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  4. contactcenteraiplatform
  5. contactcenteraiplatform/v1alpha1
  6. getContactCenter

Google Cloud Native is in preview. Google Cloud Classic is fully supported.

Google Cloud Native v0.32.0 published on Wednesday, Nov 29, 2023 by Pulumi


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Google Cloud Native is in preview. Google Cloud Classic is fully supported.

Google Cloud Native v0.32.0 published on Wednesday, Nov 29, 2023 by Pulumi

    Gets details of a single ContactCenter.

    Using getContactCenter

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getContactCenter(args: GetContactCenterArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetContactCenterResult>
    function getContactCenterOutput(args: GetContactCenterOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetContactCenterResult>
    def get_contact_center(contact_center_id: Optional[str] = None,
                           location: Optional[str] = None,
                           project: Optional[str] = None,
                           opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetContactCenterResult
    def get_contact_center_output(contact_center_id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                           location: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                           project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                           opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetContactCenterResult]
    func LookupContactCenter(ctx *Context, args *LookupContactCenterArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*LookupContactCenterResult, error)
    func LookupContactCenterOutput(ctx *Context, args *LookupContactCenterOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) LookupContactCenterResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named LookupContactCenter in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetContactCenter 
        public static Task<GetContactCenterResult> InvokeAsync(GetContactCenterArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetContactCenterResult> Invoke(GetContactCenterInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetContactCenterResult> getContactCenter(GetContactCenterArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: google-native:contactcenteraiplatform/v1alpha1:getContactCenter
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    ContactCenterId string
    Location string
    Project string
    ContactCenterId string
    Location string
    Project string
    contactCenterId String
    location String
    project String
    contactCenterId string
    location string
    project string
    contactCenterId String
    location String
    project String

    getContactCenter Result

    The following output properties are available:

    AdminUser Pulumi.GoogleNative.ContactCenterAIPlatform.V1Alpha1.Outputs.AdminUserResponse
    Optional. Info about the first admin user, such as given name and family name.
    CcaipManagedUsers bool
    Optional. Whether to enable users to be created in the CCAIP-instance concurrently to having users in Cloud identity
    CreateTime string
    [Output only] Create time stamp
    CustomerDomainPrefix string
    Immutable. At least 2 and max 16 char long, must conform to RFC 1035.
    DisplayName string
    A user friendly name for the ContactCenter.
    InstanceConfig Pulumi.GoogleNative.ContactCenterAIPlatform.V1Alpha1.Outputs.InstanceConfigResponse
    The configuration of this instance, it is currently immutable once created.
    KmsKey string
    Immutable. The KMS key name to encrypt the user input (ContactCenter).
    Labels Dictionary<string, string>
    Labels as key value pairs
    Name string
    name of resource
    SamlParams Pulumi.GoogleNative.ContactCenterAIPlatform.V1Alpha1.Outputs.SAMLParamsResponse
    Optional. Params that sets up Google as IdP.
    State string
    The state of this contact center.
    UpdateTime string
    [Output only] Update time stamp
    Uris Pulumi.GoogleNative.ContactCenterAIPlatform.V1Alpha1.Outputs.URIsResponse
    URIs to access the deployed ContactCenters.
    UserEmail string
    Optional. Email address of the first admin user.
    AdminUser AdminUserResponse
    Optional. Info about the first admin user, such as given name and family name.
    CcaipManagedUsers bool
    Optional. Whether to enable users to be created in the CCAIP-instance concurrently to having users in Cloud identity
    CreateTime string
    [Output only] Create time stamp
    CustomerDomainPrefix string
    Immutable. At least 2 and max 16 char long, must conform to RFC 1035.
    DisplayName string
    A user friendly name for the ContactCenter.
    InstanceConfig InstanceConfigResponse
    The configuration of this instance, it is currently immutable once created.
    KmsKey string
    Immutable. The KMS key name to encrypt the user input (ContactCenter).
    Labels map[string]string
    Labels as key value pairs
    Name string
    name of resource
    SamlParams SAMLParamsResponse
    Optional. Params that sets up Google as IdP.
    State string
    The state of this contact center.
    UpdateTime string
    [Output only] Update time stamp
    Uris URIsResponse
    URIs to access the deployed ContactCenters.
    UserEmail string
    Optional. Email address of the first admin user.
    adminUser AdminUserResponse
    Optional. Info about the first admin user, such as given name and family name.
    ccaipManagedUsers Boolean
    Optional. Whether to enable users to be created in the CCAIP-instance concurrently to having users in Cloud identity
    createTime String
    [Output only] Create time stamp
    customerDomainPrefix String
    Immutable. At least 2 and max 16 char long, must conform to RFC 1035.
    displayName String
    A user friendly name for the ContactCenter.
    instanceConfig InstanceConfigResponse
    The configuration of this instance, it is currently immutable once created.
    kmsKey String
    Immutable. The KMS key name to encrypt the user input (ContactCenter).
    labels Map<String,String>
    Labels as key value pairs
    name String
    name of resource
    samlParams SAMLParamsResponse
    Optional. Params that sets up Google as IdP.
    state String
    The state of this contact center.
    updateTime String
    [Output only] Update time stamp
    uris URIsResponse
    URIs to access the deployed ContactCenters.
    userEmail String
    Optional. Email address of the first admin user.
    adminUser AdminUserResponse
    Optional. Info about the first admin user, such as given name and family name.
    ccaipManagedUsers boolean
    Optional. Whether to enable users to be created in the CCAIP-instance concurrently to having users in Cloud identity
    createTime string
    [Output only] Create time stamp
    customerDomainPrefix string
    Immutable. At least 2 and max 16 char long, must conform to RFC 1035.
    displayName string
    A user friendly name for the ContactCenter.
    instanceConfig InstanceConfigResponse
    The configuration of this instance, it is currently immutable once created.
    kmsKey string
    Immutable. The KMS key name to encrypt the user input (ContactCenter).
    labels {[key: string]: string}
    Labels as key value pairs
    name string
    name of resource
    samlParams SAMLParamsResponse
    Optional. Params that sets up Google as IdP.
    state string
    The state of this contact center.
    updateTime string
    [Output only] Update time stamp
    uris URIsResponse
    URIs to access the deployed ContactCenters.
    userEmail string
    Optional. Email address of the first admin user.
    admin_user AdminUserResponse
    Optional. Info about the first admin user, such as given name and family name.
    ccaip_managed_users bool
    Optional. Whether to enable users to be created in the CCAIP-instance concurrently to having users in Cloud identity
    create_time str
    [Output only] Create time stamp
    customer_domain_prefix str
    Immutable. At least 2 and max 16 char long, must conform to RFC 1035.
    display_name str
    A user friendly name for the ContactCenter.
    instance_config InstanceConfigResponse
    The configuration of this instance, it is currently immutable once created.
    kms_key str
    Immutable. The KMS key name to encrypt the user input (ContactCenter).
    labels Mapping[str, str]
    Labels as key value pairs
    name str
    name of resource
    saml_params SAMLParamsResponse
    Optional. Params that sets up Google as IdP.
    state str
    The state of this contact center.
    update_time str
    [Output only] Update time stamp
    uris URIsResponse
    URIs to access the deployed ContactCenters.
    user_email str
    Optional. Email address of the first admin user.
    adminUser Property Map
    Optional. Info about the first admin user, such as given name and family name.
    ccaipManagedUsers Boolean
    Optional. Whether to enable users to be created in the CCAIP-instance concurrently to having users in Cloud identity
    createTime String
    [Output only] Create time stamp
    customerDomainPrefix String
    Immutable. At least 2 and max 16 char long, must conform to RFC 1035.
    displayName String
    A user friendly name for the ContactCenter.
    instanceConfig Property Map
    The configuration of this instance, it is currently immutable once created.
    kmsKey String
    Immutable. The KMS key name to encrypt the user input (ContactCenter).
    labels Map<String>
    Labels as key value pairs
    name String
    name of resource
    samlParams Property Map
    Optional. Params that sets up Google as IdP.
    state String
    The state of this contact center.
    updateTime String
    [Output only] Update time stamp
    uris Property Map
    URIs to access the deployed ContactCenters.
    userEmail String
    Optional. Email address of the first admin user.

    Supporting Types


    FamilyName string
    Optional. Last/family name of the first admin user.
    GivenName string
    Optional. First/given name of the first admin user.
    FamilyName string
    Optional. Last/family name of the first admin user.
    GivenName string
    Optional. First/given name of the first admin user.
    familyName String
    Optional. Last/family name of the first admin user.
    givenName String
    Optional. First/given name of the first admin user.
    familyName string
    Optional. Last/family name of the first admin user.
    givenName string
    Optional. First/given name of the first admin user.
    family_name str
    Optional. Last/family name of the first admin user.
    given_name str
    Optional. First/given name of the first admin user.
    familyName String
    Optional. Last/family name of the first admin user.
    givenName String
    Optional. First/given name of the first admin user.


    InstanceSize string
    The instance size of this the instance configuration.
    InstanceSize string
    The instance size of this the instance configuration.
    instanceSize String
    The instance size of this the instance configuration.
    instanceSize string
    The instance size of this the instance configuration.
    instance_size str
    The instance size of this the instance configuration.
    instanceSize String
    The instance size of this the instance configuration.


    Certificate string
    SAML certificate
    EmailMapping string
    IdP field that maps to the user’s email address
    EntityId string
    Entity id URL
    SsoUri string
    Single sign-on URL
    UserEmail string
    Email address of the first admin users.
    Certificate string
    SAML certificate
    EmailMapping string
    IdP field that maps to the user’s email address
    EntityId string
    Entity id URL
    SsoUri string
    Single sign-on URL
    UserEmail string
    Email address of the first admin users.
    certificate String
    SAML certificate
    emailMapping String
    IdP field that maps to the user’s email address
    entityId String
    Entity id URL
    ssoUri String
    Single sign-on URL
    userEmail String
    Email address of the first admin users.
    certificate string
    SAML certificate
    emailMapping string
    IdP field that maps to the user’s email address
    entityId string
    Entity id URL
    ssoUri string
    Single sign-on URL
    userEmail string
    Email address of the first admin users.
    certificate str
    SAML certificate
    email_mapping str
    IdP field that maps to the user’s email address
    entity_id str
    Entity id URL
    sso_uri str
    Single sign-on URL
    user_email str
    Email address of the first admin users.
    certificate String
    SAML certificate
    emailMapping String
    IdP field that maps to the user’s email address
    entityId String
    Entity id URL
    ssoUri String
    Single sign-on URL
    userEmail String
    Email address of the first admin users.


    ChatBotUri string
    Chat Bot Uri of the ContactCenter
    MediaUri string
    Media Uri of the ContactCenter.
    RootUri string
    Root Uri of the ContactCenter.
    VirtualAgentStreamingServiceUri string
    Virtual Agent Streaming Service Uri of the ContactCenter.
    ChatBotUri string
    Chat Bot Uri of the ContactCenter
    MediaUri string
    Media Uri of the ContactCenter.
    RootUri string
    Root Uri of the ContactCenter.
    VirtualAgentStreamingServiceUri string
    Virtual Agent Streaming Service Uri of the ContactCenter.
    chatBotUri String
    Chat Bot Uri of the ContactCenter
    mediaUri String
    Media Uri of the ContactCenter.
    rootUri String
    Root Uri of the ContactCenter.
    virtualAgentStreamingServiceUri String
    Virtual Agent Streaming Service Uri of the ContactCenter.
    chatBotUri string
    Chat Bot Uri of the ContactCenter
    mediaUri string
    Media Uri of the ContactCenter.
    rootUri string
    Root Uri of the ContactCenter.
    virtualAgentStreamingServiceUri string
    Virtual Agent Streaming Service Uri of the ContactCenter.
    chat_bot_uri str
    Chat Bot Uri of the ContactCenter
    media_uri str
    Media Uri of the ContactCenter.
    root_uri str
    Root Uri of the ContactCenter.
    virtual_agent_streaming_service_uri str
    Virtual Agent Streaming Service Uri of the ContactCenter.
    chatBotUri String
    Chat Bot Uri of the ContactCenter
    mediaUri String
    Media Uri of the ContactCenter.
    rootUri String
    Root Uri of the ContactCenter.
    virtualAgentStreamingServiceUri String
    Virtual Agent Streaming Service Uri of the ContactCenter.

    Package Details

    Google Cloud Native pulumi/pulumi-google-native
    google-native logo

    Google Cloud Native is in preview. Google Cloud Classic is fully supported.

    Google Cloud Native v0.32.0 published on Wednesday, Nov 29, 2023 by Pulumi