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  5. getOauth
Okta v4.9.2 published on Tuesday, Jun 25, 2024 by Pulumi


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Okta v4.9.2 published on Tuesday, Jun 25, 2024 by Pulumi

    Get a OIDC application from Okta.

    Example Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as okta from "@pulumi/okta";
    const test = okta.app.getOauth({
        label: "Example App",
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_okta as okta
    test = okta.app.get_oauth(label="Example App")
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := app.GetOauth(ctx, &app.GetOauthArgs{
    			Label: pulumi.StringRef("Example App"),
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Okta = Pulumi.Okta;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var test = Okta.App.GetOauth.Invoke(new()
            Label = "Example App",
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.okta.app.AppFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.okta.app.inputs.GetOauthArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            final var test = AppFunctions.getOauth(GetOauthArgs.builder()
                .label("Example App")
          Function: okta:app:getOauth
            label: Example App

    Using getOauth

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getOauth(args: GetOauthArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetOauthResult>
    function getOauthOutput(args: GetOauthOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetOauthResult>
    def get_oauth(active_only: Optional[bool] = None,
                  id: Optional[str] = None,
                  label: Optional[str] = None,
                  label_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
                  skip_groups: Optional[bool] = None,
                  skip_users: Optional[bool] = None,
                  opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetOauthResult
    def get_oauth_output(active_only: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                  id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                  label: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                  label_prefix: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                  skip_groups: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                  skip_users: Optional[pulumi.Input[bool]] = None,
                  opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetOauthResult]
    func GetOauth(ctx *Context, args *GetOauthArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*GetOauthResult, error)
    func GetOauthOutput(ctx *Context, args *GetOauthOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) GetOauthResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named GetOauth in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetOauth 
        public static Task<GetOauthResult> InvokeAsync(GetOauthArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetOauthResult> Invoke(GetOauthInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetOauthResult> getOauth(GetOauthArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: okta:app/getOauth:getOauth
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    ActiveOnly bool
    Search only ACTIVE applications.
    Id string
    Id of application to retrieve, conflicts with label and label_prefix.
    Label string
    The label of the app to retrieve, conflicts with label_prefix and id. Label uses the ?q=\n\n query parameter exposed by Okta's List Apps API. The API will search both name and label using that query. Therefore similarily named and labeled apps may be returned in the query and have the unitended result of associating the wrong app with this data source. See: https://developer.okta.com/docs/reference/api/apps/#list-applications
    LabelPrefix string
    Label prefix of the app to retrieve, conflicts with label and id. This will tell the provider to do a starts with query as opposed to an equals query.
    SkipGroups bool
    Ignore groups sync. This is a temporary solution until 'groups' field is supported in all the app-like resources

    Deprecated: Because groups has been removed, this attribute is a no op and will be removed

    SkipUsers bool
    Ignore users sync. This is a temporary solution until 'users' field is supported in all the app-like resources

    Deprecated: Because users has been removed, this attribute is a no op and will be removed

    ActiveOnly bool
    Search only ACTIVE applications.
    Id string
    Id of application to retrieve, conflicts with label and label_prefix.
    Label string
    The label of the app to retrieve, conflicts with label_prefix and id. Label uses the ?q=\n\n query parameter exposed by Okta's List Apps API. The API will search both name and label using that query. Therefore similarily named and labeled apps may be returned in the query and have the unitended result of associating the wrong app with this data source. See: https://developer.okta.com/docs/reference/api/apps/#list-applications
    LabelPrefix string
    Label prefix of the app to retrieve, conflicts with label and id. This will tell the provider to do a starts with query as opposed to an equals query.
    SkipGroups bool
    Ignore groups sync. This is a temporary solution until 'groups' field is supported in all the app-like resources

    Deprecated: Because groups has been removed, this attribute is a no op and will be removed

    SkipUsers bool
    Ignore users sync. This is a temporary solution until 'users' field is supported in all the app-like resources

    Deprecated: Because users has been removed, this attribute is a no op and will be removed

    activeOnly Boolean
    Search only ACTIVE applications.
    id String
    Id of application to retrieve, conflicts with label and label_prefix.
    label String
    The label of the app to retrieve, conflicts with label_prefix and id. Label uses the ?q=\n\n query parameter exposed by Okta's List Apps API. The API will search both name and label using that query. Therefore similarily named and labeled apps may be returned in the query and have the unitended result of associating the wrong app with this data source. See: https://developer.okta.com/docs/reference/api/apps/#list-applications
    labelPrefix String
    Label prefix of the app to retrieve, conflicts with label and id. This will tell the provider to do a starts with query as opposed to an equals query.
    skipGroups Boolean
    Ignore groups sync. This is a temporary solution until 'groups' field is supported in all the app-like resources

    Deprecated: Because groups has been removed, this attribute is a no op and will be removed

    skipUsers Boolean
    Ignore users sync. This is a temporary solution until 'users' field is supported in all the app-like resources

    Deprecated: Because users has been removed, this attribute is a no op and will be removed

    activeOnly boolean
    Search only ACTIVE applications.
    id string
    Id of application to retrieve, conflicts with label and label_prefix.
    label string
    The label of the app to retrieve, conflicts with label_prefix and id. Label uses the ?q=\n\n query parameter exposed by Okta's List Apps API. The API will search both name and label using that query. Therefore similarily named and labeled apps may be returned in the query and have the unitended result of associating the wrong app with this data source. See: https://developer.okta.com/docs/reference/api/apps/#list-applications
    labelPrefix string
    Label prefix of the app to retrieve, conflicts with label and id. This will tell the provider to do a starts with query as opposed to an equals query.
    skipGroups boolean
    Ignore groups sync. This is a temporary solution until 'groups' field is supported in all the app-like resources

    Deprecated: Because groups has been removed, this attribute is a no op and will be removed

    skipUsers boolean
    Ignore users sync. This is a temporary solution until 'users' field is supported in all the app-like resources

    Deprecated: Because users has been removed, this attribute is a no op and will be removed

    active_only bool
    Search only ACTIVE applications.
    id str
    Id of application to retrieve, conflicts with label and label_prefix.
    label str
    The label of the app to retrieve, conflicts with label_prefix and id. Label uses the ?q=\n\n query parameter exposed by Okta's List Apps API. The API will search both name and label using that query. Therefore similarily named and labeled apps may be returned in the query and have the unitended result of associating the wrong app with this data source. See: https://developer.okta.com/docs/reference/api/apps/#list-applications
    label_prefix str
    Label prefix of the app to retrieve, conflicts with label and id. This will tell the provider to do a starts with query as opposed to an equals query.
    skip_groups bool
    Ignore groups sync. This is a temporary solution until 'groups' field is supported in all the app-like resources

    Deprecated: Because groups has been removed, this attribute is a no op and will be removed

    skip_users bool
    Ignore users sync. This is a temporary solution until 'users' field is supported in all the app-like resources

    Deprecated: Because users has been removed, this attribute is a no op and will be removed

    activeOnly Boolean
    Search only ACTIVE applications.
    id String
    Id of application to retrieve, conflicts with label and label_prefix.
    label String
    The label of the app to retrieve, conflicts with label_prefix and id. Label uses the ?q=\n\n query parameter exposed by Okta's List Apps API. The API will search both name and label using that query. Therefore similarily named and labeled apps may be returned in the query and have the unitended result of associating the wrong app with this data source. See: https://developer.okta.com/docs/reference/api/apps/#list-applications
    labelPrefix String
    Label prefix of the app to retrieve, conflicts with label and id. This will tell the provider to do a starts with query as opposed to an equals query.
    skipGroups Boolean
    Ignore groups sync. This is a temporary solution until 'groups' field is supported in all the app-like resources

    Deprecated: Because groups has been removed, this attribute is a no op and will be removed

    skipUsers Boolean
    Ignore users sync. This is a temporary solution until 'users' field is supported in all the app-like resources

    Deprecated: Because users has been removed, this attribute is a no op and will be removed

    getOauth Result

    The following output properties are available:

    AutoSubmitToolbar bool
    Display auto submit toolbar
    ClientId string
    OAuth client ID
    ClientSecret string
    OAuth client secret
    ClientUri string
    URI to a web page providing information about the client.
    GrantTypes List<string>
    List of OAuth 2.0 grant types
    HideIos bool
    Do not display application icon on mobile app
    HideWeb bool
    Do not display application icon to users
    Links string
    Discoverable resources related to the app
    LoginMode string
    The type of Idp-Initiated login that the client supports, if any
    LoginScopes List<string>
    List of scopes to use for the request when 'login_mode' == OKTA
    LoginUri string
    URI that initiates login.
    LogoUri string
    URI that references a logo for the client.
    Name string
    Name of application.
    PolicyUri string
    URI to web page providing client policy document.
    PostLogoutRedirectUris List<string>
    List of URIs for redirection after logout
    RedirectUris List<string>
    List of URIs for use in the redirect-based flow.
    ResponseTypes List<string>
    List of OAuth 2.0 response type strings.
    Status string
    Status of application.
    Type string
    The type of OAuth application.
    WildcardRedirect string
    Indicates if the client is allowed to use wildcard matching of redirect_uris
    ActiveOnly bool
    Search only ACTIVE applications.
    Id string
    Id of application to retrieve, conflicts with label and label_prefix.
    Label string
    The label of the app to retrieve, conflicts with label_prefix and id. Label uses the ?q=\n\n query parameter exposed by Okta's List Apps API. The API will search both name and label using that query. Therefore similarily named and labeled apps may be returned in the query and have the unitended result of associating the wrong app with this data source. See: https://developer.okta.com/docs/reference/api/apps/#list-applications
    LabelPrefix string
    Label prefix of the app to retrieve, conflicts with label and id. This will tell the provider to do a starts with query as opposed to an equals query.
    SkipGroups bool
    Ignore groups sync. This is a temporary solution until 'groups' field is supported in all the app-like resources

    Deprecated: Because groups has been removed, this attribute is a no op and will be removed

    SkipUsers bool
    Ignore users sync. This is a temporary solution until 'users' field is supported in all the app-like resources

    Deprecated: Because users has been removed, this attribute is a no op and will be removed

    AutoSubmitToolbar bool
    Display auto submit toolbar
    ClientId string
    OAuth client ID
    ClientSecret string
    OAuth client secret
    ClientUri string
    URI to a web page providing information about the client.
    GrantTypes []string
    List of OAuth 2.0 grant types
    HideIos bool
    Do not display application icon on mobile app
    HideWeb bool
    Do not display application icon to users
    Links string
    Discoverable resources related to the app
    LoginMode string
    The type of Idp-Initiated login that the client supports, if any
    LoginScopes []string
    List of scopes to use for the request when 'login_mode' == OKTA
    LoginUri string
    URI that initiates login.
    LogoUri string
    URI that references a logo for the client.
    Name string
    Name of application.
    PolicyUri string
    URI to web page providing client policy document.
    PostLogoutRedirectUris []string
    List of URIs for redirection after logout
    RedirectUris []string
    List of URIs for use in the redirect-based flow.
    ResponseTypes []string
    List of OAuth 2.0 response type strings.
    Status string
    Status of application.
    Type string
    The type of OAuth application.
    WildcardRedirect string
    Indicates if the client is allowed to use wildcard matching of redirect_uris
    ActiveOnly bool
    Search only ACTIVE applications.
    Id string
    Id of application to retrieve, conflicts with label and label_prefix.
    Label string
    The label of the app to retrieve, conflicts with label_prefix and id. Label uses the ?q=\n\n query parameter exposed by Okta's List Apps API. The API will search both name and label using that query. Therefore similarily named and labeled apps may be returned in the query and have the unitended result of associating the wrong app with this data source. See: https://developer.okta.com/docs/reference/api/apps/#list-applications
    LabelPrefix string
    Label prefix of the app to retrieve, conflicts with label and id. This will tell the provider to do a starts with query as opposed to an equals query.
    SkipGroups bool
    Ignore groups sync. This is a temporary solution until 'groups' field is supported in all the app-like resources

    Deprecated: Because groups has been removed, this attribute is a no op and will be removed

    SkipUsers bool
    Ignore users sync. This is a temporary solution until 'users' field is supported in all the app-like resources

    Deprecated: Because users has been removed, this attribute is a no op and will be removed

    autoSubmitToolbar Boolean
    Display auto submit toolbar
    clientId String
    OAuth client ID
    clientSecret String
    OAuth client secret
    clientUri String
    URI to a web page providing information about the client.
    grantTypes List<String>
    List of OAuth 2.0 grant types
    hideIos Boolean
    Do not display application icon on mobile app
    hideWeb Boolean
    Do not display application icon to users
    links String
    Discoverable resources related to the app
    loginMode String
    The type of Idp-Initiated login that the client supports, if any
    loginScopes List<String>
    List of scopes to use for the request when 'login_mode' == OKTA
    loginUri String
    URI that initiates login.
    logoUri String
    URI that references a logo for the client.
    name String
    Name of application.
    policyUri String
    URI to web page providing client policy document.
    postLogoutRedirectUris List<String>
    List of URIs for redirection after logout
    redirectUris List<String>
    List of URIs for use in the redirect-based flow.
    responseTypes List<String>
    List of OAuth 2.0 response type strings.
    status String
    Status of application.
    type String
    The type of OAuth application.
    wildcardRedirect String
    Indicates if the client is allowed to use wildcard matching of redirect_uris
    activeOnly Boolean
    Search only ACTIVE applications.
    id String
    Id of application to retrieve, conflicts with label and label_prefix.
    label String
    The label of the app to retrieve, conflicts with label_prefix and id. Label uses the ?q=\n\n query parameter exposed by Okta's List Apps API. The API will search both name and label using that query. Therefore similarily named and labeled apps may be returned in the query and have the unitended result of associating the wrong app with this data source. See: https://developer.okta.com/docs/reference/api/apps/#list-applications
    labelPrefix String
    Label prefix of the app to retrieve, conflicts with label and id. This will tell the provider to do a starts with query as opposed to an equals query.
    skipGroups Boolean
    Ignore groups sync. This is a temporary solution until 'groups' field is supported in all the app-like resources

    Deprecated: Because groups has been removed, this attribute is a no op and will be removed

    skipUsers Boolean
    Ignore users sync. This is a temporary solution until 'users' field is supported in all the app-like resources

    Deprecated: Because users has been removed, this attribute is a no op and will be removed

    autoSubmitToolbar boolean
    Display auto submit toolbar
    clientId string
    OAuth client ID
    clientSecret string
    OAuth client secret
    clientUri string
    URI to a web page providing information about the client.
    grantTypes string[]
    List of OAuth 2.0 grant types
    hideIos boolean
    Do not display application icon on mobile app
    hideWeb boolean
    Do not display application icon to users
    links string
    Discoverable resources related to the app
    loginMode string
    The type of Idp-Initiated login that the client supports, if any
    loginScopes string[]
    List of scopes to use for the request when 'login_mode' == OKTA
    loginUri string
    URI that initiates login.
    logoUri string
    URI that references a logo for the client.
    name string
    Name of application.
    policyUri string
    URI to web page providing client policy document.
    postLogoutRedirectUris string[]
    List of URIs for redirection after logout
    redirectUris string[]
    List of URIs for use in the redirect-based flow.
    responseTypes string[]
    List of OAuth 2.0 response type strings.
    status string
    Status of application.
    type string
    The type of OAuth application.
    wildcardRedirect string
    Indicates if the client is allowed to use wildcard matching of redirect_uris
    activeOnly boolean
    Search only ACTIVE applications.
    id string
    Id of application to retrieve, conflicts with label and label_prefix.
    label string
    The label of the app to retrieve, conflicts with label_prefix and id. Label uses the ?q=\n\n query parameter exposed by Okta's List Apps API. The API will search both name and label using that query. Therefore similarily named and labeled apps may be returned in the query and have the unitended result of associating the wrong app with this data source. See: https://developer.okta.com/docs/reference/api/apps/#list-applications
    labelPrefix string
    Label prefix of the app to retrieve, conflicts with label and id. This will tell the provider to do a starts with query as opposed to an equals query.
    skipGroups boolean
    Ignore groups sync. This is a temporary solution until 'groups' field is supported in all the app-like resources

    Deprecated: Because groups has been removed, this attribute is a no op and will be removed

    skipUsers boolean
    Ignore users sync. This is a temporary solution until 'users' field is supported in all the app-like resources

    Deprecated: Because users has been removed, this attribute is a no op and will be removed

    auto_submit_toolbar bool
    Display auto submit toolbar
    client_id str
    OAuth client ID
    client_secret str
    OAuth client secret
    client_uri str
    URI to a web page providing information about the client.
    grant_types Sequence[str]
    List of OAuth 2.0 grant types
    hide_ios bool
    Do not display application icon on mobile app
    hide_web bool
    Do not display application icon to users
    links str
    Discoverable resources related to the app
    login_mode str
    The type of Idp-Initiated login that the client supports, if any
    login_scopes Sequence[str]
    List of scopes to use for the request when 'login_mode' == OKTA
    login_uri str
    URI that initiates login.
    logo_uri str
    URI that references a logo for the client.
    name str
    Name of application.
    policy_uri str
    URI to web page providing client policy document.
    post_logout_redirect_uris Sequence[str]
    List of URIs for redirection after logout
    redirect_uris Sequence[str]
    List of URIs for use in the redirect-based flow.
    response_types Sequence[str]
    List of OAuth 2.0 response type strings.
    status str
    Status of application.
    type str
    The type of OAuth application.
    wildcard_redirect str
    Indicates if the client is allowed to use wildcard matching of redirect_uris
    active_only bool
    Search only ACTIVE applications.
    id str
    Id of application to retrieve, conflicts with label and label_prefix.
    label str
    The label of the app to retrieve, conflicts with label_prefix and id. Label uses the ?q=\n\n query parameter exposed by Okta's List Apps API. The API will search both name and label using that query. Therefore similarily named and labeled apps may be returned in the query and have the unitended result of associating the wrong app with this data source. See: https://developer.okta.com/docs/reference/api/apps/#list-applications
    label_prefix str
    Label prefix of the app to retrieve, conflicts with label and id. This will tell the provider to do a starts with query as opposed to an equals query.
    skip_groups bool
    Ignore groups sync. This is a temporary solution until 'groups' field is supported in all the app-like resources

    Deprecated: Because groups has been removed, this attribute is a no op and will be removed

    skip_users bool
    Ignore users sync. This is a temporary solution until 'users' field is supported in all the app-like resources

    Deprecated: Because users has been removed, this attribute is a no op and will be removed

    autoSubmitToolbar Boolean
    Display auto submit toolbar
    clientId String
    OAuth client ID
    clientSecret String
    OAuth client secret
    clientUri String
    URI to a web page providing information about the client.
    grantTypes List<String>
    List of OAuth 2.0 grant types
    hideIos Boolean
    Do not display application icon on mobile app
    hideWeb Boolean
    Do not display application icon to users
    links String
    Discoverable resources related to the app
    loginMode String
    The type of Idp-Initiated login that the client supports, if any
    loginScopes List<String>
    List of scopes to use for the request when 'login_mode' == OKTA
    loginUri String
    URI that initiates login.
    logoUri String
    URI that references a logo for the client.
    name String
    Name of application.
    policyUri String
    URI to web page providing client policy document.
    postLogoutRedirectUris List<String>
    List of URIs for redirection after logout
    redirectUris List<String>
    List of URIs for use in the redirect-based flow.
    responseTypes List<String>
    List of OAuth 2.0 response type strings.
    status String
    Status of application.
    type String
    The type of OAuth application.
    wildcardRedirect String
    Indicates if the client is allowed to use wildcard matching of redirect_uris
    activeOnly Boolean
    Search only ACTIVE applications.
    id String
    Id of application to retrieve, conflicts with label and label_prefix.
    label String
    The label of the app to retrieve, conflicts with label_prefix and id. Label uses the ?q=\n\n query parameter exposed by Okta's List Apps API. The API will search both name and label using that query. Therefore similarily named and labeled apps may be returned in the query and have the unitended result of associating the wrong app with this data source. See: https://developer.okta.com/docs/reference/api/apps/#list-applications
    labelPrefix String
    Label prefix of the app to retrieve, conflicts with label and id. This will tell the provider to do a starts with query as opposed to an equals query.
    skipGroups Boolean
    Ignore groups sync. This is a temporary solution until 'groups' field is supported in all the app-like resources

    Deprecated: Because groups has been removed, this attribute is a no op and will be removed

    skipUsers Boolean
    Ignore users sync. This is a temporary solution until 'users' field is supported in all the app-like resources

    Deprecated: Because users has been removed, this attribute is a no op and will be removed

    Package Details

    Okta pulumi/pulumi-okta
    This Pulumi package is based on the okta Terraform Provider.
    okta logo
    Okta v4.9.2 published on Tuesday, Jun 25, 2024 by Pulumi