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Azure Classic v5.81.0 published on Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Pulumi


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Azure Classic v5.81.0 published on Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Pulumi

    Manages an Azure Storage Account Management Policy.

    Example Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as azure from "@pulumi/azure";
    const example = new azure.core.ResourceGroup("example", {
        name: "resourceGroupName",
        location: "West Europe",
    const exampleAccount = new azure.storage.Account("example", {
        name: "storageaccountname",
        resourceGroupName: example.name,
        location: example.location,
        accountTier: "Standard",
        accountReplicationType: "LRS",
        accountKind: "BlobStorage",
    const exampleManagementPolicy = new azure.storage.ManagementPolicy("example", {
        storageAccountId: exampleAccount.id,
        rules: [
                name: "rule1",
                enabled: true,
                filters: {
                    prefixMatches: ["container1/prefix1"],
                    blobTypes: ["blockBlob"],
                    matchBlobIndexTags: [{
                        name: "tag1",
                        operation: "==",
                        value: "val1",
                actions: {
                    baseBlob: {
                        tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan: 10,
                        tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan: 50,
                        deleteAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan: 100,
                    snapshot: {
                        deleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan: 30,
                name: "rule2",
                enabled: false,
                filters: {
                    prefixMatches: [
                    blobTypes: ["blockBlob"],
                actions: {
                    baseBlob: {
                        tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan: 11,
                        tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan: 51,
                        deleteAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan: 101,
                    snapshot: {
                        changeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation: 90,
                        changeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation: 23,
                        deleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan: 31,
                    version: {
                        changeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation: 9,
                        changeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation: 90,
                        deleteAfterDaysSinceCreation: 3,
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_azure as azure
    example = azure.core.ResourceGroup("example",
        location="West Europe")
    example_account = azure.storage.Account("example",
    example_management_policy = azure.storage.ManagementPolicy("example",
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		example, err := core.NewResourceGroup(ctx, "example", &core.ResourceGroupArgs{
    			Name:     pulumi.String("resourceGroupName"),
    			Location: pulumi.String("West Europe"),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		exampleAccount, err := storage.NewAccount(ctx, "example", &storage.AccountArgs{
    			Name:                   pulumi.String("storageaccountname"),
    			ResourceGroupName:      example.Name,
    			Location:               example.Location,
    			AccountTier:            pulumi.String("Standard"),
    			AccountReplicationType: pulumi.String("LRS"),
    			AccountKind:            pulumi.String("BlobStorage"),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		_, err = storage.NewManagementPolicy(ctx, "example", &storage.ManagementPolicyArgs{
    			StorageAccountId: exampleAccount.ID(),
    			Rules: storage.ManagementPolicyRuleArray{
    					Name:    pulumi.String("rule1"),
    					Enabled: pulumi.Bool(true),
    					Filters: &storage.ManagementPolicyRuleFiltersArgs{
    						PrefixMatches: pulumi.StringArray{
    						BlobTypes: pulumi.StringArray{
    						MatchBlobIndexTags: storage.ManagementPolicyRuleFiltersMatchBlobIndexTagArray{
    								Name:      pulumi.String("tag1"),
    								Operation: pulumi.String("=="),
    								Value:     pulumi.String("val1"),
    					Actions: &storage.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsArgs{
    						BaseBlob: &storage.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsBaseBlobArgs{
    							TierToCoolAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan:    pulumi.Int(10),
    							TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan: pulumi.Int(50),
    							DeleteAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan:        pulumi.Int(100),
    						Snapshot: &storage.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsSnapshotArgs{
    							DeleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan: pulumi.Int(30),
    					Name:    pulumi.String("rule2"),
    					Enabled: pulumi.Bool(false),
    					Filters: &storage.ManagementPolicyRuleFiltersArgs{
    						PrefixMatches: pulumi.StringArray{
    						BlobTypes: pulumi.StringArray{
    					Actions: &storage.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsArgs{
    						BaseBlob: &storage.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsBaseBlobArgs{
    							TierToCoolAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan:    pulumi.Int(11),
    							TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan: pulumi.Int(51),
    							DeleteAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan:        pulumi.Int(101),
    						Snapshot: &storage.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsSnapshotArgs{
    							ChangeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation: pulumi.Int(90),
    							ChangeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation:    pulumi.Int(23),
    							DeleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan:   pulumi.Int(31),
    						Version: &storage.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsVersionArgs{
    							ChangeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation: pulumi.Int(9),
    							ChangeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation:    pulumi.Int(90),
    							DeleteAfterDaysSinceCreation:              pulumi.Int(3),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Azure = Pulumi.Azure;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var example = new Azure.Core.ResourceGroup("example", new()
            Name = "resourceGroupName",
            Location = "West Europe",
        var exampleAccount = new Azure.Storage.Account("example", new()
