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  5. getDisk
Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    Get information about a Google Compute Persistent disks.

    the official documentation and its API.

    Example Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as gcp from "@pulumi/gcp";
    const persistent-boot-disk = gcp.compute.getDisk({
        name: "persistent-boot-disk",
        project: "example",
    const _default = new gcp.compute.Instance("default", {bootDisk: {
        source: persistent_boot_disk.then(persistent_boot_disk => persistent_boot_disk.selfLink),
        autoDelete: false,
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_gcp as gcp
    persistent_boot_disk = gcp.compute.get_disk(name="persistent-boot-disk",
    default = gcp.compute.Instance("default", boot_disk=gcp.compute.InstanceBootDiskArgs(
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		persistent_boot_disk, err := compute.LookupDisk(ctx, &compute.LookupDiskArgs{
    			Name:    "persistent-boot-disk",
    			Project: pulumi.StringRef("example"),
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		_, err = compute.NewInstance(ctx, "default", &compute.InstanceArgs{
    			BootDisk: &compute.InstanceBootDiskArgs{
    				Source:     pulumi.String(persistent_boot_disk.SelfLink),
    				AutoDelete: pulumi.Bool(false),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Gcp = Pulumi.Gcp;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var persistent_boot_disk = Gcp.Compute.GetDisk.Invoke(new()
            Name = "persistent-boot-disk",
            Project = "example",
        var @default = new Gcp.Compute.Instance("default", new()
            BootDisk = new Gcp.Compute.Inputs.InstanceBootDiskArgs
                Source = persistent_boot_disk.Apply(persistent_boot_disk => persistent_boot_disk.Apply(getDiskResult => getDiskResult.SelfLink)),
                AutoDelete = false,
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.compute.ComputeFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.compute.inputs.GetDiskArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.compute.Instance;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.compute.InstanceArgs;
    import com.pulumi.gcp.compute.inputs.InstanceBootDiskArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            final var persistent-boot-disk = ComputeFunctions.getDisk(GetDiskArgs.builder()
            var default_ = new Instance("default", InstanceArgs.builder()
        type: gcp:compute:Instance
            source: ${["persistent-boot-disk"].selfLink}
            autoDelete: false
          Function: gcp:compute:getDisk
            name: persistent-boot-disk
            project: example

    Using getDisk

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getDisk(args: GetDiskArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetDiskResult>
    function getDiskOutput(args: GetDiskOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetDiskResult>
    def get_disk(name: Optional[str] = None,
                 project: Optional[str] = None,
                 zone: Optional[str] = None,
                 opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetDiskResult
    def get_disk_output(name: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                 project: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                 zone: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                 opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetDiskResult]
    func LookupDisk(ctx *Context, args *LookupDiskArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*LookupDiskResult, error)
    func LookupDiskOutput(ctx *Context, args *LookupDiskOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) LookupDiskResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named LookupDisk in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetDisk 
        public static Task<GetDiskResult> InvokeAsync(GetDiskArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetDiskResult> Invoke(GetDiskInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetDiskResult> getDisk(GetDiskArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: gcp:compute/getDisk:getDisk
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    Name string
    The name of a specific disk.

    Project string
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    Zone string
    A reference to the zone where the disk resides.
    Name string
    The name of a specific disk.

    Project string
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    Zone string
    A reference to the zone where the disk resides.
    name String
    The name of a specific disk.

    project String
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    zone String
    A reference to the zone where the disk resides.
    name string
    The name of a specific disk.

    project string
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    zone string
    A reference to the zone where the disk resides.
    name str
    The name of a specific disk.

    project str
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    zone str
    A reference to the zone where the disk resides.
    name String
    The name of a specific disk.

    project String
    The ID of the project in which the resource belongs. If it is not provided, the provider project is used.
    zone String
    A reference to the zone where the disk resides.

    getDisk Result

    The following output properties are available:

    AsyncPrimaryDisks List<GetDiskAsyncPrimaryDisk>
    CreationTimestamp string
    Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
    Description string
    The optional description of this resource.
    DiskEncryptionKeys List<GetDiskDiskEncryptionKey>
    DiskId string
    EffectiveLabels Dictionary<string, string>
    EnableConfidentialCompute bool
    GuestOsFeatures List<GetDiskGuestOsFeature>
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Image string
    The image from which to initialize this disk.
    Interface string
    LabelFingerprint string
    The fingerprint used for optimistic locking of this resource. Used internally during updates.
    Labels Dictionary<string, string>
    All of labels (key/value pairs) present on the resource in GCP, including the labels configured through Pulumi, other clients and services.
    LastAttachTimestamp string
    Last attach timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
    LastDetachTimestamp string
    Last detach timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
    Licenses List<string>
    MultiWriter bool
    Name string
    PhysicalBlockSizeBytes int
    Physical block size of the persistent disk, in bytes.
    ProvisionedIops int
    ProvisionedThroughput int
    PulumiLabels Dictionary<string, string>
    ResourcePolicies List<string>
    SelfLink string
    The URI of the created resource.
    Size int
    Size of the persistent disk, specified in GB.
    Snapshot string
    The source snapshot used to create this disk.
    SourceDisk string
    SourceDiskId string
    SourceImageEncryptionKeys List<GetDiskSourceImageEncryptionKey>
    The customer-supplied encryption key of the source image.
    SourceImageId string
    The ID value of the image used to create this disk. This value identifies the exact image that was used to create this persistent disk. For example, if you created the persistent disk from an image that was later deleted and recreated under the same name, the source image ID would identify the exact version of the image that was used.
    SourceSnapshotEncryptionKeys List<GetDiskSourceSnapshotEncryptionKey>
    The customer-supplied encryption key of the source snapshot.
    SourceSnapshotId string
    The unique ID of the snapshot used to create this disk. This value identifies the exact snapshot that was used to create this persistent disk. For example, if you created the persistent disk from a snapshot that was later deleted and recreated under the same name, the source snapshot ID would identify the exact version of the snapshot that was used.
    StoragePool string
    Type string
    URL of the disk type resource describing which disk type to use to create the disk.
    Users List<string>
    Links to the users of the disk (attached instances) in form: project/zones/zone/instances/instance
    Project string
    Zone string
    A reference to the zone where the disk resides.
    AsyncPrimaryDisks []GetDiskAsyncPrimaryDisk
    CreationTimestamp string
    Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
    Description string
    The optional description of this resource.
    DiskEncryptionKeys []GetDiskDiskEncryptionKey
    DiskId string
    EffectiveLabels map[string]string
    EnableConfidentialCompute bool
    GuestOsFeatures []GetDiskGuestOsFeature
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Image string
    The image from which to initialize this disk.
    Interface string
    LabelFingerprint string
    The fingerprint used for optimistic locking of this resource. Used internally during updates.
    Labels map[string]string
    All of labels (key/value pairs) present on the resource in GCP, including the labels configured through Pulumi, other clients and services.
    LastAttachTimestamp string
    Last attach timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
    LastDetachTimestamp string
    Last detach timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
    Licenses []string
    MultiWriter bool
    Name string
    PhysicalBlockSizeBytes int
    Physical block size of the persistent disk, in bytes.
    ProvisionedIops int
    ProvisionedThroughput int
    PulumiLabels map[string]string
    ResourcePolicies []string
    SelfLink string
    The URI of the created resource.
    Size int
    Size of the persistent disk, specified in GB.
    Snapshot string
    The source snapshot used to create this disk.
    SourceDisk string
    SourceDiskId string
    SourceImageEncryptionKeys []GetDiskSourceImageEncryptionKey
    The customer-supplied encryption key of the source image.
    SourceImageId string
    The ID value of the image used to create this disk. This value identifies the exact image that was used to create this persistent disk. For example, if you created the persistent disk from an image that was later deleted and recreated under the same name, the source image ID would identify the exact version of the image that was used.
    SourceSnapshotEncryptionKeys []GetDiskSourceSnapshotEncryptionKey
    The customer-supplied encryption key of the source snapshot.
    SourceSnapshotId string
    The unique ID of the snapshot used to create this disk. This value identifies the exact snapshot that was used to create this persistent disk. For example, if you created the persistent disk from a snapshot that was later deleted and recreated under the same name, the source snapshot ID would identify the exact version of the snapshot that was used.
    StoragePool string
    Type string
    URL of the disk type resource describing which disk type to use to create the disk.
    Users []string
    Links to the users of the disk (attached instances) in form: project/zones/zone/instances/instance
    Project string
    Zone string
    A reference to the zone where the disk resides.
    asyncPrimaryDisks List<GetDiskAsyncPrimaryDisk>
    creationTimestamp String
    Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
    description String
    The optional description of this resource.
    diskEncryptionKeys List<GetDiskDiskEncryptionKey>
    diskId String
    effectiveLabels Map<String,String>
    enableConfidentialCompute Boolean
    guestOsFeatures List<GetDiskGuestOsFeature>
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    image String
    The image from which to initialize this disk.
    interface_ String
    labelFingerprint String
    The fingerprint used for optimistic locking of this resource. Used internally during updates.
    labels Map<String,String>
    All of labels (key/value pairs) present on the resource in GCP, including the labels configured through Pulumi, other clients and services.
    lastAttachTimestamp String
    Last attach timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
    lastDetachTimestamp String
    Last detach timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
    licenses List<String>
    multiWriter Boolean
    name String
    physicalBlockSizeBytes Integer
    Physical block size of the persistent disk, in bytes.
    provisionedIops Integer
    provisionedThroughput Integer
    pulumiLabels Map<String,String>
    resourcePolicies List<String>
    selfLink String
    The URI of the created resource.
    size Integer
    Size of the persistent disk, specified in GB.
    snapshot String
    The source snapshot used to create this disk.
    sourceDisk String
    sourceDiskId String
    sourceImageEncryptionKeys List<GetDiskSourceImageEncryptionKey>
    The customer-supplied encryption key of the source image.
    sourceImageId String
    The ID value of the image used to create this disk. This value identifies the exact image that was used to create this persistent disk. For example, if you created the persistent disk from an image that was later deleted and recreated under the same name, the source image ID would identify the exact version of the image that was used.
    sourceSnapshotEncryptionKeys List<GetDiskSourceSnapshotEncryptionKey>
    The customer-supplied encryption key of the source snapshot.
    sourceSnapshotId String
    The unique ID of the snapshot used to create this disk. This value identifies the exact snapshot that was used to create this persistent disk. For example, if you created the persistent disk from a snapshot that was later deleted and recreated under the same name, the source snapshot ID would identify the exact version of the snapshot that was used.
    storagePool String
    type String
    URL of the disk type resource describing which disk type to use to create the disk.
    users List<String>
    Links to the users of the disk (attached instances) in form: project/zones/zone/instances/instance
    project String
    zone String
    A reference to the zone where the disk resides.
    asyncPrimaryDisks GetDiskAsyncPrimaryDisk[]
    creationTimestamp string
    Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
    description string
    The optional description of this resource.
    diskEncryptionKeys GetDiskDiskEncryptionKey[]
    diskId string
    effectiveLabels {[key: string]: string}
    enableConfidentialCompute boolean
    guestOsFeatures GetDiskGuestOsFeature[]
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    image string
    The image from which to initialize this disk.
    interface string
    labelFingerprint string
    The fingerprint used for optimistic locking of this resource. Used internally during updates.
    labels {[key: string]: string}
    All of labels (key/value pairs) present on the resource in GCP, including the labels configured through Pulumi, other clients and services.
    lastAttachTimestamp string
    Last attach timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
    lastDetachTimestamp string
    Last detach timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
    licenses string[]
    multiWriter boolean
    name string
    physicalBlockSizeBytes number
    Physical block size of the persistent disk, in bytes.
    provisionedIops number
    provisionedThroughput number
    pulumiLabels {[key: string]: string}
    resourcePolicies string[]
    selfLink string
    The URI of the created resource.
    size number
    Size of the persistent disk, specified in GB.
    snapshot string
    The source snapshot used to create this disk.
    sourceDisk string
    sourceDiskId string
    sourceImageEncryptionKeys GetDiskSourceImageEncryptionKey[]
    The customer-supplied encryption key of the source image.
    sourceImageId string
    The ID value of the image used to create this disk. This value identifies the exact image that was used to create this persistent disk. For example, if you created the persistent disk from an image that was later deleted and recreated under the same name, the source image ID would identify the exact version of the image that was used.
    sourceSnapshotEncryptionKeys GetDiskSourceSnapshotEncryptionKey[]
    The customer-supplied encryption key of the source snapshot.
    sourceSnapshotId string
    The unique ID of the snapshot used to create this disk. This value identifies the exact snapshot that was used to create this persistent disk. For example, if you created the persistent disk from a snapshot that was later deleted and recreated under the same name, the source snapshot ID would identify the exact version of the snapshot that was used.
    storagePool string
    type string
    URL of the disk type resource describing which disk type to use to create the disk.
    users string[]
    Links to the users of the disk (attached instances) in form: project/zones/zone/instances/instance
    project string
    zone string
    A reference to the zone where the disk resides.
    async_primary_disks Sequence[GetDiskAsyncPrimaryDisk]
    creation_timestamp str
    Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
    description str
    The optional description of this resource.
    disk_encryption_keys Sequence[GetDiskDiskEncryptionKey]
    disk_id str
    effective_labels Mapping[str, str]
    enable_confidential_compute bool
    guest_os_features Sequence[GetDiskGuestOsFeature]
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    image str
    The image from which to initialize this disk.
    interface str
    label_fingerprint str
    The fingerprint used for optimistic locking of this resource. Used internally during updates.
    labels Mapping[str, str]
    All of labels (key/value pairs) present on the resource in GCP, including the labels configured through Pulumi, other clients and services.
    last_attach_timestamp str
    Last attach timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
    last_detach_timestamp str
    Last detach timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
    licenses Sequence[str]
    multi_writer bool
    name str
    physical_block_size_bytes int
    Physical block size of the persistent disk, in bytes.
    provisioned_iops int
    provisioned_throughput int
    pulumi_labels Mapping[str, str]
    resource_policies Sequence[str]
    self_link str
    The URI of the created resource.
    size int
    Size of the persistent disk, specified in GB.
    snapshot str
    The source snapshot used to create this disk.
    source_disk str
    source_disk_id str
    source_image_encryption_keys Sequence[GetDiskSourceImageEncryptionKey]
    The customer-supplied encryption key of the source image.
    source_image_id str
    The ID value of the image used to create this disk. This value identifies the exact image that was used to create this persistent disk. For example, if you created the persistent disk from an image that was later deleted and recreated under the same name, the source image ID would identify the exact version of the image that was used.
    source_snapshot_encryption_keys Sequence[GetDiskSourceSnapshotEncryptionKey]
    The customer-supplied encryption key of the source snapshot.
    source_snapshot_id str
    The unique ID of the snapshot used to create this disk. This value identifies the exact snapshot that was used to create this persistent disk. For example, if you created the persistent disk from a snapshot that was later deleted and recreated under the same name, the source snapshot ID would identify the exact version of the snapshot that was used.
    storage_pool str
    type str
    URL of the disk type resource describing which disk type to use to create the disk.
    users Sequence[str]
    Links to the users of the disk (attached instances) in form: project/zones/zone/instances/instance
    project str
    zone str
    A reference to the zone where the disk resides.
    asyncPrimaryDisks List<Property Map>
    creationTimestamp String
    Creation timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
    description String
    The optional description of this resource.
    diskEncryptionKeys List<Property Map>
    diskId String
    effectiveLabels Map<String>
    enableConfidentialCompute Boolean
    guestOsFeatures List<Property Map>
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    image String
    The image from which to initialize this disk.
    interface String
    labelFingerprint String
    The fingerprint used for optimistic locking of this resource. Used internally during updates.
    labels Map<String>
    All of labels (key/value pairs) present on the resource in GCP, including the labels configured through Pulumi, other clients and services.
    lastAttachTimestamp String
    Last attach timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
    lastDetachTimestamp String
    Last detach timestamp in RFC3339 text format.
    licenses List<String>
    multiWriter Boolean
    name String
    physicalBlockSizeBytes Number
    Physical block size of the persistent disk, in bytes.
    provisionedIops Number
    provisionedThroughput Number
    pulumiLabels Map<String>
    resourcePolicies List<String>
    selfLink String
    The URI of the created resource.
    size Number
    Size of the persistent disk, specified in GB.
    snapshot String
    The source snapshot used to create this disk.
    sourceDisk String
    sourceDiskId String
    sourceImageEncryptionKeys List<Property Map>
    The customer-supplied encryption key of the source image.
    sourceImageId String
    The ID value of the image used to create this disk. This value identifies the exact image that was used to create this persistent disk. For example, if you created the persistent disk from an image that was later deleted and recreated under the same name, the source image ID would identify the exact version of the image that was used.
    sourceSnapshotEncryptionKeys List<Property Map>
    The customer-supplied encryption key of the source snapshot.
    sourceSnapshotId String
    The unique ID of the snapshot used to create this disk. This value identifies the exact snapshot that was used to create this persistent disk. For example, if you created the persistent disk from a snapshot that was later deleted and recreated under the same name, the source snapshot ID would identify the exact version of the snapshot that was used.
    storagePool String
    type String
    URL of the disk type resource describing which disk type to use to create the disk.
    users List<String>
    Links to the users of the disk (attached instances) in form: project/zones/zone/instances/instance
    project String
    zone String
    A reference to the zone where the disk resides.

    Supporting Types


    Disk string
    Primary disk for asynchronous disk replication.
    Disk string
    Primary disk for asynchronous disk replication.
    disk String
    Primary disk for asynchronous disk replication.
    disk string
    Primary disk for asynchronous disk replication.
    disk str
    Primary disk for asynchronous disk replication.
    disk String
    Primary disk for asynchronous disk replication.


    KmsKeySelfLink string
    The self link of the encryption key used to encrypt the disk. Also called KmsKeyName in the cloud console. Your project's Compute Engine System service account ('service-{{PROJECT_NUMBER}}@compute-system.iam.gserviceaccount.com') must have 'roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter' to use this feature. See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-managed-encryption#encrypt_a_new_persistent_disk_with_your_own_keys
    KmsKeyServiceAccount string
    The service account used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine Service Agent service account is used.
    RawKey string
    Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.
    RsaEncryptedKey string
    Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey.
    Sha256 string
    The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
    KmsKeySelfLink string
    The self link of the encryption key used to encrypt the disk. Also called KmsKeyName in the cloud console. Your project's Compute Engine System service account ('service-{{PROJECT_NUMBER}}@compute-system.iam.gserviceaccount.com') must have 'roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter' to use this feature. See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-managed-encryption#encrypt_a_new_persistent_disk_with_your_own_keys
    KmsKeyServiceAccount string
    The service account used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine Service Agent service account is used.
    RawKey string
    Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.
    RsaEncryptedKey string
    Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey.
    Sha256 string
    The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
    kmsKeySelfLink String
    The self link of the encryption key used to encrypt the disk. Also called KmsKeyName in the cloud console. Your project's Compute Engine System service account ('service-{{PROJECT_NUMBER}}@compute-system.iam.gserviceaccount.com') must have 'roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter' to use this feature. See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-managed-encryption#encrypt_a_new_persistent_disk_with_your_own_keys
    kmsKeyServiceAccount String
    The service account used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine Service Agent service account is used.
    rawKey String
    Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.
    rsaEncryptedKey String
    Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey.
    sha256 String
    The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
    kmsKeySelfLink string
    The self link of the encryption key used to encrypt the disk. Also called KmsKeyName in the cloud console. Your project's Compute Engine System service account ('service-{{PROJECT_NUMBER}}@compute-system.iam.gserviceaccount.com') must have 'roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter' to use this feature. See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-managed-encryption#encrypt_a_new_persistent_disk_with_your_own_keys
    kmsKeyServiceAccount string
    The service account used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine Service Agent service account is used.
    rawKey string
    Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.
    rsaEncryptedKey string
    Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey.
    sha256 string
    The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
    kms_key_self_link str
    The self link of the encryption key used to encrypt the disk. Also called KmsKeyName in the cloud console. Your project's Compute Engine System service account ('service-{{PROJECT_NUMBER}}@compute-system.iam.gserviceaccount.com') must have 'roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter' to use this feature. See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-managed-encryption#encrypt_a_new_persistent_disk_with_your_own_keys
    kms_key_service_account str
    The service account used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine Service Agent service account is used.
    raw_key str
    Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.
    rsa_encrypted_key str
    Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey.
    sha256 str
    The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
    kmsKeySelfLink String
    The self link of the encryption key used to encrypt the disk. Also called KmsKeyName in the cloud console. Your project's Compute Engine System service account ('service-{{PROJECT_NUMBER}}@compute-system.iam.gserviceaccount.com') must have 'roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter' to use this feature. See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-managed-encryption#encrypt_a_new_persistent_disk_with_your_own_keys
    kmsKeyServiceAccount String
    The service account used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine Service Agent service account is used.
    rawKey String
    Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.
    rsaEncryptedKey String
    Specifies an RFC 4648 base64 encoded, RSA-wrapped 2048-bit customer-supplied encryption key to either encrypt or decrypt this resource. You can provide either the rawKey or the rsaEncryptedKey.
    sha256 String
    The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.


    Type string
    URL of the disk type resource describing which disk type to use to create the disk.
    Type string
    URL of the disk type resource describing which disk type to use to create the disk.
    type String
    URL of the disk type resource describing which disk type to use to create the disk.
    type string
    URL of the disk type resource describing which disk type to use to create the disk.
    type str
    URL of the disk type resource describing which disk type to use to create the disk.
    type String
    URL of the disk type resource describing which disk type to use to create the disk.


    KmsKeySelfLink string
    The self link of the encryption key used to encrypt the disk. Also called KmsKeyName in the cloud console. Your project's Compute Engine System service account ('service-{{PROJECT_NUMBER}}@compute-system.iam.gserviceaccount.com') must have 'roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter' to use this feature. See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-managed-encryption#encrypt_a_new_persistent_disk_with_your_own_keys
    KmsKeyServiceAccount string
    The service account used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine Service Agent service account is used.
    RawKey string
    Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.
    Sha256 string
    The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
    KmsKeySelfLink string
    The self link of the encryption key used to encrypt the disk. Also called KmsKeyName in the cloud console. Your project's Compute Engine System service account ('service-{{PROJECT_NUMBER}}@compute-system.iam.gserviceaccount.com') must have 'roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter' to use this feature. See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-managed-encryption#encrypt_a_new_persistent_disk_with_your_own_keys
    KmsKeyServiceAccount string
    The service account used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine Service Agent service account is used.
    RawKey string
    Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.
    Sha256 string
    The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
    kmsKeySelfLink String
    The self link of the encryption key used to encrypt the disk. Also called KmsKeyName in the cloud console. Your project's Compute Engine System service account ('service-{{PROJECT_NUMBER}}@compute-system.iam.gserviceaccount.com') must have 'roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter' to use this feature. See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-managed-encryption#encrypt_a_new_persistent_disk_with_your_own_keys
    kmsKeyServiceAccount String
    The service account used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine Service Agent service account is used.
    rawKey String
    Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.
    sha256 String
    The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
    kmsKeySelfLink string
    The self link of the encryption key used to encrypt the disk. Also called KmsKeyName in the cloud console. Your project's Compute Engine System service account ('service-{{PROJECT_NUMBER}}@compute-system.iam.gserviceaccount.com') must have 'roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter' to use this feature. See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-managed-encryption#encrypt_a_new_persistent_disk_with_your_own_keys
    kmsKeyServiceAccount string
    The service account used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine Service Agent service account is used.
    rawKey string
    Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.
    sha256 string
    The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
    kms_key_self_link str
    The self link of the encryption key used to encrypt the disk. Also called KmsKeyName in the cloud console. Your project's Compute Engine System service account ('service-{{PROJECT_NUMBER}}@compute-system.iam.gserviceaccount.com') must have 'roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter' to use this feature. See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-managed-encryption#encrypt_a_new_persistent_disk_with_your_own_keys
    kms_key_service_account str
    The service account used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine Service Agent service account is used.
    raw_key str
    Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.
    sha256 str
    The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
    kmsKeySelfLink String
    The self link of the encryption key used to encrypt the disk. Also called KmsKeyName in the cloud console. Your project's Compute Engine System service account ('service-{{PROJECT_NUMBER}}@compute-system.iam.gserviceaccount.com') must have 'roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter' to use this feature. See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-managed-encryption#encrypt_a_new_persistent_disk_with_your_own_keys
    kmsKeyServiceAccount String
    The service account used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine Service Agent service account is used.
    rawKey String
    Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.
    sha256 String
    The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.


    KmsKeySelfLink string
    The self link of the encryption key used to encrypt the disk. Also called KmsKeyName in the cloud console. Your project's Compute Engine System service account ('service-{{PROJECT_NUMBER}}@compute-system.iam.gserviceaccount.com') must have 'roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter' to use this feature. See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-managed-encryption#encrypt_a_new_persistent_disk_with_your_own_keys
    KmsKeyServiceAccount string
    The service account used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine Service Agent service account is used.
    RawKey string
    Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.
    Sha256 string
    The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
    KmsKeySelfLink string
    The self link of the encryption key used to encrypt the disk. Also called KmsKeyName in the cloud console. Your project's Compute Engine System service account ('service-{{PROJECT_NUMBER}}@compute-system.iam.gserviceaccount.com') must have 'roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter' to use this feature. See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-managed-encryption#encrypt_a_new_persistent_disk_with_your_own_keys
    KmsKeyServiceAccount string
    The service account used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine Service Agent service account is used.
    RawKey string
    Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.
    Sha256 string
    The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
    kmsKeySelfLink String
    The self link of the encryption key used to encrypt the disk. Also called KmsKeyName in the cloud console. Your project's Compute Engine System service account ('service-{{PROJECT_NUMBER}}@compute-system.iam.gserviceaccount.com') must have 'roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter' to use this feature. See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-managed-encryption#encrypt_a_new_persistent_disk_with_your_own_keys
    kmsKeyServiceAccount String
    The service account used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine Service Agent service account is used.
    rawKey String
    Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.
    sha256 String
    The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
    kmsKeySelfLink string
    The self link of the encryption key used to encrypt the disk. Also called KmsKeyName in the cloud console. Your project's Compute Engine System service account ('service-{{PROJECT_NUMBER}}@compute-system.iam.gserviceaccount.com') must have 'roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter' to use this feature. See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-managed-encryption#encrypt_a_new_persistent_disk_with_your_own_keys
    kmsKeyServiceAccount string
    The service account used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine Service Agent service account is used.
    rawKey string
    Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.
    sha256 string
    The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
    kms_key_self_link str
    The self link of the encryption key used to encrypt the disk. Also called KmsKeyName in the cloud console. Your project's Compute Engine System service account ('service-{{PROJECT_NUMBER}}@compute-system.iam.gserviceaccount.com') must have 'roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter' to use this feature. See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-managed-encryption#encrypt_a_new_persistent_disk_with_your_own_keys
    kms_key_service_account str
    The service account used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine Service Agent service account is used.
    raw_key str
    Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.
    sha256 str
    The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.
    kmsKeySelfLink String
    The self link of the encryption key used to encrypt the disk. Also called KmsKeyName in the cloud console. Your project's Compute Engine System service account ('service-{{PROJECT_NUMBER}}@compute-system.iam.gserviceaccount.com') must have 'roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter' to use this feature. See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-managed-encryption#encrypt_a_new_persistent_disk_with_your_own_keys
    kmsKeyServiceAccount String
    The service account used for the encryption request for the given KMS key. If absent, the Compute Engine Service Agent service account is used.
    rawKey String
    Specifies a 256-bit customer-supplied encryption key, encoded in RFC 4648 base64 to either encrypt or decrypt this resource.
    sha256 String
    The RFC 4648 base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the customer-supplied encryption key that protects this resource.

    Package Details

    Google Cloud (GCP) Classic pulumi/pulumi-gcp
    This Pulumi package is based on the google-beta Terraform Provider.
    gcp logo
    Google Cloud Classic v7.29.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi