changing this results in adding/removing security groups from the existing server. Note: When attaching the instance to networks using Ports, place the security groups on the Port and not the instance. Note: Names should be used and not ids, as ids trigger unnecessary updates.
    stopBeforeDestroy Boolean
    Whether to try stop instance gracefully before destroying it, thus giving chance for guest OS daemons to stop correctly. If instance doesn't stop within timeout, it will be destroyed anyway.
    tags List<String>
    A set of string tags for the instance. Changing this updates the existing instance tags.
    userData String
    The user data to provide when launching the instance. Changing this creates a new server.
    vendorOptions InstanceVendorOptions
    Map of additional vendor-specific options. Supported options are described below.
    accessIpV4 string
    The first detected Fixed IPv4 address.
    accessIpV6 string
    The first detected Fixed IPv6 address.
    adminPass string
    The administrative password to assign to the server. Changing this changes the root password on the existing server.
    availabilityZone string
    The availability zone in which to create the server. Conflicts with availability_zone_hints. Changing this creates a new server.
    availabilityZoneHints string
    The availability zone in which to create the server. This argument is preferred to availability_zone, when scheduling the server on a particular host or node. Conflicts with availability_zone. Changing this creates a new server.
    blockDevices InstanceBlockDevice[]
    Configuration of block devices. The block_device structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server. You can specify multiple block devices which will create an instance with multiple disks. This configuration is very flexible, so please see the following reference for more information.
    configDrive boolean
    Whether to use the config_drive feature to configure the instance. Changing this creates a new server.
    flavorId string
    The flavor ID of the desired flavor for the server. Changing this resizes the existing server.
    flavorName string
    The name of the desired flavor for the server. Changing this resizes the existing server.
    forceDelete boolean
    Whether to force the OpenStack instance to be forcefully deleted. This is useful for environments that have reclaim / soft deletion enabled.
    imageId string
    (Optional; Required if image_name is empty and not booting from a volume. Do not specify if booting from a volume.) The image ID of the desired image for the server. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    imageName string
    (Optional; Required if image_id is empty and not booting from a volume. Do not specify if booting from a volume.) The name of the desired image for the server. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    keyPair string
    The name of a key pair to put on the server. The key pair must already be created and associated with the tenant's account. Changing this creates a new server.
    metadata {[key: string]: any}
    Metadata key/value pairs to make available from within the instance. Changing this updates the existing server metadata.
    name string
    A unique name for the resource.
    networkMode string
    Special string for network option to create the server. network_mode can be "auto" or "none". Please see the following reference for more information. Conflicts with network.
    networks InstanceNetwork[]
    An array of one or more networks to attach to the instance. The network object structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server.
    personalities InstancePersonality[]
    Customize the personality of an instance by defining one or more files and their contents. The personality structure is described below. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    powerState string
    Provide the VM state. Only 'active', 'shutoff' and 'shelved_offloaded' are supported values. Note: If the initial power_state is the shutoff the VM will be stopped immediately after build and the provisioners like remote-exec or files are not supported.
    region string
    The region in which to create the server instance. If omitted, the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new server.
    schedulerHints InstanceSchedulerHint[]
    Provide the Nova scheduler with hints on how the instance should be launched. The available hints are described below.
    securityGroups string[]
    An array of one or more security group names to associate with the server. Changing this results in adding/removing security groups from the existing server. Note: When attaching the instance to networks using Ports, place the security groups on the Port and not the instance. Note: Names should be used and not ids, as ids trigger unnecessary updates.
    stopBeforeDestroy boolean
    Whether to try stop instance gracefully before destroying it, thus giving chance for guest OS daemons to stop correctly. If instance doesn't stop within timeout, it will be destroyed anyway.
    tags string[]
    A set of string tags for the instance. Changing this updates the existing instance tags.
    userData string
    The user data to provide when launching the instance. Changing this creates a new server.
    vendorOptions InstanceVendorOptions
    Map of additional vendor-specific options. Supported options are described below.
    access_ip_v4 str
    The first detected Fixed IPv4 address.
    access_ip_v6 str
    The first detected Fixed IPv6 address.
    admin_pass str
    The administrative password to assign to the server. Changing this changes the root password on the existing server.
    availability_zone str
    The availability zone in which to create the server. Conflicts with availability_zone_hints. Changing this creates a new server.
    availability_zone_hints str
    The availability zone in which to create the server. This argument is preferred to availability_zone, when scheduling the server on a particular host or node. Conflicts with availability_zone. Changing this creates a new server.
    block_devices Sequence[InstanceBlockDeviceArgs]
    Configuration of block devices. The block_device structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server. You can specify multiple block devices which will create an instance with multiple disks. This configuration is very flexible, so please see the following reference for more information.
    config_drive bool
    Whether to use the config_drive feature to configure the instance. Changing this creates a new server.
    flavor_id str
    The flavor ID of the desired flavor for the server. Changing this resizes the existing server.
    flavor_name str
    The name of the desired flavor for the server. Changing this resizes the existing server.
    force_delete bool
    Whether to force the OpenStack instance to be forcefully deleted. This is useful for environments that have reclaim / soft deletion enabled.
    image_id str
    (Optional; Required if image_name is empty and not booting from a volume. Do not specify if booting from a volume.) The image ID of the desired image for the server. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    image_name str
    (Optional; Required if image_id is empty and not booting from a volume. Do not specify if booting from a volume.) The name of the desired image for the server. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    key_pair str
    The name of a key pair to put on the server. The key pair must already be created and associated with the tenant's account. Changing this creates a new server.
    metadata Mapping[str, Any]
    Metadata key/value pairs to make available from within the instance. Changing this updates the existing server metadata.
    name str
    A unique name for the resource.
    network_mode str
    Special string for network option to create the server. network_mode can be "auto" or "none". Please see the following reference for more information. Conflicts with network.
    networks Sequence[InstanceNetworkArgs]
    An array of one or more networks to attach to the instance. The network object structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server.
    personalities Sequence[InstancePersonalityArgs]
    Customize the personality of an instance by defining one or more files and their contents. The personality structure is described below. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    power_state str
    Provide the VM state. Only 'active', 'shutoff' and 'shelved_offloaded' are supported values. Note: If the initial power_state is the shutoff the VM will be stopped immediately after build and the provisioners like remote-exec or files are not supported.
    region str
    The region in which to create the server instance. If omitted, the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new server.
    scheduler_hints Sequence[InstanceSchedulerHintArgs]
    Provide the Nova scheduler with hints on how the instance should be launched. The available hints are described below.
    security_groups Sequence[str]
    An array of one or more security group names to associate with the server. Changing this results in adding/removing security groups from the existing server. Note: When attaching the instance to networks using Ports, place the security groups on the Port and not the instance. Note: Names should be used and not ids, as ids trigger unnecessary updates.
    stop_before_destroy bool
    Whether to try stop instance gracefully before destroying it, thus giving chance for guest OS daemons to stop correctly. If instance doesn't stop within timeout, it will be destroyed anyway.
    tags Sequence[str]
    A set of string tags for the instance. Changing this updates the existing instance tags.
    user_data str
    The user data to provide when launching the instance. Changing this creates a new server.
    vendor_options InstanceVendorOptionsArgs
    Map of additional vendor-specific options. Supported options are described below.
    accessIpV4 String
    The first detected Fixed IPv4 address.
    accessIpV6 String
    The first detected Fixed IPv6 address.
    adminPass String
    The administrative password to assign to the server. Changing this changes the root password on the existing server.
    availabilityZone String
    The availability zone in which to create the server. Conflicts with availability_zone_hints. Changing this creates a new server.
    availabilityZoneHints String
    The availability zone in which to create the server. This argument is preferred to availability_zone, when scheduling the server on a particular host or node. Conflicts with availability_zone. Changing this creates a new server.
    blockDevices List<Property Map>
    Configuration of block devices. The block_device structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server. You can specify multiple block devices which will create an instance with multiple disks. This configuration is very flexible, so please see the following reference for more information.
    configDrive Boolean
    Whether to use the config_drive feature to configure the instance. Changing this creates a new server.
    flavorId String
    The flavor ID of the desired flavor for the server. Changing this resizes the existing server.
    flavorName String
    The name of the desired flavor for the server. Changing this resizes the existing server.
    forceDelete Boolean
    Whether to force the OpenStack instance to be forcefully deleted. This is useful for environments that have reclaim / soft deletion enabled.
    imageId String
    (Optional; Required if image_name is empty and not booting from a volume. Do not specify if booting from a volume.) The image ID of the desired image for the server. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    imageName String
    (Optional; Required if image_id is empty and not booting from a volume. Do not specify if booting from a volume.) The name of the desired image for the server. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    keyPair String
    The name of a key pair to put on the server. The key pair must already be created and associated with the tenant's account. Changing this creates a new server.
    metadata Map<Any>
    Metadata key/value pairs to make available from within the instance. Changing this updates the existing server metadata.
    name String
    A unique name for the resource.
    networkMode String
    Special string for network option to create the server. network_mode can be "auto" or "none". Please see the following reference for more information. Conflicts with network.
    networks List<Property Map>
    An array of one or more networks to attach to the instance. The network object structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server.
    personalities List<Property Map>
    Customize the personality of an instance by defining one or more files and their contents. The personality structure is described below. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    powerState String
    Provide the VM state. Only 'active', 'shutoff' and 'shelved_offloaded' are supported values. Note: If the initial power_state is the shutoff the VM will be stopped immediately after build and the provisioners like remote-exec or files are not supported.
    region String
    The region in which to create the server instance. If omitted, the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new server.
    schedulerHints List<Property Map>
    Provide the Nova scheduler with hints on how the instance should be launched. The available hints are described below.
    securityGroups List<String>
    An array of one or more security group names to associate with the server. Changing this results in adding/removing security groups from the existing server. Note: When attaching the instance to networks using Ports, place the security groups on the Port and not the instance. Note: Names should be used and not ids, as ids trigger unnecessary updates.
    stopBeforeDestroy Boolean
    Whether to try stop instance gracefully before destroying it, thus giving chance for guest OS daemons to stop correctly. If instance doesn't stop within timeout, it will be destroyed anyway.
    tags List<String>
    A set of string tags for the instance. Changing this updates the existing instance tags.
    userData String
    The user data to provide when launching the instance. Changing this creates a new server.
    vendorOptions Property Map
    Map of additional vendor-specific options. Supported options are described below.


    All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the Instance resource produces the following output properties:

    AllMetadata Dictionary<string, object>
    AllTags List<string>
    The collection of tags assigned on the instance, which have been explicitly and implicitly added.
    Created string
    The creation time of the instance.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Updated string
    The time when the instance was last updated.
    AllMetadata map[string]interface{}
    AllTags []string
    The collection of tags assigned on the instance, which have been explicitly and implicitly added.
    Created string
    The creation time of the instance.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Updated string
    The time when the instance was last updated.
    allMetadata Map<String,Object>
    allTags List<String>
    The collection of tags assigned on the instance, which have been explicitly and implicitly added.
    created String
    The creation time of the instance.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    updated String
    The time when the instance was last updated.
    allMetadata {[key: string]: any}
    allTags string[]
    The collection of tags assigned on the instance, which have been explicitly and implicitly added.
    created string
    The creation time of the instance.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    updated string
    The time when the instance was last updated.
    all_metadata Mapping[str, Any]
    all_tags Sequence[str]
    The collection of tags assigned on the instance, which have been explicitly and implicitly added.
    created str
    The creation time of the instance.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    updated str
    The time when the instance was last updated.
    allMetadata Map<Any>
    allTags List<String>
    The collection of tags assigned on the instance, which have been explicitly and implicitly added.
    created String
    The creation time of the instance.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    updated String
    The time when the instance was last updated.

    Look up Existing Instance Resource

    Get an existing Instance resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.

    public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: InstanceState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): Instance
    def get(resource_name: str,
            id: str,
            opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
            access_ip_v4: Optional[str] = None,
            access_ip_v6: Optional[str] = None,
            admin_pass: Optional[str] = None,
            all_metadata: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None,
            all_tags: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
            availability_zone: Optional[str] = None,
            availability_zone_hints: Optional[str] = None,
            block_devices: Optional[Sequence[InstanceBlockDeviceArgs]] = None,
            config_drive: Optional[bool] = None,
            created: Optional[str] = None,
            flavor_id: Optional[str] = None,
            flavor_name: Optional[str] = None,
            force_delete: Optional[bool] = None,
            image_id: Optional[str] = None,
            image_name: Optional[str] = None,
            key_pair: Optional[str] = None,
            metadata: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None,
            name: Optional[str] = None,
            network_mode: Optional[str] = None,
            networks: Optional[Sequence[InstanceNetworkArgs]] = None,
            personalities: Optional[Sequence[InstancePersonalityArgs]] = None,
            power_state: Optional[str] = None,
            region: Optional[str] = None,
            scheduler_hints: Optional[Sequence[InstanceSchedulerHintArgs]] = None,
            security_groups: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
            stop_before_destroy: Optional[bool] = None,
            tags: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
            updated: Optional[str] = None,
            user_data: Optional[str] = None,
            vendor_options: Optional[InstanceVendorOptionsArgs] = None) -> Instance
    func GetInstance(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *InstanceState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*Instance, error)
    public static Instance Get(string name, Input<string> id, InstanceState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public static Instance get(String name, Output<String> id, InstanceState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
    Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The following state arguments are supported:
    AccessIpV4 string
    The first detected Fixed IPv4 address.
    AccessIpV6 string
    The first detected Fixed IPv6 address.
    AdminPass string
    The administrative password to assign to the server. Changing this changes the root password on the existing server.
    AllMetadata Dictionary<string, object>
    AllTags List<string>
    The collection of tags assigned on the instance, which have been explicitly and implicitly added.
    AvailabilityZone string
    The availability zone in which to create the server. Conflicts with availability_zone_hints. Changing this creates a new server.
    AvailabilityZoneHints string
    The availability zone in which to create the server. This argument is preferred to availability_zone, when scheduling the server on a particular host or node. Conflicts with availability_zone. Changing this creates a new server.
    BlockDevices List<Pulumi.OpenStack.Compute.Inputs.InstanceBlockDevice>
    Configuration of block devices. The block_device structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server. You can specify multiple block devices which will create an instance with multiple disks. This configuration is very flexible, so please see the following reference for more information.
    ConfigDrive bool
    Whether to use the config_drive feature to configure the instance. Changing this creates a new server.
    Created string
    The creation time of the instance.
    FlavorId string
    The flavor ID of the desired flavor for the server. Changing this resizes the existing server.
    FlavorName string
    The name of the desired flavor for the server. Changing this resizes the existing server.
    ForceDelete bool
    Whether to force the OpenStack instance to be forcefully deleted. This is useful for environments that have reclaim / soft deletion enabled.
    ImageId string
    (Optional; Required if image_name is empty and not booting from a volume. Do not specify if booting from a volume.) The image ID of the desired image for the server. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    ImageName string
    (Optional; Required if image_id is empty and not booting from a volume. Do not specify if booting from a volume.) The name of the desired image for the server. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    KeyPair string
    The name of a key pair to put on the server. The key pair must already be created and associated with the tenant's account. Changing this creates a new server.
    Metadata Dictionary<string, object>
    Metadata key/value pairs to make available from within the instance. Changing this updates the existing server metadata.
    Name string
    A unique name for the resource.
    NetworkMode string
    Special string for network option to create the server. network_mode can be "auto" or "none". Please see the following reference for more information. Conflicts with network.
    Networks List<Pulumi.OpenStack.Compute.Inputs.InstanceNetwork>
    An array of one or more networks to attach to the instance. The network object structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server.
    Personalities List<Pulumi.OpenStack.Compute.Inputs.InstancePersonality>
    Customize the personality of an instance by defining one or more files and their contents. The personality structure is described below. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    PowerState string
    Provide the VM state. Only 'active', 'shutoff' and 'shelved_offloaded' are supported values. Note: If the initial power_state is the shutoff the VM will be stopped immediately after build and the provisioners like remote-exec or files are not supported.
    Region string
    The region in which to create the server instance. If omitted, the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new server.
    SchedulerHints List<Pulumi.OpenStack.Compute.Inputs.InstanceSchedulerHint>
    Provide the Nova scheduler with hints on how the instance should be launched. The available hints are described below.
    SecurityGroups List<string>
    An array of one or more security group names to associate with the server. Changing this results in adding/removing security groups from the existing server. Note: When attaching the instance to networks using Ports, place the security groups on the Port and not the instance. Note: Names should be used and not ids, as ids trigger unnecessary updates.
    StopBeforeDestroy bool
    Whether to try stop instance gracefully before destroying it, thus giving chance for guest OS daemons to stop correctly. If instance doesn't stop within timeout, it will be destroyed anyway.
    Tags List<string>
    A set of string tags for the instance. Changing this updates the existing instance tags.
    Updated string
    The time when the instance was last updated.
    UserData string
    The user data to provide when launching the instance. Changing this creates a new server.
    VendorOptions Pulumi.OpenStack.Compute.Inputs.InstanceVendorOptions
    Map of additional vendor-specific options. Supported options are described below.
    AccessIpV4 string
    The first detected Fixed IPv4 address.
    AccessIpV6 string
    The first detected Fixed IPv6 address.
    AdminPass string
    The administrative password to assign to the server. Changing this changes the root password on the existing server.
    AllMetadata map[string]interface{}
    AllTags []string
    The collection of tags assigned on the instance, which have been explicitly and implicitly added.
    AvailabilityZone string
    The availability zone in which to create the server. Conflicts with availability_zone_hints. Changing this creates a new server.
    AvailabilityZoneHints string
    The availability zone in which to create the server. This argument is preferred to availability_zone, when scheduling the server on a particular host or node. Conflicts with availability_zone. Changing this creates a new server.
    BlockDevices []InstanceBlockDeviceArgs
    Configuration of block devices. The block_device structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server. You can specify multiple block devices which will create an instance with multiple disks. This configuration is very flexible, so please see the following reference for more information.
    ConfigDrive bool
    Whether to use the config_drive feature to configure the instance. Changing this creates a new server.
    Created string
    The creation time of the instance.
    FlavorId string
    The flavor ID of the desired flavor for the server. Changing this resizes the existing server.
    FlavorName string
    The name of the desired flavor for the server. Changing this resizes the existing server.
    ForceDelete bool
    Whether to force the OpenStack instance to be forcefully deleted. This is useful for environments that have reclaim / soft deletion enabled.
    ImageId string
    (Optional; Required if image_name is empty and not booting from a volume. Do not specify if booting from a volume.) The image ID of the desired image for the server. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    ImageName string
    (Optional; Required if image_id is empty and not booting from a volume. Do not specify if booting from a volume.) The name of the desired image for the server. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    KeyPair string
    The name of a key pair to put on the server. The key pair must already be created and associated with the tenant's account. Changing this creates a new server.
    Metadata map[string]interface{}
    Metadata key/value pairs to make available from within the instance. Changing this updates the existing server metadata.
    Name string
    A unique name for the resource.
    NetworkMode string
    Special string for network option to create the server. network_mode can be "auto" or "none". Please see the following reference for more information. Conflicts with network.
    Networks []InstanceNetworkArgs
    An array of one or more networks to attach to the instance. The network object structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server.
    Personalities []InstancePersonalityArgs
    Customize the personality of an instance by defining one or more files and their contents. The personality structure is described below. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    PowerState string
    Provide the VM state. Only 'active', 'shutoff' and 'shelved_offloaded' are supported values. Note: If the initial power_state is the shutoff the VM will be stopped immediately after build and the provisioners like remote-exec or files are not supported.
    Region string
    The region in which to create the server instance. If omitted, the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new server.
    SchedulerHints []InstanceSchedulerHintArgs
    Provide the Nova scheduler with hints on how the instance should be launched. The available hints are described below.
    SecurityGroups []string
    An array of one or more security group names to associate with the server. Changing this results in adding/removing security groups from the existing server. Note: When attaching the instance to networks using Ports, place the security groups on the Port and not the instance. Note: Names should be used and not ids, as ids trigger unnecessary updates.
    StopBeforeDestroy bool
    Whether to try stop instance gracefully before destroying it, thus giving chance for guest OS daemons to stop correctly. If instance doesn't stop within timeout, it will be destroyed anyway.
    Tags []string
    A set of string tags for the instance. Changing this updates the existing instance tags.
    Updated string
    The time when the instance was last updated.
    UserData string
    The user data to provide when launching the instance. Changing this creates a new server.
    VendorOptions InstanceVendorOptionsArgs
    Map of additional vendor-specific options. Supported options are described below.
    accessIpV4 String
    The first detected Fixed IPv4 address.
    accessIpV6 String
    The first detected Fixed IPv6 address.
    adminPass String
    The administrative password to assign to the server. Changing this changes the root password on the existing server.
    allMetadata Map<String,Object>
    allTags List<String>
    The collection of tags assigned on the instance, which have been explicitly and implicitly added.
    availabilityZone String
    The availability zone in which to create the server. Conflicts with availability_zone_hints. Changing this creates a new server.
    availabilityZoneHints String
    The availability zone in which to create the server. This argument is preferred to availability_zone, when scheduling the server on a particular host or node. Conflicts with availability_zone. Changing this creates a new server.
    blockDevices List<InstanceBlockDevice>
    Configuration of block devices. The block_device structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server. You can specify multiple block devices which will create an instance with multiple disks. This configuration is very flexible, so please see the following reference for more information.
    configDrive Boolean
    Whether to use the config_drive feature to configure the instance. Changing this creates a new server.
    created String
    The creation time of the instance.
    flavorId String
    The flavor ID of the desired flavor for the server. Changing this resizes the existing server.
    flavorName String
    The name of the desired flavor for the server. Changing this resizes the existing server.
    forceDelete Boolean
    Whether to force the OpenStack instance to be forcefully deleted. This is useful for environments that have reclaim / soft deletion enabled.
    imageId String
    (Optional; Required if image_name is empty and not booting from a volume. Do not specify if booting from a volume.) The image ID of the desired image for the server. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    imageName String
    (Optional; Required if image_id is empty and not booting from a volume. Do not specify if booting from a volume.) The name of the desired image for the server. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    keyPair String
    The name of a key pair to put on the server. The key pair must already be created and associated with the tenant's account. Changing this creates a new server.
    metadata Map<String,Object>
    Metadata key/value pairs to make available from within the instance. Changing this updates the existing server metadata.
    name String
    A unique name for the resource.
    networkMode String
    Special string for network option to create the server. network_mode can be "auto" or "none". Please see the following reference for more information. Conflicts with network.
    networks List<InstanceNetwork>
    An array of one or more networks to attach to the instance. The network object structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server.
    personalities List<InstancePersonality>
    Customize the personality of an instance by defining one or more files and their contents. The personality structure is described below. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    powerState String
    Provide the VM state. Only 'active', 'shutoff' and 'shelved_offloaded' are supported values. Note: If the initial power_state is the shutoff the VM will be stopped immediately after build and the provisioners like remote-exec or files are not supported.
    region String
    The region in which to create the server instance. If omitted, the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new server.
    schedulerHints List<InstanceSchedulerHint>
    Provide the Nova scheduler with hints on how the instance should be launched. The available hints are described below.
    securityGroups List<String>
    An array of one or more security group names to associate with the server. Changing this results in adding/removing security groups from the existing server. Note: When attaching the instance to networks using Ports, place the security groups on the Port and not the instance. Note: Names should be used and not ids, as ids trigger unnecessary updates.
    stopBeforeDestroy Boolean
    Whether to try stop instance gracefully before destroying it, thus giving chance for guest OS daemons to stop correctly. If instance doesn't stop within timeout, it will be destroyed anyway.
    tags List<String>
    A set of string tags for the instance. Changing this updates the existing instance tags.
    updated String
    The time when the instance was last updated.
    userData String
    The user data to provide when launching the instance. Changing this creates a new server.
    vendorOptions InstanceVendorOptions
    Map of additional vendor-specific options. Supported options are described below.
    accessIpV4 string
    The first detected Fixed IPv4 address.
    accessIpV6 string
    The first detected Fixed IPv6 address.
    adminPass string
    The administrative password to assign to the server. Changing this changes the root password on the existing server.
    allMetadata {[key: string]: any}
    allTags string[]
    The collection of tags assigned on the instance, which have been explicitly and implicitly added.
    availabilityZone string
    The availability zone in which to create the server. Conflicts with availability_zone_hints. Changing this creates a new server.
    availabilityZoneHints string
    The availability zone in which to create the server. This argument is preferred to availability_zone, when scheduling the server on a particular host or node. Conflicts with availability_zone. Changing this creates a new server.
    blockDevices InstanceBlockDevice[]
    Configuration of block devices. The block_device structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server. You can specify multiple block devices which will create an instance with multiple disks. This configuration is very flexible, so please see the following reference for more information.
    configDrive boolean
    Whether to use the config_drive feature to configure the instance. Changing this creates a new server.
    created string
    The creation time of the instance.
    flavorId string
    The flavor ID of the desired flavor for the server. Changing this resizes the existing server.
    flavorName string
    The name of the desired flavor for the server. Changing this resizes the existing server.
    forceDelete boolean
    Whether to force the OpenStack instance to be forcefully deleted. This is useful for environments that have reclaim / soft deletion enabled.
    imageId string
    (Optional; Required if image_name is empty and not booting from a volume. Do not specify if booting from a volume.) The image ID of the desired image for the server. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    imageName string
    (Optional; Required if image_id is empty and not booting from a volume. Do not specify if booting from a volume.) The name of the desired image for the server. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    keyPair string
    The name of a key pair to put on the server. The key pair must already be created and associated with the tenant's account. Changing this creates a new server.
    metadata {[key: string]: any}
    Metadata key/value pairs to make available from within the instance. Changing this updates the existing server metadata.
    name string
    A unique name for the resource.
    networkMode string
    Special string for network option to create the server. network_mode can be "auto" or "none". Please see the following reference for more information. Conflicts with network.
    networks InstanceNetwork[]
    An array of one or more networks to attach to the instance. The network object structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server.
    personalities InstancePersonality[]
    Customize the personality of an instance by defining one or more files and their contents. The personality structure is described below. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    powerState string
    Provide the VM state. Only 'active', 'shutoff' and 'shelved_offloaded' are supported values. Note: If the initial power_state is the shutoff the VM will be stopped immediately after build and the provisioners like remote-exec or files are not supported.
    region string
    The region in which to create the server instance. If omitted, the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new server.
    schedulerHints InstanceSchedulerHint[]
    Provide the Nova scheduler with hints on how the instance should be launched. The available hints are described below.
    securityGroups string[]
    An array of one or more security group names to associate with the server. Changing this results in adding/removing security groups from the existing server. Note: When attaching the instance to networks using Ports, place the security groups on the Port and not the instance. Note: Names should be used and not ids, as ids trigger unnecessary updates.
    stopBeforeDestroy boolean
    Whether to try stop instance gracefully before destroying it, thus giving chance for guest OS daemons to stop correctly. If instance doesn't stop within timeout, it will be destroyed anyway.
    tags string[]
    A set of string tags for the instance. Changing this updates the existing instance tags.
    updated string
    The time when the instance was last updated.
    userData string
    The user data to provide when launching the instance. Changing this creates a new server.
    vendorOptions InstanceVendorOptions
    Map of additional vendor-specific options. Supported options are described below.
    access_ip_v4 str
    The first detected Fixed IPv4 address.
    access_ip_v6 str
    The first detected Fixed IPv6 address.
    admin_pass str
    The administrative password to assign to the server. Changing this changes the root password on the existing server.
    all_metadata Mapping[str, Any]
    all_tags Sequence[str]
    The collection of tags assigned on the instance, which have been explicitly and implicitly added.
    availability_zone str
    The availability zone in which to create the server. Conflicts with availability_zone_hints. Changing this creates a new server.
    availability_zone_hints str
    The availability zone in which to create the server. This argument is preferred to availability_zone, when scheduling the server on a particular host or node. Conflicts with availability_zone. Changing this creates a new server.
    block_devices Sequence[InstanceBlockDeviceArgs]
    Configuration of block devices. The block_device structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server. You can specify multiple block devices which will create an instance with multiple disks. This configuration is very flexible, so please see the following reference for more information.
    config_drive bool
    Whether to use the config_drive feature to configure the instance. Changing this creates a new server.
    created str
    The creation time of the instance.
    flavor_id str
    The flavor ID of the desired flavor for the server. Changing this resizes the existing server.
    flavor_name str
    The name of the desired flavor for the server. Changing this resizes the existing server.
    force_delete bool
    Whether to force the OpenStack instance to be forcefully deleted. This is useful for environments that have reclaim / soft deletion enabled.
    image_id str
    (Optional; Required if image_name is empty and not booting from a volume. Do not specify if booting from a volume.) The image ID of the desired image for the server. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    image_name str
    (Optional; Required if image_id is empty and not booting from a volume. Do not specify if booting from a volume.) The name of the desired image for the server. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    key_pair str
    The name of a key pair to put on the server. The key pair must already be created and associated with the tenant's account. Changing this creates a new server.
    metadata Mapping[str, Any]
    Metadata key/value pairs to make available from within the instance. Changing this updates the existing server metadata.
    name str
    A unique name for the resource.
    network_mode str
    Special string for network option to create the server. network_mode can be "auto" or "none". Please see the following reference for more information. Conflicts with network.
    networks Sequence[InstanceNetworkArgs]
    An array of one or more networks to attach to the instance. The network object structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server.
    personalities Sequence[InstancePersonalityArgs]
    Customize the personality of an instance by defining one or more files and their contents. The personality structure is described below. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    power_state str
    Provide the VM state. Only 'active', 'shutoff' and 'shelved_offloaded' are supported values. Note: If the initial power_state is the shutoff the VM will be stopped immediately after build and the provisioners like remote-exec or files are not supported.
    region str
    The region in which to create the server instance. If omitted, the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new server.
    scheduler_hints Sequence[InstanceSchedulerHintArgs]
    Provide the Nova scheduler with hints on how the instance should be launched. The available hints are described below.
    security_groups Sequence[str]
    An array of one or more security group names to associate with the server. Changing this results in adding/removing security groups from the existing server. Note: When attaching the instance to networks using Ports, place the security groups on the Port and not the instance. Note: Names should be used and not ids, as ids trigger unnecessary updates.
    stop_before_destroy bool
    Whether to try stop instance gracefully before destroying it, thus giving chance for guest OS daemons to stop correctly. If instance doesn't stop within timeout, it will be destroyed anyway.
    tags Sequence[str]
    A set of string tags for the instance. Changing this updates the existing instance tags.
    updated str
    The time when the instance was last updated.
    user_data str
    The user data to provide when launching the instance. Changing this creates a new server.
    vendor_options InstanceVendorOptionsArgs
    Map of additional vendor-specific options. Supported options are described below.
    accessIpV4 String
    The first detected Fixed IPv4 address.
    accessIpV6 String
    The first detected Fixed IPv6 address.
    adminPass String
    The administrative password to assign to the server. Changing this changes the root password on the existing server.
    allMetadata Map<Any>
    allTags List<String>
    The collection of tags assigned on the instance, which have been explicitly and implicitly added.
    availabilityZone String
    The availability zone in which to create the server. Conflicts with availability_zone_hints. Changing this creates a new server.
    availabilityZoneHints String
    The availability zone in which to create the server. This argument is preferred to availability_zone, when scheduling the server on a particular host or node. Conflicts with availability_zone. Changing this creates a new server.
    blockDevices List<Property Map>
    Configuration of block devices. The block_device structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server. You can specify multiple block devices which will create an instance with multiple disks. This configuration is very flexible, so please see the following reference for more information.
    configDrive Boolean
    Whether to use the config_drive feature to configure the instance. Changing this creates a new server.
    created String
    The creation time of the instance.
    flavorId String
    The flavor ID of the desired flavor for the server. Changing this resizes the existing server.
    flavorName String
    The name of the desired flavor for the server. Changing this resizes the existing server.
    forceDelete Boolean
    Whether to force the OpenStack instance to be forcefully deleted. This is useful for environments that have reclaim / soft deletion enabled.
    imageId String
    (Optional; Required if image_name is empty and not booting from a volume. Do not specify if booting from a volume.) The image ID of the desired image for the server. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    imageName String
    (Optional; Required if image_id is empty and not booting from a volume. Do not specify if booting from a volume.) The name of the desired image for the server. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    keyPair String
    The name of a key pair to put on the server. The key pair must already be created and associated with the tenant's account. Changing this creates a new server.
    metadata Map<Any>
    Metadata key/value pairs to make available from within the instance. Changing this updates the existing server metadata.
    name String
    A unique name for the resource.
    networkMode String
    Special string for network option to create the server. network_mode can be "auto" or "none". Please see the following reference for more information. Conflicts with network.
    networks List<Property Map>
    An array of one or more networks to attach to the instance. The network object structure is documented below. Changing this creates a new server.
    personalities List<Property Map>
    Customize the personality of an instance by defining one or more files and their contents. The personality structure is described below. Changing this rebuilds the existing server.
    powerState String
    Provide the VM state. Only 'active', 'shutoff' and 'shelved_offloaded' are supported values. Note: If the initial power_state is the shutoff the VM will be stopped immediately after build and the provisioners like remote-exec or files are not supported.
    region String
    The region in which to create the server instance. If omitted, the region argument of the provider is used. Changing this creates a new server.
    schedulerHints List<Property Map>
    Provide the Nova scheduler with hints on how the instance should be launched. The available hints are described below.
    securityGroups List<String>
    An array of one or more security group names to associate with the server. Changing this results in adding/removing security groups from the existing server. Note: When attaching the instance to networks using Ports, place the security groups on the Port and not the instance. Note: Names should be used and not ids, as ids trigger unnecessary updates.
    stopBeforeDestroy Boolean
    Whether to try stop instance gracefully before destroying it, thus giving chance for guest OS daemons to stop correctly. If instance doesn't stop within timeout, it will be destroyed anyway.
    tags List<String>
    A set of string tags for the instance. Changing this updates the existing instance tags.
    updated String
    The time when the instance was last updated.
    userData String
    The user data to provide when launching the instance. Changing this creates a new server.
    vendorOptions Property Map
    Map of additional vendor-specific options. Supported options are described below.

    Supporting Types

    InstanceBlockDevice, InstanceBlockDeviceArgs

    SourceType string
    The source type of the device. Must be one of "blank", "image", "volume", or "snapshot". Changing this creates a new server.
    BootIndex int
    The boot index of the volume. It defaults to 0. Changing this creates a new server.
    DeleteOnTermination bool
    Delete the volume / block device upon termination of the instance. Defaults to false. Changing this creates a new server.
    DestinationType string
    The type that gets created. Possible values are "volume" and "local". Changing this creates a new server.
    DeviceType string
    The low-level device type that will be used. Most common thing is to leave this empty. Changing this creates a new server.
    DiskBus string
    The low-level disk bus that will be used. Most common thing is to leave this empty. Changing this creates a new server.
    GuestFormat string
    Specifies the guest server disk file system format, such as ext2, ext3, ext4, xfs or swap. Swap block device mappings have the following restrictions: source_type must be blank and destination_type must be local and only one swap disk per server and the size of the swap disk must be less than or equal to the swap size of the flavor. Changing this creates a new server.
    Multiattach bool
    Enable the attachment of multiattach-capable volumes.
    Uuid string
    The UUID of the image, volume, or snapshot. Changing this creates a new server.
    VolumeSize int
    The size of the volume to create (in gigabytes). Required in the following combinations: source=image and destination=volume, source=blank and destination=local, and source=blank and destination=volume. Changing this creates a new server.
    VolumeType string
    The volume type that will be used, for example SSD or HDD storage. The available options depend on how your specific OpenStack cloud is configured and what classes of storage are provided. Changing this creates a new server.
    SourceType string
    The source type of the device. Must be one of "blank", "image", "volume", or "snapshot". Changing this creates a new server.
    BootIndex int
    The boot index of the volume. It defaults to 0. Changing this creates a new server.
    DeleteOnTermination bool
    Delete the volume / block device upon termination of the instance. Defaults to false. Changing this creates a new server.
    DestinationType string
    The type that gets created. Possible values are "volume" and "local". Changing this creates a new server.
    DeviceType string
    The low-level device type that will be used. Most common thing is to leave this empty. Changing this creates a new server.
    DiskBus string
    The low-level disk bus that will be used. Most common thing is to leave this empty. Changing this creates a new server.
    GuestFormat string
    Specifies the guest server disk file system format, such as ext2, ext3, ext4, xfs or swap. Swap block device mappings have the following restrictions: source_type must be blank and destination_type must be local and only one swap disk per server and the size of the swap disk must be less than or equal to the swap size of the flavor. Changing this creates a new server.
    Multiattach bool
    Enable the attachment of multiattach-capable volumes.
    Uuid string
    The UUID of the image, volume, or snapshot. Changing this creates a new server.
    VolumeSize int
    The size of the volume to create (in gigabytes). Required in the following combinations: source=image and destination=volume, source=blank and destination=local, and source=blank and destination=volume. Changing this creates a new server.
    VolumeType string
    The volume type that will be used, for example SSD or HDD storage. The available options depend on how your specific OpenStack cloud is configured and what classes of storage are provided. Changing this creates a new server.
    sourceType String
    The source type of the device. Must be one of "blank", "image", "volume", or "snapshot". Changing this creates a new server.
    bootIndex Integer
    The boot index of the volume. It defaults to 0. Changing this creates a new server.
    deleteOnTermination Boolean
    Delete the volume / block device upon termination of the instance. Defaults to false. Changing this creates a new server.
    destinationType String
    The type that gets created. Possible values are "volume" and "local". Changing this creates a new server.
    deviceType String
    The low-level device type that will be used. Most common thing is to leave this empty. Changing this creates a new server.
    diskBus String
    The low-level disk bus that will be used. Most common thing is to leave this empty. Changing this creates a new server.
    guestFormat String
    Specifies the guest server disk file system format, such as ext2, ext3, ext4, xfs or swap. Swap block device mappings have the following restrictions: source_type must be blank and destination_type must be local and only one swap disk per server and the size of the swap disk must be less than or equal to the swap size of the flavor. Changing this creates a new server.
    multiattach Boolean
    Enable the attachment of multiattach-capable volumes.
    uuid String
    The UUID of the image, volume, or snapshot. Changing this creates a new server.
    volumeSize Integer
    The size of the volume to create (in gigabytes). Required in the following combinations: source=image and destination=volume, source=blank and destination=local, and source=blank and destination=volume. Changing this creates a new server.
    volumeType String
    The volume type that will be used, for example SSD or HDD storage. The available options depend on how your specific OpenStack cloud is configured and what classes of storage are provided. Changing this creates a new server.
    sourceType string
    The source type of the device. Must be one of "blank", "image", "volume", or "snapshot". Changing this creates a new server.
    bootIndex number
    The boot index of the volume. It defaults to 0. Changing this creates a new server.
    deleteOnTermination boolean
    Delete the volume / block device upon termination of the instance. Defaults to false. Changing this creates a new server.
    destinationType string
    The type that gets created. Possible values are "volume" and "local". Changing this creates a new server.
    deviceType string
    The low-level device type that will be used. Most common thing is to leave this empty. Changing this creates a new server.
    diskBus string
    The low-level disk bus that will be used. Most common thing is to leave this empty. Changing this creates a new server.
    guestFormat string
    Specifies the guest server disk file system format, such as ext2, ext3, ext4, xfs or swap. Swap block device mappings have the following restrictions: source_type must be blank and destination_type must be local and only one swap disk per server and the size of the swap disk must be less than or equal to the swap size of the flavor. Changing this creates a new server.
    multiattach boolean
    Enable the attachment of multiattach-capable volumes.
    uuid string
    The UUID of the image, volume, or snapshot. Changing this creates a new server.
    volumeSize number
    The size of the volume to create (in gigabytes). Required in the following combinations: source=image and destination=volume, source=blank and destination=local, and source=blank and destination=volume. Changing this creates a new server.
    volumeType string
    The volume type that will be used, for example SSD or HDD storage. The available options depend on how your specific OpenStack cloud is configured and what classes of storage are provided. Changing this creates a new server.
    source_type str
    The source type of the device. Must be one of "blank", "image", "volume", or "snapshot". Changing this creates a new server.
    boot_index int
    The boot index of the volume. It defaults to 0. Changing this creates a new server.
    delete_on_termination bool
    Delete the volume / block device upon termination of the instance. Defaults to false. Changing this creates a new server.
    destination_type str
    The type that gets created. Possible values are "volume" and "local". Changing this creates a new server.
    device_type str
    The low-level device type that will be used. Most common thing is to leave this empty. Changing this creates a new server.
    disk_bus str
    The low-level disk bus that will be used. Most common thing is to leave this empty. Changing this creates a new server.
    guest_format str
    Specifies the guest server disk file system format, such as ext2, ext3, ext4, xfs or swap. Swap block device mappings have the following restrictions: source_type must be blank and destination_type must be local and only one swap disk per server and the size of the swap disk must be less than or equal to the swap size of the flavor. Changing this creates a new server.
    multiattach bool
    Enable the attachment of multiattach-capable volumes.
    uuid str
    The UUID of the image, volume, or snapshot. Changing this creates a new server.
    volume_size int
    The size of the volume to create (in gigabytes). Required in the following combinations: source=image and destination=volume, source=blank and destination=local, and source=blank and destination=volume. Changing this creates a new server.
    volume_type str
    The volume type that will be used, for example SSD or HDD storage. The available options depend on how your specific OpenStack cloud is configured and what classes of storage are provided. Changing this creates a new server.
    sourceType String
    The source type of the device. Must be one of "blank", "image", "volume", or "snapshot". Changing this creates a new server.
    bootIndex Number
    The boot index of the volume. It defaults to 0. Changing this creates a new server.
    deleteOnTermination Boolean
    Delete the volume / block device upon termination of the instance. Defaults to false. Changing this creates a new server.
    destinationType String
    The type that gets created. Possible values are "volume" and "local". Changing this creates a new server.
    deviceType String
    The low-level device type that will be used. Most common thing is to leave this empty. Changing this creates a new server.
    diskBus String
    The low-level disk bus that will be used. Most common thing is to leave this empty. Changing this creates a new server.
    guestFormat String
    Specifies the guest server disk file system format, such as ext2, ext3, ext4, xfs or swap. Swap block device mappings have the following restrictions: source_type must be blank and destination_type must be local and only one swap disk per server and the size of the swap disk must be less than or equal to the swap size of the flavor. Changing this creates a new server.
    multiattach Boolean
    Enable the attachment of multiattach-capable volumes.
    uuid String
    The UUID of the image, volume, or snapshot. Changing this creates a new server.
    volumeSize Number
    The size of the volume to create (in gigabytes). Required in the following combinations: source=image and destination=volume, source=blank and destination=local, and source=blank and destination=volume. Changing this creates a new server.
    volumeType String
    The volume type that will be used, for example SSD or HDD storage. The available options depend on how your specific OpenStack cloud is configured and what classes of storage are provided. Changing this creates a new server.

    InstanceNetwork, InstanceNetworkArgs

    AccessNetwork bool
    Specifies if this network should be used for provisioning access. Accepts true or false. Defaults to false.
    FixedIpV4 string
    Specifies a fixed IPv4 address to be used on this network. Changing this creates a new server.
    FixedIpV6 string
    Mac string
    Name string
    The human-readable name of the network. Changing this creates a new server.
    Port string
    The port UUID of a network to attach to the server. Changing this creates a new server.
    Uuid string
    The network UUID to attach to the server. Changing this creates a new server.
    AccessNetwork bool
    Specifies if this network should be used for provisioning access. Accepts true or false. Defaults to false.
    FixedIpV4 string
    Specifies a fixed IPv4 address to be used on this network. Changing this creates a new server.
    FixedIpV6 string
    Mac string
    Name string
    The human-readable name of the network. Changing this creates a new server.
    Port string
    The port UUID of a network to attach to the server. Changing this creates a new server.
    Uuid string
    The network UUID to attach to the server. Changing this creates a new server.
    accessNetwork Boolean
    Specifies if this network should be used for provisioning access. Accepts true or false. Defaults to false.
    fixedIpV4 String
    Specifies a fixed IPv4 address to be used on this network. Changing this creates a new server.
    fixedIpV6 String
    mac String
    name String
    The human-readable name of the network. Changing this creates a new server.
    port String
    The port UUID of a network to attach to the server. Changing this creates a new server.
    uuid String
    The network UUID to attach to the server. Changing this creates a new server.
    accessNetwork boolean
    Specifies if this network should be used for provisioning access. Accepts true or false. Defaults to false.
    fixedIpV4 string
    Specifies a fixed IPv4 address to be used on this network. Changing this creates a new server.
    fixedIpV6 string
    mac string
    name string
    The human-readable name of the network. Changing this creates a new server.
    port string
    The port UUID of a network to attach to the server. Changing this creates a new server.
    uuid string
    The network UUID to attach to the server. Changing this creates a new server.
    access_network bool
    Specifies if this network should be used for provisioning access. Accepts true or false. Defaults to false.
    fixed_ip_v4 str
    Specifies a fixed IPv4 address to be used on this network. Changing this creates a new server.
    fixed_ip_v6 str
    mac str
    name str
    The human-readable name of the network. Changing this creates a new server.
    port str
    The port UUID of a network to attach to the server. Changing this creates a new server.
    uuid str
    The network UUID to attach to the server. Changing this creates a new server.
    accessNetwork Boolean
    Specifies if this network should be used for provisioning access. Accepts true or false. Defaults to false.
    fixedIpV4 String
    Specifies a fixed IPv4 address to be used on this network. Changing this creates a new server.
    fixedIpV6 String
    mac String
    name String
    The human-readable name of the network. Changing this creates a new server.
    port String
    The port UUID of a network to attach to the server. Changing this creates a new server.
    uuid String
    The network UUID to attach to the server. Changing this creates a new server.

    InstancePersonality, InstancePersonalityArgs

    Content string
    The contents of the file. Limited to 255 bytes.
    File string
    The absolute path of the destination file.
    Content string
    The contents of the file. Limited to 255 bytes.
    File string
    The absolute path of the destination file.
    content String
    The contents of the file. Limited to 255 bytes.
    file String
    The absolute path of the destination file.
    content string
    The contents of the file. Limited to 255 bytes.
    file string
    The absolute path of the destination file.
    content str
    The contents of the file. Limited to 255 bytes.
    file str
    The absolute path of the destination file.
    content String
    The contents of the file. Limited to 255 bytes.
    file String
    The absolute path of the destination file.

    InstanceSchedulerHint, InstanceSchedulerHintArgs

    AdditionalProperties Dictionary<string, object>
    Arbitrary key/value pairs of additional properties to pass to the scheduler.
    BuildNearHostIp string
    An IP Address in CIDR form. The instance will be placed on a compute node that is in the same subnet.
    DifferentCells List<string>
    The names of cells where not to build the instance.
    DifferentHosts List<string>
    A list of instance UUIDs. The instance will be scheduled on a different host than all other instances.
    Group string
    A UUID of a Server Group. The instance will be placed into that group. See reference for details on managing servergroup resources
    Queries List<string>
    A conditional query that a compute node must pass in order to host an instance. The query must use the JsonFilter syntax which is described here. At this time, only simple queries are supported. Compound queries using and, or, or not are not supported. An example of a simple query is:

    [">=", "$free_ram_mb", "1024"]
    SameHosts List<string>
    A list of instance UUIDs. The instance will be scheduled on the same host of those specified.
    TargetCell string
    The name of a cell to host the instance.
    AdditionalProperties map[string]interface{}
    Arbitrary key/value pairs of additional properties to pass to the scheduler.
    BuildNearHostIp string
    An IP Address in CIDR form. The instance will be placed on a compute node that is in the same subnet.
    DifferentCells []string
    The names of cells where not to build the instance.
    DifferentHosts []string
    A list of instance UUIDs. The instance will be scheduled on a different host than all other instances.
    Group string
    A UUID of a Server Group. The instance will be placed into that group. See reference for details on managing servergroup resources
    Queries []string
    A conditional query that a compute node must pass in order to host an instance. The query must use the JsonFilter syntax which is described here. At this time, only simple queries are supported. Compound queries using and, or, or not are not supported. An example of a simple query is:

    [">=", "$free_ram_mb", "1024"]
    SameHosts []string
    A list of instance UUIDs. The instance will be scheduled on the same host of those specified.
    TargetCell string
    The name of a cell to host the instance.
    additionalProperties Map<String,Object>
    Arbitrary key/value pairs of additional properties to pass to the scheduler.
    buildNearHostIp String
    An IP Address in CIDR form. The instance will be placed on a compute node that is in the same subnet.
    differentCells List<String>
    The names of cells where not to build the instance.
    differentHosts List<String>
    A list of instance UUIDs. The instance will be scheduled on a different host than all other instances.
    group String
    A UUID of a Server Group. The instance will be placed into that group. See reference for details on managing servergroup resources
    queries List<String>
    A conditional query that a compute node must pass in order to host an instance. The query must use the JsonFilter syntax which is described here. At this time, only simple queries are supported. Compound queries using and, or, or not are not supported. An example of a simple query is:

    [">=", "$free_ram_mb", "1024"]
    sameHosts List<String>
    A list of instance UUIDs. The instance will be scheduled on the same host of those specified.
    targetCell String
    The name of a cell to host the instance.
    additionalProperties {[key: string]: any}
    Arbitrary key/value pairs of additional properties to pass to the scheduler.
    buildNearHostIp string
    An IP Address in CIDR form. The instance will be placed on a compute node that is in the same subnet.
    differentCells string[]
    The names of cells where not to build the instance.
    differentHosts string[]
    A list of instance UUIDs. The instance will be scheduled on a different host than all other instances.
    group string
    A UUID of a Server Group. The instance will be placed into that group. See reference for details on managing servergroup resources
    queries string[]
    A conditional query that a compute node must pass in order to host an instance. The query must use the JsonFilter syntax which is described here. At this time, only simple queries are supported. Compound queries using and, or, or not are not supported. An example of a simple query is:

    [">=", "$free_ram_mb", "1024"]
    sameHosts string[]
    A list of instance UUIDs. The instance will be scheduled on the same host of those specified.
    targetCell string
    The name of a cell to host the instance.
    additional_properties Mapping[str, Any]
    Arbitrary key/value pairs of additional properties to pass to the scheduler.
    build_near_host_ip str
    An IP Address in CIDR form. The instance will be placed on a compute node that is in the same subnet.
    different_cells Sequence[str]
    The names of cells where not to build the instance.
    different_hosts Sequence[str]
    A list of instance UUIDs. The instance will be scheduled on a different host than all other instances.
    group str
    A UUID of a Server Group. The instance will be placed into that group. See reference for details on managing servergroup resources
    queries Sequence[str]
    A conditional query that a compute node must pass in order to host an instance. The query must use the JsonFilter syntax which is described here. At this time, only simple queries are supported. Compound queries using and, or, or not are not supported. An example of a simple query is:

    [">=", "$free_ram_mb", "1024"]
    same_hosts Sequence[str]
    A list of instance UUIDs. The instance will be scheduled on the same host of those specified.
    target_cell str
    The name of a cell to host the instance.
    additionalProperties Map<Any>
    Arbitrary key/value pairs of additional properties to pass to the scheduler.
    buildNearHostIp String
    An IP Address in CIDR form. The instance will be placed on a compute node that is in the same subnet.
    differentCells List<String>
    The names of cells where not to build the instance.
    differentHosts List<String>
    A list of instance UUIDs. The instance will be scheduled on a different host than all other instances.
    group String
    A UUID of a Server Group. The instance will be placed into that group. See reference for details on managing servergroup resources
    queries List<String>
    A conditional query that a compute node must pass in order to host an instance. The query must use the JsonFilter syntax which is described here. At this time, only simple queries are supported. Compound queries using and, or, or not are not supported. An example of a simple query is:

    [">=", "$free_ram_mb", "1024"]
    sameHosts List<String>
    A list of instance UUIDs. The instance will be scheduled on the same host of those specified.
    targetCell String
    The name of a cell to host the instance.

    InstanceVendorOptions, InstanceVendorOptionsArgs

    DetachPortsBeforeDestroy bool
    Whether to try to detach all attached ports to the vm before destroying it to make sure the port state is correct after the vm destruction. This is helpful when the port is not deleted.
    IgnoreResizeConfirmation bool
    Boolean to control whether to ignore manual confirmation of the instance resizing. This can be helpful to work with some OpenStack clouds which automatically confirm resizing of instances after some timeout.
    DetachPortsBeforeDestroy bool
    Whether to try to detach all attached ports to the vm before destroying it to make sure the port state is correct after the vm destruction. This is helpful when the port is not deleted.
    IgnoreResizeConfirmation bool
    Boolean to control whether to ignore manual confirmation of the instance resizing. This can be helpful to work with some OpenStack clouds which automatically confirm resizing of instances after some timeout.
    detachPortsBeforeDestroy Boolean
    Whether to try to detach all attached ports to the vm before destroying it to make sure the port state is correct after the vm destruction. This is helpful when the port is not deleted.
    ignoreResizeConfirmation Boolean
    Boolean to control whether to ignore manual confirmation of the instance resizing. This can be helpful to work with some OpenStack clouds which automatically confirm resizing of instances after some timeout.
    detachPortsBeforeDestroy boolean
    Whether to try to detach all attached ports to the vm before destroying it to make sure the port state is correct after the vm destruction. This is helpful when the port is not deleted.
    ignoreResizeConfirmation boolean
    Boolean to control whether to ignore manual confirmation of the instance resizing. This can be helpful to work with some OpenStack clouds which automatically confirm resizing of instances after some timeout.
    detach_ports_before_destroy bool
    Whether to try to detach all attached ports to the vm before destroying it to make sure the port state is correct after the vm destruction. This is helpful when the port is not deleted.
    ignore_resize_confirmation bool
    Boolean to control whether to ignore manual confirmation of the instance resizing. This can be helpful to work with some OpenStack clouds which automatically confirm resizing of instances after some timeout.
    detachPortsBeforeDestroy Boolean
    Whether to try to detach all attached ports to the vm before destroying it to make sure the port state is correct after the vm destruction. This is helpful when the port is not deleted.
    ignoreResizeConfirmation Boolean
    Boolean to control whether to ignore manual confirmation of the instance resizing. This can be helpful to work with some OpenStack clouds which automatically confirm resizing of instances after some timeout.

    Package Details

    OpenStack pulumi/pulumi-openstack
    This Pulumi package is based on the openstack Terraform Provider.
    openstack logo
    OpenStack v4.0.0 published on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 by Pulumi