            Name = "storageaccountname",
            ResourceGroupName = example.Name,
            Location = example.Location,
            AccountTier = "Standard",
            AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
            AccountKind = "BlobStorage",
        var exampleManagementPolicy = new Azure.Storage.ManagementPolicy("example", new()
            StorageAccountId = exampleAccount.Id,
            Rules = new[]
                new Azure.Storage.Inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleArgs
                    Name = "rule1",
                    Enabled = true,
                    Filters = new Azure.Storage.Inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleFiltersArgs
                        PrefixMatches = new[]
                        BlobTypes = new[]
                        MatchBlobIndexTags = new[]
                            new Azure.Storage.Inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleFiltersMatchBlobIndexTagArgs
                                Name = "tag1",
                                Operation = "==",
                                Value = "val1",
                    Actions = new Azure.Storage.Inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsArgs
                        BaseBlob = new Azure.Storage.Inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsBaseBlobArgs
                            TierToCoolAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan = 10,
                            TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan = 50,
                            DeleteAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan = 100,
                        Snapshot = new Azure.Storage.Inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsSnapshotArgs
                            DeleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan = 30,
                new Azure.Storage.Inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleArgs
                    Name = "rule2",
                    Enabled = false,
                    Filters = new Azure.Storage.Inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleFiltersArgs
                        PrefixMatches = new[]
                        BlobTypes = new[]
                    Actions = new Azure.Storage.Inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsArgs
                        BaseBlob = new Azure.Storage.Inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsBaseBlobArgs
                            TierToCoolAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan = 11,
                            TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan = 51,
                            DeleteAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan = 101,
                        Snapshot = new Azure.Storage.Inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsSnapshotArgs
                            ChangeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation = 90,
                            ChangeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation = 23,
                            DeleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan = 31,
                        Version = new Azure.Storage.Inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsVersionArgs
                            ChangeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation = 9,
                            ChangeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation = 90,
                            DeleteAfterDaysSinceCreation = 3,
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.azure.core.ResourceGroup;
    import com.pulumi.azure.core.ResourceGroupArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.storage.Account;
    import com.pulumi.azure.storage.AccountArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.storage.ManagementPolicy;
    import com.pulumi.azure.storage.ManagementPolicyArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.storage.inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.storage.inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleFiltersArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.storage.inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.storage.inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsBaseBlobArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.storage.inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsSnapshotArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.storage.inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsVersionArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            var example = new ResourceGroup("example", ResourceGroupArgs.builder()
                .location("West Europe")
            var exampleAccount = new Account("exampleAccount", AccountArgs.builder()
            var exampleManagementPolicy = new ManagementPolicy("exampleManagementPolicy", ManagementPolicyArgs.builder()
        type: azure:core:ResourceGroup
          name: resourceGroupName
          location: West Europe
        type: azure:storage:Account
        name: example
          name: storageaccountname
          resourceGroupName: ${example.name}
          location: ${example.location}
          accountTier: Standard
          accountReplicationType: LRS
          accountKind: BlobStorage
        type: azure:storage:ManagementPolicy
        name: example
          storageAccountId: ${exampleAccount.id}
            - name: rule1
              enabled: true
                  - container1/prefix1
                  - blockBlob
                  - name: tag1
                    operation: ==
                    value: val1
                  tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan: 10
                  tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan: 50
                  deleteAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan: 100
                  deleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan: 30
            - name: rule2
              enabled: false
                  - container2/prefix1
                  - container2/prefix2
                  - blockBlob
                  tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan: 11
                  tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan: 51
                  deleteAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan: 101
                  changeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation: 90
                  changeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation: 23
                  deleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan: 31
                  changeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation: 9
                  changeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation: 90
                  deleteAfterDaysSinceCreation: 3

    Create ManagementPolicy Resource

    Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.

    Constructor syntax

    new ManagementPolicy(name: string, args: ManagementPolicyArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
    def ManagementPolicy(resource_name: str,
                         args: ManagementPolicyArgs,
                         opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
    def ManagementPolicy(resource_name: str,
                         opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
                         storage_account_id: Optional[str] = None,
                         rules: Optional[Sequence[ManagementPolicyRuleArgs]] = None)
    func NewManagementPolicy(ctx *Context, name string, args ManagementPolicyArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*ManagementPolicy, error)
    public ManagementPolicy(string name, ManagementPolicyArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public ManagementPolicy(String name, ManagementPolicyArgs args)
    public ManagementPolicy(String name, ManagementPolicyArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
    type: azure:storage:ManagementPolicy
    properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
    options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.


    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ManagementPolicyArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    resource_name str
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ManagementPolicyArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    ctx Context
    Context object for the current deployment.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ManagementPolicyArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOption
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ManagementPolicyArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name String
    The unique name of the resource.
    args ManagementPolicyArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    options CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.

    Constructor example

    The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.

    var managementPolicyResource = new Azure.Storage.ManagementPolicy("managementPolicyResource", new()
        StorageAccountId = "string",
        Rules = new[]
            new Azure.Storage.Inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleArgs
                Actions = new Azure.Storage.Inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsArgs
                    BaseBlob = new Azure.Storage.Inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsBaseBlobArgs
                        AutoTierToHotFromCoolEnabled = false,
                        DeleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan = 0,
                        DeleteAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan = 0,
                        DeleteAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan = 0,
                        TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan = 0,
                        TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan = 0,
                        TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan = 0,
                        TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan = 0,
                        TierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan = 0,
                        TierToColdAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan = 0,
                        TierToColdAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan = 0,
                        TierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan = 0,
                        TierToCoolAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan = 0,
                        TierToCoolAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan = 0,
                    Snapshot = new Azure.Storage.Inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsSnapshotArgs
                        ChangeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation = 0,
                        ChangeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation = 0,
                        DeleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan = 0,
                        TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan = 0,
                        TierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan = 0,
                    Version = new Azure.Storage.Inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsVersionArgs
                        ChangeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation = 0,
                        ChangeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation = 0,
                        DeleteAfterDaysSinceCreation = 0,
                        TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan = 0,
                        TierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan = 0,
                Enabled = false,
                Filters = new Azure.Storage.Inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleFiltersArgs
                    BlobTypes = new[]
                    MatchBlobIndexTags = new[]
                        new Azure.Storage.Inputs.ManagementPolicyRuleFiltersMatchBlobIndexTagArgs
                            Name = "string",
                            Value = "string",
                            Operation = "string",
                    PrefixMatches = new[]
                Name = "string",
    example, err := storage.NewManagementPolicy(ctx, "managementPolicyResource", &storage.ManagementPolicyArgs{
    	StorageAccountId: pulumi.String("string"),
    	Rules: storage.ManagementPolicyRuleArray{
    			Actions: &storage.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsArgs{
    				BaseBlob: &storage.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsBaseBlobArgs{
    					AutoTierToHotFromCoolEnabled:                         pulumi.Bool(false),
    					DeleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan:              pulumi.Int(0),
    					DeleteAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan:        pulumi.Int(0),
    					DeleteAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan:          pulumi.Int(0),
    					TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan:       pulumi.Int(0),
    					TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan: pulumi.Int(0),
    					TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan: pulumi.Int(0),
    					TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan:   pulumi.Int(0),
    					TierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan:          pulumi.Int(0),
    					TierToColdAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan:    pulumi.Int(0),
    					TierToColdAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan:      pulumi.Int(0),
    					TierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan:          pulumi.Int(0),
    					TierToCoolAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan:    pulumi.Int(0),
    					TierToCoolAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan:      pulumi.Int(0),
    				Snapshot: &storage.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsSnapshotArgs{
    					ChangeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation:            pulumi.Int(0),
    					ChangeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation:               pulumi.Int(0),
    					DeleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan:              pulumi.Int(0),
    					TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan: pulumi.Int(0),
    					TierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan:          pulumi.Int(0),
    				Version: &storage.ManagementPolicyRuleActionsVersionArgs{
    					ChangeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation:            pulumi.Int(0),
    					ChangeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation:               pulumi.Int(0),
    					DeleteAfterDaysSinceCreation:                         pulumi.Int(0),
    					TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan: pulumi.Int(0),
    					TierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan:          pulumi.Int(0),
    			Enabled: pulumi.Bool(false),
    			Filters: &storage.ManagementPolicyRuleFiltersArgs{
    				BlobTypes: pulumi.StringArray{
    				MatchBlobIndexTags: storage.ManagementPolicyRuleFiltersMatchBlobIndexTagArray{
    						Name:      pulumi.String("string"),
    						Value:     pulumi.String("string"),
    						Operation: pulumi.String("string"),
    				PrefixMatches: pulumi.StringArray{
    			Name: pulumi.String("string"),
    var managementPolicyResource = new ManagementPolicy("managementPolicyResource", ManagementPolicyArgs.builder()
    management_policy_resource = azure.storage.ManagementPolicy("managementPolicyResource",
    const managementPolicyResource = new azure.storage.ManagementPolicy("managementPolicyResource", {
        storageAccountId: "string",
        rules: [{
            actions: {
                baseBlob: {
                    autoTierToHotFromCoolEnabled: false,
                    deleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan: 0,
                    deleteAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan: 0,
                    deleteAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan: 0,
                    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan: 0,
                    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan: 0,
                    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan: 0,
                    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan: 0,
                    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan: 0,
                    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan: 0,
                    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan: 0,
                    tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan: 0,
                    tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan: 0,
                    tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan: 0,
                snapshot: {
                    changeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation: 0,
                    changeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation: 0,
                    deleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan: 0,
                    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan: 0,
                    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan: 0,
                version: {
                    changeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation: 0,
                    changeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation: 0,
                    deleteAfterDaysSinceCreation: 0,
                    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan: 0,
                    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan: 0,
            enabled: false,
            filters: {
                blobTypes: ["string"],
                matchBlobIndexTags: [{
                    name: "string",
                    value: "string",
                    operation: "string",
                prefixMatches: ["string"],
            name: "string",
    type: azure:storage:ManagementPolicy
            - actions:
                    autoTierToHotFromCoolEnabled: false
                    deleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan: 0
                    deleteAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan: 0
                    deleteAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan: 0
                    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan: 0
                    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan: 0
                    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan: 0
                    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan: 0
                    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan: 0
                    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan: 0
                    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan: 0
                    tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan: 0
                    tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan: 0
                    tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan: 0
                    changeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation: 0
                    changeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation: 0
                    deleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan: 0
                    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan: 0
                    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan: 0
                    changeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation: 0
                    changeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation: 0
                    deleteAfterDaysSinceCreation: 0
                    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan: 0
                    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan: 0
              enabled: false
                    - string
                    - name: string
                      operation: string
                      value: string
                    - string
              name: string
        storageAccountId: string

    ManagementPolicy Resource Properties

    To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.


    The ManagementPolicy resource accepts the following input properties:

    StorageAccountId string
    Specifies the id of the storage account to apply the management policy to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    Rules List<ManagementPolicyRule>
    A rule block as documented below.
    StorageAccountId string
    Specifies the id of the storage account to apply the management policy to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    Rules []ManagementPolicyRuleArgs
    A rule block as documented below.
    storageAccountId String
    Specifies the id of the storage account to apply the management policy to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    rules List<ManagementPolicyRule>
    A rule block as documented below.
    storageAccountId string
    Specifies the id of the storage account to apply the management policy to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    rules ManagementPolicyRule[]
    A rule block as documented below.
    storage_account_id str
    Specifies the id of the storage account to apply the management policy to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    rules Sequence[ManagementPolicyRuleArgs]
    A rule block as documented below.
    storageAccountId String
    Specifies the id of the storage account to apply the management policy to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    rules List<Property Map>
    A rule block as documented below.


    All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the ManagementPolicy resource produces the following output properties:

    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.

    Look up Existing ManagementPolicy Resource

    Get an existing ManagementPolicy resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.

    public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: ManagementPolicyState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): ManagementPolicy
    def get(resource_name: str,
            id: str,
            opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
            rules: Optional[Sequence[ManagementPolicyRuleArgs]] = None,
            storage_account_id: Optional[str] = None) -> ManagementPolicy
    func GetManagementPolicy(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *ManagementPolicyState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*ManagementPolicy, error)
    public static ManagementPolicy Get(string name, Input<string> id, ManagementPolicyState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public static ManagementPolicy get(String name, Output<String> id, ManagementPolicyState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
    Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The following state arguments are supported:
    Rules List<ManagementPolicyRule>
    A rule block as documented below.
    StorageAccountId string
    Specifies the id of the storage account to apply the management policy to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    Rules []ManagementPolicyRuleArgs
    A rule block as documented below.
    StorageAccountId string
    Specifies the id of the storage account to apply the management policy to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    rules List<ManagementPolicyRule>
    A rule block as documented below.
    storageAccountId String
    Specifies the id of the storage account to apply the management policy to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    rules ManagementPolicyRule[]
    A rule block as documented below.
    storageAccountId string
    Specifies the id of the storage account to apply the management policy to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    rules Sequence[ManagementPolicyRuleArgs]
    A rule block as documented below.
    storage_account_id str
    Specifies the id of the storage account to apply the management policy to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    rules List<Property Map>
    A rule block as documented below.
    storageAccountId String
    Specifies the id of the storage account to apply the management policy to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.

    Supporting Types

    ManagementPolicyRule, ManagementPolicyRuleArgs

    Actions ManagementPolicyRuleActions
    An actions block as documented below.
    Enabled bool
    Boolean to specify whether the rule is enabled.
    Filters ManagementPolicyRuleFilters
    A filters block as documented below.
    Name string
    The name of the rule. Rule name is case-sensitive. It must be unique within a policy.
    Actions ManagementPolicyRuleActions
    An actions block as documented below.
    Enabled bool
    Boolean to specify whether the rule is enabled.
    Filters ManagementPolicyRuleFilters
    A filters block as documented below.
    Name string
    The name of the rule. Rule name is case-sensitive. It must be unique within a policy.
    actions ManagementPolicyRuleActions
    An actions block as documented below.
    enabled Boolean
    Boolean to specify whether the rule is enabled.
    filters ManagementPolicyRuleFilters
    A filters block as documented below.
    name String
    The name of the rule. Rule name is case-sensitive. It must be unique within a policy.
    actions ManagementPolicyRuleActions
    An actions block as documented below.
    enabled boolean
    Boolean to specify whether the rule is enabled.
    filters ManagementPolicyRuleFilters
    A filters block as documented below.
    name string
    The name of the rule. Rule name is case-sensitive. It must be unique within a policy.
    actions ManagementPolicyRuleActions
    An actions block as documented below.
    enabled bool
    Boolean to specify whether the rule is enabled.
    filters ManagementPolicyRuleFilters
    A filters block as documented below.
    name str
    The name of the rule. Rule name is case-sensitive. It must be unique within a policy.
    actions Property Map
    An actions block as documented below.
    enabled Boolean
    Boolean to specify whether the rule is enabled.
    filters Property Map
    A filters block as documented below.
    name String
    The name of the rule. Rule name is case-sensitive. It must be unique within a policy.

    ManagementPolicyRuleActions, ManagementPolicyRuleActionsArgs

    BaseBlob ManagementPolicyRuleActionsBaseBlob
    A base_blob block as documented below.
    Snapshot ManagementPolicyRuleActionsSnapshot
    A snapshot block as documented below.
    Version ManagementPolicyRuleActionsVersion
    A version block as documented below.
    BaseBlob ManagementPolicyRuleActionsBaseBlob
    A base_blob block as documented below.
    Snapshot ManagementPolicyRuleActionsSnapshot
    A snapshot block as documented below.
    Version ManagementPolicyRuleActionsVersion
    A version block as documented below.
    baseBlob ManagementPolicyRuleActionsBaseBlob
    A base_blob block as documented below.
    snapshot ManagementPolicyRuleActionsSnapshot
    A snapshot block as documented below.
    version ManagementPolicyRuleActionsVersion
    A version block as documented below.
    baseBlob ManagementPolicyRuleActionsBaseBlob
    A base_blob block as documented below.
    snapshot ManagementPolicyRuleActionsSnapshot
    A snapshot block as documented below.
    version ManagementPolicyRuleActionsVersion
    A version block as documented below.
    base_blob ManagementPolicyRuleActionsBaseBlob
    A base_blob block as documented below.
    snapshot ManagementPolicyRuleActionsSnapshot
    A snapshot block as documented below.
    version ManagementPolicyRuleActionsVersion
    A version block as documented below.
    baseBlob Property Map
    A base_blob block as documented below.
    snapshot Property Map
    A snapshot block as documented below.
    version Property Map
    A version block as documented below.

    ManagementPolicyRuleActionsBaseBlob, ManagementPolicyRuleActionsBaseBlobArgs

    AutoTierToHotFromCoolEnabled bool

    Whether a blob should automatically be tiered from cool back to hot if it's accessed again after being tiered to cool. Defaults to false.

    Note: The auto_tier_to_hot_from_cool_enabled must be used together with tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than.

    DeleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int

    The age in days after creation to delete the blob. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.

    Note: The delete_after_days_since_modification_greater_than, delete_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and delete_after_days_since_creation_greater_than can not be set at the same time.

    Note: The last_access_time_enabled must be set to true in the azure.storage.Account in order to use tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than, tier_to_archive_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and delete_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than.

    DeleteAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last access time to delete the blob. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    DeleteAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last modification to delete the blob. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int

    The age in days after creation to archive storage. Supports blob currently at Hot or Cool tier. Must be between 0 and99999. Defaults to -1.

    Note: The tier_to_archive_after_days_since_modification_greater_than, tier_to_archive_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and tier_to_archive_after_days_since_creation_greater_than can not be set at the same time.

    TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to archive storage. Supports blob currently at Hot or Cool tier. Must be between 0 and99999. Defaults to -1.
    TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archved. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to archive storage. Supports blob currently at Hot or Cool tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    TierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int

    The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.

    Note: The tier_to_cool_after_days_since_modification_greater_than, tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and tier_to_cool_after_days_since_creation_greater_than can not be set at the same time.

    TierToColdAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    TierToColdAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    TierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int

    The age in days after creation to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.

    Note: The tier_to_cool_after_days_since_modification_greater_than, tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and tier_to_cool_after_days_since_creation_greater_than can not be set at the same time.

    TierToCoolAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    TierToCoolAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    AutoTierToHotFromCoolEnabled bool

    Whether a blob should automatically be tiered from cool back to hot if it's accessed again after being tiered to cool. Defaults to false.

    Note: The auto_tier_to_hot_from_cool_enabled must be used together with tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than.

    DeleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int

    The age in days after creation to delete the blob. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.

    Note: The delete_after_days_since_modification_greater_than, delete_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and delete_after_days_since_creation_greater_than can not be set at the same time.

    Note: The last_access_time_enabled must be set to true in the azure.storage.Account in order to use tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than, tier_to_archive_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and delete_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than.

    DeleteAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last access time to delete the blob. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    DeleteAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last modification to delete the blob. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int

    The age in days after creation to archive storage. Supports blob currently at Hot or Cool tier. Must be between 0 and99999. Defaults to -1.

    Note: The tier_to_archive_after_days_since_modification_greater_than, tier_to_archive_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and tier_to_archive_after_days_since_creation_greater_than can not be set at the same time.

    TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to archive storage. Supports blob currently at Hot or Cool tier. Must be between 0 and99999. Defaults to -1.
    TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archved. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to archive storage. Supports blob currently at Hot or Cool tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    TierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int

    The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.

    Note: The tier_to_cool_after_days_since_modification_greater_than, tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and tier_to_cool_after_days_since_creation_greater_than can not be set at the same time.

    TierToColdAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    TierToColdAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    TierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int

    The age in days after creation to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.

    Note: The tier_to_cool_after_days_since_modification_greater_than, tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and tier_to_cool_after_days_since_creation_greater_than can not be set at the same time.

    TierToCoolAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    TierToCoolAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    autoTierToHotFromCoolEnabled Boolean

    Whether a blob should automatically be tiered from cool back to hot if it's accessed again after being tiered to cool. Defaults to false.

    Note: The auto_tier_to_hot_from_cool_enabled must be used together with tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than.

    deleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Integer

    The age in days after creation to delete the blob. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.

    Note: The delete_after_days_since_modification_greater_than, delete_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and delete_after_days_since_creation_greater_than can not be set at the same time.

    Note: The last_access_time_enabled must be set to true in the azure.storage.Account in order to use tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than, tier_to_archive_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and delete_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than.

    deleteAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after last access time to delete the blob. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    deleteAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after last modification to delete the blob. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Integer

    The age in days after creation to archive storage. Supports blob currently at Hot or Cool tier. Must be between 0 and99999. Defaults to -1.

    Note: The tier_to_archive_after_days_since_modification_greater_than, tier_to_archive_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and tier_to_archive_after_days_since_creation_greater_than can not be set at the same time.

    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to archive storage. Supports blob currently at Hot or Cool tier. Must be between 0 and99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archved. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to archive storage. Supports blob currently at Hot or Cool tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Integer

    The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.

    Note: The tier_to_cool_after_days_since_modification_greater_than, tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and tier_to_cool_after_days_since_creation_greater_than can not be set at the same time.

    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Integer

    The age in days after creation to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.

    Note: The tier_to_cool_after_days_since_modification_greater_than, tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and tier_to_cool_after_days_since_creation_greater_than can not be set at the same time.

    tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    autoTierToHotFromCoolEnabled boolean

    Whether a blob should automatically be tiered from cool back to hot if it's accessed again after being tiered to cool. Defaults to false.

    Note: The auto_tier_to_hot_from_cool_enabled must be used together with tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than.

    deleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan number

    The age in days after creation to delete the blob. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.

    Note: The delete_after_days_since_modification_greater_than, delete_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and delete_after_days_since_creation_greater_than can not be set at the same time.

    Note: The last_access_time_enabled must be set to true in the azure.storage.Account in order to use tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than, tier_to_archive_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and delete_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than.

    deleteAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan number
    The age in days after last access time to delete the blob. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    deleteAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan number
    The age in days after last modification to delete the blob. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan number

    The age in days after creation to archive storage. Supports blob currently at Hot or Cool tier. Must be between 0 and99999. Defaults to -1.

    Note: The tier_to_archive_after_days_since_modification_greater_than, tier_to_archive_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and tier_to_archive_after_days_since_creation_greater_than can not be set at the same time.

    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan number
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to archive storage. Supports blob currently at Hot or Cool tier. Must be between 0 and99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan number
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archved. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan number
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to archive storage. Supports blob currently at Hot or Cool tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan number

    The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.

    Note: The tier_to_cool_after_days_since_modification_greater_than, tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and tier_to_cool_after_days_since_creation_greater_than can not be set at the same time.

    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan number
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan number
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan number

    The age in days after creation to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.

    Note: The tier_to_cool_after_days_since_modification_greater_than, tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and tier_to_cool_after_days_since_creation_greater_than can not be set at the same time.

    tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan number
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan number
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    auto_tier_to_hot_from_cool_enabled bool

    Whether a blob should automatically be tiered from cool back to hot if it's accessed again after being tiered to cool. Defaults to false.

    Note: The auto_tier_to_hot_from_cool_enabled must be used together with tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than.

    delete_after_days_since_creation_greater_than int

    The age in days after creation to delete the blob. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.

    Note: The delete_after_days_since_modification_greater_than, delete_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and delete_after_days_since_creation_greater_than can not be set at the same time.

    Note: The last_access_time_enabled must be set to true in the azure.storage.Account in order to use tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than, tier_to_archive_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and delete_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than.

    delete_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than int
    The age in days after last access time to delete the blob. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    delete_after_days_since_modification_greater_than int
    The age in days after last modification to delete the blob. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tier_to_archive_after_days_since_creation_greater_than int

    The age in days after creation to archive storage. Supports blob currently at Hot or Cool tier. Must be between 0 and99999. Defaults to -1.

    Note: The tier_to_archive_after_days_since_modification_greater_than, tier_to_archive_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and tier_to_archive_after_days_since_creation_greater_than can not be set at the same time.

    tier_to_archive_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than int
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to archive storage. Supports blob currently at Hot or Cool tier. Must be between 0 and99999. Defaults to -1.
    tier_to_archive_after_days_since_last_tier_change_greater_than int
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archved. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tier_to_archive_after_days_since_modification_greater_than int
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to archive storage. Supports blob currently at Hot or Cool tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tier_to_cold_after_days_since_creation_greater_than int

    The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.

    Note: The tier_to_cool_after_days_since_modification_greater_than, tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and tier_to_cool_after_days_since_creation_greater_than can not be set at the same time.

    tier_to_cold_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than int
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tier_to_cold_after_days_since_modification_greater_than int
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tier_to_cool_after_days_since_creation_greater_than int

    The age in days after creation to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.

    Note: The tier_to_cool_after_days_since_modification_greater_than, tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and tier_to_cool_after_days_since_creation_greater_than can not be set at the same time.

    tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than int
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tier_to_cool_after_days_since_modification_greater_than int
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    autoTierToHotFromCoolEnabled Boolean

    Whether a blob should automatically be tiered from cool back to hot if it's accessed again after being tiered to cool. Defaults to false.

    Note: The auto_tier_to_hot_from_cool_enabled must be used together with tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than.

    deleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Number

    The age in days after creation to delete the blob. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.

    Note: The delete_after_days_since_modification_greater_than, delete_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and delete_after_days_since_creation_greater_than can not be set at the same time.

    Note: The last_access_time_enabled must be set to true in the azure.storage.Account in order to use tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than, tier_to_archive_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and delete_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than.

    deleteAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after last access time to delete the blob. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    deleteAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after last modification to delete the blob. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Number

    The age in days after creation to archive storage. Supports blob currently at Hot or Cool tier. Must be between 0 and99999. Defaults to -1.

    Note: The tier_to_archive_after_days_since_modification_greater_than, tier_to_archive_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and tier_to_archive_after_days_since_creation_greater_than can not be set at the same time.

    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to archive storage. Supports blob currently at Hot or Cool tier. Must be between 0 and99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archved. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to archive storage. Supports blob currently at Hot or Cool tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Number

    The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.

    Note: The tier_to_cool_after_days_since_modification_greater_than, tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and tier_to_cool_after_days_since_creation_greater_than can not be set at the same time.

    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Number

    The age in days after creation to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.

    Note: The tier_to_cool_after_days_since_modification_greater_than, tier_to_cool_after_days_since_last_access_time_greater_than and tier_to_cool_after_days_since_creation_greater_than can not be set at the same time.

    tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceLastAccessTimeGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after last access time to tier blobs to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToCoolAfterDaysSinceModificationGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after last modification to tier blobs to cool storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.

    ManagementPolicyRuleActionsSnapshot, ManagementPolicyRuleActionsSnapshotArgs

    ChangeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation int
    The age in days after creation to tier blob snapshot to archive storage. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    ChangeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation int
    The age in days after creation to tier blob snapshot to cool storage. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    DeleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob snapshot. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archved. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    TierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    ChangeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation int
    The age in days after creation to tier blob snapshot to archive storage. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    ChangeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation int
    The age in days after creation to tier blob snapshot to cool storage. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    DeleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob snapshot. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archved. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    TierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    changeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation Integer
    The age in days after creation to tier blob snapshot to archive storage. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    changeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation Integer
    The age in days after creation to tier blob snapshot to cool storage. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    deleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob snapshot. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archved. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    changeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation number
    The age in days after creation to tier blob snapshot to archive storage. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    changeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation number
    The age in days after creation to tier blob snapshot to cool storage. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    deleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan number
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob snapshot. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan number
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archved. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan number
    The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    change_tier_to_archive_after_days_since_creation int
    The age in days after creation to tier blob snapshot to archive storage. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    change_tier_to_cool_after_days_since_creation int
    The age in days after creation to tier blob snapshot to cool storage. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    delete_after_days_since_creation_greater_than int
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob snapshot. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tier_to_archive_after_days_since_last_tier_change_greater_than int
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archved. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tier_to_cold_after_days_since_creation_greater_than int
    The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    changeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation Number
    The age in days after creation to tier blob snapshot to archive storage. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    changeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation Number
    The age in days after creation to tier blob snapshot to cool storage. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    deleteAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob snapshot. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archved. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.

    ManagementPolicyRuleActionsVersion, ManagementPolicyRuleActionsVersionArgs

    ChangeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation int
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to archive storage. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    ChangeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation int
    The age in days creation create to tier blob version to cool storage. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    DeleteAfterDaysSinceCreation int
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob version. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archved. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    TierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    ChangeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation int
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to archive storage. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    ChangeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation int
    The age in days creation create to tier blob version to cool storage. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    DeleteAfterDaysSinceCreation int
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob version. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    TierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan int
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archved. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    TierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan int
    The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    changeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation Integer
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to archive storage. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    changeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation Integer
    The age in days creation create to tier blob version to cool storage. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    deleteAfterDaysSinceCreation Integer
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob version. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archved. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Integer
    The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    changeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation number
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to archive storage. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    changeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation number
    The age in days creation create to tier blob version to cool storage. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    deleteAfterDaysSinceCreation number
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob version. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan number
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archved. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan number
    The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    change_tier_to_archive_after_days_since_creation int
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to archive storage. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    change_tier_to_cool_after_days_since_creation int
    The age in days creation create to tier blob version to cool storage. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    delete_after_days_since_creation int
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob version. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tier_to_archive_after_days_since_last_tier_change_greater_than int
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archved. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tier_to_cold_after_days_since_creation_greater_than int
    The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    changeTierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceCreation Number
    The age in days after creation to tier blob version to archive storage. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    changeTierToCoolAfterDaysSinceCreation Number
    The age in days creation create to tier blob version to cool storage. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    deleteAfterDaysSinceCreation Number
    The age in days after creation to delete the blob version. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToArchiveAfterDaysSinceLastTierChangeGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after last tier change to the blobs to skip to be archved. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.
    tierToColdAfterDaysSinceCreationGreaterThan Number
    The age in days after creation to cold storage. Supports blob currently at Hot tier. Must be between 0 and 99999. Defaults to -1.

    ManagementPolicyRuleFilters, ManagementPolicyRuleFiltersArgs

    BlobTypes List<string>
    An array of predefined values. Valid options are blockBlob and appendBlob.
    MatchBlobIndexTags List<ManagementPolicyRuleFiltersMatchBlobIndexTag>

    A match_blob_index_tag block as defined below. The block defines the blob index tag based filtering for blob objects.

    NOTE: The match_blob_index_tag property requires enabling the blobIndex feature with PSH or CLI commands.

    PrefixMatches List<string>
    An array of strings for prefixes to be matched.
    BlobTypes []string
    An array of predefined values. Valid options are blockBlob and appendBlob.
    MatchBlobIndexTags []ManagementPolicyRuleFiltersMatchBlobIndexTag

    A match_blob_index_tag block as defined below. The block defines the blob index tag based filtering for blob objects.

    NOTE: The match_blob_index_tag property requires enabling the blobIndex feature with PSH or CLI commands.

    PrefixMatches []string
    An array of strings for prefixes to be matched.
    blobTypes List<String>
    An array of predefined values. Valid options are blockBlob and appendBlob.
    matchBlobIndexTags List<ManagementPolicyRuleFiltersMatchBlobIndexTag>

    A match_blob_index_tag block as defined below. The block defines the blob index tag based filtering for blob objects.

    NOTE: The match_blob_index_tag property requires enabling the blobIndex feature with PSH or CLI commands.

    prefixMatches List<String>
    An array of strings for prefixes to be matched.
    blobTypes string[]
    An array of predefined values. Valid options are blockBlob and appendBlob.
    matchBlobIndexTags ManagementPolicyRuleFiltersMatchBlobIndexTag[]

    A match_blob_index_tag block as defined below. The block defines the blob index tag based filtering for blob objects.

    NOTE: The match_blob_index_tag property requires enabling the blobIndex feature with PSH or CLI commands.

    prefixMatches string[]
    An array of strings for prefixes to be matched.
    blob_types Sequence[str]
    An array of predefined values. Valid options are blockBlob and appendBlob.
    match_blob_index_tags Sequence[ManagementPolicyRuleFiltersMatchBlobIndexTag]

    A match_blob_index_tag block as defined below. The block defines the blob index tag based filtering for blob objects.

    NOTE: The match_blob_index_tag property requires enabling the blobIndex feature with PSH or CLI commands.

    prefix_matches Sequence[str]
    An array of strings for prefixes to be matched.
    blobTypes List<String>
    An array of predefined values. Valid options are blockBlob and appendBlob.
    matchBlobIndexTags List<Property Map>

    A match_blob_index_tag block as defined below. The block defines the blob index tag based filtering for blob objects.

    NOTE: The match_blob_index_tag property requires enabling the blobIndex feature with PSH or CLI commands.

    prefixMatches List<String>
    An array of strings for prefixes to be matched.

    ManagementPolicyRuleFiltersMatchBlobIndexTag, ManagementPolicyRuleFiltersMatchBlobIndexTagArgs

    Name string
    The filter tag name used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    Value string
    The filter tag value used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    Operation string
    The comparison operator which is used for object comparison and filtering. Possible value is ==. Defaults to ==.
    Name string
    The filter tag name used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    Value string
    The filter tag value used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    Operation string
    The comparison operator which is used for object comparison and filtering. Possible value is ==. Defaults to ==.
    name String
    The filter tag name used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    value String
    The filter tag value used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    operation String
    The comparison operator which is used for object comparison and filtering. Possible value is ==. Defaults to ==.
    name string
    The filter tag name used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    value string
    The filter tag value used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    operation string
    The comparison operator which is used for object comparison and filtering. Possible value is ==. Defaults to ==.
    name str
    The filter tag name used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    value str
    The filter tag value used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    operation str
    The comparison operator which is used for object comparison and filtering. Possible value is ==. Defaults to ==.
    name String
    The filter tag name used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    value String
    The filter tag value used for tag based filtering for blob objects.
    operation String
    The comparison operator which is used for object comparison and filtering. Possible value is ==. Defaults to ==.


    Storage Account Management Policies can be imported using the resource id, e.g.

    $ pulumi import azure:storage/managementPolicy:ManagementPolicy example /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/mygroup1/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/myaccountname/managementPolicies/default

    To learn more about importing existing cloud resources, see Importing resources.

    Package Details

    Azure Classic pulumi/pulumi-azure
    This Pulumi package is based on the azurerm Terraform Provider.
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    We recommend using Azure Native.

    Azure Classic v5.81.0 published on Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Pulumi