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  5. getInstance
Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    Get info about a Google Cloud Redis instance.

    Example Usage

    data "google_redis_instance" "my_instance" {
      name = "my-redis-instance"
    output "instance_memory_size_gb" {
      value = data.google_redis_instance.my_instance.memory_size_gb
    output "instance_connect_mode" {
      value = data.google_redis_instance.my_instance.connect_mode
    output "instance_authorized_network" {
      value = data.google_redis_instance.my_instance.authorized_network

    Using getInstance

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getInstance(args: GetInstanceArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetInstanceResult>
    function getInstanceOutput(args: GetInstanceOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetInstanceResult>
    def get_instance(name: Optional[str] = None,
                     project: Optional[str] = None,
                     region: Optional[str] = None,
                     opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetInstanceResult
    def get_instance_output(name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                     project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                     region: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                     opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetInstanceResult]
    func LookupInstance(ctx *Context, args *LookupInstanceArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*LookupInstanceResult, error)
    func LookupInstanceOutput(ctx *Context, args *LookupInstanceOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) LookupInstanceResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named LookupInstance in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetInstance 
        public static Task<GetInstanceResult> InvokeAsync(GetInstanceArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetInstanceResult> Invoke(GetInstanceInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetInstanceResult> getInstance(GetInstanceArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: gcp:redis/getInstance:getInstance
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    Name string
    The name of a Redis instance.

    Project string
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    Region string
    The region in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider region is used.
    Name string
    The name of a Redis instance.

    Project string
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    Region string
    The region in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider region is used.
    name String
    The name of a Redis instance.

    project String
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    region String
    The region in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider region is used.
    name string
    The name of a Redis instance.

    project string
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    region string
    The region in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider region is used.
    name str
    The name of a Redis instance.

    project str
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    region str
    The region in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider region is used.
    name String
    The name of a Redis instance.

    project String
    The project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    region String
    The region in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider region is used.

    getInstance Result

    The following output properties are available:

    AlternativeLocationId string
    AuthEnabled bool
    AuthString string
    AuthorizedNetwork string
    ConnectMode string
    CreateTime string
    CurrentLocationId string
    CustomerManagedKey string
    DisplayName string
    EffectiveLabels Dictionary<string, string>
    Host string
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Labels Dictionary<string, string>
    LocationId string
    MaintenancePolicies List<GetInstanceMaintenancePolicy>
    MaintenanceSchedules List<GetInstanceMaintenanceSchedule>
    MaintenanceVersion string
    MemorySizeGb int
    Name string
    Nodes List<GetInstanceNode>
    PersistenceConfigs List<GetInstancePersistenceConfig>
    PersistenceIamIdentity string
    Port int
    PulumiLabels Dictionary<string, string>
    ReadEndpoint string
    ReadEndpointPort int
    ReadReplicasMode string
    RedisConfigs Dictionary<string, string>
    RedisVersion string
    ReplicaCount int
    ReservedIpRange string
    SecondaryIpRange string
    ServerCaCerts List<GetInstanceServerCaCert>
    Tier string
    TransitEncryptionMode string
    Project string
    Region string
    AlternativeLocationId string
    AuthEnabled bool
    AuthString string
    AuthorizedNetwork string
    ConnectMode string
    CreateTime string
    CurrentLocationId string
    CustomerManagedKey string
    DisplayName string
    EffectiveLabels map[string]string
    Host string
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Labels map[string]string
    LocationId string
    MaintenancePolicies []GetInstanceMaintenancePolicy
    MaintenanceSchedules []GetInstanceMaintenanceSchedule
    MaintenanceVersion string
    MemorySizeGb int
    Name string
    Nodes []GetInstanceNode
    PersistenceConfigs []GetInstancePersistenceConfig
    PersistenceIamIdentity string
    Port int
    PulumiLabels map[string]string
    ReadEndpoint string
    ReadEndpointPort int
    ReadReplicasMode string
    RedisConfigs map[string]string
    RedisVersion string
    ReplicaCount int
    ReservedIpRange string
    SecondaryIpRange string
    ServerCaCerts []GetInstanceServerCaCert
    Tier string
    TransitEncryptionMode string
    Project string
    Region string
    alternativeLocationId String
    authEnabled Boolean
    authString String
    authorizedNetwork String
    connectMode String
    createTime String
    currentLocationId String
    customerManagedKey String
    displayName String
    effectiveLabels Map<String,String>
    host String
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    labels Map<String,String>
    locationId String
    maintenancePolicies List<GetInstanceMaintenancePolicy>
    maintenanceSchedules List<GetInstanceMaintenanceSchedule>
    maintenanceVersion String
    memorySizeGb Integer
    name String
    nodes List<GetInstanceNode>
    persistenceConfigs List<GetInstancePersistenceConfig>
    persistenceIamIdentity String
    port Integer
    pulumiLabels Map<String,String>
    readEndpoint String
    readEndpointPort Integer
    readReplicasMode String
    redisConfigs Map<String,String>
    redisVersion String
    replicaCount Integer
    reservedIpRange String
    secondaryIpRange String
    serverCaCerts List<GetInstanceServerCaCert>
    tier String
    transitEncryptionMode String
    project String
    region String
    alternativeLocationId string
    authEnabled boolean
    authString string
    authorizedNetwork string
    connectMode string
    createTime string
    currentLocationId string
    customerManagedKey string
    displayName string
    effectiveLabels {[key: string]: string}
    host string
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    labels {[key: string]: string}
    locationId string
    maintenancePolicies GetInstanceMaintenancePolicy[]
    maintenanceSchedules GetInstanceMaintenanceSchedule[]
    maintenanceVersion string
    memorySizeGb number
    name string
    nodes GetInstanceNode[]
    persistenceConfigs GetInstancePersistenceConfig[]
    persistenceIamIdentity string
    port number
    pulumiLabels {[key: string]: string}
    readEndpoint string
    readEndpointPort number
    readReplicasMode string
    redisConfigs {[key: string]: string}
    redisVersion string
    replicaCount number
    reservedIpRange string
    secondaryIpRange string
    serverCaCerts GetInstanceServerCaCert[]
    tier string
    transitEncryptionMode string
    project string
    region string
    alternative_location_id str
    auth_enabled bool
    auth_string str
    authorized_network str
    connect_mode str
    create_time str
    current_location_id str
    customer_managed_key str
    display_name str
    effective_labels Mapping[str, str]
    host str
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    labels Mapping[str, str]
    location_id str
    maintenance_policies Sequence[GetInstanceMaintenancePolicy]
    maintenance_schedules Sequence[GetInstanceMaintenanceSchedule]
    maintenance_version str
    memory_size_gb int
    name str
    nodes Sequence[GetInstanceNode]
    persistence_configs Sequence[GetInstancePersistenceConfig]
    persistence_iam_identity str
    port int
    pulumi_labels Mapping[str, str]
    read_endpoint str
    read_endpoint_port int
    read_replicas_mode str
    redis_configs Mapping[str, str]
    redis_version str
    replica_count int
    reserved_ip_range str
    secondary_ip_range str
    server_ca_certs Sequence[GetInstanceServerCaCert]
    tier str
    transit_encryption_mode str
    project str
    region str
    alternativeLocationId String
    authEnabled Boolean
    authString String
    authorizedNetwork String
    connectMode String
    createTime String
    currentLocationId String
    customerManagedKey String
    displayName String
    effectiveLabels Map<String>
    host String
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    labels Map<String>
    locationId String
    maintenancePolicies List<Property Map>
    maintenanceSchedules List<Property Map>
    maintenanceVersion String
    memorySizeGb Number
    name String
    nodes List<Property Map>
    persistenceConfigs List<Property Map>
    persistenceIamIdentity String
    port Number
    pulumiLabels Map<String>
    readEndpoint String
    readEndpointPort Number
    readReplicasMode String
    redisConfigs Map<String>
    redisVersion String
    replicaCount Number
    reservedIpRange String
    secondaryIpRange String
    serverCaCerts List<Property Map>
    tier String
    transitEncryptionMode String
    project String
    region String

    Supporting Types


    CreateTime string
    Output only. The time when the policy was created. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    Description string
    Optional. Description of what this policy is for. Create/Update methods return INVALID_ARGUMENT if the length is greater than 512.
    UpdateTime string
    Output only. The time when the policy was last updated. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    WeeklyMaintenanceWindows List<GetInstanceMaintenancePolicyWeeklyMaintenanceWindow>
    Optional. Maintenance window that is applied to resources covered by this policy. Minimum 1. For the current version, the maximum number of weekly_window is expected to be one.
    CreateTime string
    Output only. The time when the policy was created. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    Description string
    Optional. Description of what this policy is for. Create/Update methods return INVALID_ARGUMENT if the length is greater than 512.
    UpdateTime string
    Output only. The time when the policy was last updated. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    WeeklyMaintenanceWindows []GetInstanceMaintenancePolicyWeeklyMaintenanceWindow
    Optional. Maintenance window that is applied to resources covered by this policy. Minimum 1. For the current version, the maximum number of weekly_window is expected to be one.
    createTime String
    Output only. The time when the policy was created. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    description String
    Optional. Description of what this policy is for. Create/Update methods return INVALID_ARGUMENT if the length is greater than 512.
    updateTime String
    Output only. The time when the policy was last updated. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    weeklyMaintenanceWindows List<GetInstanceMaintenancePolicyWeeklyMaintenanceWindow>
    Optional. Maintenance window that is applied to resources covered by this policy. Minimum 1. For the current version, the maximum number of weekly_window is expected to be one.
    createTime string
    Output only. The time when the policy was created. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    description string
    Optional. Description of what this policy is for. Create/Update methods return INVALID_ARGUMENT if the length is greater than 512.
    updateTime string
    Output only. The time when the policy was last updated. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    weeklyMaintenanceWindows GetInstanceMaintenancePolicyWeeklyMaintenanceWindow[]
    Optional. Maintenance window that is applied to resources covered by this policy. Minimum 1. For the current version, the maximum number of weekly_window is expected to be one.
    create_time str
    Output only. The time when the policy was created. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    description str
    Optional. Description of what this policy is for. Create/Update methods return INVALID_ARGUMENT if the length is greater than 512.
    update_time str
    Output only. The time when the policy was last updated. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    weekly_maintenance_windows Sequence[GetInstanceMaintenancePolicyWeeklyMaintenanceWindow]
    Optional. Maintenance window that is applied to resources covered by this policy. Minimum 1. For the current version, the maximum number of weekly_window is expected to be one.
    createTime String
    Output only. The time when the policy was created. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    description String
    Optional. Description of what this policy is for. Create/Update methods return INVALID_ARGUMENT if the length is greater than 512.
    updateTime String
    Output only. The time when the policy was last updated. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    weeklyMaintenanceWindows List<Property Map>
    Optional. Maintenance window that is applied to resources covered by this policy. Minimum 1. For the current version, the maximum number of weekly_window is expected to be one.


    Day string
    Required. The day of week that maintenance updates occur.

    • DAY_OF_WEEK_UNSPECIFIED: The day of the week is unspecified.
    • MONDAY: Monday
    • TUESDAY: Tuesday
    • WEDNESDAY: Wednesday
    • THURSDAY: Thursday
    • FRIDAY: Friday
    • SATURDAY: Saturday
    Duration string
    Output only. Duration of the maintenance window. The current window is fixed at 1 hour. A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, terminated by 's'. Example: "3.5s".
    StartTimes List<GetInstanceMaintenancePolicyWeeklyMaintenanceWindowStartTime>
    Required. Start time of the window in UTC time.
    Day string
    Required. The day of week that maintenance updates occur.

    • DAY_OF_WEEK_UNSPECIFIED: The day of the week is unspecified.
    • MONDAY: Monday
    • TUESDAY: Tuesday
    • WEDNESDAY: Wednesday
    • THURSDAY: Thursday
    • FRIDAY: Friday
    • SATURDAY: Saturday
    Duration string
    Output only. Duration of the maintenance window. The current window is fixed at 1 hour. A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, terminated by 's'. Example: "3.5s".
    StartTimes []GetInstanceMaintenancePolicyWeeklyMaintenanceWindowStartTime
    Required. Start time of the window in UTC time.
    day String
    Required. The day of week that maintenance updates occur.

    • DAY_OF_WEEK_UNSPECIFIED: The day of the week is unspecified.
    • MONDAY: Monday
    • TUESDAY: Tuesday
    • WEDNESDAY: Wednesday
    • THURSDAY: Thursday
    • FRIDAY: Friday
    • SATURDAY: Saturday
    duration String
    Output only. Duration of the maintenance window. The current window is fixed at 1 hour. A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, terminated by 's'. Example: "3.5s".
    startTimes List<GetInstanceMaintenancePolicyWeeklyMaintenanceWindowStartTime>
    Required. Start time of the window in UTC time.
    day string
    Required. The day of week that maintenance updates occur.

    • DAY_OF_WEEK_UNSPECIFIED: The day of the week is unspecified.
    • MONDAY: Monday
    • TUESDAY: Tuesday
    • WEDNESDAY: Wednesday
    • THURSDAY: Thursday
    • FRIDAY: Friday
    • SATURDAY: Saturday
    duration string
    Output only. Duration of the maintenance window. The current window is fixed at 1 hour. A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, terminated by 's'. Example: "3.5s".
    startTimes GetInstanceMaintenancePolicyWeeklyMaintenanceWindowStartTime[]
    Required. Start time of the window in UTC time.
    day str
    Required. The day of week that maintenance updates occur.

    • DAY_OF_WEEK_UNSPECIFIED: The day of the week is unspecified.
    • MONDAY: Monday
    • TUESDAY: Tuesday
    • WEDNESDAY: Wednesday
    • THURSDAY: Thursday
    • FRIDAY: Friday
    • SATURDAY: Saturday
    duration str
    Output only. Duration of the maintenance window. The current window is fixed at 1 hour. A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, terminated by 's'. Example: "3.5s".
    start_times Sequence[GetInstanceMaintenancePolicyWeeklyMaintenanceWindowStartTime]
    Required. Start time of the window in UTC time.
    day String
    Required. The day of week that maintenance updates occur.

    • DAY_OF_WEEK_UNSPECIFIED: The day of the week is unspecified.
    • MONDAY: Monday
    • TUESDAY: Tuesday
    • WEDNESDAY: Wednesday
    • THURSDAY: Thursday
    • FRIDAY: Friday
    • SATURDAY: Saturday
    duration String
    Output only. Duration of the maintenance window. The current window is fixed at 1 hour. A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, terminated by 's'. Example: "3.5s".
    startTimes List<Property Map>
    Required. Start time of the window in UTC time.


    Hours int
    Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23. An API may choose to allow the value "24:00:00" for scenarios like business closing time.
    Minutes int
    Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59.
    Nanos int
    Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999.
    Seconds int
    Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59. An API may allow the value 60 if it allows leap-seconds.
    Hours int
    Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23. An API may choose to allow the value "24:00:00" for scenarios like business closing time.
    Minutes int
    Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59.
    Nanos int
    Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999.
    Seconds int
    Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59. An API may allow the value 60 if it allows leap-seconds.
    hours Integer
    Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23. An API may choose to allow the value "24:00:00" for scenarios like business closing time.
    minutes Integer
    Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59.
    nanos Integer
    Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999.
    seconds Integer
    Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59. An API may allow the value 60 if it allows leap-seconds.
    hours number
    Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23. An API may choose to allow the value "24:00:00" for scenarios like business closing time.
    minutes number
    Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59.
    nanos number
    Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999.
    seconds number
    Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59. An API may allow the value 60 if it allows leap-seconds.
    hours int
    Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23. An API may choose to allow the value "24:00:00" for scenarios like business closing time.
    minutes int
    Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59.
    nanos int
    Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999.
    seconds int
    Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59. An API may allow the value 60 if it allows leap-seconds.
    hours Number
    Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23. An API may choose to allow the value "24:00:00" for scenarios like business closing time.
    minutes Number
    Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59.
    nanos Number
    Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999.
    seconds Number
    Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59. An API may allow the value 60 if it allows leap-seconds.


    EndTime string
    Output only. The end time of any upcoming scheduled maintenance for this instance. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    ScheduleDeadlineTime string
    Output only. The deadline that the maintenance schedule start time can not go beyond, including reschedule. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    StartTime string
    Output only. The start time of any upcoming scheduled maintenance for this instance. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    EndTime string
    Output only. The end time of any upcoming scheduled maintenance for this instance. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    ScheduleDeadlineTime string
    Output only. The deadline that the maintenance schedule start time can not go beyond, including reschedule. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    StartTime string
    Output only. The start time of any upcoming scheduled maintenance for this instance. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    endTime String
    Output only. The end time of any upcoming scheduled maintenance for this instance. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    scheduleDeadlineTime String
    Output only. The deadline that the maintenance schedule start time can not go beyond, including reschedule. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    startTime String
    Output only. The start time of any upcoming scheduled maintenance for this instance. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    endTime string
    Output only. The end time of any upcoming scheduled maintenance for this instance. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    scheduleDeadlineTime string
    Output only. The deadline that the maintenance schedule start time can not go beyond, including reschedule. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    startTime string
    Output only. The start time of any upcoming scheduled maintenance for this instance. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    end_time str
    Output only. The end time of any upcoming scheduled maintenance for this instance. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    schedule_deadline_time str
    Output only. The deadline that the maintenance schedule start time can not go beyond, including reschedule. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    start_time str
    Output only. The start time of any upcoming scheduled maintenance for this instance. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    endTime String
    Output only. The end time of any upcoming scheduled maintenance for this instance. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    scheduleDeadlineTime String
    Output only. The deadline that the maintenance schedule start time can not go beyond, including reschedule. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.
    startTime String
    Output only. The start time of any upcoming scheduled maintenance for this instance. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits.


    Id string
    Node identifying string. e.g. 'node-0', 'node-1'
    Zone string
    Location of the node.
    Id string
    Node identifying string. e.g. 'node-0', 'node-1'
    Zone string
    Location of the node.
    id String
    Node identifying string. e.g. 'node-0', 'node-1'
    zone String
    Location of the node.
    id string
    Node identifying string. e.g. 'node-0', 'node-1'
    zone string
    Location of the node.
    id str
    Node identifying string. e.g. 'node-0', 'node-1'
    zone str
    Location of the node.
    id String
    Node identifying string. e.g. 'node-0', 'node-1'
    zone String
    Location of the node.


    PersistenceMode string
    Optional. Controls whether Persistence features are enabled. If not provided, the existing value will be used.

    • DISABLED: Persistence is disabled for the instance, and any existing snapshots are deleted.
    • RDB: RDB based Persistence is enabled. Possible values: ["DISABLED", "RDB"]
    RdbNextSnapshotTime string
    Output only. The next time that a snapshot attempt is scheduled to occur. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
    RdbSnapshotPeriod string
    Optional. Available snapshot periods for scheduling.

    • ONE_HOUR: Snapshot every 1 hour.
    • SIX_HOURS: Snapshot every 6 hours.
    • TWELVE_HOURS: Snapshot every 12 hours.
    • TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS: Snapshot every 24 hours. Possible values: ["ONE_HOUR", "SIX_HOURS", "TWELVE_HOURS", "TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS"]
    RdbSnapshotStartTime string
    Optional. Date and time that the first snapshot was/will be attempted, and to which future snapshots will be aligned. If not provided, the current time will be used. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
    PersistenceMode string
    Optional. Controls whether Persistence features are enabled. If not provided, the existing value will be used.

    • DISABLED: Persistence is disabled for the instance, and any existing snapshots are deleted.
    • RDB: RDB based Persistence is enabled. Possible values: ["DISABLED", "RDB"]
    RdbNextSnapshotTime string
    Output only. The next time that a snapshot attempt is scheduled to occur. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
    RdbSnapshotPeriod string
    Optional. Available snapshot periods for scheduling.

    • ONE_HOUR: Snapshot every 1 hour.
    • SIX_HOURS: Snapshot every 6 hours.
    • TWELVE_HOURS: Snapshot every 12 hours.
    • TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS: Snapshot every 24 hours. Possible values: ["ONE_HOUR", "SIX_HOURS", "TWELVE_HOURS", "TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS"]
    RdbSnapshotStartTime string
    Optional. Date and time that the first snapshot was/will be attempted, and to which future snapshots will be aligned. If not provided, the current time will be used. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
    persistenceMode String
    Optional. Controls whether Persistence features are enabled. If not provided, the existing value will be used.

    • DISABLED: Persistence is disabled for the instance, and any existing snapshots are deleted.
    • RDB: RDB based Persistence is enabled. Possible values: ["DISABLED", "RDB"]
    rdbNextSnapshotTime String
    Output only. The next time that a snapshot attempt is scheduled to occur. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
    rdbSnapshotPeriod String
    Optional. Available snapshot periods for scheduling.

    • ONE_HOUR: Snapshot every 1 hour.
    • SIX_HOURS: Snapshot every 6 hours.
    • TWELVE_HOURS: Snapshot every 12 hours.
    • TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS: Snapshot every 24 hours. Possible values: ["ONE_HOUR", "SIX_HOURS", "TWELVE_HOURS", "TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS"]
    rdbSnapshotStartTime String
    Optional. Date and time that the first snapshot was/will be attempted, and to which future snapshots will be aligned. If not provided, the current time will be used. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
    persistenceMode string
    Optional. Controls whether Persistence features are enabled. If not provided, the existing value will be used.

    • DISABLED: Persistence is disabled for the instance, and any existing snapshots are deleted.
    • RDB: RDB based Persistence is enabled. Possible values: ["DISABLED", "RDB"]
    rdbNextSnapshotTime string
    Output only. The next time that a snapshot attempt is scheduled to occur. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
    rdbSnapshotPeriod string
    Optional. Available snapshot periods for scheduling.

    • ONE_HOUR: Snapshot every 1 hour.
    • SIX_HOURS: Snapshot every 6 hours.
    • TWELVE_HOURS: Snapshot every 12 hours.
    • TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS: Snapshot every 24 hours. Possible values: ["ONE_HOUR", "SIX_HOURS", "TWELVE_HOURS", "TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS"]
    rdbSnapshotStartTime string
    Optional. Date and time that the first snapshot was/will be attempted, and to which future snapshots will be aligned. If not provided, the current time will be used. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
    persistence_mode str
    Optional. Controls whether Persistence features are enabled. If not provided, the existing value will be used.

    • DISABLED: Persistence is disabled for the instance, and any existing snapshots are deleted.
    • RDB: RDB based Persistence is enabled. Possible values: ["DISABLED", "RDB"]
    rdb_next_snapshot_time str
    Output only. The next time that a snapshot attempt is scheduled to occur. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
    rdb_snapshot_period str
    Optional. Available snapshot periods for scheduling.

    • ONE_HOUR: Snapshot every 1 hour.
    • SIX_HOURS: Snapshot every 6 hours.
    • TWELVE_HOURS: Snapshot every 12 hours.
    • TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS: Snapshot every 24 hours. Possible values: ["ONE_HOUR", "SIX_HOURS", "TWELVE_HOURS", "TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS"]
    rdb_snapshot_start_time str
    Optional. Date and time that the first snapshot was/will be attempted, and to which future snapshots will be aligned. If not provided, the current time will be used. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
    persistenceMode String
    Optional. Controls whether Persistence features are enabled. If not provided, the existing value will be used.

    • DISABLED: Persistence is disabled for the instance, and any existing snapshots are deleted.
    • RDB: RDB based Persistence is enabled. Possible values: ["DISABLED", "RDB"]
    rdbNextSnapshotTime String
    Output only. The next time that a snapshot attempt is scheduled to occur. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
    rdbSnapshotPeriod String
    Optional. Available snapshot periods for scheduling.

    • ONE_HOUR: Snapshot every 1 hour.
    • SIX_HOURS: Snapshot every 6 hours.
    • TWELVE_HOURS: Snapshot every 12 hours.
    • TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS: Snapshot every 24 hours. Possible values: ["ONE_HOUR", "SIX_HOURS", "TWELVE_HOURS", "TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS"]
    rdbSnapshotStartTime String
    Optional. Date and time that the first snapshot was/will be attempted, and to which future snapshots will be aligned. If not provided, the current time will be used. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".


    Cert string
    The certificate data in PEM format.
    CreateTime string
    The time when the certificate was created.
    ExpireTime string
    The time when the certificate expires.
    SerialNumber string
    Serial number, as extracted from the certificate.
    Sha1Fingerprint string
    Sha1 Fingerprint of the certificate.
    Cert string
    The certificate data in PEM format.
    CreateTime string
    The time when the certificate was created.
    ExpireTime string
    The time when the certificate expires.
    SerialNumber string
    Serial number, as extracted from the certificate.
    Sha1Fingerprint string
    Sha1 Fingerprint of the certificate.
    cert String
    The certificate data in PEM format.
    createTime String
    The time when the certificate was created.
    expireTime String
    The time when the certificate expires.
    serialNumber String
    Serial number, as extracted from the certificate.
    sha1Fingerprint String
    Sha1 Fingerprint of the certificate.
    cert string
    The certificate data in PEM format.
    createTime string
    The time when the certificate was created.
    expireTime string
    The time when the certificate expires.
    serialNumber string
    Serial number, as extracted from the certificate.
    sha1Fingerprint string
    Sha1 Fingerprint of the certificate.
    cert str
    The certificate data in PEM format.
    create_time str
    The time when the certificate was created.
    expire_time str
    The time when the certificate expires.
    serial_number str
    Serial number, as extracted from the certificate.
    sha1_fingerprint str
    Sha1 Fingerprint of the certificate.
    cert String
    The certificate data in PEM format.
    createTime String
    The time when the certificate was created.
    expireTime String
    The time when the certificate expires.
    serialNumber String
    Serial number, as extracted from the certificate.
    sha1Fingerprint String
    Sha1 Fingerprint of the certificate.

    Package Details

    Google Cloud (GCP) Classic pulumi/pulumi-gcp
    This Pulumi package is based on the google-beta Terraform Provider.
    gcp logo
    Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi