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  5. Instance
Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    A Google Cloud Looker instance.

    To get more information about Instance, see:

    Example Usage

    Looker Instance Basic

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as gcp from "@pulumi/gcp";
    const looker_instance = new gcp.looker.Instance("looker-instance", {
        name: "my-instance",
        platformEdition: "LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD_ANNUAL",
        region: "us-central1",
        oauthConfig: {
            clientId: "my-client-id",
            clientSecret: "my-client-secret",
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_gcp as gcp
    looker_instance = gcp.looker.Instance("looker-instance",
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := looker.NewInstance(ctx, "looker-instance", &looker.InstanceArgs{
    			Name:            pulumi.String("my-instance"),
    			PlatformEdition: pulumi.String("LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD_ANNUAL"),
    			Region:          pulumi.String("us-central1"),
    			OauthConfig: &looker.InstanceOauthConfigArgs{
    				ClientId:     pulumi.String("my-client-id"),
    				ClientSecret: pulumi.String("my-client-secret"),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Gcp = Pulumi.Gcp;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var looker_instance = new Gcp.Looker.Instance("looker-instance", new()
            Name = "my-instance",
            PlatformEdition = "LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD_ANNUAL",
            Region = "us-central1",
            OauthConfig = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceOauthConfigArgs
                ClientId = "my-client-id",
                ClientSecret = "my-client-secret",
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.Instance;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.InstanceArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.inputs.InstanceOauthConfigArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            var looker_instance = new Instance("looker-instance", InstanceArgs.builder()
        type: gcp:looker:Instance
          name: my-instance
          platformEdition: LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD_ANNUAL
          region: us-central1
            clientId: my-client-id
            clientSecret: my-client-secret

    Looker Instance Full

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as gcp from "@pulumi/gcp";
    const looker_instance = new gcp.looker.Instance("looker-instance", {
        name: "my-instance",
        platformEdition: "LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD_ANNUAL",
        region: "us-central1",
        publicIpEnabled: true,
        adminSettings: {
            allowedEmailDomains: ["google.com"],
        maintenanceWindow: {
            dayOfWeek: "THURSDAY",
            startTime: {
                hours: 22,
                minutes: 0,
                seconds: 0,
                nanos: 0,
        denyMaintenancePeriod: {
            startDate: {
                year: 2050,
                month: 1,
                day: 1,
            endDate: {
                year: 2050,
                month: 2,
                day: 1,
            time: {
                hours: 10,
                minutes: 0,
                seconds: 0,
                nanos: 0,
        oauthConfig: {
            clientId: "my-client-id",
            clientSecret: "my-client-secret",
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_gcp as gcp
    looker_instance = gcp.looker.Instance("looker-instance",
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := looker.NewInstance(ctx, "looker-instance", &looker.InstanceArgs{
    			Name:            pulumi.String("my-instance"),
    			PlatformEdition: pulumi.String("LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD_ANNUAL"),
    			Region:          pulumi.String("us-central1"),
    			PublicIpEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true),
    			AdminSettings: &looker.InstanceAdminSettingsArgs{
    				AllowedEmailDomains: pulumi.StringArray{
    			MaintenanceWindow: &looker.InstanceMaintenanceWindowArgs{
    				DayOfWeek: pulumi.String("THURSDAY"),
    				StartTime: &looker.InstanceMaintenanceWindowStartTimeArgs{
    					Hours:   pulumi.Int(22),
    					Minutes: pulumi.Int(0),
    					Seconds: pulumi.Int(0),
    					Nanos:   pulumi.Int(0),
    			DenyMaintenancePeriod: &looker.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodArgs{
    				StartDate: &looker.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodStartDateArgs{
    					Year:  pulumi.Int(2050),
    					Month: pulumi.Int(1),
    					Day:   pulumi.Int(1),
    				EndDate: &looker.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodEndDateArgs{
    					Year:  pulumi.Int(2050),
    					Month: pulumi.Int(2),
    					Day:   pulumi.Int(1),
    				Time: &looker.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodTimeArgs{
    					Hours:   pulumi.Int(10),
    					Minutes: pulumi.Int(0),
    					Seconds: pulumi.Int(0),
    					Nanos:   pulumi.Int(0),
    			OauthConfig: &looker.InstanceOauthConfigArgs{
    				ClientId:     pulumi.String("my-client-id"),
    				ClientSecret: pulumi.String("my-client-secret"),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Gcp = Pulumi.Gcp;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var looker_instance = new Gcp.Looker.Instance("looker-instance", new()
            Name = "my-instance",
            PlatformEdition = "LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD_ANNUAL",
            Region = "us-central1",
            PublicIpEnabled = true,
            AdminSettings = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceAdminSettingsArgs
                AllowedEmailDomains = new[]
            MaintenanceWindow = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceMaintenanceWindowArgs
                DayOfWeek = "THURSDAY",
                StartTime = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceMaintenanceWindowStartTimeArgs
                    Hours = 22,
                    Minutes = 0,
                    Seconds = 0,
                    Nanos = 0,
            DenyMaintenancePeriod = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodArgs
                StartDate = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodStartDateArgs
                    Year = 2050,
                    Month = 1,
                    Day = 1,
                EndDate = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodEndDateArgs
                    Year = 2050,
                    Month = 2,
                    Day = 1,
                Time = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodTimeArgs
                    Hours = 10,
                    Minutes = 0,
                    Seconds = 0,
                    Nanos = 0,
            OauthConfig = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceOauthConfigArgs
                ClientId = "my-client-id",
                ClientSecret = "my-client-secret",
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.Instance;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.InstanceArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.inputs.InstanceAdminSettingsArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.inputs.InstanceMaintenanceWindowArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.inputs.InstanceMaintenanceWindowStartTimeArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.inputs.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.inputs.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodStartDateArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.inputs.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodEndDateArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.inputs.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodTimeArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.inputs.InstanceOauthConfigArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            var looker_instance = new Instance("looker-instance", InstanceArgs.builder()
        type: gcp:looker:Instance
          name: my-instance
          platformEdition: LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD_ANNUAL
          region: us-central1
          publicIpEnabled: true
              - google.com
            dayOfWeek: THURSDAY
              hours: 22
              minutes: 0
              seconds: 0
              nanos: 0
              year: 2050
              month: 1
              day: 1
              year: 2050
              month: 2
              day: 1
              hours: 10
              minutes: 0
              seconds: 0
              nanos: 0
            clientId: my-client-id
            clientSecret: my-client-secret

    Looker Instance Enterprise Full

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as gcp from "@pulumi/gcp";
    const lookerNetwork = new gcp.compute.Network("looker_network", {name: "looker-network"});
    const lookerRange = new gcp.compute.GlobalAddress("looker_range", {
        name: "looker-range",
        purpose: "VPC_PEERING",
        addressType: "INTERNAL",
        prefixLength: 20,
        network: lookerNetwork.id,
    const lookerVpcConnection = new gcp.servicenetworking.Connection("looker_vpc_connection", {
        network: lookerNetwork.id,
        service: "servicenetworking.googleapis.com",
        reservedPeeringRanges: [lookerRange.name],
    const looker_instance = new gcp.looker.Instance("looker-instance", {
        name: "my-instance",
        platformEdition: "LOOKER_CORE_ENTERPRISE_ANNUAL",
        region: "us-central1",
        privateIpEnabled: true,
        publicIpEnabled: false,
        reservedRange: lookerRange.name,
        consumerNetwork: lookerNetwork.id,
        adminSettings: {
            allowedEmailDomains: ["google.com"],
        encryptionConfig: {
            kmsKeyName: "looker-kms-key",
        maintenanceWindow: {
            dayOfWeek: "THURSDAY",
            startTime: {
                hours: 22,
                minutes: 0,
                seconds: 0,
                nanos: 0,
        denyMaintenancePeriod: {
            startDate: {
                year: 2050,
                month: 1,
                day: 1,
            endDate: {
                year: 2050,
                month: 2,
                day: 1,
            time: {
                hours: 10,
                minutes: 0,
                seconds: 0,
                nanos: 0,
        oauthConfig: {
            clientId: "my-client-id",
            clientSecret: "my-client-secret",
    }, {
        dependsOn: [lookerVpcConnection],
    const project = gcp.organizations.getProject({});
    const cryptoKey = new gcp.kms.CryptoKeyIAMMember("crypto_key", {
        cryptoKeyId: "looker-kms-key",
        role: "roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter",
        member: project.then(project => `serviceAccount:service-${project.number}@gcp-sa-looker.iam.gserviceaccount.com`),
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_gcp as gcp
    looker_network = gcp.compute.Network("looker_network", name="looker-network")
    looker_range = gcp.compute.GlobalAddress("looker_range",
    looker_vpc_connection = gcp.servicenetworking.Connection("looker_vpc_connection",
    looker_instance = gcp.looker.Instance("looker-instance",
        opts = pulumi.ResourceOptions(depends_on=[looker_vpc_connection]))
    project = gcp.organizations.get_project()
    crypto_key = gcp.kms.CryptoKeyIAMMember("crypto_key",
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		lookerNetwork, err := compute.NewNetwork(ctx, "looker_network", &compute.NetworkArgs{
    			Name: pulumi.String("looker-network"),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		lookerRange, err := compute.NewGlobalAddress(ctx, "looker_range", &compute.GlobalAddressArgs{
    			Name:         pulumi.String("looker-range"),
    			Purpose:      pulumi.String("VPC_PEERING"),
    			AddressType:  pulumi.String("INTERNAL"),
    			PrefixLength: pulumi.Int(20),
    			Network:      lookerNetwork.ID(),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		lookerVpcConnection, err := servicenetworking.NewConnection(ctx, "looker_vpc_connection", &servicenetworking.ConnectionArgs{
    			Network: lookerNetwork.ID(),
    			Service: pulumi.String("servicenetworking.googleapis.com"),
    			ReservedPeeringRanges: pulumi.StringArray{
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		_, err = looker.NewInstance(ctx, "looker-instance", &looker.InstanceArgs{
    			Name:             pulumi.String("my-instance"),
    			PlatformEdition:  pulumi.String("LOOKER_CORE_ENTERPRISE_ANNUAL"),
    			Region:           pulumi.String("us-central1"),
    			PrivateIpEnabled: pulumi.Bool(true),
    			PublicIpEnabled:  pulumi.Bool(false),
    			ReservedRange:    lookerRange.Name,
    			ConsumerNetwork:  lookerNetwork.ID(),
    			AdminSettings: &looker.InstanceAdminSettingsArgs{
    				AllowedEmailDomains: pulumi.StringArray{
    			EncryptionConfig: &looker.InstanceEncryptionConfigArgs{
    				KmsKeyName: pulumi.String("looker-kms-key"),
    			MaintenanceWindow: &looker.InstanceMaintenanceWindowArgs{
    				DayOfWeek: pulumi.String("THURSDAY"),
    				StartTime: &looker.InstanceMaintenanceWindowStartTimeArgs{
    					Hours:   pulumi.Int(22),
    					Minutes: pulumi.Int(0),
    					Seconds: pulumi.Int(0),
    					Nanos:   pulumi.Int(0),
    			DenyMaintenancePeriod: &looker.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodArgs{
    				StartDate: &looker.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodStartDateArgs{
    					Year:  pulumi.Int(2050),
    					Month: pulumi.Int(1),
    					Day:   pulumi.Int(1),
    				EndDate: &looker.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodEndDateArgs{
    					Year:  pulumi.Int(2050),
    					Month: pulumi.Int(2),
    					Day:   pulumi.Int(1),
    				Time: &looker.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodTimeArgs{
    					Hours:   pulumi.Int(10),
    					Minutes: pulumi.Int(0),
    					Seconds: pulumi.Int(0),
    					Nanos:   pulumi.Int(0),
    			OauthConfig: &looker.InstanceOauthConfigArgs{
    				ClientId:     pulumi.String("my-client-id"),
    				ClientSecret: pulumi.String("my-client-secret"),
    		}, pulumi.DependsOn([]pulumi.Resource{
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		project, err := organizations.LookupProject(ctx, nil, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		_, err = kms.NewCryptoKeyIAMMember(ctx, "crypto_key", &kms.CryptoKeyIAMMemberArgs{
    			CryptoKeyId: pulumi.String("looker-kms-key"),
    			Role:        pulumi.String("roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter"),
    			Member:      pulumi.String(fmt.Sprintf("serviceAccount:service-%v@gcp-sa-looker.iam.gserviceaccount.com", project.Number)),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Gcp = Pulumi.Gcp;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var lookerNetwork = new Gcp.Compute.Network("looker_network", new()
            Name = "looker-network",
        var lookerRange = new Gcp.Compute.GlobalAddress("looker_range", new()
            Name = "looker-range",
            Purpose = "VPC_PEERING",
            AddressType = "INTERNAL",
            PrefixLength = 20,
            Network = lookerNetwork.Id,
        var lookerVpcConnection = new Gcp.ServiceNetworking.Connection("looker_vpc_connection", new()
            Network = lookerNetwork.Id,
            Service = "servicenetworking.googleapis.com",
            ReservedPeeringRanges = new[]
        var looker_instance = new Gcp.Looker.Instance("looker-instance", new()
            Name = "my-instance",
            PlatformEdition = "LOOKER_CORE_ENTERPRISE_ANNUAL",
            Region = "us-central1",
            PrivateIpEnabled = true,
            PublicIpEnabled = false,
            ReservedRange = lookerRange.Name,
            ConsumerNetwork = lookerNetwork.Id,
            AdminSettings = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceAdminSettingsArgs
                AllowedEmailDomains = new[]
            EncryptionConfig = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceEncryptionConfigArgs
                KmsKeyName = "looker-kms-key",
            MaintenanceWindow = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceMaintenanceWindowArgs
                DayOfWeek = "THURSDAY",
                StartTime = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceMaintenanceWindowStartTimeArgs
                    Hours = 22,
                    Minutes = 0,
                    Seconds = 0,
                    Nanos = 0,
            DenyMaintenancePeriod = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodArgs
                StartDate = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodStartDateArgs
                    Year = 2050,
                    Month = 1,
                    Day = 1,
                EndDate = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodEndDateArgs
                    Year = 2050,
                    Month = 2,
                    Day = 1,
                Time = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodTimeArgs
                    Hours = 10,
                    Minutes = 0,
                    Seconds = 0,
                    Nanos = 0,
            OauthConfig = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceOauthConfigArgs
                ClientId = "my-client-id",
                ClientSecret = "my-client-secret",
        }, new CustomResourceOptions
            DependsOn =
        var project = Gcp.Organizations.GetProject.Invoke();
        var cryptoKey = new Gcp.Kms.CryptoKeyIAMMember("crypto_key", new()
            CryptoKeyId = "looker-kms-key",
            Role = "roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter",
            Member = $"serviceAccount:service-{project.Apply(getProjectResult => getProjectResult.Number)}@gcp-sa-looker.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.compute.Network;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.compute.NetworkArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.compute.GlobalAddress;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.compute.GlobalAddressArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.servicenetworking.Connection;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.servicenetworking.ConnectionArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.Instance;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.InstanceArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.inputs.InstanceAdminSettingsArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.inputs.InstanceEncryptionConfigArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.inputs.InstanceMaintenanceWindowArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.inputs.InstanceMaintenanceWindowStartTimeArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.inputs.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.inputs.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodStartDateArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.inputs.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodEndDateArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.inputs.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodTimeArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.inputs.InstanceOauthConfigArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.organizations.OrganizationsFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.organizations.inputs.GetProjectArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.kms.CryptoKeyIAMMember;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.kms.CryptoKeyIAMMemberArgs;
    import com.pulumi.resources.CustomResourceOptions;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            var lookerNetwork = new Network("lookerNetwork", NetworkArgs.builder()
            var lookerRange = new GlobalAddress("lookerRange", GlobalAddressArgs.builder()
            var lookerVpcConnection = new Connection("lookerVpcConnection", ConnectionArgs.builder()
            var looker_instance = new Instance("looker-instance", InstanceArgs.builder()
                .build(), CustomResourceOptions.builder()
            final var project = OrganizationsFunctions.getProject();
            var cryptoKey = new CryptoKeyIAMMember("cryptoKey", CryptoKeyIAMMemberArgs.builder()
                .member(String.format("serviceAccount:service-%s@gcp-sa-looker.iam.gserviceaccount.com", project.applyValue(getProjectResult -> getProjectResult.number())))
        type: gcp:looker:Instance
          name: my-instance
          platformEdition: LOOKER_CORE_ENTERPRISE_ANNUAL
          region: us-central1
          privateIpEnabled: true
          publicIpEnabled: false
          reservedRange: ${lookerRange.name}
          consumerNetwork: ${lookerNetwork.id}
              - google.com
            kmsKeyName: looker-kms-key
            dayOfWeek: THURSDAY
              hours: 22
              minutes: 0
              seconds: 0
              nanos: 0
              year: 2050
              month: 1
              day: 1
              year: 2050
              month: 2
              day: 1
              hours: 10
              minutes: 0
              seconds: 0
              nanos: 0
            clientId: my-client-id
            clientSecret: my-client-secret
            - ${lookerVpcConnection}
        type: gcp:servicenetworking:Connection
        name: looker_vpc_connection
          network: ${lookerNetwork.id}
          service: servicenetworking.googleapis.com
            - ${lookerRange.name}
        type: gcp:compute:GlobalAddress
        name: looker_range
          name: looker-range
          purpose: VPC_PEERING
          addressType: INTERNAL
          prefixLength: 20
          network: ${lookerNetwork.id}
        type: gcp:compute:Network
        name: looker_network
          name: looker-network
        type: gcp:kms:CryptoKeyIAMMember
        name: crypto_key
          cryptoKeyId: looker-kms-key
          role: roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter
          member: serviceAccount:service-${project.number}@gcp-sa-looker.iam.gserviceaccount.com
          Function: gcp:organizations:getProject
          Arguments: {}

    Looker Instance Custom Domain

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as gcp from "@pulumi/gcp";
    const looker_instance = new gcp.looker.Instance("looker-instance", {
        name: "my-instance",
        platformEdition: "LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD_ANNUAL",
        region: "us-central1",
        oauthConfig: {
            clientId: "my-client-id",
            clientSecret: "my-client-secret",
        customDomain: {
            domain: "my-custom-domain.com",
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_gcp as gcp
    looker_instance = gcp.looker.Instance("looker-instance",
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := looker.NewInstance(ctx, "looker-instance", &looker.InstanceArgs{
    			Name:            pulumi.String("my-instance"),
    			PlatformEdition: pulumi.String("LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD_ANNUAL"),
    			Region:          pulumi.String("us-central1"),
    			OauthConfig: &looker.InstanceOauthConfigArgs{
    				ClientId:     pulumi.String("my-client-id"),
    				ClientSecret: pulumi.String("my-client-secret"),
    			CustomDomain: &looker.InstanceCustomDomainArgs{
    				Domain: pulumi.String("my-custom-domain.com"),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Gcp = Pulumi.Gcp;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var looker_instance = new Gcp.Looker.Instance("looker-instance", new()
            Name = "my-instance",
            PlatformEdition = "LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD_ANNUAL",
            Region = "us-central1",
            OauthConfig = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceOauthConfigArgs
                ClientId = "my-client-id",
                ClientSecret = "my-client-secret",
            CustomDomain = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceCustomDomainArgs
                Domain = "my-custom-domain.com",
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.Instance;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.InstanceArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.inputs.InstanceOauthConfigArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.looker.inputs.InstanceCustomDomainArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            var looker_instance = new Instance("looker-instance", InstanceArgs.builder()
        type: gcp:looker:Instance
          name: my-instance
          platformEdition: LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD_ANNUAL
          region: us-central1
            clientId: my-client-id
            clientSecret: my-client-secret
            domain: my-custom-domain.com

    Create Instance Resource

    Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.

    Constructor syntax

    new Instance(name: string, args?: InstanceArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
    def Instance(resource_name: str,
                 args: Optional[InstanceArgs] = None,
                 opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
    def Instance(resource_name: str,
                 opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
                 admin_settings: Optional[InstanceAdminSettingsArgs] = None,
                 consumer_network: Optional[str] = None,
                 custom_domain: Optional[InstanceCustomDomainArgs] = None,
                 deny_maintenance_period: Optional[InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodArgs] = None,
                 encryption_config: Optional[InstanceEncryptionConfigArgs] = None,
                 maintenance_window: Optional[InstanceMaintenanceWindowArgs] = None,
                 name: Optional[str] = None,
                 oauth_config: Optional[InstanceOauthConfigArgs] = None,
                 platform_edition: Optional[str] = None,
                 private_ip_enabled: Optional[bool] = None,
                 project: Optional[str] = None,
                 public_ip_enabled: Optional[bool] = None,
                 region: Optional[str] = None,
                 reserved_range: Optional[str] = None,
                 user_metadata: Optional[InstanceUserMetadataArgs] = None)
    func NewInstance(ctx *Context, name string, args *InstanceArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*Instance, error)
    public Instance(string name, InstanceArgs? args = null, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public Instance(String name, InstanceArgs args)
    public Instance(String name, InstanceArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
    type: gcp:looker:Instance
    properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
    options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.


    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args InstanceArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    resource_name str
    The unique name of the resource.
    args InstanceArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    ctx Context
    Context object for the current deployment.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args InstanceArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOption
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args InstanceArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name String
    The unique name of the resource.
    args InstanceArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    options CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.

    Constructor example

    The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.

    var exampleinstanceResourceResourceFromLookerinstance = new Gcp.Looker.Instance("exampleinstanceResourceResourceFromLookerinstance", new()
        AdminSettings = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceAdminSettingsArgs
            AllowedEmailDomains = new[]
        ConsumerNetwork = "string",
        CustomDomain = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceCustomDomainArgs
            Domain = "string",
            State = "string",
        DenyMaintenancePeriod = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodArgs
            EndDate = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodEndDateArgs
                Day = 0,
                Month = 0,
                Year = 0,
            StartDate = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodStartDateArgs
                Day = 0,
                Month = 0,
                Year = 0,
            Time = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodTimeArgs
                Hours = 0,
                Minutes = 0,
                Nanos = 0,
                Seconds = 0,
        EncryptionConfig = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceEncryptionConfigArgs
            KmsKeyName = "string",
            KmsKeyNameVersion = "string",
            KmsKeyState = "string",
        MaintenanceWindow = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceMaintenanceWindowArgs
            DayOfWeek = "string",
            StartTime = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceMaintenanceWindowStartTimeArgs
                Hours = 0,
                Minutes = 0,
                Nanos = 0,
                Seconds = 0,
        Name = "string",
        OauthConfig = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceOauthConfigArgs
            ClientId = "string",
            ClientSecret = "string",
        PlatformEdition = "string",
        PrivateIpEnabled = false,
        Project = "string",
        PublicIpEnabled = false,
        Region = "string",
        ReservedRange = "string",
        UserMetadata = new Gcp.Looker.Inputs.InstanceUserMetadataArgs
            AdditionalDeveloperUserCount = 0,
            AdditionalStandardUserCount = 0,
            AdditionalViewerUserCount = 0,
    example, err := looker.NewInstance(ctx, "exampleinstanceResourceResourceFromLookerinstance", &looker.InstanceArgs{
    	AdminSettings: &looker.InstanceAdminSettingsArgs{
    		AllowedEmailDomains: pulumi.StringArray{
    	ConsumerNetwork: pulumi.String("string"),
    	CustomDomain: &looker.InstanceCustomDomainArgs{
    		Domain: pulumi.String("string"),
    		State:  pulumi.String("string"),
    	DenyMaintenancePeriod: &looker.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodArgs{
    		EndDate: &looker.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodEndDateArgs{
    			Day:   pulumi.Int(0),
    			Month: pulumi.Int(0),
    			Year:  pulumi.Int(0),
    		StartDate: &looker.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodStartDateArgs{
    			Day:   pulumi.Int(0),
    			Month: pulumi.Int(0),
    			Year:  pulumi.Int(0),
    		Time: &looker.InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodTimeArgs{
    			Hours:   pulumi.Int(0),
    			Minutes: pulumi.Int(0),
    			Nanos:   pulumi.Int(0),
    			Seconds: pulumi.Int(0),
    	EncryptionConfig: &looker.InstanceEncryptionConfigArgs{
    		KmsKeyName:        pulumi.String("string"),
    		KmsKeyNameVersion: pulumi.String("string"),
    		KmsKeyState:       pulumi.String("string"),
    	MaintenanceWindow: &looker.InstanceMaintenanceWindowArgs{
    		DayOfWeek: pulumi.String("string"),
    		StartTime: &looker.InstanceMaintenanceWindowStartTimeArgs{
    			Hours:   pulumi.Int(0),
    			Minutes: pulumi.Int(0),
    			Nanos:   pulumi.Int(0),
    			Seconds: pulumi.Int(0),
    	Name: pulumi.String("string"),
    	OauthConfig: &looker.InstanceOauthConfigArgs{
    		ClientId:     pulumi.String("string"),
    		ClientSecret: pulumi.String("string"),
    	PlatformEdition:  pulumi.String("string"),
    	PrivateIpEnabled: pulumi.Bool(false),
    	Project:          pulumi.String("string"),
    	PublicIpEnabled:  pulumi.Bool(false),
    	Region:           pulumi.String("string"),
    	ReservedRange:    pulumi.String("string"),
    	UserMetadata: &looker.InstanceUserMetadataArgs{
    		AdditionalDeveloperUserCount: pulumi.Int(0),
    		AdditionalStandardUserCount:  pulumi.Int(0),
    		AdditionalViewerUserCount:    pulumi.Int(0),
    var exampleinstanceResourceResourceFromLookerinstance = new Instance("exampleinstanceResourceResourceFromLookerinstance", InstanceArgs.builder()
    exampleinstance_resource_resource_from_lookerinstance = gcp.looker.Instance("exampleinstanceResourceResourceFromLookerinstance",
    const exampleinstanceResourceResourceFromLookerinstance = new gcp.looker.Instance("exampleinstanceResourceResourceFromLookerinstance", {
        adminSettings: {
            allowedEmailDomains: ["string"],
        consumerNetwork: "string",
        customDomain: {
            domain: "string",
            state: "string",
        denyMaintenancePeriod: {
            endDate: {
                day: 0,
                month: 0,
                year: 0,
            startDate: {
                day: 0,
                month: 0,
                year: 0,
            time: {
                hours: 0,
                minutes: 0,
                nanos: 0,
                seconds: 0,
        encryptionConfig: {
            kmsKeyName: "string",
            kmsKeyNameVersion: "string",
            kmsKeyState: "string",
        maintenanceWindow: {
            dayOfWeek: "string",
            startTime: {
                hours: 0,
                minutes: 0,
                nanos: 0,
                seconds: 0,
        name: "string",
        oauthConfig: {
            clientId: "string",
            clientSecret: "string",
        platformEdition: "string",
        privateIpEnabled: false,
        project: "string",
        publicIpEnabled: false,
        region: "string",
        reservedRange: "string",
        userMetadata: {
            additionalDeveloperUserCount: 0,
            additionalStandardUserCount: 0,
            additionalViewerUserCount: 0,
    type: gcp:looker:Instance
                - string
        consumerNetwork: string
            domain: string
            state: string
                day: 0
                month: 0
                year: 0
                day: 0
                month: 0
                year: 0
                hours: 0
                minutes: 0
                nanos: 0
                seconds: 0
            kmsKeyName: string
            kmsKeyNameVersion: string
            kmsKeyState: string
            dayOfWeek: string
                hours: 0
                minutes: 0
                nanos: 0
                seconds: 0
        name: string
            clientId: string
            clientSecret: string
        platformEdition: string
        privateIpEnabled: false
        project: string
        publicIpEnabled: false
        region: string
        reservedRange: string
            additionalDeveloperUserCount: 0
            additionalStandardUserCount: 0
            additionalViewerUserCount: 0

    Instance Resource Properties

    To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.


    The Instance resource accepts the following input properties:

    AdminSettings InstanceAdminSettings
    Looker instance Admin settings. Structure is documented below.
    ConsumerNetwork string
    Network name in the consumer project in the format of: projects/{project}/global/networks/{network} Note that the consumer network may be in a different GCP project than the consumer project that is hosting the Looker Instance.
    CustomDomain InstanceCustomDomain
    Custom domain settings for a Looker instance. Structure is documented below.
    DenyMaintenancePeriod InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriod
    Maintenance denial period for this instance. You must allow at least 14 days of maintenance availability between any two deny maintenance periods. Structure is documented below.
    EncryptionConfig InstanceEncryptionConfig
    Looker instance encryption settings. Structure is documented below.
    MaintenanceWindow InstanceMaintenanceWindow
    Maintenance window for an instance. Maintenance of your instance takes place once a month, and will require your instance to be restarted during updates, which will temporarily disrupt service. Structure is documented below.
    Name string
    The ID of the instance or a fully qualified identifier for the instance.

    OauthConfig InstanceOauthConfig
    Looker Instance OAuth login settings. Structure is documented below.
    PlatformEdition string
    Platform editions for a Looker instance. Each edition maps to a set of instance features, like its size. Must be one of these values:

    • LOOKER_CORE_TRIAL: trial instance (Currently Unavailable)
    • LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD: pay as you go standard instance (Currently Unavailable)
    • LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD_ANNUAL: subscription standard instance
    • LOOKER_CORE_ENTERPRISE_ANNUAL: subscription enterprise instance
    PrivateIpEnabled bool
    Whether private IP is enabled on the Looker instance.
    Project string
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    PublicIpEnabled bool
    Whether public IP is enabled on the Looker instance.
    Region string
    The name of the Looker region of the instance.
    ReservedRange string
    Name of a reserved IP address range within the consumer network, to be used for private service access connection. User may or may not specify this in a request.
    UserMetadata InstanceUserMetadata
    Metadata about users for a Looker instance. These settings are only available when platform edition LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD is set. There are ten Standard and two Developer users included in the cost of the product. You can allocate additional Standard, Viewer, and Developer users for this instance. It is an optional step and can be modified later. With the Standard edition of Looker (Google Cloud core), you can provision up to 50 total users, distributed across Viewer, Standard, and Developer. Structure is documented below.
    AdminSettings InstanceAdminSettingsArgs
    Looker instance Admin settings. Structure is documented below.
    ConsumerNetwork string
    Network name in the consumer project in the format of: projects/{project}/global/networks/{network} Note that the consumer network may be in a different GCP project than the consumer project that is hosting the Looker Instance.
    CustomDomain InstanceCustomDomainArgs
    Custom domain settings for a Looker instance. Structure is documented below.
    DenyMaintenancePeriod InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodArgs
    Maintenance denial period for this instance. You must allow at least 14 days of maintenance availability between any two deny maintenance periods. Structure is documented below.
    EncryptionConfig InstanceEncryptionConfigArgs
    Looker instance encryption settings. Structure is documented below.
    MaintenanceWindow InstanceMaintenanceWindowArgs
    Maintenance window for an instance. Maintenance of your instance takes place once a month, and will require your instance to be restarted during updates, which will temporarily disrupt service. Structure is documented below.
    Name string
    The ID of the instance or a fully qualified identifier for the instance.

    OauthConfig InstanceOauthConfigArgs
    Looker Instance OAuth login settings. Structure is documented below.
    PlatformEdition string
    Platform editions for a Looker instance. Each edition maps to a set of instance features, like its size. Must be one of these values:

    • LOOKER_CORE_TRIAL: trial instance (Currently Unavailable)
    • LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD: pay as you go standard instance (Currently Unavailable)
    • LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD_ANNUAL: subscription standard instance
    • LOOKER_CORE_ENTERPRISE_ANNUAL: subscription enterprise instance
    PrivateIpEnabled bool
    Whether private IP is enabled on the Looker instance.
    Project string
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    PublicIpEnabled bool
    Whether public IP is enabled on the Looker instance.
    Region string
    The name of the Looker region of the instance.
    ReservedRange string
    Name of a reserved IP address range within the consumer network, to be used for private service access connection. User may or may not specify this in a request.
    UserMetadata InstanceUserMetadataArgs
    Metadata about users for a Looker instance. These settings are only available when platform edition LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD is set. There are ten Standard and two Developer users included in the cost of the product. You can allocate additional Standard, Viewer, and Developer users for this instance. It is an optional step and can be modified later. With the Standard edition of Looker (Google Cloud core), you can provision up to 50 total users, distributed across Viewer, Standard, and Developer. Structure is documented below.
    adminSettings InstanceAdminSettings
    Looker instance Admin settings. Structure is documented below.
    consumerNetwork String
    Network name in the consumer project in the format of: projects/{project}/global/networks/{network} Note that the consumer network may be in a different GCP project than the consumer project that is hosting the Looker Instance.
    customDomain InstanceCustomDomain
    Custom domain settings for a Looker instance. Structure is documented below.
    denyMaintenancePeriod InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriod
    Maintenance denial period for this instance. You must allow at least 14 days of maintenance availability between any two deny maintenance periods. Structure is documented below.
    encryptionConfig InstanceEncryptionConfig
    Looker instance encryption settings. Structure is documented below.
    maintenanceWindow InstanceMaintenanceWindow
    Maintenance window for an instance. Maintenance of your instance takes place once a month, and will require your instance to be restarted during updates, which will temporarily disrupt service. Structure is documented below.
    name String
    The ID of the instance or a fully qualified identifier for the instance.

    oauthConfig InstanceOauthConfig
    Looker Instance OAuth login settings. Structure is documented below.
    platformEdition String
    Platform editions for a Looker instance. Each edition maps to a set of instance features, like its size. Must be one of these values:

    • LOOKER_CORE_TRIAL: trial instance (Currently Unavailable)
    • LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD: pay as you go standard instance (Currently Unavailable)
    • LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD_ANNUAL: subscription standard instance
    • LOOKER_CORE_ENTERPRISE_ANNUAL: subscription enterprise instance
    privateIpEnabled Boolean
    Whether private IP is enabled on the Looker instance.
    project String
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    publicIpEnabled Boolean
    Whether public IP is enabled on the Looker instance.
    region String
    The name of the Looker region of the instance.
    reservedRange String
    Name of a reserved IP address range within the consumer network, to be used for private service access connection. User may or may not specify this in a request.
    userMetadata InstanceUserMetadata
    Metadata about users for a Looker instance. These settings are only available when platform edition LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD is set. There are ten Standard and two Developer users included in the cost of the product. You can allocate additional Standard, Viewer, and Developer users for this instance. It is an optional step and can be modified later. With the Standard edition of Looker (Google Cloud core), you can provision up to 50 total users, distributed across Viewer, Standard, and Developer. Structure is documented below.
    adminSettings InstanceAdminSettings
    Looker instance Admin settings. Structure is documented below.
    consumerNetwork string
    Network name in the consumer project in the format of: projects/{project}/global/networks/{network} Note that the consumer network may be in a different GCP project than the consumer project that is hosting the Looker Instance.
    customDomain InstanceCustomDomain
    Custom domain settings for a Looker instance. Structure is documented below.
    denyMaintenancePeriod InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriod
    Maintenance denial period for this instance. You must allow at least 14 days of maintenance availability between any two deny maintenance periods. Structure is documented below.
    encryptionConfig InstanceEncryptionConfig
    Looker instance encryption settings. Structure is documented below.
    maintenanceWindow InstanceMaintenanceWindow
    Maintenance window for an instance. Maintenance of your instance takes place once a month, and will require your instance to be restarted during updates, which will temporarily disrupt service. Structure is documented below.
    name string
    The ID of the instance or a fully qualified identifier for the instance.

    oauthConfig InstanceOauthConfig
    Looker Instance OAuth login settings. Structure is documented below.
    platformEdition string
    Platform editions for a Looker instance. Each edition maps to a set of instance features, like its size. Must be one of these values:

    • LOOKER_CORE_TRIAL: trial instance (Currently Unavailable)
    • LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD: pay as you go standard instance (Currently Unavailable)
    • LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD_ANNUAL: subscription standard instance
    • LOOKER_CORE_ENTERPRISE_ANNUAL: subscription enterprise instance
    privateIpEnabled boolean
    Whether private IP is enabled on the Looker instance.
    project string
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    publicIpEnabled boolean
    Whether public IP is enabled on the Looker instance.
    region string
    The name of the Looker region of the instance.
    reservedRange string
    Name of a reserved IP address range within the consumer network, to be used for private service access connection. User may or may not specify this in a request.
    userMetadata InstanceUserMetadata
    Metadata about users for a Looker instance. These settings are only available when platform edition LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD is set. There are ten Standard and two Developer users included in the cost of the product. You can allocate additional Standard, Viewer, and Developer users for this instance. It is an optional step and can be modified later. With the Standard edition of Looker (Google Cloud core), you can provision up to 50 total users, distributed across Viewer, Standard, and Developer. Structure is documented below.
    admin_settings InstanceAdminSettingsArgs
    Looker instance Admin settings. Structure is documented below.
    consumer_network str
    Network name in the consumer project in the format of: projects/{project}/global/networks/{network} Note that the consumer network may be in a different GCP project than the consumer project that is hosting the Looker Instance.
    custom_domain InstanceCustomDomainArgs
    Custom domain settings for a Looker instance. Structure is documented below.
    deny_maintenance_period InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodArgs
    Maintenance denial period for this instance. You must allow at least 14 days of maintenance availability between any two deny maintenance periods. Structure is documented below.
    encryption_config InstanceEncryptionConfigArgs
    Looker instance encryption settings. Structure is documented below.
    maintenance_window InstanceMaintenanceWindowArgs
    Maintenance window for an instance. Maintenance of your instance takes place once a month, and will require your instance to be restarted during updates, which will temporarily disrupt service. Structure is documented below.
    name str
    The ID of the instance or a fully qualified identifier for the instance.

    oauth_config InstanceOauthConfigArgs
    Looker Instance OAuth login settings. Structure is documented below.
    platform_edition str
    Platform editions for a Looker instance. Each edition maps to a set of instance features, like its size. Must be one of these values:

    • LOOKER_CORE_TRIAL: trial instance (Currently Unavailable)
    • LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD: pay as you go standard instance (Currently Unavailable)
    • LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD_ANNUAL: subscription standard instance
    • LOOKER_CORE_ENTERPRISE_ANNUAL: subscription enterprise instance
    private_ip_enabled bool
    Whether private IP is enabled on the Looker instance.
    project str
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    public_ip_enabled bool
    Whether public IP is enabled on the Looker instance.
    region str
    The name of the Looker region of the instance.
    reserved_range str
    Name of a reserved IP address range within the consumer network, to be used for private service access connection. User may or may not specify this in a request.
    user_metadata InstanceUserMetadataArgs
    Metadata about users for a Looker instance. These settings are only available when platform edition LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD is set. There are ten Standard and two Developer users included in the cost of the product. You can allocate additional Standard, Viewer, and Developer users for this instance. It is an optional step and can be modified later. With the Standard edition of Looker (Google Cloud core), you can provision up to 50 total users, distributed across Viewer, Standard, and Developer. Structure is documented below.
    adminSettings Property Map
    Looker instance Admin settings. Structure is documented below.
    consumerNetwork String
    Network name in the consumer project in the format of: projects/{project}/global/networks/{network} Note that the consumer network may be in a different GCP project than the consumer project that is hosting the Looker Instance.
    customDomain Property Map
    Custom domain settings for a Looker instance. Structure is documented below.
    denyMaintenancePeriod Property Map
    Maintenance denial period for this instance. You must allow at least 14 days of maintenance availability between any two deny maintenance periods. Structure is documented below.
    encryptionConfig Property Map
    Looker instance encryption settings. Structure is documented below.
    maintenanceWindow Property Map
    Maintenance window for an instance. Maintenance of your instance takes place once a month, and will require your instance to be restarted during updates, which will temporarily disrupt service. Structure is documented below.
    name String
    The ID of the instance or a fully qualified identifier for the instance.

    oauthConfig Property Map
    Looker Instance OAuth login settings. Structure is documented below.
    platformEdition String
    Platform editions for a Looker instance. Each edition maps to a set of instance features, like its size. Must be one of these values:

    • LOOKER_CORE_TRIAL: trial instance (Currently Unavailable)
    • LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD: pay as you go standard instance (Currently Unavailable)
    • LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD_ANNUAL: subscription standard instance
    • LOOKER_CORE_ENTERPRISE_ANNUAL: subscription enterprise instance
    privateIpEnabled Boolean
    Whether private IP is enabled on the Looker instance.
    project String
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    publicIpEnabled Boolean
    Whether public IP is enabled on the Looker instance.
    region String
    The name of the Looker region of the instance.
    reservedRange String
    Name of a reserved IP address range within the consumer network, to be used for private service access connection. User may or may not specify this in a request.
    userMetadata Property Map
    Metadata about users for a Looker instance. These settings are only available when platform edition LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD is set. There are ten Standard and two Developer users included in the cost of the product. You can allocate additional Standard, Viewer, and Developer users for this instance. It is an optional step and can be modified later. With the Standard edition of Looker (Google Cloud core), you can provision up to 50 total users, distributed across Viewer, Standard, and Developer. Structure is documented below.


    All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the Instance resource produces the following output properties:

    CreateTime string
    The time the instance was created in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds.
    EgressPublicIp string
    Public Egress IP (IPv4).
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    IngressPrivateIp string
    Private Ingress IP (IPv4).
    IngressPublicIp string
    Public Ingress IP (IPv4).
    LookerUri string
    Looker instance URI which can be used to access the Looker Instance UI.
    LookerVersion string
    The Looker version that the instance is using.
    UpdateTime string
    The time the instance was updated in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds.
    CreateTime string
    The time the instance was created in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds.
    EgressPublicIp string
    Public Egress IP (IPv4).
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    IngressPrivateIp string
    Private Ingress IP (IPv4).
    IngressPublicIp string
    Public Ingress IP (IPv4).
    LookerUri string
    Looker instance URI which can be used to access the Looker Instance UI.
    LookerVersion string
    The Looker version that the instance is using.
    UpdateTime string
    The time the instance was updated in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds.
    createTime String
    The time the instance was created in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds.
    egressPublicIp String
    Public Egress IP (IPv4).
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    ingressPrivateIp String
    Private Ingress IP (IPv4).
    ingressPublicIp String
    Public Ingress IP (IPv4).
    lookerUri String
    Looker instance URI which can be used to access the Looker Instance UI.
    lookerVersion String
    The Looker version that the instance is using.
    updateTime String
    The time the instance was updated in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds.
    createTime string
    The time the instance was created in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds.
    egressPublicIp string
    Public Egress IP (IPv4).
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    ingressPrivateIp string
    Private Ingress IP (IPv4).
    ingressPublicIp string
    Public Ingress IP (IPv4).
    lookerUri string
    Looker instance URI which can be used to access the Looker Instance UI.
    lookerVersion string
    The Looker version that the instance is using.
    updateTime string
    The time the instance was updated in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds.
    create_time str
    The time the instance was created in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds.
    egress_public_ip str
    Public Egress IP (IPv4).
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    ingress_private_ip str
    Private Ingress IP (IPv4).
    ingress_public_ip str
    Public Ingress IP (IPv4).
    looker_uri str
    Looker instance URI which can be used to access the Looker Instance UI.
    looker_version str
    The Looker version that the instance is using.
    update_time str
    The time the instance was updated in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds.
    createTime String
    The time the instance was created in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds.
    egressPublicIp String
    Public Egress IP (IPv4).
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    ingressPrivateIp String
    Private Ingress IP (IPv4).
    ingressPublicIp String
    Public Ingress IP (IPv4).
    lookerUri String
    Looker instance URI which can be used to access the Looker Instance UI.
    lookerVersion String
    The Looker version that the instance is using.
    updateTime String
    The time the instance was updated in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds.

    Look up Existing Instance Resource

    Get an existing Instance resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.

    public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: InstanceState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): Instance
    def get(resource_name: str,
            id: str,
            opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
            admin_settings: Optional[InstanceAdminSettingsArgs] = None,
            consumer_network: Optional[str] = None,
            create_time: Optional[str] = None,
            custom_domain: Optional[InstanceCustomDomainArgs] = None,
            deny_maintenance_period: Optional[InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodArgs] = None,
            egress_public_ip: Optional[str] = None,
            encryption_config: Optional[InstanceEncryptionConfigArgs] = None,
            ingress_private_ip: Optional[str] = None,
            ingress_public_ip: Optional[str] = None,
            looker_uri: Optional[str] = None,
            looker_version: Optional[str] = None,
            maintenance_window: Optional[InstanceMaintenanceWindowArgs] = None,
            name: Optional[str] = None,
            oauth_config: Optional[InstanceOauthConfigArgs] = None,
            platform_edition: Optional[str] = None,
            private_ip_enabled: Optional[bool] = None,
            project: Optional[str] = None,
            public_ip_enabled: Optional[bool] = None,
            region: Optional[str] = None,
            reserved_range: Optional[str] = None,
            update_time: Optional[str] = None,
            user_metadata: Optional[InstanceUserMetadataArgs] = None) -> Instance
    func GetInstance(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *InstanceState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*Instance, error)
    public static Instance Get(string name, Input<string> id, InstanceState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public static Instance get(String name, Output<String> id, InstanceState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
    Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The following state arguments are supported:
    AdminSettings InstanceAdminSettings
    Looker instance Admin settings. Structure is documented below.
    ConsumerNetwork string
    Network name in the consumer project in the format of: projects/{project}/global/networks/{network} Note that the consumer network may be in a different GCP project than the consumer project that is hosting the Looker Instance.
    CreateTime string
    The time the instance was created in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds.
    CustomDomain InstanceCustomDomain
    Custom domain settings for a Looker instance. Structure is documented below.
    DenyMaintenancePeriod InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriod
    Maintenance denial period for this instance. You must allow at least 14 days of maintenance availability between any two deny maintenance periods. Structure is documented below.
    EgressPublicIp string
    Public Egress IP (IPv4).
    EncryptionConfig InstanceEncryptionConfig
    Looker instance encryption settings. Structure is documented below.
    IngressPrivateIp string
    Private Ingress IP (IPv4).
    IngressPublicIp string
    Public Ingress IP (IPv4).
    LookerUri string
    Looker instance URI which can be used to access the Looker Instance UI.
    LookerVersion string
    The Looker version that the instance is using.
    MaintenanceWindow InstanceMaintenanceWindow
    Maintenance window for an instance. Maintenance of your instance takes place once a month, and will require your instance to be restarted during updates, which will temporarily disrupt service. Structure is documented below.
    Name string
    The ID of the instance or a fully qualified identifier for the instance.

    OauthConfig InstanceOauthConfig
    Looker Instance OAuth login settings. Structure is documented below.
    PlatformEdition string
    Platform editions for a Looker instance. Each edition maps to a set of instance features, like its size. Must be one of these values:

    • LOOKER_CORE_TRIAL: trial instance (Currently Unavailable)
    • LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD: pay as you go standard instance (Currently Unavailable)
    • LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD_ANNUAL: subscription standard instance
    • LOOKER_CORE_ENTERPRISE_ANNUAL: subscription enterprise instance
    PrivateIpEnabled bool
    Whether private IP is enabled on the Looker instance.
    Project string
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    PublicIpEnabled bool
    Whether public IP is enabled on the Looker instance.
    Region string
    The name of the Looker region of the instance.
    ReservedRange string
    Name of a reserved IP address range within the consumer network, to be used for private service access connection. User may or may not specify this in a request.
    UpdateTime string
    The time the instance was updated in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds.
    UserMetadata InstanceUserMetadata
    Metadata about users for a Looker instance. These settings are only available when platform edition LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD is set. There are ten Standard and two Developer users included in the cost of the product. You can allocate additional Standard, Viewer, and Developer users for this instance. It is an optional step and can be modified later. With the Standard edition of Looker (Google Cloud core), you can provision up to 50 total users, distributed across Viewer, Standard, and Developer. Structure is documented below.
    AdminSettings InstanceAdminSettingsArgs
    Looker instance Admin settings. Structure is documented below.
    ConsumerNetwork string
    Network name in the consumer project in the format of: projects/{project}/global/networks/{network} Note that the consumer network may be in a different GCP project than the consumer project that is hosting the Looker Instance.
    CreateTime string
    The time the instance was created in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds.
    CustomDomain InstanceCustomDomainArgs
    Custom domain settings for a Looker instance. Structure is documented below.
    DenyMaintenancePeriod InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodArgs
    Maintenance denial period for this instance. You must allow at least 14 days of maintenance availability between any two deny maintenance periods. Structure is documented below.
    EgressPublicIp string
    Public Egress IP (IPv4).
    EncryptionConfig InstanceEncryptionConfigArgs
    Looker instance encryption settings. Structure is documented below.
    IngressPrivateIp string
    Private Ingress IP (IPv4).
    IngressPublicIp string
    Public Ingress IP (IPv4).
    LookerUri string
    Looker instance URI which can be used to access the Looker Instance UI.
    LookerVersion string
    The Looker version that the instance is using.
    MaintenanceWindow InstanceMaintenanceWindowArgs
    Maintenance window for an instance. Maintenance of your instance takes place once a month, and will require your instance to be restarted during updates, which will temporarily disrupt service. Structure is documented below.
    Name string
    The ID of the instance or a fully qualified identifier for the instance.

    OauthConfig InstanceOauthConfigArgs
    Looker Instance OAuth login settings. Structure is documented below.
    PlatformEdition string
    Platform editions for a Looker instance. Each edition maps to a set of instance features, like its size. Must be one of these values:

    • LOOKER_CORE_TRIAL: trial instance (Currently Unavailable)
    • LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD: pay as you go standard instance (Currently Unavailable)
    • LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD_ANNUAL: subscription standard instance
    • LOOKER_CORE_ENTERPRISE_ANNUAL: subscription enterprise instance
    PrivateIpEnabled bool
    Whether private IP is enabled on the Looker instance.
    Project string
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    PublicIpEnabled bool
    Whether public IP is enabled on the Looker instance.
    Region string
    The name of the Looker region of the instance.
    ReservedRange string
    Name of a reserved IP address range within the consumer network, to be used for private service access connection. User may or may not specify this in a request.
    UpdateTime string
    The time the instance was updated in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds.
    UserMetadata InstanceUserMetadataArgs
    Metadata about users for a Looker instance. These settings are only available when platform edition LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD is set. There are ten Standard and two Developer users included in the cost of the product. You can allocate additional Standard, Viewer, and Developer users for this instance. It is an optional step and can be modified later. With the Standard edition of Looker (Google Cloud core), you can provision up to 50 total users, distributed across Viewer, Standard, and Developer. Structure is documented below.
    adminSettings InstanceAdminSettings
    Looker instance Admin settings. Structure is documented below.
    consumerNetwork String
    Network name in the consumer project in the format of: projects/{project}/global/networks/{network} Note that the consumer network may be in a different GCP project than the consumer project that is hosting the Looker Instance.
    createTime String
    The time the instance was created in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds.
    customDomain InstanceCustomDomain
    Custom domain settings for a Looker instance. Structure is documented below.
    denyMaintenancePeriod InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriod
    Maintenance denial period for this instance. You must allow at least 14 days of maintenance availability between any two deny maintenance periods. Structure is documented below.
    egressPublicIp String
    Public Egress IP (IPv4).
    encryptionConfig InstanceEncryptionConfig
    Looker instance encryption settings. Structure is documented below.
    ingressPrivateIp String
    Private Ingress IP (IPv4).
    ingressPublicIp String
    Public Ingress IP (IPv4).
    lookerUri String
    Looker instance URI which can be used to access the Looker Instance UI.
    lookerVersion String
    The Looker version that the instance is using.
    maintenanceWindow InstanceMaintenanceWindow
    Maintenance window for an instance. Maintenance of your instance takes place once a month, and will require your instance to be restarted during updates, which will temporarily disrupt service. Structure is documented below.
    name String
    The ID of the instance or a fully qualified identifier for the instance.

    oauthConfig InstanceOauthConfig
    Looker Instance OAuth login settings. Structure is documented below.
    platformEdition String
    Platform editions for a Looker instance. Each edition maps to a set of instance features, like its size. Must be one of these values:

    • LOOKER_CORE_TRIAL: trial instance (Currently Unavailable)
    • LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD: pay as you go standard instance (Currently Unavailable)
    • LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD_ANNUAL: subscription standard instance
    • LOOKER_CORE_ENTERPRISE_ANNUAL: subscription enterprise instance
    privateIpEnabled Boolean
    Whether private IP is enabled on the Looker instance.
    project String
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    publicIpEnabled Boolean
    Whether public IP is enabled on the Looker instance.
    region String
    The name of the Looker region of the instance.
    reservedRange String
    Name of a reserved IP address range within the consumer network, to be used for private service access connection. User may or may not specify this in a request.
    updateTime String
    The time the instance was updated in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds.
    userMetadata InstanceUserMetadata
    Metadata about users for a Looker instance. These settings are only available when platform edition LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD is set. There are ten Standard and two Developer users included in the cost of the product. You can allocate additional Standard, Viewer, and Developer users for this instance. It is an optional step and can be modified later. With the Standard edition of Looker (Google Cloud core), you can provision up to 50 total users, distributed across Viewer, Standard, and Developer. Structure is documented below.
    adminSettings InstanceAdminSettings
    Looker instance Admin settings. Structure is documented below.
    consumerNetwork string
    Network name in the consumer project in the format of: projects/{project}/global/networks/{network} Note that the consumer network may be in a different GCP project than the consumer project that is hosting the Looker Instance.
    createTime string
    The time the instance was created in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds.
    customDomain InstanceCustomDomain
    Custom domain settings for a Looker instance. Structure is documented below.
    denyMaintenancePeriod InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriod
    Maintenance denial period for this instance. You must allow at least 14 days of maintenance availability between any two deny maintenance periods. Structure is documented below.
    egressPublicIp string
    Public Egress IP (IPv4).
    encryptionConfig InstanceEncryptionConfig
    Looker instance encryption settings. Structure is documented below.
    ingressPrivateIp string
    Private Ingress IP (IPv4).
    ingressPublicIp string
    Public Ingress IP (IPv4).
    lookerUri string
    Looker instance URI which can be used to access the Looker Instance UI.
    lookerVersion string
    The Looker version that the instance is using.
    maintenanceWindow InstanceMaintenanceWindow
    Maintenance window for an instance. Maintenance of your instance takes place once a month, and will require your instance to be restarted during updates, which will temporarily disrupt service. Structure is documented below.
    name string
    The ID of the instance or a fully qualified identifier for the instance.

    oauthConfig InstanceOauthConfig
    Looker Instance OAuth login settings. Structure is documented below.
    platformEdition string
    Platform editions for a Looker instance. Each edition maps to a set of instance features, like its size. Must be one of these values:

    • LOOKER_CORE_TRIAL: trial instance (Currently Unavailable)
    • LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD: pay as you go standard instance (Currently Unavailable)
    • LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD_ANNUAL: subscription standard instance
    • LOOKER_CORE_ENTERPRISE_ANNUAL: subscription enterprise instance
    privateIpEnabled boolean
    Whether private IP is enabled on the Looker instance.
    project string
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    publicIpEnabled boolean
    Whether public IP is enabled on the Looker instance.
    region string
    The name of the Looker region of the instance.
    reservedRange string
    Name of a reserved IP address range within the consumer network, to be used for private service access connection. User may or may not specify this in a request.
    updateTime string
    The time the instance was updated in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds.
    userMetadata InstanceUserMetadata
    Metadata about users for a Looker instance. These settings are only available when platform edition LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD is set. There are ten Standard and two Developer users included in the cost of the product. You can allocate additional Standard, Viewer, and Developer users for this instance. It is an optional step and can be modified later. With the Standard edition of Looker (Google Cloud core), you can provision up to 50 total users, distributed across Viewer, Standard, and Developer. Structure is documented below.
    admin_settings InstanceAdminSettingsArgs
    Looker instance Admin settings. Structure is documented below.
    consumer_network str
    Network name in the consumer project in the format of: projects/{project}/global/networks/{network} Note that the consumer network may be in a different GCP project than the consumer project that is hosting the Looker Instance.
    create_time str
    The time the instance was created in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds.
    custom_domain InstanceCustomDomainArgs
    Custom domain settings for a Looker instance. Structure is documented below.
    deny_maintenance_period InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodArgs
    Maintenance denial period for this instance. You must allow at least 14 days of maintenance availability between any two deny maintenance periods. Structure is documented below.
    egress_public_ip str
    Public Egress IP (IPv4).
    encryption_config InstanceEncryptionConfigArgs
    Looker instance encryption settings. Structure is documented below.
    ingress_private_ip str
    Private Ingress IP (IPv4).
    ingress_public_ip str
    Public Ingress IP (IPv4).
    looker_uri str
    Looker instance URI which can be used to access the Looker Instance UI.
    looker_version str
    The Looker version that the instance is using.
    maintenance_window InstanceMaintenanceWindowArgs
    Maintenance window for an instance. Maintenance of your instance takes place once a month, and will require your instance to be restarted during updates, which will temporarily disrupt service. Structure is documented below.
    name str
    The ID of the instance or a fully qualified identifier for the instance.

    oauth_config InstanceOauthConfigArgs
    Looker Instance OAuth login settings. Structure is documented below.
    platform_edition str
    Platform editions for a Looker instance. Each edition maps to a set of instance features, like its size. Must be one of these values:

    • LOOKER_CORE_TRIAL: trial instance (Currently Unavailable)
    • LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD: pay as you go standard instance (Currently Unavailable)
    • LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD_ANNUAL: subscription standard instance
    • LOOKER_CORE_ENTERPRISE_ANNUAL: subscription enterprise instance
    private_ip_enabled bool
    Whether private IP is enabled on the Looker instance.
    project str
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    public_ip_enabled bool
    Whether public IP is enabled on the Looker instance.
    region str
    The name of the Looker region of the instance.
    reserved_range str
    Name of a reserved IP address range within the consumer network, to be used for private service access connection. User may or may not specify this in a request.
    update_time str
    The time the instance was updated in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds.
    user_metadata InstanceUserMetadataArgs
    Metadata about users for a Looker instance. These settings are only available when platform edition LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD is set. There are ten Standard and two Developer users included in the cost of the product. You can allocate additional Standard, Viewer, and Developer users for this instance. It is an optional step and can be modified later. With the Standard edition of Looker (Google Cloud core), you can provision up to 50 total users, distributed across Viewer, Standard, and Developer. Structure is documented below.
    adminSettings Property Map
    Looker instance Admin settings. Structure is documented below.
    consumerNetwork String
    Network name in the consumer project in the format of: projects/{project}/global/networks/{network} Note that the consumer network may be in a different GCP project than the consumer project that is hosting the Looker Instance.
    createTime String
    The time the instance was created in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds.
    customDomain Property Map
    Custom domain settings for a Looker instance. Structure is documented below.
    denyMaintenancePeriod Property Map
    Maintenance denial period for this instance. You must allow at least 14 days of maintenance availability between any two deny maintenance periods. Structure is documented below.
    egressPublicIp String
    Public Egress IP (IPv4).
    encryptionConfig Property Map
    Looker instance encryption settings. Structure is documented below.
    ingressPrivateIp String
    Private Ingress IP (IPv4).
    ingressPublicIp String
    Public Ingress IP (IPv4).
    lookerUri String
    Looker instance URI which can be used to access the Looker Instance UI.
    lookerVersion String
    The Looker version that the instance is using.
    maintenanceWindow Property Map
    Maintenance window for an instance. Maintenance of your instance takes place once a month, and will require your instance to be restarted during updates, which will temporarily disrupt service. Structure is documented below.
    name String
    The ID of the instance or a fully qualified identifier for the instance.

    oauthConfig Property Map
    Looker Instance OAuth login settings. Structure is documented below.
    platformEdition String
    Platform editions for a Looker instance. Each edition maps to a set of instance features, like its size. Must be one of these values:

    • LOOKER_CORE_TRIAL: trial instance (Currently Unavailable)
    • LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD: pay as you go standard instance (Currently Unavailable)
    • LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD_ANNUAL: subscription standard instance
    • LOOKER_CORE_ENTERPRISE_ANNUAL: subscription enterprise instance
    privateIpEnabled Boolean
    Whether private IP is enabled on the Looker instance.
    project String
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    publicIpEnabled Boolean
    Whether public IP is enabled on the Looker instance.
    region String
    The name of the Looker region of the instance.
    reservedRange String
    Name of a reserved IP address range within the consumer network, to be used for private service access connection. User may or may not specify this in a request.
    updateTime String
    The time the instance was updated in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds.
    userMetadata Property Map
    Metadata about users for a Looker instance. These settings are only available when platform edition LOOKER_CORE_STANDARD is set. There are ten Standard and two Developer users included in the cost of the product. You can allocate additional Standard, Viewer, and Developer users for this instance. It is an optional step and can be modified later. With the Standard edition of Looker (Google Cloud core), you can provision up to 50 total users, distributed across Viewer, Standard, and Developer. Structure is documented below.

    Supporting Types

    InstanceAdminSettings, InstanceAdminSettingsArgs

    AllowedEmailDomains List<string>
    allowedEmailDomains List<String>
    allowed_email_domains Sequence[str]
    allowedEmailDomains List<String>

    InstanceCustomDomain, InstanceCustomDomainArgs

    Domain string
    Domain name
    State string
    (Output) Status of the custom domain.
    Domain string
    Domain name
    State string
    (Output) Status of the custom domain.
    domain String
    Domain name
    state String
    (Output) Status of the custom domain.
    domain string
    Domain name
    state string
    (Output) Status of the custom domain.
    domain str
    Domain name
    state str
    (Output) Status of the custom domain.
    domain String
    Domain name
    state String
    (Output) Status of the custom domain.

    InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriod, InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodArgs

    EndDate InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodEndDate
    Required. Start date of the deny maintenance period Structure is documented below.
    StartDate InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodStartDate
    Required. Start date of the deny maintenance period Structure is documented below.
    Time InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodTime
    Required. Start time of the window in UTC time. Structure is documented below.
    EndDate InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodEndDate
    Required. Start date of the deny maintenance period Structure is documented below.
    StartDate InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodStartDate
    Required. Start date of the deny maintenance period Structure is documented below.
    Time InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodTime
    Required. Start time of the window in UTC time. Structure is documented below.
    endDate InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodEndDate
    Required. Start date of the deny maintenance period Structure is documented below.
    startDate InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodStartDate
    Required. Start date of the deny maintenance period Structure is documented below.
    time InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodTime
    Required. Start time of the window in UTC time. Structure is documented below.
    endDate InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodEndDate
    Required. Start date of the deny maintenance period Structure is documented below.
    startDate InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodStartDate
    Required. Start date of the deny maintenance period Structure is documented below.
    time InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodTime
    Required. Start time of the window in UTC time. Structure is documented below.
    end_date InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodEndDate
    Required. Start date of the deny maintenance period Structure is documented below.
    start_date InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodStartDate
    Required. Start date of the deny maintenance period Structure is documented below.
    time InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodTime
    Required. Start time of the window in UTC time. Structure is documented below.
    endDate Property Map
    Required. Start date of the deny maintenance period Structure is documented below.
    startDate Property Map
    Required. Start date of the deny maintenance period Structure is documented below.
    time Property Map
    Required. Start time of the window in UTC time. Structure is documented below.

    InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodEndDate, InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodEndDateArgs

    Day int
    Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
    Month int
    Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
    Year int
    Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
    Day int
    Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
    Month int
    Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
    Year int
    Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
    day Integer
    Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
    month Integer
    Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
    year Integer
    Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
    day number
    Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
    month number
    Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
    year number
    Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
    day int
    Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
    month int
    Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
    year int
    Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
    day Number
    Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
    month Number
    Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
    year Number
    Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.

    InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodStartDate, InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodStartDateArgs

    Day int
    Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
    Month int
    Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
    Year int
    Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
    Day int
    Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
    Month int
    Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
    Year int
    Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
    day Integer
    Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
    month Integer
    Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
    year Integer
    Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
    day number
    Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
    month number
    Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
    year number
    Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
    day int
    Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
    month int
    Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
    year int
    Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.
    day Number
    Day of a month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 to specify a year by itself or a year and month where the day isn't significant.
    month Number
    Month of a year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 to specify a year without a month and day.
    year Number
    Year of the date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 to specify a date without a year.

    InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodTime, InstanceDenyMaintenancePeriodTimeArgs

    Hours int
    Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23.
    Minutes int
    Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59.
    Nanos int
    Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999.
    Seconds int
    Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59.
    Hours int
    Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23.
    Minutes int
    Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59.
    Nanos int
    Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999.
    Seconds int
    Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59.
    hours Integer
    Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23.
    minutes Integer
    Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59.
    nanos Integer
    Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999.
    seconds Integer
    Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59.
    hours number
    Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23.
    minutes number
    Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59.
    nanos number
    Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999.
    seconds number
    Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59.
    hours int
    Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23.
    minutes int
    Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59.
    nanos int
    Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999.
    seconds int
    Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59.
    hours Number
    Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23.
    minutes Number
    Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59.
    nanos Number
    Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999.
    seconds Number
    Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59.

    InstanceEncryptionConfig, InstanceEncryptionConfigArgs

    KmsKeyName string
    Name of the customer managed encryption key (CMEK) in KMS.
    KmsKeyNameVersion string
    (Output) Full name and version of the CMEK key currently in use to encrypt Looker data.
    KmsKeyState string
    (Output) Status of the customer managed encryption key (CMEK) in KMS.
    KmsKeyName string
    Name of the customer managed encryption key (CMEK) in KMS.
    KmsKeyNameVersion string
    (Output) Full name and version of the CMEK key currently in use to encrypt Looker data.
    KmsKeyState string
    (Output) Status of the customer managed encryption key (CMEK) in KMS.
    kmsKeyName String
    Name of the customer managed encryption key (CMEK) in KMS.
    kmsKeyNameVersion String
    (Output) Full name and version of the CMEK key currently in use to encrypt Looker data.
    kmsKeyState String
    (Output) Status of the customer managed encryption key (CMEK) in KMS.
    kmsKeyName string
    Name of the customer managed encryption key (CMEK) in KMS.
    kmsKeyNameVersion string
    (Output) Full name and version of the CMEK key currently in use to encrypt Looker data.
    kmsKeyState string
    (Output) Status of the customer managed encryption key (CMEK) in KMS.
    kms_key_name str
    Name of the customer managed encryption key (CMEK) in KMS.
    kms_key_name_version str
    (Output) Full name and version of the CMEK key currently in use to encrypt Looker data.
    kms_key_state str
    (Output) Status of the customer managed encryption key (CMEK) in KMS.
    kmsKeyName String
    Name of the customer managed encryption key (CMEK) in KMS.
    kmsKeyNameVersion String
    (Output) Full name and version of the CMEK key currently in use to encrypt Looker data.
    kmsKeyState String
    (Output) Status of the customer managed encryption key (CMEK) in KMS.

    InstanceMaintenanceWindow, InstanceMaintenanceWindowArgs

    DayOfWeek string
    Required. Day of the week for this MaintenanceWindow (in UTC).

    • MONDAY: Monday
    • TUESDAY: Tuesday
    • WEDNESDAY: Wednesday
    • THURSDAY: Thursday
    • FRIDAY: Friday
    • SATURDAY: Saturday
    StartTime InstanceMaintenanceWindowStartTime
    Required. Start time of the window in UTC time. Structure is documented below.
    DayOfWeek string
    Required. Day of the week for this MaintenanceWindow (in UTC).

    • MONDAY: Monday
    • TUESDAY: Tuesday
    • WEDNESDAY: Wednesday
    • THURSDAY: Thursday
    • FRIDAY: Friday
    • SATURDAY: Saturday
    StartTime InstanceMaintenanceWindowStartTime
    Required. Start time of the window in UTC time. Structure is documented below.
    dayOfWeek String
    Required. Day of the week for this MaintenanceWindow (in UTC).

    • MONDAY: Monday
    • TUESDAY: Tuesday
    • WEDNESDAY: Wednesday
    • THURSDAY: Thursday
    • FRIDAY: Friday
    • SATURDAY: Saturday
    startTime InstanceMaintenanceWindowStartTime
    Required. Start time of the window in UTC time. Structure is documented below.
    dayOfWeek string
    Required. Day of the week for this MaintenanceWindow (in UTC).

    • MONDAY: Monday
    • TUESDAY: Tuesday
    • WEDNESDAY: Wednesday
    • THURSDAY: Thursday
    • FRIDAY: Friday
    • SATURDAY: Saturday
    startTime InstanceMaintenanceWindowStartTime
    Required. Start time of the window in UTC time. Structure is documented below.
    day_of_week str
    Required. Day of the week for this MaintenanceWindow (in UTC).

    • MONDAY: Monday
    • TUESDAY: Tuesday
    • WEDNESDAY: Wednesday
    • THURSDAY: Thursday
    • FRIDAY: Friday
    • SATURDAY: Saturday
    start_time InstanceMaintenanceWindowStartTime
    Required. Start time of the window in UTC time. Structure is documented below.
    dayOfWeek String
    Required. Day of the week for this MaintenanceWindow (in UTC).

    • MONDAY: Monday
    • TUESDAY: Tuesday
    • WEDNESDAY: Wednesday
    • THURSDAY: Thursday
    • FRIDAY: Friday
    • SATURDAY: Saturday
    startTime Property Map
    Required. Start time of the window in UTC time. Structure is documented below.

    InstanceMaintenanceWindowStartTime, InstanceMaintenanceWindowStartTimeArgs

    Hours int
    Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23.
    Minutes int
    Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59.
    Nanos int
    Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999.
    Seconds int
    Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59.
    Hours int
    Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23.
    Minutes int
    Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59.
    Nanos int
    Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999.
    Seconds int
    Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59.
    hours Integer
    Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23.
    minutes Integer
    Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59.
    nanos Integer
    Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999.
    seconds Integer
    Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59.
    hours number
    Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23.
    minutes number
    Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59.
    nanos number
    Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999.
    seconds number
    Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59.
    hours int
    Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23.
    minutes int
    Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59.
    nanos int
    Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999.
    seconds int
    Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59.
    hours Number
    Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23.
    minutes Number
    Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59.
    nanos Number
    Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999.
    seconds Number
    Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59.

    InstanceOauthConfig, InstanceOauthConfigArgs

    ClientId string
    The client ID for the Oauth config.
    ClientSecret string
    The client secret for the Oauth config.
    ClientId string
    The client ID for the Oauth config.
    ClientSecret string
    The client secret for the Oauth config.
    clientId String
    The client ID for the Oauth config.
    clientSecret String
    The client secret for the Oauth config.
    clientId string
    The client ID for the Oauth config.
    clientSecret string
    The client secret for the Oauth config.
    client_id str
    The client ID for the Oauth config.
    client_secret str
    The client secret for the Oauth config.
    clientId String
    The client ID for the Oauth config.
    clientSecret String
    The client secret for the Oauth config.

    InstanceUserMetadata, InstanceUserMetadataArgs

    AdditionalDeveloperUserCount int
    Number of additional Developer Users to allocate to the Looker Instance.
    AdditionalStandardUserCount int
    Number of additional Standard Users to allocate to the Looker Instance.
    AdditionalViewerUserCount int
    Number of additional Viewer Users to allocate to the Looker Instance.
    AdditionalDeveloperUserCount int
    Number of additional Developer Users to allocate to the Looker Instance.
    AdditionalStandardUserCount int
    Number of additional Standard Users to allocate to the Looker Instance.
    AdditionalViewerUserCount int
    Number of additional Viewer Users to allocate to the Looker Instance.
    additionalDeveloperUserCount Integer
    Number of additional Developer Users to allocate to the Looker Instance.
    additionalStandardUserCount Integer
    Number of additional Standard Users to allocate to the Looker Instance.
    additionalViewerUserCount Integer
    Number of additional Viewer Users to allocate to the Looker Instance.
    additionalDeveloperUserCount number
    Number of additional Developer Users to allocate to the Looker Instance.
    additionalStandardUserCount number
    Number of additional Standard Users to allocate to the Looker Instance.
    additionalViewerUserCount number
    Number of additional Viewer Users to allocate to the Looker Instance.
    additional_developer_user_count int
    Number of additional Developer Users to allocate to the Looker Instance.
    additional_standard_user_count int
    Number of additional Standard Users to allocate to the Looker Instance.
    additional_viewer_user_count int
    Number of additional Viewer Users to allocate to the Looker Instance.
    additionalDeveloperUserCount Number
    Number of additional Developer Users to allocate to the Looker Instance.
    additionalStandardUserCount Number
    Number of additional Standard Users to allocate to the Looker Instance.
    additionalViewerUserCount Number
    Number of additional Viewer Users to allocate to the Looker Instance.


    Instance can be imported using any of these accepted formats:

    • projects/{{project}}/locations/{{region}}/instances/{{name}}

    • {{project}}/{{region}}/{{name}}

    • {{region}}/{{name}}

    • {{name}}

    When using the pulumi import command, Instance can be imported using one of the formats above. For example:

    $ pulumi import gcp:looker/instance:Instance default projects/{{project}}/locations/{{region}}/instances/{{name}}
    $ pulumi import gcp:looker/instance:Instance default {{project}}/{{region}}/{{name}}
    $ pulumi import gcp:looker/instance:Instance default {{region}}/{{name}}
    $ pulumi import gcp:looker/instance:Instance default {{name}}

    To learn more about importing existing cloud resources, see Importing resources.

    Package Details

    Google Cloud (GCP) Classic pulumi/pulumi-gcp
    This Pulumi package is based on the google-beta Terraform Provider.
    gcp logo
    Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi