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  5. SensorAlertsProfiles
Cisco Meraki v0.2.4 published on Friday, Jun 14, 2024 by Pulumi


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Cisco Meraki v0.2.4 published on Friday, Jun 14, 2024 by Pulumi

    Example Usage

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    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.meraki.networks.SensorAlertsProfiles;
    import com.pulumi.meraki.networks.SensorAlertsProfilesArgs;
    import com.pulumi.meraki.networks.inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionArgs;
    import com.pulumi.meraki.networks.inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdArgs;
    import com.pulumi.meraki.networks.inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdApparentPowerArgs;
    import com.pulumi.meraki.networks.inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdCurrentArgs;
    import com.pulumi.meraki.networks.inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdDoorArgs;
    import com.pulumi.meraki.networks.inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdFrequencyArgs;
    import com.pulumi.meraki.networks.inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdHumidityArgs;
    import com.pulumi.meraki.networks.inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdIndoorAirQualityArgs;
    import com.pulumi.meraki.networks.inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdNoiseArgs;
    import com.pulumi.meraki.networks.inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdNoiseAmbientArgs;
    import com.pulumi.meraki.networks.inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdPm25Args;
    import com.pulumi.meraki.networks.inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdPowerFactorArgs;
    import com.pulumi.meraki.networks.inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdRealPowerArgs;
    import com.pulumi.meraki.networks.inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdTemperatureArgs;
    import com.pulumi.meraki.networks.inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdTvocArgs;
    import com.pulumi.meraki.networks.inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdUpstreamPowerArgs;
    import com.pulumi.meraki.networks.inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdVoltageArgs;
    import com.pulumi.meraki.networks.inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdWaterArgs;
    import com.pulumi.meraki.networks.inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesRecipientsArgs;
    import com.pulumi.meraki.networks.inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesScheduleArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            var example = new SensorAlertsProfiles("example", SensorAlertsProfilesArgs.builder()
                .name("My Sensor Alert Profile")
            ctx.export("merakiNetworksSensorAlertsProfilesExample", example);
        type: meraki:networks:SensorAlertsProfiles
            - direction: above
              duration: 60
              metric: temperature
                  draw: 17.2
                  draw: 0.14
                  open: true
                  level: 58.8
                  quality: inadequate
                  relativePercentage: 65
                  quality: fair
                  score: 80
                    level: 120
                    quality: poor
                  concentration: 90
                  quality: fair
                  percentage: 81
                  draw: 14.1
                  celsius: 20.5
                  fahrenheit: 70
                  quality: good
                  concentration: 400
                  quality: poor
                  outageDetected: true
                  level: 119.5
                  present: true
          name: My Sensor Alert Profile
          networkId: string
              - miles@meraki.com
              - aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20vd2ViaG9va3M=
              - '+15555555555'
            id: '5'
            - Q234-ABCD-0001
            - Q234-ABCD-0002
            - Q234-ABCD-0003
      merakiNetworksSensorAlertsProfilesExample: ${example}

    Create SensorAlertsProfiles Resource

    Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.

    Constructor syntax

    new SensorAlertsProfiles(name: string, args: SensorAlertsProfilesArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
    def SensorAlertsProfiles(resource_name: str,
                             args: SensorAlertsProfilesArgs,
                             opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
    def SensorAlertsProfiles(resource_name: str,
                             opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
                             network_id: Optional[str] = None,
                             conditions: Optional[Sequence[SensorAlertsProfilesConditionArgs]] = None,
                             name: Optional[str] = None,
                             recipients: Optional[SensorAlertsProfilesRecipientsArgs] = None,
                             schedule: Optional[SensorAlertsProfilesScheduleArgs] = None,
                             serials: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None)
    func NewSensorAlertsProfiles(ctx *Context, name string, args SensorAlertsProfilesArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*SensorAlertsProfiles, error)
    public SensorAlertsProfiles(string name, SensorAlertsProfilesArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public SensorAlertsProfiles(String name, SensorAlertsProfilesArgs args)
    public SensorAlertsProfiles(String name, SensorAlertsProfilesArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
    type: meraki:networks:SensorAlertsProfiles
    properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
    options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.


    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args SensorAlertsProfilesArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    resource_name str
    The unique name of the resource.
    args SensorAlertsProfilesArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    ctx Context
    Context object for the current deployment.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args SensorAlertsProfilesArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOption
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args SensorAlertsProfilesArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name String
    The unique name of the resource.
    args SensorAlertsProfilesArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    options CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.

    Constructor example

    The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.

    var sensorAlertsProfilesResource = new Meraki.Networks.SensorAlertsProfiles("sensorAlertsProfilesResource", new()
        NetworkId = "string",
        Conditions = new[]
            new Meraki.Networks.Inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionArgs
                Direction = "string",
                Duration = 0,
                Metric = "string",
                Threshold = new Meraki.Networks.Inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdArgs
                    ApparentPower = new Meraki.Networks.Inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdApparentPowerArgs
                        Draw = 0,
                    Current = new Meraki.Networks.Inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdCurrentArgs
                        Draw = 0,
                    Door = new Meraki.Networks.Inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdDoorArgs
                        Open = false,
                    Frequency = new Meraki.Networks.Inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdFrequencyArgs
                        Level = 0,
                    Humidity = new Meraki.Networks.Inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdHumidityArgs
                        Quality = "string",
                        RelativePercentage = 0,
                    IndoorAirQuality = new Meraki.Networks.Inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdIndoorAirQualityArgs
                        Quality = "string",
                        Score = 0,
                    Noise = new Meraki.Networks.Inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdNoiseArgs
                        Ambient = new Meraki.Networks.Inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdNoiseAmbientArgs
                            Level = 0,
                            Quality = "string",
                    Pm25 = new Meraki.Networks.Inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdPm25Args
                        Concentration = 0,
                        Quality = "string",
                    PowerFactor = new Meraki.Networks.Inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdPowerFactorArgs
                        Percentage = 0,
                    RealPower = new Meraki.Networks.Inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdRealPowerArgs
                        Draw = 0,
                    Temperature = new Meraki.Networks.Inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdTemperatureArgs
                        Celsius = 0,
                        Fahrenheit = 0,
                        Quality = "string",
                    Tvoc = new Meraki.Networks.Inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdTvocArgs
                        Concentration = 0,
                        Quality = "string",
                    UpstreamPower = new Meraki.Networks.Inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdUpstreamPowerArgs
                        OutageDetected = false,
                    Voltage = new Meraki.Networks.Inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdVoltageArgs
                        Level = 0,
                    Water = new Meraki.Networks.Inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdWaterArgs
                        Present = false,
        Name = "string",
        Recipients = new Meraki.Networks.Inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesRecipientsArgs
            Emails = new[]
            HttpServerIds = new[]
            SmsNumbers = new[]
        Schedule = new Meraki.Networks.Inputs.SensorAlertsProfilesScheduleArgs
            Id = "string",
            Name = "string",
        Serials = new[]
    example, err := networks.NewSensorAlertsProfiles(ctx, "sensorAlertsProfilesResource", &networks.SensorAlertsProfilesArgs{
    	NetworkId: pulumi.String("string"),
    	Conditions: networks.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionArray{
    			Direction: pulumi.String("string"),
    			Duration:  pulumi.Int(0),
    			Metric:    pulumi.String("string"),
    			Threshold: &networks.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdArgs{
    				ApparentPower: &networks.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdApparentPowerArgs{
    					Draw: pulumi.Float64(0),
    				Current: &networks.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdCurrentArgs{
    					Draw: pulumi.Float64(0),
    				Door: &networks.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdDoorArgs{
    					Open: pulumi.Bool(false),
    				Frequency: &networks.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdFrequencyArgs{
    					Level: pulumi.Float64(0),
    				Humidity: &networks.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdHumidityArgs{
    					Quality:            pulumi.String("string"),
    					RelativePercentage: pulumi.Int(0),
    				IndoorAirQuality: &networks.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdIndoorAirQualityArgs{
    					Quality: pulumi.String("string"),
    					Score:   pulumi.Int(0),
    				Noise: &networks.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdNoiseArgs{
    					Ambient: &networks.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdNoiseAmbientArgs{
    						Level:   pulumi.Int(0),
    						Quality: pulumi.String("string"),
    				Pm25: &networks.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdPm25Args{
    					Concentration: pulumi.Int(0),
    					Quality:       pulumi.String("string"),
    				PowerFactor: &networks.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdPowerFactorArgs{
    					Percentage: pulumi.Int(0),
    				RealPower: &networks.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdRealPowerArgs{
    					Draw: pulumi.Float64(0),
    				Temperature: &networks.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdTemperatureArgs{
    					Celsius:    pulumi.Float64(0),
    					Fahrenheit: pulumi.Float64(0),
    					Quality:    pulumi.String("string"),
    				Tvoc: &networks.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdTvocArgs{
    					Concentration: pulumi.Int(0),
    					Quality:       pulumi.String("string"),
    				UpstreamPower: &networks.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdUpstreamPowerArgs{
    					OutageDetected: pulumi.Bool(false),
    				Voltage: &networks.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdVoltageArgs{
    					Level: pulumi.Float64(0),
    				Water: &networks.SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdWaterArgs{
    					Present: pulumi.Bool(false),
    	Name: pulumi.String("string"),
    	Recipients: &networks.SensorAlertsProfilesRecipientsArgs{
    		Emails: pulumi.StringArray{
    		HttpServerIds: pulumi.StringArray{
    		SmsNumbers: pulumi.StringArray{
    	Schedule: &networks.SensorAlertsProfilesScheduleArgs{
    		Id:   pulumi.String("string"),
    		Name: pulumi.String("string"),
    	Serials: pulumi.StringArray{
    var sensorAlertsProfilesResource = new SensorAlertsProfiles("sensorAlertsProfilesResource", SensorAlertsProfilesArgs.builder()
    sensor_alerts_profiles_resource = meraki.networks.SensorAlertsProfiles("sensorAlertsProfilesResource",
    const sensorAlertsProfilesResource = new meraki.networks.SensorAlertsProfiles("sensorAlertsProfilesResource", {
        networkId: "string",
        conditions: [{
            direction: "string",
            duration: 0,
            metric: "string",
            threshold: {
                apparentPower: {
                    draw: 0,
                current: {
                    draw: 0,
                door: {
                    open: false,
                frequency: {
                    level: 0,
                humidity: {
                    quality: "string",
                    relativePercentage: 0,
                indoorAirQuality: {
                    quality: "string",
                    score: 0,
                noise: {
                    ambient: {
                        level: 0,
                        quality: "string",
                pm25: {
                    concentration: 0,
                    quality: "string",
                powerFactor: {
                    percentage: 0,
                realPower: {
                    draw: 0,
                temperature: {
                    celsius: 0,
                    fahrenheit: 0,
                    quality: "string",
                tvoc: {
                    concentration: 0,
                    quality: "string",
                upstreamPower: {
                    outageDetected: false,
                voltage: {
                    level: 0,
                water: {
                    present: false,
        name: "string",
        recipients: {
            emails: ["string"],
            httpServerIds: ["string"],
            smsNumbers: ["string"],
        schedule: {
            id: "string",
            name: "string",
        serials: ["string"],
    type: meraki:networks:SensorAlertsProfiles
            - direction: string
              duration: 0
              metric: string
                    draw: 0
                    draw: 0
                    open: false
                    level: 0
                    quality: string
                    relativePercentage: 0
                    quality: string
                    score: 0
                        level: 0
                        quality: string
                    concentration: 0
                    quality: string
                    percentage: 0
                    draw: 0
                    celsius: 0
                    fahrenheit: 0
                    quality: string
                    concentration: 0
                    quality: string
                    outageDetected: false
                    level: 0
                    present: false
        name: string
        networkId: string
                - string
                - string
                - string
            id: string
            name: string
            - string

    SensorAlertsProfiles Resource Properties

    To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.


    The SensorAlertsProfiles resource accepts the following input properties:

    NetworkId string
    networkId path parameter. Network ID
    Conditions List<SensorAlertsProfilesCondition>
    List of conditions that will cause the profile to send an alert.
    Name string
    Name of the sensor alert profile.
    Recipients SensorAlertsProfilesRecipients
    List of recipients that will receive the alert.
    Schedule SensorAlertsProfilesSchedule
    The sensor schedule to use with the alert profile.
    Serials List<string>
    List of device serials assigned to this sensor alert profile.
    NetworkId string
    networkId path parameter. Network ID
    Conditions []SensorAlertsProfilesConditionArgs
    List of conditions that will cause the profile to send an alert.
    Name string
    Name of the sensor alert profile.
    Recipients SensorAlertsProfilesRecipientsArgs
    List of recipients that will receive the alert.
    Schedule SensorAlertsProfilesScheduleArgs
    The sensor schedule to use with the alert profile.
    Serials []string
    List of device serials assigned to this sensor alert profile.
    networkId String
    networkId path parameter. Network ID
    conditions List<SensorAlertsProfilesCondition>
    List of conditions that will cause the profile to send an alert.
    name String
    Name of the sensor alert profile.
    recipients SensorAlertsProfilesRecipients
    List of recipients that will receive the alert.
    schedule SensorAlertsProfilesSchedule
    The sensor schedule to use with the alert profile.
    serials List<String>
    List of device serials assigned to this sensor alert profile.
    networkId string
    networkId path parameter. Network ID
    conditions SensorAlertsProfilesCondition[]
    List of conditions that will cause the profile to send an alert.
    name string
    Name of the sensor alert profile.
    recipients SensorAlertsProfilesRecipients
    List of recipients that will receive the alert.
    schedule SensorAlertsProfilesSchedule
    The sensor schedule to use with the alert profile.
    serials string[]
    List of device serials assigned to this sensor alert profile.
    network_id str
    networkId path parameter. Network ID
    conditions Sequence[SensorAlertsProfilesConditionArgs]
    List of conditions that will cause the profile to send an alert.
    name str
    Name of the sensor alert profile.
    recipients SensorAlertsProfilesRecipientsArgs
    List of recipients that will receive the alert.
    schedule SensorAlertsProfilesScheduleArgs
    The sensor schedule to use with the alert profile.
    serials Sequence[str]
    List of device serials assigned to this sensor alert profile.
    networkId String
    networkId path parameter. Network ID
    conditions List<Property Map>
    List of conditions that will cause the profile to send an alert.
    name String
    Name of the sensor alert profile.
    recipients Property Map
    List of recipients that will receive the alert.
    schedule Property Map
    The sensor schedule to use with the alert profile.
    serials List<String>
    List of device serials assigned to this sensor alert profile.


    All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the SensorAlertsProfiles resource produces the following output properties:

    ConditionsResponses List<SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponse>
    List of conditions that will cause the profile to send an alert.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    ProfileId string
    ID of the sensor alert profile.
    ConditionsResponses []SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponse
    List of conditions that will cause the profile to send an alert.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    ProfileId string
    ID of the sensor alert profile.
    conditionsResponses List<SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponse>
    List of conditions that will cause the profile to send an alert.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    profileId String
    ID of the sensor alert profile.
    conditionsResponses SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponse[]
    List of conditions that will cause the profile to send an alert.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    profileId string
    ID of the sensor alert profile.
    conditions_responses Sequence[SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponse]
    List of conditions that will cause the profile to send an alert.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    profile_id str
    ID of the sensor alert profile.
    conditionsResponses List<Property Map>
    List of conditions that will cause the profile to send an alert.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    profileId String
    ID of the sensor alert profile.

    Look up Existing SensorAlertsProfiles Resource

    Get an existing SensorAlertsProfiles resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.

    public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: SensorAlertsProfilesState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): SensorAlertsProfiles
    def get(resource_name: str,
            id: str,
            opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
            conditions: Optional[Sequence[SensorAlertsProfilesConditionArgs]] = None,
            conditions_responses: Optional[Sequence[SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseArgs]] = None,
            name: Optional[str] = None,
            network_id: Optional[str] = None,
            profile_id: Optional[str] = None,
            recipients: Optional[SensorAlertsProfilesRecipientsArgs] = None,
            schedule: Optional[SensorAlertsProfilesScheduleArgs] = None,
            serials: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None) -> SensorAlertsProfiles
    func GetSensorAlertsProfiles(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *SensorAlertsProfilesState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*SensorAlertsProfiles, error)
    public static SensorAlertsProfiles Get(string name, Input<string> id, SensorAlertsProfilesState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public static SensorAlertsProfiles get(String name, Output<String> id, SensorAlertsProfilesState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
    Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The following state arguments are supported:
    Conditions List<SensorAlertsProfilesCondition>
    List of conditions that will cause the profile to send an alert.
    ConditionsResponses List<SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponse>
    List of conditions that will cause the profile to send an alert.
    Name string
    Name of the sensor alert profile.
    NetworkId string
    networkId path parameter. Network ID
    ProfileId string
    ID of the sensor alert profile.
    Recipients SensorAlertsProfilesRecipients
    List of recipients that will receive the alert.
    Schedule SensorAlertsProfilesSchedule
    The sensor schedule to use with the alert profile.
    Serials List<string>
    List of device serials assigned to this sensor alert profile.
    Conditions []SensorAlertsProfilesConditionArgs
    List of conditions that will cause the profile to send an alert.
    ConditionsResponses []SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseArgs
    List of conditions that will cause the profile to send an alert.
    Name string
    Name of the sensor alert profile.
    NetworkId string
    networkId path parameter. Network ID
    ProfileId string
    ID of the sensor alert profile.
    Recipients SensorAlertsProfilesRecipientsArgs
    List of recipients that will receive the alert.
    Schedule SensorAlertsProfilesScheduleArgs
    The sensor schedule to use with the alert profile.
    Serials []string
    List of device serials assigned to this sensor alert profile.
    conditions List<SensorAlertsProfilesCondition>
    List of conditions that will cause the profile to send an alert.
    conditionsResponses List<SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponse>
    List of conditions that will cause the profile to send an alert.
    name String
    Name of the sensor alert profile.
    networkId String
    networkId path parameter. Network ID
    profileId String
    ID of the sensor alert profile.
    recipients SensorAlertsProfilesRecipients
    List of recipients that will receive the alert.
    schedule SensorAlertsProfilesSchedule
    The sensor schedule to use with the alert profile.
    serials List<String>
    List of device serials assigned to this sensor alert profile.
    conditions SensorAlertsProfilesCondition[]
    List of conditions that will cause the profile to send an alert.
    conditionsResponses SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponse[]
    List of conditions that will cause the profile to send an alert.
    name string
    Name of the sensor alert profile.
    networkId string
    networkId path parameter. Network ID
    profileId string
    ID of the sensor alert profile.
    recipients SensorAlertsProfilesRecipients
    List of recipients that will receive the alert.
    schedule SensorAlertsProfilesSchedule
    The sensor schedule to use with the alert profile.
    serials string[]
    List of device serials assigned to this sensor alert profile.
    conditions Sequence[SensorAlertsProfilesConditionArgs]
    List of conditions that will cause the profile to send an alert.
    conditions_responses Sequence[SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseArgs]
    List of conditions that will cause the profile to send an alert.
    name str
    Name of the sensor alert profile.
    network_id str
    networkId path parameter. Network ID
    profile_id str
    ID of the sensor alert profile.
    recipients SensorAlertsProfilesRecipientsArgs
    List of recipients that will receive the alert.
    schedule SensorAlertsProfilesScheduleArgs
    The sensor schedule to use with the alert profile.
    serials Sequence[str]
    List of device serials assigned to this sensor alert profile.
    conditions List<Property Map>
    List of conditions that will cause the profile to send an alert.
    conditionsResponses List<Property Map>
    List of conditions that will cause the profile to send an alert.
    name String
    Name of the sensor alert profile.
    networkId String
    networkId path parameter. Network ID
    profileId String
    ID of the sensor alert profile.
    recipients Property Map
    List of recipients that will receive the alert.
    schedule Property Map
    The sensor schedule to use with the alert profile.
    serials List<String>
    List of device serials assigned to this sensor alert profile.

    Supporting Types

    SensorAlertsProfilesCondition, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionArgs

    Direction string
    If 'above', an alert will be sent when a sensor reads above the threshold. If 'below', an alert will be sent when a sensor reads below the threshold. Only applicable for temperature, humidity, realPower, apparentPower, powerFactor, voltage, current, and frequency thresholds.
    Duration int
    Length of time in seconds that the triggering state must persist before an alert is sent. Available options are 0 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, and 8 hours. Default is 0.
    Metric string
    The type of sensor metric that will be monitored for changes. Available metrics are apparentPower, co2, current, door, frequency, humidity, indoorAirQuality, noise, pm25, powerFactor, realPower, temperature, tvoc, upstreamPower, voltage, and water.
    Threshold SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThreshold
    Threshold for sensor readings that will cause an alert to be sent. This object should contain a single property key matching the condition's 'metric' value.
    Direction string
    If 'above', an alert will be sent when a sensor reads above the threshold. If 'below', an alert will be sent when a sensor reads below the threshold. Only applicable for temperature, humidity, realPower, apparentPower, powerFactor, voltage, current, and frequency thresholds.
    Duration int
    Length of time in seconds that the triggering state must persist before an alert is sent. Available options are 0 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, and 8 hours. Default is 0.
    Metric string
    The type of sensor metric that will be monitored for changes. Available metrics are apparentPower, co2, current, door, frequency, humidity, indoorAirQuality, noise, pm25, powerFactor, realPower, temperature, tvoc, upstreamPower, voltage, and water.
    Threshold SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThreshold
    Threshold for sensor readings that will cause an alert to be sent. This object should contain a single property key matching the condition's 'metric' value.
    direction String
    If 'above', an alert will be sent when a sensor reads above the threshold. If 'below', an alert will be sent when a sensor reads below the threshold. Only applicable for temperature, humidity, realPower, apparentPower, powerFactor, voltage, current, and frequency thresholds.
    duration Integer
    Length of time in seconds that the triggering state must persist before an alert is sent. Available options are 0 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, and 8 hours. Default is 0.
    metric String
    The type of sensor metric that will be monitored for changes. Available metrics are apparentPower, co2, current, door, frequency, humidity, indoorAirQuality, noise, pm25, powerFactor, realPower, temperature, tvoc, upstreamPower, voltage, and water.
    threshold SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThreshold
    Threshold for sensor readings that will cause an alert to be sent. This object should contain a single property key matching the condition's 'metric' value.
    direction string
    If 'above', an alert will be sent when a sensor reads above the threshold. If 'below', an alert will be sent when a sensor reads below the threshold. Only applicable for temperature, humidity, realPower, apparentPower, powerFactor, voltage, current, and frequency thresholds.
    duration number
    Length of time in seconds that the triggering state must persist before an alert is sent. Available options are 0 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, and 8 hours. Default is 0.
    metric string
    The type of sensor metric that will be monitored for changes. Available metrics are apparentPower, co2, current, door, frequency, humidity, indoorAirQuality, noise, pm25, powerFactor, realPower, temperature, tvoc, upstreamPower, voltage, and water.
    threshold SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThreshold
    Threshold for sensor readings that will cause an alert to be sent. This object should contain a single property key matching the condition's 'metric' value.
    direction str
    If 'above', an alert will be sent when a sensor reads above the threshold. If 'below', an alert will be sent when a sensor reads below the threshold. Only applicable for temperature, humidity, realPower, apparentPower, powerFactor, voltage, current, and frequency thresholds.
    duration int
    Length of time in seconds that the triggering state must persist before an alert is sent. Available options are 0 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, and 8 hours. Default is 0.
    metric str
    The type of sensor metric that will be monitored for changes. Available metrics are apparentPower, co2, current, door, frequency, humidity, indoorAirQuality, noise, pm25, powerFactor, realPower, temperature, tvoc, upstreamPower, voltage, and water.
    threshold SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThreshold
    Threshold for sensor readings that will cause an alert to be sent. This object should contain a single property key matching the condition's 'metric' value.
    direction String
    If 'above', an alert will be sent when a sensor reads above the threshold. If 'below', an alert will be sent when a sensor reads below the threshold. Only applicable for temperature, humidity, realPower, apparentPower, powerFactor, voltage, current, and frequency thresholds.
    duration Number
    Length of time in seconds that the triggering state must persist before an alert is sent. Available options are 0 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, and 8 hours. Default is 0.
    metric String
    The type of sensor metric that will be monitored for changes. Available metrics are apparentPower, co2, current, door, frequency, humidity, indoorAirQuality, noise, pm25, powerFactor, realPower, temperature, tvoc, upstreamPower, voltage, and water.
    threshold Property Map
    Threshold for sensor readings that will cause an alert to be sent. This object should contain a single property key matching the condition's 'metric' value.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThreshold, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdArgs

    ApparentPower SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdApparentPower
    Apparent power threshold. 'draw' must be provided.
    Current SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdCurrent
    Electrical current threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    Door SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdDoor
    Door open threshold. 'open' must be provided and set to true.
    Frequency SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdFrequency
    Electrical frequency threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    Humidity SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdHumidity
    Humidity threshold. One of 'relativePercentage' or 'quality' must be provided.
    IndoorAirQuality SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdIndoorAirQuality
    Indoor air quality score threshold. One of 'score' or 'quality' must be provided.
    Noise SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdNoise
    Noise threshold. 'ambient' must be provided.
    Pm25 SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdPm25
    PM2.5 concentration threshold. One of 'concentration' or 'quality' must be provided.
    PowerFactor SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdPowerFactor
    Power factor threshold. 'percentage' must be provided.
    RealPower SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdRealPower
    Real power threshold. 'draw' must be provided.
    Temperature SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdTemperature
    Temperature threshold. One of 'celsius', 'fahrenheit', or 'quality' must be provided.
    Tvoc SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdTvoc
    TVOC concentration threshold. One of 'concentration' or 'quality' must be provided.
    UpstreamPower SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdUpstreamPower
    Upstream power threshold. 'outageDetected' must be provided and set to true.
    Voltage SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdVoltage
    Voltage threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    Water SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdWater
    Water detection threshold. 'present' must be provided and set to true.
    ApparentPower SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdApparentPower
    Apparent power threshold. 'draw' must be provided.
    Current SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdCurrent
    Electrical current threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    Door SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdDoor
    Door open threshold. 'open' must be provided and set to true.
    Frequency SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdFrequency
    Electrical frequency threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    Humidity SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdHumidity
    Humidity threshold. One of 'relativePercentage' or 'quality' must be provided.
    IndoorAirQuality SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdIndoorAirQuality
    Indoor air quality score threshold. One of 'score' or 'quality' must be provided.
    Noise SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdNoise
    Noise threshold. 'ambient' must be provided.
    Pm25 SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdPm25
    PM2.5 concentration threshold. One of 'concentration' or 'quality' must be provided.
    PowerFactor SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdPowerFactor
    Power factor threshold. 'percentage' must be provided.
    RealPower SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdRealPower
    Real power threshold. 'draw' must be provided.
    Temperature SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdTemperature
    Temperature threshold. One of 'celsius', 'fahrenheit', or 'quality' must be provided.
    Tvoc SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdTvoc
    TVOC concentration threshold. One of 'concentration' or 'quality' must be provided.
    UpstreamPower SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdUpstreamPower
    Upstream power threshold. 'outageDetected' must be provided and set to true.
    Voltage SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdVoltage
    Voltage threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    Water SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdWater
    Water detection threshold. 'present' must be provided and set to true.
    apparentPower SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdApparentPower
    Apparent power threshold. 'draw' must be provided.
    current SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdCurrent
    Electrical current threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    door SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdDoor
    Door open threshold. 'open' must be provided and set to true.
    frequency SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdFrequency
    Electrical frequency threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    humidity SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdHumidity
    Humidity threshold. One of 'relativePercentage' or 'quality' must be provided.
    indoorAirQuality SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdIndoorAirQuality
    Indoor air quality score threshold. One of 'score' or 'quality' must be provided.
    noise SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdNoise
    Noise threshold. 'ambient' must be provided.
    pm25 SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdPm25
    PM2.5 concentration threshold. One of 'concentration' or 'quality' must be provided.
    powerFactor SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdPowerFactor
    Power factor threshold. 'percentage' must be provided.
    realPower SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdRealPower
    Real power threshold. 'draw' must be provided.
    temperature SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdTemperature
    Temperature threshold. One of 'celsius', 'fahrenheit', or 'quality' must be provided.
    tvoc SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdTvoc
    TVOC concentration threshold. One of 'concentration' or 'quality' must be provided.
    upstreamPower SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdUpstreamPower
    Upstream power threshold. 'outageDetected' must be provided and set to true.
    voltage SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdVoltage
    Voltage threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    water SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdWater
    Water detection threshold. 'present' must be provided and set to true.
    apparentPower SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdApparentPower
    Apparent power threshold. 'draw' must be provided.
    current SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdCurrent
    Electrical current threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    door SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdDoor
    Door open threshold. 'open' must be provided and set to true.
    frequency SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdFrequency
    Electrical frequency threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    humidity SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdHumidity
    Humidity threshold. One of 'relativePercentage' or 'quality' must be provided.
    indoorAirQuality SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdIndoorAirQuality
    Indoor air quality score threshold. One of 'score' or 'quality' must be provided.
    noise SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdNoise
    Noise threshold. 'ambient' must be provided.
    pm25 SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdPm25
    PM2.5 concentration threshold. One of 'concentration' or 'quality' must be provided.
    powerFactor SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdPowerFactor
    Power factor threshold. 'percentage' must be provided.
    realPower SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdRealPower
    Real power threshold. 'draw' must be provided.
    temperature SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdTemperature
    Temperature threshold. One of 'celsius', 'fahrenheit', or 'quality' must be provided.
    tvoc SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdTvoc
    TVOC concentration threshold. One of 'concentration' or 'quality' must be provided.
    upstreamPower SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdUpstreamPower
    Upstream power threshold. 'outageDetected' must be provided and set to true.
    voltage SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdVoltage
    Voltage threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    water SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdWater
    Water detection threshold. 'present' must be provided and set to true.
    apparent_power SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdApparentPower
    Apparent power threshold. 'draw' must be provided.
    current SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdCurrent
    Electrical current threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    door SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdDoor
    Door open threshold. 'open' must be provided and set to true.
    frequency SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdFrequency
    Electrical frequency threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    humidity SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdHumidity
    Humidity threshold. One of 'relativePercentage' or 'quality' must be provided.
    indoor_air_quality SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdIndoorAirQuality
    Indoor air quality score threshold. One of 'score' or 'quality' must be provided.
    noise SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdNoise
    Noise threshold. 'ambient' must be provided.
    pm25 SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdPm25
    PM2.5 concentration threshold. One of 'concentration' or 'quality' must be provided.
    power_factor SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdPowerFactor
    Power factor threshold. 'percentage' must be provided.
    real_power SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdRealPower
    Real power threshold. 'draw' must be provided.
    temperature SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdTemperature
    Temperature threshold. One of 'celsius', 'fahrenheit', or 'quality' must be provided.
    tvoc SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdTvoc
    TVOC concentration threshold. One of 'concentration' or 'quality' must be provided.
    upstream_power SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdUpstreamPower
    Upstream power threshold. 'outageDetected' must be provided and set to true.
    voltage SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdVoltage
    Voltage threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    water SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdWater
    Water detection threshold. 'present' must be provided and set to true.
    apparentPower Property Map
    Apparent power threshold. 'draw' must be provided.
    current Property Map
    Electrical current threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    door Property Map
    Door open threshold. 'open' must be provided and set to true.
    frequency Property Map
    Electrical frequency threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    humidity Property Map
    Humidity threshold. One of 'relativePercentage' or 'quality' must be provided.
    indoorAirQuality Property Map
    Indoor air quality score threshold. One of 'score' or 'quality' must be provided.
    noise Property Map
    Noise threshold. 'ambient' must be provided.
    pm25 Property Map
    PM2.5 concentration threshold. One of 'concentration' or 'quality' must be provided.
    powerFactor Property Map
    Power factor threshold. 'percentage' must be provided.
    realPower Property Map
    Real power threshold. 'draw' must be provided.
    temperature Property Map
    Temperature threshold. One of 'celsius', 'fahrenheit', or 'quality' must be provided.
    tvoc Property Map
    TVOC concentration threshold. One of 'concentration' or 'quality' must be provided.
    upstreamPower Property Map
    Upstream power threshold. 'outageDetected' must be provided and set to true.
    voltage Property Map
    Voltage threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    water Property Map
    Water detection threshold. 'present' must be provided and set to true.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdApparentPower, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdApparentPowerArgs

    Draw double
    Alerting threshold in volt-amps. Must be between 0 and 3750.
    Draw float64
    Alerting threshold in volt-amps. Must be between 0 and 3750.
    draw Double
    Alerting threshold in volt-amps. Must be between 0 and 3750.
    draw number
    Alerting threshold in volt-amps. Must be between 0 and 3750.
    draw float
    Alerting threshold in volt-amps. Must be between 0 and 3750.
    draw Number
    Alerting threshold in volt-amps. Must be between 0 and 3750.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdCurrent, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdCurrentArgs

    Draw double
    Alerting threshold in amps. Must be between 0 and 15.
    Draw float64
    Alerting threshold in amps. Must be between 0 and 15.
    draw Double
    Alerting threshold in amps. Must be between 0 and 15.
    draw number
    Alerting threshold in amps. Must be between 0 and 15.
    draw float
    Alerting threshold in amps. Must be between 0 and 15.
    draw Number
    Alerting threshold in amps. Must be between 0 and 15.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdDoor, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdDoorArgs

    Open bool
    Alerting threshold for a door open event. Must be set to true.
    Open bool
    Alerting threshold for a door open event. Must be set to true.
    open Boolean
    Alerting threshold for a door open event. Must be set to true.
    open boolean
    Alerting threshold for a door open event. Must be set to true.
    open bool
    Alerting threshold for a door open event. Must be set to true.
    open Boolean
    Alerting threshold for a door open event. Must be set to true.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdFrequency, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdFrequencyArgs

    Level double
    Alerting threshold in hertz. Must be between 0 and 60.
    Level float64
    Alerting threshold in hertz. Must be between 0 and 60.
    level Double
    Alerting threshold in hertz. Must be between 0 and 60.
    level number
    Alerting threshold in hertz. Must be between 0 and 60.
    level float
    Alerting threshold in hertz. Must be between 0 and 60.
    level Number
    Alerting threshold in hertz. Must be between 0 and 60.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdHumidity, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdHumidityArgs

    Quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative humidity level.
    RelativePercentage int
    Alerting threshold in %RH.
    Quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative humidity level.
    RelativePercentage int
    Alerting threshold in %RH.
    quality String
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative humidity level.
    relativePercentage Integer
    Alerting threshold in %RH.
    quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative humidity level.
    relativePercentage number
    Alerting threshold in %RH.
    quality str
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative humidity level.
    relative_percentage int
    Alerting threshold in %RH.
    quality String
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative humidity level.
    relativePercentage Number
    Alerting threshold in %RH.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdIndoorAirQuality, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdIndoorAirQualityArgs

    Quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative indoor air quality level.
    Score int
    Alerting threshold as indoor air quality score.
    Quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative indoor air quality level.
    Score int
    Alerting threshold as indoor air quality score.
    quality String
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative indoor air quality level.
    score Integer
    Alerting threshold as indoor air quality score.
    quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative indoor air quality level.
    score number
    Alerting threshold as indoor air quality score.
    quality str
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative indoor air quality level.
    score int
    Alerting threshold as indoor air quality score.
    quality String
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative indoor air quality level.
    score Number
    Alerting threshold as indoor air quality score.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdNoise, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdNoiseArgs

    Ambient SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdNoiseAmbient
    Ambient noise threshold. One of 'level' or 'quality' must be provided.
    Ambient SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdNoiseAmbient
    Ambient noise threshold. One of 'level' or 'quality' must be provided.
    ambient SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdNoiseAmbient
    Ambient noise threshold. One of 'level' or 'quality' must be provided.
    ambient SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdNoiseAmbient
    Ambient noise threshold. One of 'level' or 'quality' must be provided.
    ambient SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdNoiseAmbient
    Ambient noise threshold. One of 'level' or 'quality' must be provided.
    ambient Property Map
    Ambient noise threshold. One of 'level' or 'quality' must be provided.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdNoiseAmbient, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdNoiseAmbientArgs

    Level int
    Alerting threshold as adjusted decibels.
    Quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative ambient noise level.
    Level int
    Alerting threshold as adjusted decibels.
    Quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative ambient noise level.
    level Integer
    Alerting threshold as adjusted decibels.
    quality String
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative ambient noise level.
    level number
    Alerting threshold as adjusted decibels.
    quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative ambient noise level.
    level int
    Alerting threshold as adjusted decibels.
    quality str
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative ambient noise level.
    level Number
    Alerting threshold as adjusted decibels.
    quality String
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative ambient noise level.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdPm25, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdPm25Args

    Concentration int
    Alerting threshold as PM2.5 parts per million.
    Quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative PM2.5 level.
    Concentration int
    Alerting threshold as PM2.5 parts per million.
    Quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative PM2.5 level.
    concentration Integer
    Alerting threshold as PM2.5 parts per million.
    quality String
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative PM2.5 level.
    concentration number
    Alerting threshold as PM2.5 parts per million.
    quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative PM2.5 level.
    concentration int
    Alerting threshold as PM2.5 parts per million.
    quality str
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative PM2.5 level.
    concentration Number
    Alerting threshold as PM2.5 parts per million.
    quality String
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative PM2.5 level.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdPowerFactor, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdPowerFactorArgs

    Percentage int
    Alerting threshold as the ratio of active power to apparent power. Must be between 0 and 100.
    Percentage int
    Alerting threshold as the ratio of active power to apparent power. Must be between 0 and 100.
    percentage Integer
    Alerting threshold as the ratio of active power to apparent power. Must be between 0 and 100.
    percentage number
    Alerting threshold as the ratio of active power to apparent power. Must be between 0 and 100.
    percentage int
    Alerting threshold as the ratio of active power to apparent power. Must be between 0 and 100.
    percentage Number
    Alerting threshold as the ratio of active power to apparent power. Must be between 0 and 100.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdRealPower, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdRealPowerArgs

    Draw double
    Alerting threshold in watts. Must be between 0 and 3750.
    Draw float64
    Alerting threshold in watts. Must be between 0 and 3750.
    draw Double
    Alerting threshold in watts. Must be between 0 and 3750.
    draw number
    Alerting threshold in watts. Must be between 0 and 3750.
    draw float
    Alerting threshold in watts. Must be between 0 and 3750.
    draw Number
    Alerting threshold in watts. Must be between 0 and 3750.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdTemperature, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdTemperatureArgs

    Celsius double
    Alerting threshold in degrees Celsius.
    Fahrenheit double
    Alerting threshold in degrees Fahrenheit.
    Quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative temperature level.
    Celsius float64
    Alerting threshold in degrees Celsius.
    Fahrenheit float64
    Alerting threshold in degrees Fahrenheit.
    Quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative temperature level.
    celsius Double
    Alerting threshold in degrees Celsius.
    fahrenheit Double
    Alerting threshold in degrees Fahrenheit.
    quality String
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative temperature level.
    celsius number
    Alerting threshold in degrees Celsius.
    fahrenheit number
    Alerting threshold in degrees Fahrenheit.
    quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative temperature level.
    celsius float
    Alerting threshold in degrees Celsius.
    fahrenheit float
    Alerting threshold in degrees Fahrenheit.
    quality str
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative temperature level.
    celsius Number
    Alerting threshold in degrees Celsius.
    fahrenheit Number
    Alerting threshold in degrees Fahrenheit.
    quality String
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative temperature level.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdTvoc, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdTvocArgs

    Concentration int
    Alerting threshold as TVOC micrograms per cubic meter.
    Quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative TVOC level.
    Concentration int
    Alerting threshold as TVOC micrograms per cubic meter.
    Quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative TVOC level.
    concentration Integer
    Alerting threshold as TVOC micrograms per cubic meter.
    quality String
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative TVOC level.
    concentration number
    Alerting threshold as TVOC micrograms per cubic meter.
    quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative TVOC level.
    concentration int
    Alerting threshold as TVOC micrograms per cubic meter.
    quality str
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative TVOC level.
    concentration Number
    Alerting threshold as TVOC micrograms per cubic meter.
    quality String
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative TVOC level.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdUpstreamPower, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdUpstreamPowerArgs

    OutageDetected bool
    Alerting threshold for an upstream power event. Must be set to true.
    OutageDetected bool
    Alerting threshold for an upstream power event. Must be set to true.
    outageDetected Boolean
    Alerting threshold for an upstream power event. Must be set to true.
    outageDetected boolean
    Alerting threshold for an upstream power event. Must be set to true.
    outage_detected bool
    Alerting threshold for an upstream power event. Must be set to true.
    outageDetected Boolean
    Alerting threshold for an upstream power event. Must be set to true.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdVoltage, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdVoltageArgs

    Level double
    Alerting threshold in volts. Must be between 0 and 250.
    Level float64
    Alerting threshold in volts. Must be between 0 and 250.
    level Double
    Alerting threshold in volts. Must be between 0 and 250.
    level number
    Alerting threshold in volts. Must be between 0 and 250.
    level float
    Alerting threshold in volts. Must be between 0 and 250.
    level Number
    Alerting threshold in volts. Must be between 0 and 250.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdWater, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionThresholdWaterArgs

    Present bool
    Alerting threshold for a water detection event. Must be set to true.
    Present bool
    Alerting threshold for a water detection event. Must be set to true.
    present Boolean
    Alerting threshold for a water detection event. Must be set to true.
    present boolean
    Alerting threshold for a water detection event. Must be set to true.
    present bool
    Alerting threshold for a water detection event. Must be set to true.
    present Boolean
    Alerting threshold for a water detection event. Must be set to true.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponse, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseArgs

    Direction string
    If 'above', an alert will be sent when a sensor reads above the threshold. If 'below', an alert will be sent when a sensor reads below the threshold. Only applicable for temperature, humidity, realPower, apparentPower, powerFactor, voltage, current, and frequency thresholds.
    Duration int
    Length of time in seconds that the triggering state must persist before an alert is sent. Available options are 0 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, and 8 hours. Default is 0.
    Metric string
    The type of sensor metric that will be monitored for changes. Available metrics are apparentPower, co2, current, door, frequency, humidity, indoorAirQuality, noise, pm25, powerFactor, realPower, temperature, tvoc, upstreamPower, voltage, and water.
    Threshold SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThreshold
    Threshold for sensor readings that will cause an alert to be sent. This object should contain a single property key matching the condition's 'metric' value.
    Direction string
    If 'above', an alert will be sent when a sensor reads above the threshold. If 'below', an alert will be sent when a sensor reads below the threshold. Only applicable for temperature, humidity, realPower, apparentPower, powerFactor, voltage, current, and frequency thresholds.
    Duration int
    Length of time in seconds that the triggering state must persist before an alert is sent. Available options are 0 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, and 8 hours. Default is 0.
    Metric string
    The type of sensor metric that will be monitored for changes. Available metrics are apparentPower, co2, current, door, frequency, humidity, indoorAirQuality, noise, pm25, powerFactor, realPower, temperature, tvoc, upstreamPower, voltage, and water.
    Threshold SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThreshold
    Threshold for sensor readings that will cause an alert to be sent. This object should contain a single property key matching the condition's 'metric' value.
    direction String
    If 'above', an alert will be sent when a sensor reads above the threshold. If 'below', an alert will be sent when a sensor reads below the threshold. Only applicable for temperature, humidity, realPower, apparentPower, powerFactor, voltage, current, and frequency thresholds.
    duration Integer
    Length of time in seconds that the triggering state must persist before an alert is sent. Available options are 0 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, and 8 hours. Default is 0.
    metric String
    The type of sensor metric that will be monitored for changes. Available metrics are apparentPower, co2, current, door, frequency, humidity, indoorAirQuality, noise, pm25, powerFactor, realPower, temperature, tvoc, upstreamPower, voltage, and water.
    threshold SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThreshold
    Threshold for sensor readings that will cause an alert to be sent. This object should contain a single property key matching the condition's 'metric' value.
    direction string
    If 'above', an alert will be sent when a sensor reads above the threshold. If 'below', an alert will be sent when a sensor reads below the threshold. Only applicable for temperature, humidity, realPower, apparentPower, powerFactor, voltage, current, and frequency thresholds.
    duration number
    Length of time in seconds that the triggering state must persist before an alert is sent. Available options are 0 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, and 8 hours. Default is 0.
    metric string
    The type of sensor metric that will be monitored for changes. Available metrics are apparentPower, co2, current, door, frequency, humidity, indoorAirQuality, noise, pm25, powerFactor, realPower, temperature, tvoc, upstreamPower, voltage, and water.
    threshold SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThreshold
    Threshold for sensor readings that will cause an alert to be sent. This object should contain a single property key matching the condition's 'metric' value.
    direction str
    If 'above', an alert will be sent when a sensor reads above the threshold. If 'below', an alert will be sent when a sensor reads below the threshold. Only applicable for temperature, humidity, realPower, apparentPower, powerFactor, voltage, current, and frequency thresholds.
    duration int
    Length of time in seconds that the triggering state must persist before an alert is sent. Available options are 0 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, and 8 hours. Default is 0.
    metric str
    The type of sensor metric that will be monitored for changes. Available metrics are apparentPower, co2, current, door, frequency, humidity, indoorAirQuality, noise, pm25, powerFactor, realPower, temperature, tvoc, upstreamPower, voltage, and water.
    threshold SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThreshold
    Threshold for sensor readings that will cause an alert to be sent. This object should contain a single property key matching the condition's 'metric' value.
    direction String
    If 'above', an alert will be sent when a sensor reads above the threshold. If 'below', an alert will be sent when a sensor reads below the threshold. Only applicable for temperature, humidity, realPower, apparentPower, powerFactor, voltage, current, and frequency thresholds.
    duration Number
    Length of time in seconds that the triggering state must persist before an alert is sent. Available options are 0 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, and 8 hours. Default is 0.
    metric String
    The type of sensor metric that will be monitored for changes. Available metrics are apparentPower, co2, current, door, frequency, humidity, indoorAirQuality, noise, pm25, powerFactor, realPower, temperature, tvoc, upstreamPower, voltage, and water.
    threshold Property Map
    Threshold for sensor readings that will cause an alert to be sent. This object should contain a single property key matching the condition's 'metric' value.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThreshold, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdArgs

    ApparentPower SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdApparentPower
    Apparent power threshold. 'draw' must be provided.
    Current SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdCurrent
    Electrical current threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    Door SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdDoor
    Door open threshold. 'open' must be provided and set to true.
    Frequency SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdFrequency
    Electrical frequency threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    Humidity SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdHumidity
    Humidity threshold. One of 'relativePercentage' or 'quality' must be provided.
    IndoorAirQuality SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdIndoorAirQuality
    Indoor air quality score threshold. One of 'score' or 'quality' must be provided.
    Noise SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdNoise
    Noise threshold. 'ambient' must be provided.
    Pm25 SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdPm25
    PM2.5 concentration threshold. One of 'concentration' or 'quality' must be provided.
    PowerFactor SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdPowerFactor
    Power factor threshold. 'percentage' must be provided.
    RealPower SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdRealPower
    Real power threshold. 'draw' must be provided.
    Temperature SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdTemperature
    Temperature threshold. One of 'celsius', 'fahrenheit', or 'quality' must be provided.
    Tvoc SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdTvoc
    TVOC concentration threshold. One of 'concentration' or 'quality' must be provided.
    UpstreamPower SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdUpstreamPower
    Upstream power threshold. 'outageDetected' must be provided and set to true.
    Voltage SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdVoltage
    Voltage threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    Water SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdWater
    Water detection threshold. 'present' must be provided and set to true.
    ApparentPower SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdApparentPower
    Apparent power threshold. 'draw' must be provided.
    Current SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdCurrent
    Electrical current threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    Door SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdDoor
    Door open threshold. 'open' must be provided and set to true.
    Frequency SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdFrequency
    Electrical frequency threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    Humidity SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdHumidity
    Humidity threshold. One of 'relativePercentage' or 'quality' must be provided.
    IndoorAirQuality SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdIndoorAirQuality
    Indoor air quality score threshold. One of 'score' or 'quality' must be provided.
    Noise SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdNoise
    Noise threshold. 'ambient' must be provided.
    Pm25 SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdPm25
    PM2.5 concentration threshold. One of 'concentration' or 'quality' must be provided.
    PowerFactor SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdPowerFactor
    Power factor threshold. 'percentage' must be provided.
    RealPower SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdRealPower
    Real power threshold. 'draw' must be provided.
    Temperature SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdTemperature
    Temperature threshold. One of 'celsius', 'fahrenheit', or 'quality' must be provided.
    Tvoc SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdTvoc
    TVOC concentration threshold. One of 'concentration' or 'quality' must be provided.
    UpstreamPower SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdUpstreamPower
    Upstream power threshold. 'outageDetected' must be provided and set to true.
    Voltage SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdVoltage
    Voltage threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    Water SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdWater
    Water detection threshold. 'present' must be provided and set to true.
    apparentPower SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdApparentPower
    Apparent power threshold. 'draw' must be provided.
    current SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdCurrent
    Electrical current threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    door SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdDoor
    Door open threshold. 'open' must be provided and set to true.
    frequency SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdFrequency
    Electrical frequency threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    humidity SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdHumidity
    Humidity threshold. One of 'relativePercentage' or 'quality' must be provided.
    indoorAirQuality SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdIndoorAirQuality
    Indoor air quality score threshold. One of 'score' or 'quality' must be provided.
    noise SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdNoise
    Noise threshold. 'ambient' must be provided.
    pm25 SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdPm25
    PM2.5 concentration threshold. One of 'concentration' or 'quality' must be provided.
    powerFactor SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdPowerFactor
    Power factor threshold. 'percentage' must be provided.
    realPower SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdRealPower
    Real power threshold. 'draw' must be provided.
    temperature SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdTemperature
    Temperature threshold. One of 'celsius', 'fahrenheit', or 'quality' must be provided.
    tvoc SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdTvoc
    TVOC concentration threshold. One of 'concentration' or 'quality' must be provided.
    upstreamPower SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdUpstreamPower
    Upstream power threshold. 'outageDetected' must be provided and set to true.
    voltage SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdVoltage
    Voltage threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    water SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdWater
    Water detection threshold. 'present' must be provided and set to true.
    apparentPower SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdApparentPower
    Apparent power threshold. 'draw' must be provided.
    current SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdCurrent
    Electrical current threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    door SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdDoor
    Door open threshold. 'open' must be provided and set to true.
    frequency SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdFrequency
    Electrical frequency threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    humidity SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdHumidity
    Humidity threshold. One of 'relativePercentage' or 'quality' must be provided.
    indoorAirQuality SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdIndoorAirQuality
    Indoor air quality score threshold. One of 'score' or 'quality' must be provided.
    noise SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdNoise
    Noise threshold. 'ambient' must be provided.
    pm25 SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdPm25
    PM2.5 concentration threshold. One of 'concentration' or 'quality' must be provided.
    powerFactor SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdPowerFactor
    Power factor threshold. 'percentage' must be provided.
    realPower SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdRealPower
    Real power threshold. 'draw' must be provided.
    temperature SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdTemperature
    Temperature threshold. One of 'celsius', 'fahrenheit', or 'quality' must be provided.
    tvoc SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdTvoc
    TVOC concentration threshold. One of 'concentration' or 'quality' must be provided.
    upstreamPower SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdUpstreamPower
    Upstream power threshold. 'outageDetected' must be provided and set to true.
    voltage SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdVoltage
    Voltage threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    water SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdWater
    Water detection threshold. 'present' must be provided and set to true.
    apparent_power SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdApparentPower
    Apparent power threshold. 'draw' must be provided.
    current SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdCurrent
    Electrical current threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    door SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdDoor
    Door open threshold. 'open' must be provided and set to true.
    frequency SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdFrequency
    Electrical frequency threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    humidity SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdHumidity
    Humidity threshold. One of 'relativePercentage' or 'quality' must be provided.
    indoor_air_quality SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdIndoorAirQuality
    Indoor air quality score threshold. One of 'score' or 'quality' must be provided.
    noise SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdNoise
    Noise threshold. 'ambient' must be provided.
    pm25 SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdPm25
    PM2.5 concentration threshold. One of 'concentration' or 'quality' must be provided.
    power_factor SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdPowerFactor
    Power factor threshold. 'percentage' must be provided.
    real_power SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdRealPower
    Real power threshold. 'draw' must be provided.
    temperature SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdTemperature
    Temperature threshold. One of 'celsius', 'fahrenheit', or 'quality' must be provided.
    tvoc SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdTvoc
    TVOC concentration threshold. One of 'concentration' or 'quality' must be provided.
    upstream_power SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdUpstreamPower
    Upstream power threshold. 'outageDetected' must be provided and set to true.
    voltage SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdVoltage
    Voltage threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    water SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdWater
    Water detection threshold. 'present' must be provided and set to true.
    apparentPower Property Map
    Apparent power threshold. 'draw' must be provided.
    current Property Map
    Electrical current threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    door Property Map
    Door open threshold. 'open' must be provided and set to true.
    frequency Property Map
    Electrical frequency threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    humidity Property Map
    Humidity threshold. One of 'relativePercentage' or 'quality' must be provided.
    indoorAirQuality Property Map
    Indoor air quality score threshold. One of 'score' or 'quality' must be provided.
    noise Property Map
    Noise threshold. 'ambient' must be provided.
    pm25 Property Map
    PM2.5 concentration threshold. One of 'concentration' or 'quality' must be provided.
    powerFactor Property Map
    Power factor threshold. 'percentage' must be provided.
    realPower Property Map
    Real power threshold. 'draw' must be provided.
    temperature Property Map
    Temperature threshold. One of 'celsius', 'fahrenheit', or 'quality' must be provided.
    tvoc Property Map
    TVOC concentration threshold. One of 'concentration' or 'quality' must be provided.
    upstreamPower Property Map
    Upstream power threshold. 'outageDetected' must be provided and set to true.
    voltage Property Map
    Voltage threshold. 'level' must be provided.
    water Property Map
    Water detection threshold. 'present' must be provided and set to true.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdApparentPower, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdApparentPowerArgs

    Draw double
    Alerting threshold in volt-amps. Must be between 0 and 3750.
    Draw float64
    Alerting threshold in volt-amps. Must be between 0 and 3750.
    draw Double
    Alerting threshold in volt-amps. Must be between 0 and 3750.
    draw number
    Alerting threshold in volt-amps. Must be between 0 and 3750.
    draw float
    Alerting threshold in volt-amps. Must be between 0 and 3750.
    draw Number
    Alerting threshold in volt-amps. Must be between 0 and 3750.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdCurrent, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdCurrentArgs

    Draw double
    Alerting threshold in amps. Must be between 0 and 15.
    Draw float64
    Alerting threshold in amps. Must be between 0 and 15.
    draw Double
    Alerting threshold in amps. Must be between 0 and 15.
    draw number
    Alerting threshold in amps. Must be between 0 and 15.
    draw float
    Alerting threshold in amps. Must be between 0 and 15.
    draw Number
    Alerting threshold in amps. Must be between 0 and 15.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdDoor, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdDoorArgs

    Open bool
    Alerting threshold for a door open event. Must be set to true.
    Open bool
    Alerting threshold for a door open event. Must be set to true.
    open Boolean
    Alerting threshold for a door open event. Must be set to true.
    open boolean
    Alerting threshold for a door open event. Must be set to true.
    open bool
    Alerting threshold for a door open event. Must be set to true.
    open Boolean
    Alerting threshold for a door open event. Must be set to true.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdFrequency, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdFrequencyArgs

    Level double
    Alerting threshold in hertz. Must be between 0 and 60.
    Level float64
    Alerting threshold in hertz. Must be between 0 and 60.
    level Double
    Alerting threshold in hertz. Must be between 0 and 60.
    level number
    Alerting threshold in hertz. Must be between 0 and 60.
    level float
    Alerting threshold in hertz. Must be between 0 and 60.
    level Number
    Alerting threshold in hertz. Must be between 0 and 60.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdHumidity, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdHumidityArgs

    Quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative humidity level.
    RelativePercentage int
    Alerting threshold in %RH.
    Quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative humidity level.
    RelativePercentage int
    Alerting threshold in %RH.
    quality String
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative humidity level.
    relativePercentage Integer
    Alerting threshold in %RH.
    quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative humidity level.
    relativePercentage number
    Alerting threshold in %RH.
    quality str
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative humidity level.
    relative_percentage int
    Alerting threshold in %RH.
    quality String
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative humidity level.
    relativePercentage Number
    Alerting threshold in %RH.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdIndoorAirQuality, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdIndoorAirQualityArgs

    Quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative indoor air quality level.
    Score int
    Alerting threshold as indoor air quality score.
    Quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative indoor air quality level.
    Score int
    Alerting threshold as indoor air quality score.
    quality String
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative indoor air quality level.
    score Integer
    Alerting threshold as indoor air quality score.
    quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative indoor air quality level.
    score number
    Alerting threshold as indoor air quality score.
    quality str
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative indoor air quality level.
    score int
    Alerting threshold as indoor air quality score.
    quality String
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative indoor air quality level.
    score Number
    Alerting threshold as indoor air quality score.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdNoise, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdNoiseArgs

    Ambient SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdNoiseAmbient
    Ambient noise threshold. One of 'level' or 'quality' must be provided.
    Ambient SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdNoiseAmbient
    Ambient noise threshold. One of 'level' or 'quality' must be provided.
    ambient SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdNoiseAmbient
    Ambient noise threshold. One of 'level' or 'quality' must be provided.
    ambient SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdNoiseAmbient
    Ambient noise threshold. One of 'level' or 'quality' must be provided.
    ambient SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdNoiseAmbient
    Ambient noise threshold. One of 'level' or 'quality' must be provided.
    ambient Property Map
    Ambient noise threshold. One of 'level' or 'quality' must be provided.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdNoiseAmbient, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdNoiseAmbientArgs

    Level int
    Alerting threshold as adjusted decibels.
    Quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative ambient noise level.
    Level int
    Alerting threshold as adjusted decibels.
    Quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative ambient noise level.
    level Integer
    Alerting threshold as adjusted decibels.
    quality String
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative ambient noise level.
    level number
    Alerting threshold as adjusted decibels.
    quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative ambient noise level.
    level int
    Alerting threshold as adjusted decibels.
    quality str
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative ambient noise level.
    level Number
    Alerting threshold as adjusted decibels.
    quality String
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative ambient noise level.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdPm25, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdPm25Args

    Concentration int
    Alerting threshold as PM2.5 parts per million.
    Quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative PM2.5 level.
    Concentration int
    Alerting threshold as PM2.5 parts per million.
    Quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative PM2.5 level.
    concentration Integer
    Alerting threshold as PM2.5 parts per million.
    quality String
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative PM2.5 level.
    concentration number
    Alerting threshold as PM2.5 parts per million.
    quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative PM2.5 level.
    concentration int
    Alerting threshold as PM2.5 parts per million.
    quality str
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative PM2.5 level.
    concentration Number
    Alerting threshold as PM2.5 parts per million.
    quality String
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative PM2.5 level.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdPowerFactor, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdPowerFactorArgs

    Percentage int
    Alerting threshold as the ratio of active power to apparent power. Must be between 0 and 100.
    Percentage int
    Alerting threshold as the ratio of active power to apparent power. Must be between 0 and 100.
    percentage Integer
    Alerting threshold as the ratio of active power to apparent power. Must be between 0 and 100.
    percentage number
    Alerting threshold as the ratio of active power to apparent power. Must be between 0 and 100.
    percentage int
    Alerting threshold as the ratio of active power to apparent power. Must be between 0 and 100.
    percentage Number
    Alerting threshold as the ratio of active power to apparent power. Must be between 0 and 100.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdRealPower, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdRealPowerArgs

    Draw double
    Alerting threshold in watts. Must be between 0 and 3750.
    Draw float64
    Alerting threshold in watts. Must be between 0 and 3750.
    draw Double
    Alerting threshold in watts. Must be between 0 and 3750.
    draw number
    Alerting threshold in watts. Must be between 0 and 3750.
    draw float
    Alerting threshold in watts. Must be between 0 and 3750.
    draw Number
    Alerting threshold in watts. Must be between 0 and 3750.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdTemperature, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdTemperatureArgs

    Celsius double
    Alerting threshold in degrees Celsius.
    Fahrenheit double
    Alerting threshold in degrees Fahrenheit.
    Quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative temperature level.
    Celsius float64
    Alerting threshold in degrees Celsius.
    Fahrenheit float64
    Alerting threshold in degrees Fahrenheit.
    Quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative temperature level.
    celsius Double
    Alerting threshold in degrees Celsius.
    fahrenheit Double
    Alerting threshold in degrees Fahrenheit.
    quality String
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative temperature level.
    celsius number
    Alerting threshold in degrees Celsius.
    fahrenheit number
    Alerting threshold in degrees Fahrenheit.
    quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative temperature level.
    celsius float
    Alerting threshold in degrees Celsius.
    fahrenheit float
    Alerting threshold in degrees Fahrenheit.
    quality str
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative temperature level.
    celsius Number
    Alerting threshold in degrees Celsius.
    fahrenheit Number
    Alerting threshold in degrees Fahrenheit.
    quality String
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative temperature level.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdTvoc, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdTvocArgs

    Concentration int
    Alerting threshold as TVOC micrograms per cubic meter.
    Quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative TVOC level.
    Concentration int
    Alerting threshold as TVOC micrograms per cubic meter.
    Quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative TVOC level.
    concentration Integer
    Alerting threshold as TVOC micrograms per cubic meter.
    quality String
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative TVOC level.
    concentration number
    Alerting threshold as TVOC micrograms per cubic meter.
    quality string
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative TVOC level.
    concentration int
    Alerting threshold as TVOC micrograms per cubic meter.
    quality str
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative TVOC level.
    concentration Number
    Alerting threshold as TVOC micrograms per cubic meter.
    quality String
    Alerting threshold as a qualitative TVOC level.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdUpstreamPower, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdUpstreamPowerArgs

    OutageDetected bool
    Alerting threshold for an upstream power event. Must be set to true.
    OutageDetected bool
    Alerting threshold for an upstream power event. Must be set to true.
    outageDetected Boolean
    Alerting threshold for an upstream power event. Must be set to true.
    outageDetected boolean
    Alerting threshold for an upstream power event. Must be set to true.
    outage_detected bool
    Alerting threshold for an upstream power event. Must be set to true.
    outageDetected Boolean
    Alerting threshold for an upstream power event. Must be set to true.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdVoltage, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdVoltageArgs

    Level double
    Alerting threshold in volts. Must be between 0 and 250.
    Level float64
    Alerting threshold in volts. Must be between 0 and 250.
    level Double
    Alerting threshold in volts. Must be between 0 and 250.
    level number
    Alerting threshold in volts. Must be between 0 and 250.
    level float
    Alerting threshold in volts. Must be between 0 and 250.
    level Number
    Alerting threshold in volts. Must be between 0 and 250.

    SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdWater, SensorAlertsProfilesConditionsResponseThresholdWaterArgs

    Present bool
    Alerting threshold for a water detection event. Must be set to true.
    Present bool
    Alerting threshold for a water detection event. Must be set to true.
    present Boolean
    Alerting threshold for a water detection event. Must be set to true.
    present boolean
    Alerting threshold for a water detection event. Must be set to true.
    present bool
    Alerting threshold for a water detection event. Must be set to true.
    present Boolean
    Alerting threshold for a water detection event. Must be set to true.

    SensorAlertsProfilesRecipients, SensorAlertsProfilesRecipientsArgs

    Emails List<string>
    A list of emails that will receive information about the alert.
    HttpServerIds List<string>
    A list of webhook endpoint IDs that will receive information about the alert.
    SmsNumbers List<string>
    A list of SMS numbers that will receive information about the alert.
    Emails []string
    A list of emails that will receive information about the alert.
    HttpServerIds []string
    A list of webhook endpoint IDs that will receive information about the alert.
    SmsNumbers []string
    A list of SMS numbers that will receive information about the alert.
    emails List<String>
    A list of emails that will receive information about the alert.
    httpServerIds List<String>
    A list of webhook endpoint IDs that will receive information about the alert.
    smsNumbers List<String>
    A list of SMS numbers that will receive information about the alert.
    emails string[]
    A list of emails that will receive information about the alert.
    httpServerIds string[]
    A list of webhook endpoint IDs that will receive information about the alert.
    smsNumbers string[]
    A list of SMS numbers that will receive information about the alert.
    emails Sequence[str]
    A list of emails that will receive information about the alert.
    http_server_ids Sequence[str]
    A list of webhook endpoint IDs that will receive information about the alert.
    sms_numbers Sequence[str]
    A list of SMS numbers that will receive information about the alert.
    emails List<String>
    A list of emails that will receive information about the alert.
    httpServerIds List<String>
    A list of webhook endpoint IDs that will receive information about the alert.
    smsNumbers List<String>
    A list of SMS numbers that will receive information about the alert.

    SensorAlertsProfilesSchedule, SensorAlertsProfilesScheduleArgs

    Id string
    ID of the sensor schedule to use with the alert profile. If not defined, the alert profile will be active at all times.
    Name string
    Name of the sensor schedule to use with the alert profile.
    Id string
    ID of the sensor schedule to use with the alert profile. If not defined, the alert profile will be active at all times.
    Name string
    Name of the sensor schedule to use with the alert profile.
    id String
    ID of the sensor schedule to use with the alert profile. If not defined, the alert profile will be active at all times.
    name String
    Name of the sensor schedule to use with the alert profile.
    id string
    ID of the sensor schedule to use with the alert profile. If not defined, the alert profile will be active at all times.
    name string
    Name of the sensor schedule to use with the alert profile.
    id str
    ID of the sensor schedule to use with the alert profile. If not defined, the alert profile will be active at all times.
    name str
    Name of the sensor schedule to use with the alert profile.
    id String
    ID of the sensor schedule to use with the alert profile. If not defined, the alert profile will be active at all times.
    name String
    Name of the sensor schedule to use with the alert profile.


    $ pulumi import meraki:networks/sensorAlertsProfiles:SensorAlertsProfiles example "id,network_id"

    To learn more about importing existing cloud resources, see Importing resources.

    Package Details

    meraki pulumi/pulumi-meraki
    This Pulumi package is based on the meraki Terraform Provider.
    meraki logo
    Cisco Meraki v0.2.4 published on Friday, Jun 14, 2024 by Pulumi