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  5. DatasetDelimitedText

We recommend using Azure Native.

Azure Classic v5.81.0 published on Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Pulumi


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We recommend using Azure Native.

Azure Classic v5.81.0 published on Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Pulumi

    Manages an Azure Delimited Text Dataset inside an Azure Data Factory.

    Example Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as azure from "@pulumi/azure";
    const example = new azure.core.ResourceGroup("example", {
        name: "example-resources",
        location: "West Europe",
    const exampleFactory = new azure.datafactory.Factory("example", {
        name: "example",
        location: example.location,
        resourceGroupName: example.name,
    const exampleLinkedServiceWeb = new azure.datafactory.LinkedServiceWeb("example", {
        name: "example",
        dataFactoryId: exampleFactory.id,
        authenticationType: "Anonymous",
        url: "https://www.bing.com",
    const exampleDatasetDelimitedText = new azure.datafactory.DatasetDelimitedText("example", {
        name: "example",
        dataFactoryId: exampleFactory.id,
        linkedServiceName: exampleLinkedServiceWeb.name,
        httpServerLocation: {
            relativeUrl: "http://www.bing.com",
            path: "foo/bar/",
            filename: "fizz.txt",
        columnDelimiter: ",",
        rowDelimiter: "NEW",
        encoding: "UTF-8",
        quoteCharacter: "x",
        escapeCharacter: "f",
        firstRowAsHeader: true,
        nullValue: "NULL",
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_azure as azure
    example = azure.core.ResourceGroup("example",
        location="West Europe")
    example_factory = azure.datafactory.Factory("example",
    example_linked_service_web = azure.datafactory.LinkedServiceWeb("example",
    example_dataset_delimited_text = azure.datafactory.DatasetDelimitedText("example",
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		example, err := core.NewResourceGroup(ctx, "example", &core.ResourceGroupArgs{
    			Name:     pulumi.String("example-resources"),
    			Location: pulumi.String("West Europe"),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		exampleFactory, err := datafactory.NewFactory(ctx, "example", &datafactory.FactoryArgs{
    			Name:              pulumi.String("example"),
    			Location:          example.Location,
    			ResourceGroupName: example.Name,
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		exampleLinkedServiceWeb, err := datafactory.NewLinkedServiceWeb(ctx, "example", &datafactory.LinkedServiceWebArgs{
    			Name:               pulumi.String("example"),
    			DataFactoryId:      exampleFactory.ID(),
    			AuthenticationType: pulumi.String("Anonymous"),
    			Url:                pulumi.String("https://www.bing.com"),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		_, err = datafactory.NewDatasetDelimitedText(ctx, "example", &datafactory.DatasetDelimitedTextArgs{
    			Name:              pulumi.String("example"),
    			DataFactoryId:     exampleFactory.ID(),
    			LinkedServiceName: exampleLinkedServiceWeb.Name,
    			HttpServerLocation: &datafactory.DatasetDelimitedTextHttpServerLocationArgs{
    				RelativeUrl: pulumi.String("http://www.bing.com"),
    				Path:        pulumi.String("foo/bar/"),
    				Filename:    pulumi.String("fizz.txt"),
    			ColumnDelimiter:  pulumi.String(","),
    			RowDelimiter:     pulumi.String("NEW"),
    			Encoding:         pulumi.String("UTF-8"),
    			QuoteCharacter:   pulumi.String("x"),
    			EscapeCharacter:  pulumi.String("f"),
    			FirstRowAsHeader: pulumi.Bool(true),
    			NullValue:        pulumi.String("NULL"),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Azure = Pulumi.Azure;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var example = new Azure.Core.ResourceGroup("example", new()
            Name = "example-resources",
            Location = "West Europe",
        var exampleFactory = new Azure.DataFactory.Factory("example", new()
            Name = "example",
            Location = example.Location,
            ResourceGroupName = example.Name,
        var exampleLinkedServiceWeb = new Azure.DataFactory.LinkedServiceWeb("example", new()
            Name = "example",
            DataFactoryId = exampleFactory.Id,
            AuthenticationType = "Anonymous",
            Url = "https://www.bing.com",
        var exampleDatasetDelimitedText = new Azure.DataFactory.DatasetDelimitedText("example", new()
            Name = "example",
            DataFactoryId = exampleFactory.Id,
            LinkedServiceName = exampleLinkedServiceWeb.Name,
            HttpServerLocation = new Azure.DataFactory.Inputs.DatasetDelimitedTextHttpServerLocationArgs
                RelativeUrl = "http://www.bing.com",
                Path = "foo/bar/",
                Filename = "fizz.txt",
            ColumnDelimiter = ",",
            RowDelimiter = "NEW",
            Encoding = "UTF-8",
            QuoteCharacter = "x",
            EscapeCharacter = "f",
            FirstRowAsHeader = true,
            NullValue = "NULL",
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.azure.core.ResourceGroup;
    import com.pulumi.azure.core.ResourceGroupArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.datafactory.Factory;
    import com.pulumi.azure.datafactory.FactoryArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.datafactory.LinkedServiceWeb;
    import com.pulumi.azure.datafactory.LinkedServiceWebArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.datafactory.DatasetDelimitedText;
    import com.pulumi.azure.datafactory.DatasetDelimitedTextArgs;
    import com.pulumi.azure.datafactory.inputs.DatasetDelimitedTextHttpServerLocationArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            var example = new ResourceGroup("example", ResourceGroupArgs.builder()
                .location("West Europe")
            var exampleFactory = new Factory("exampleFactory", FactoryArgs.builder()
            var exampleLinkedServiceWeb = new LinkedServiceWeb("exampleLinkedServiceWeb", LinkedServiceWebArgs.builder()
            var exampleDatasetDelimitedText = new DatasetDelimitedText("exampleDatasetDelimitedText", DatasetDelimitedTextArgs.builder()
        type: azure:core:ResourceGroup
          name: example-resources
          location: West Europe
        type: azure:datafactory:Factory
        name: example
          name: example
          location: ${example.location}
          resourceGroupName: ${example.name}
        type: azure:datafactory:LinkedServiceWeb
        name: example
          name: example
          dataFactoryId: ${exampleFactory.id}
          authenticationType: Anonymous
          url: https://www.bing.com
        type: azure:datafactory:DatasetDelimitedText
        name: example
          name: example
          dataFactoryId: ${exampleFactory.id}
          linkedServiceName: ${exampleLinkedServiceWeb.name}
            relativeUrl: http://www.bing.com
            path: foo/bar/
            filename: fizz.txt
          columnDelimiter: ','
          rowDelimiter: NEW
          encoding: UTF-8
          quoteCharacter: x
          escapeCharacter: f
          firstRowAsHeader: true
          nullValue: NULL

    Create DatasetDelimitedText Resource

    Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.

    Constructor syntax

    new DatasetDelimitedText(name: string, args: DatasetDelimitedTextArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
    def DatasetDelimitedText(resource_name: str,
                             args: DatasetDelimitedTextArgs,
                             opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
    def DatasetDelimitedText(resource_name: str,
                             opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
                             data_factory_id: Optional[str] = None,
                             linked_service_name: Optional[str] = None,
                             escape_character: Optional[str] = None,
                             first_row_as_header: Optional[bool] = None,
                             column_delimiter: Optional[str] = None,
                             compression_codec: Optional[str] = None,
                             compression_level: Optional[str] = None,
                             azure_blob_fs_location: Optional[DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobFsLocationArgs] = None,
                             description: Optional[str] = None,
                             encoding: Optional[str] = None,
                             additional_properties: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
                             azure_blob_storage_location: Optional[DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobStorageLocationArgs] = None,
                             folder: Optional[str] = None,
                             http_server_location: Optional[DatasetDelimitedTextHttpServerLocationArgs] = None,
                             annotations: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
                             name: Optional[str] = None,
                             null_value: Optional[str] = None,
                             parameters: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
                             quote_character: Optional[str] = None,
                             row_delimiter: Optional[str] = None,
                             schema_columns: Optional[Sequence[DatasetDelimitedTextSchemaColumnArgs]] = None)
    func NewDatasetDelimitedText(ctx *Context, name string, args DatasetDelimitedTextArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*DatasetDelimitedText, error)
    public DatasetDelimitedText(string name, DatasetDelimitedTextArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public DatasetDelimitedText(String name, DatasetDelimitedTextArgs args)
    public DatasetDelimitedText(String name, DatasetDelimitedTextArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
    type: azure:datafactory:DatasetDelimitedText
    properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
    options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.


    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args DatasetDelimitedTextArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    resource_name str
    The unique name of the resource.
    args DatasetDelimitedTextArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    ctx Context
    Context object for the current deployment.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args DatasetDelimitedTextArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOption
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args DatasetDelimitedTextArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name String
    The unique name of the resource.
    args DatasetDelimitedTextArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    options CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.

    Constructor example

    The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.

    var datasetDelimitedTextResource = new Azure.DataFactory.DatasetDelimitedText("datasetDelimitedTextResource", new()
        DataFactoryId = "string",
        LinkedServiceName = "string",
        EscapeCharacter = "string",
        FirstRowAsHeader = false,
        ColumnDelimiter = "string",
        CompressionCodec = "string",
        CompressionLevel = "string",
        AzureBlobFsLocation = new Azure.DataFactory.Inputs.DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobFsLocationArgs
            DynamicFileSystemEnabled = false,
            DynamicFilenameEnabled = false,
            DynamicPathEnabled = false,
            FileSystem = "string",
            Filename = "string",
            Path = "string",
        Description = "string",
        Encoding = "string",
        AdditionalProperties = 
            { "string", "string" },
        AzureBlobStorageLocation = new Azure.DataFactory.Inputs.DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobStorageLocationArgs
            Container = "string",
            DynamicContainerEnabled = false,
            DynamicFilenameEnabled = false,
            DynamicPathEnabled = false,
            Filename = "string",
            Path = "string",
        Folder = "string",
        HttpServerLocation = new Azure.DataFactory.Inputs.DatasetDelimitedTextHttpServerLocationArgs
            Filename = "string",
            Path = "string",
            RelativeUrl = "string",
            DynamicFilenameEnabled = false,
            DynamicPathEnabled = false,
        Annotations = new[]
        Name = "string",
        NullValue = "string",
        Parameters = 
            { "string", "string" },
        QuoteCharacter = "string",
        RowDelimiter = "string",
        SchemaColumns = new[]
            new Azure.DataFactory.Inputs.DatasetDelimitedTextSchemaColumnArgs
                Name = "string",
                Description = "string",
                Type = "string",
    example, err := datafactory.NewDatasetDelimitedText(ctx, "datasetDelimitedTextResource", &datafactory.DatasetDelimitedTextArgs{
    	DataFactoryId:     pulumi.String("string"),
    	LinkedServiceName: pulumi.String("string"),
    	EscapeCharacter:   pulumi.String("string"),
    	FirstRowAsHeader:  pulumi.Bool(false),
    	ColumnDelimiter:   pulumi.String("string"),
    	CompressionCodec:  pulumi.String("string"),
    	CompressionLevel:  pulumi.String("string"),
    	AzureBlobFsLocation: &datafactory.DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobFsLocationArgs{
    		DynamicFileSystemEnabled: pulumi.Bool(false),
    		DynamicFilenameEnabled:   pulumi.Bool(false),
    		DynamicPathEnabled:       pulumi.Bool(false),
    		FileSystem:               pulumi.String("string"),
    		Filename:                 pulumi.String("string"),
    		Path:                     pulumi.String("string"),
    	Description: pulumi.String("string"),
    	Encoding:    pulumi.String("string"),
    	AdditionalProperties: pulumi.StringMap{
    		"string": pulumi.String("string"),
    	AzureBlobStorageLocation: &datafactory.DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobStorageLocationArgs{
    		Container:               pulumi.String("string"),
    		DynamicContainerEnabled: pulumi.Bool(false),
    		DynamicFilenameEnabled:  pulumi.Bool(false),
    		DynamicPathEnabled:      pulumi.Bool(false),
    		Filename:                pulumi.String("string"),
    		Path:                    pulumi.String("string"),
    	Folder: pulumi.String("string"),
    	HttpServerLocation: &datafactory.DatasetDelimitedTextHttpServerLocationArgs{
    		Filename:               pulumi.String("string"),
    		Path:                   pulumi.String("string"),
    		RelativeUrl:            pulumi.String("string"),
    		DynamicFilenameEnabled: pulumi.Bool(false),
    		DynamicPathEnabled:     pulumi.Bool(false),
    	Annotations: pulumi.StringArray{
    	Name:      pulumi.String("string"),
    	NullValue: pulumi.String("string"),
    	Parameters: pulumi.StringMap{
    		"string": pulumi.String("string"),
    	QuoteCharacter: pulumi.String("string"),
    	RowDelimiter:   pulumi.String("string"),
    	SchemaColumns: datafactory.DatasetDelimitedTextSchemaColumnArray{
    			Name:        pulumi.String("string"),
    			Description: pulumi.String("string"),
    			Type:        pulumi.String("string"),
    var datasetDelimitedTextResource = new DatasetDelimitedText("datasetDelimitedTextResource", DatasetDelimitedTextArgs.builder()
        .additionalProperties(Map.of("string", "string"))
        .parameters(Map.of("string", "string"))
    dataset_delimited_text_resource = azure.datafactory.DatasetDelimitedText("datasetDelimitedTextResource",
            "string": "string",
            "string": "string",
    const datasetDelimitedTextResource = new azure.datafactory.DatasetDelimitedText("datasetDelimitedTextResource", {
        dataFactoryId: "string",
        linkedServiceName: "string",
        escapeCharacter: "string",
        firstRowAsHeader: false,
        columnDelimiter: "string",
        compressionCodec: "string",
        compressionLevel: "string",
        azureBlobFsLocation: {
            dynamicFileSystemEnabled: false,
            dynamicFilenameEnabled: false,
            dynamicPathEnabled: false,
            fileSystem: "string",
            filename: "string",
            path: "string",
        description: "string",
        encoding: "string",
        additionalProperties: {
            string: "string",
        azureBlobStorageLocation: {
            container: "string",
            dynamicContainerEnabled: false,
            dynamicFilenameEnabled: false,
            dynamicPathEnabled: false,
            filename: "string",
            path: "string",
        folder: "string",
        httpServerLocation: {
            filename: "string",
            path: "string",
            relativeUrl: "string",
            dynamicFilenameEnabled: false,
            dynamicPathEnabled: false,
        annotations: ["string"],
        name: "string",
        nullValue: "string",
        parameters: {
            string: "string",
        quoteCharacter: "string",
        rowDelimiter: "string",
        schemaColumns: [{
            name: "string",
            description: "string",
            type: "string",
    type: azure:datafactory:DatasetDelimitedText
            string: string
            - string
            dynamicFileSystemEnabled: false
            dynamicFilenameEnabled: false
            dynamicPathEnabled: false
            fileSystem: string
            filename: string
            path: string
            container: string
            dynamicContainerEnabled: false
            dynamicFilenameEnabled: false
            dynamicPathEnabled: false
            filename: string
            path: string
        columnDelimiter: string
        compressionCodec: string
        compressionLevel: string
        dataFactoryId: string
        description: string
        encoding: string
        escapeCharacter: string
        firstRowAsHeader: false
        folder: string
            dynamicFilenameEnabled: false
            dynamicPathEnabled: false
            filename: string
            path: string
            relativeUrl: string
        linkedServiceName: string
        name: string
        nullValue: string
            string: string
        quoteCharacter: string
        rowDelimiter: string
            - description: string
              name: string
              type: string

    DatasetDelimitedText Resource Properties

    To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.


    The DatasetDelimitedText resource accepts the following input properties:

    DataFactoryId string
    The Data Factory ID in which to associate the Linked Service with. Changing this forces a new resource.
    LinkedServiceName string
    The Data Factory Linked Service name in which to associate the Dataset with.
    AdditionalProperties Dictionary<string, string>

    A map of additional properties to associate with the Data Factory Dataset.

    The following supported locations for a Delimited Text Dataset (exactly one of them must be set):

    Annotations List<string>
    List of tags that can be used for describing the Data Factory Dataset.
    AzureBlobFsLocation DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobFsLocation
    An azure_blob_fs_location block as defined below.
    AzureBlobStorageLocation DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobStorageLocation
    An azure_blob_storage_location block as defined below.
    ColumnDelimiter string
    The column delimiter. Defaults to ,.
    CompressionCodec string
    The compression codec used to read/write text files. Valid values are None, bzip2, gzip, deflate, ZipDeflate, TarGzip, Tar, snappy and lz4. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    CompressionLevel string
    The compression ratio for the Data Factory Dataset. Valid values are Fastest or Optimal. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    Description string
    The description for the Data Factory Dataset.
    Encoding string
    The encoding format for the file.
    EscapeCharacter string
    The escape character. Defaults to \.
    FirstRowAsHeader bool
    When used as input, treat the first row of data as headers. When used as output, write the headers into the output as the first row of data. Defaults to false.
    Folder string
    The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, the Dataset will appear at the root level.
    HttpServerLocation DatasetDelimitedTextHttpServerLocation

    A http_server_location block as defined below.

    The following supported arguments are specific to Delimited Text Dataset:

    Name string
    Specifies the name of the Data Factory Dataset. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. Must be globally unique. See the Microsoft documentation for all restrictions.
    NullValue string
    The null value string. Defaults to "".
    Parameters Dictionary<string, string>
    A map of parameters to associate with the Data Factory Dataset.
    QuoteCharacter string
    The quote character. Defaults to ".
    RowDelimiter string
    The row delimiter. Defaults to any of the following values on read: \r\n, \r, \n, and \n or \r\n on write by mapping data flow and Copy activity respectively.
    SchemaColumns List<DatasetDelimitedTextSchemaColumn>
    A schema_column block as defined below.
    DataFactoryId string
    The Data Factory ID in which to associate the Linked Service with. Changing this forces a new resource.
    LinkedServiceName string
    The Data Factory Linked Service name in which to associate the Dataset with.
    AdditionalProperties map[string]string

    A map of additional properties to associate with the Data Factory Dataset.

    The following supported locations for a Delimited Text Dataset (exactly one of them must be set):

    Annotations []string
    List of tags that can be used for describing the Data Factory Dataset.
    AzureBlobFsLocation DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobFsLocationArgs
    An azure_blob_fs_location block as defined below.
    AzureBlobStorageLocation DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobStorageLocationArgs
    An azure_blob_storage_location block as defined below.
    ColumnDelimiter string
    The column delimiter. Defaults to ,.
    CompressionCodec string
    The compression codec used to read/write text files. Valid values are None, bzip2, gzip, deflate, ZipDeflate, TarGzip, Tar, snappy and lz4. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    CompressionLevel string
    The compression ratio for the Data Factory Dataset. Valid values are Fastest or Optimal. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    Description string
    The description for the Data Factory Dataset.
    Encoding string
    The encoding format for the file.
    EscapeCharacter string
    The escape character. Defaults to \.
    FirstRowAsHeader bool
    When used as input, treat the first row of data as headers. When used as output, write the headers into the output as the first row of data. Defaults to false.
    Folder string
    The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, the Dataset will appear at the root level.
    HttpServerLocation DatasetDelimitedTextHttpServerLocationArgs

    A http_server_location block as defined below.

    The following supported arguments are specific to Delimited Text Dataset:

    Name string
    Specifies the name of the Data Factory Dataset. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. Must be globally unique. See the Microsoft documentation for all restrictions.
    NullValue string
    The null value string. Defaults to "".
    Parameters map[string]string
    A map of parameters to associate with the Data Factory Dataset.
    QuoteCharacter string
    The quote character. Defaults to ".
    RowDelimiter string
    The row delimiter. Defaults to any of the following values on read: \r\n, \r, \n, and \n or \r\n on write by mapping data flow and Copy activity respectively.
    SchemaColumns []DatasetDelimitedTextSchemaColumnArgs
    A schema_column block as defined below.
    dataFactoryId String
    The Data Factory ID in which to associate the Linked Service with. Changing this forces a new resource.
    linkedServiceName String
    The Data Factory Linked Service name in which to associate the Dataset with.
    additionalProperties Map<String,String>

    A map of additional properties to associate with the Data Factory Dataset.

    The following supported locations for a Delimited Text Dataset (exactly one of them must be set):

    annotations List<String>
    List of tags that can be used for describing the Data Factory Dataset.
    azureBlobFsLocation DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobFsLocation
    An azure_blob_fs_location block as defined below.
    azureBlobStorageLocation DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobStorageLocation
    An azure_blob_storage_location block as defined below.
    columnDelimiter String
    The column delimiter. Defaults to ,.
    compressionCodec String
    The compression codec used to read/write text files. Valid values are None, bzip2, gzip, deflate, ZipDeflate, TarGzip, Tar, snappy and lz4. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    compressionLevel String
    The compression ratio for the Data Factory Dataset. Valid values are Fastest or Optimal. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    description String
    The description for the Data Factory Dataset.
    encoding String
    The encoding format for the file.
    escapeCharacter String
    The escape character. Defaults to \.
    firstRowAsHeader Boolean
    When used as input, treat the first row of data as headers. When used as output, write the headers into the output as the first row of data. Defaults to false.
    folder String
    The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, the Dataset will appear at the root level.
    httpServerLocation DatasetDelimitedTextHttpServerLocation

    A http_server_location block as defined below.

    The following supported arguments are specific to Delimited Text Dataset:

    name String
    Specifies the name of the Data Factory Dataset. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. Must be globally unique. See the Microsoft documentation for all restrictions.
    nullValue String
    The null value string. Defaults to "".
    parameters Map<String,String>
    A map of parameters to associate with the Data Factory Dataset.
    quoteCharacter String
    The quote character. Defaults to ".
    rowDelimiter String
    The row delimiter. Defaults to any of the following values on read: \r\n, \r, \n, and \n or \r\n on write by mapping data flow and Copy activity respectively.
    schemaColumns List<DatasetDelimitedTextSchemaColumn>
    A schema_column block as defined below.
    dataFactoryId string
    The Data Factory ID in which to associate the Linked Service with. Changing this forces a new resource.
    linkedServiceName string
    The Data Factory Linked Service name in which to associate the Dataset with.
    additionalProperties {[key: string]: string}

    A map of additional properties to associate with the Data Factory Dataset.

    The following supported locations for a Delimited Text Dataset (exactly one of them must be set):

    annotations string[]
    List of tags that can be used for describing the Data Factory Dataset.
    azureBlobFsLocation DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobFsLocation
    An azure_blob_fs_location block as defined below.
    azureBlobStorageLocation DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobStorageLocation
    An azure_blob_storage_location block as defined below.
    columnDelimiter string
    The column delimiter. Defaults to ,.
    compressionCodec string
    The compression codec used to read/write text files. Valid values are None, bzip2, gzip, deflate, ZipDeflate, TarGzip, Tar, snappy and lz4. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    compressionLevel string
    The compression ratio for the Data Factory Dataset. Valid values are Fastest or Optimal. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    description string
    The description for the Data Factory Dataset.
    encoding string
    The encoding format for the file.
    escapeCharacter string
    The escape character. Defaults to \.
    firstRowAsHeader boolean
    When used as input, treat the first row of data as headers. When used as output, write the headers into the output as the first row of data. Defaults to false.
    folder string
    The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, the Dataset will appear at the root level.
    httpServerLocation DatasetDelimitedTextHttpServerLocation

    A http_server_location block as defined below.

    The following supported arguments are specific to Delimited Text Dataset:

    name string
    Specifies the name of the Data Factory Dataset. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. Must be globally unique. See the Microsoft documentation for all restrictions.
    nullValue string
    The null value string. Defaults to "".
    parameters {[key: string]: string}
    A map of parameters to associate with the Data Factory Dataset.
    quoteCharacter string
    The quote character. Defaults to ".
    rowDelimiter string
    The row delimiter. Defaults to any of the following values on read: \r\n, \r, \n, and \n or \r\n on write by mapping data flow and Copy activity respectively.
    schemaColumns DatasetDelimitedTextSchemaColumn[]
    A schema_column block as defined below.
    data_factory_id str
    The Data Factory ID in which to associate the Linked Service with. Changing this forces a new resource.
    linked_service_name str
    The Data Factory Linked Service name in which to associate the Dataset with.
    additional_properties Mapping[str, str]

    A map of additional properties to associate with the Data Factory Dataset.

    The following supported locations for a Delimited Text Dataset (exactly one of them must be set):

    annotations Sequence[str]
    List of tags that can be used for describing the Data Factory Dataset.
    azure_blob_fs_location DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobFsLocationArgs
    An azure_blob_fs_location block as defined below.
    azure_blob_storage_location DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobStorageLocationArgs
    An azure_blob_storage_location block as defined below.
    column_delimiter str
    The column delimiter. Defaults to ,.
    compression_codec str
    The compression codec used to read/write text files. Valid values are None, bzip2, gzip, deflate, ZipDeflate, TarGzip, Tar, snappy and lz4. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    compression_level str
    The compression ratio for the Data Factory Dataset. Valid values are Fastest or Optimal. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    description str
    The description for the Data Factory Dataset.
    encoding str
    The encoding format for the file.
    escape_character str
    The escape character. Defaults to \.
    first_row_as_header bool
    When used as input, treat the first row of data as headers. When used as output, write the headers into the output as the first row of data. Defaults to false.
    folder str
    The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, the Dataset will appear at the root level.
    http_server_location DatasetDelimitedTextHttpServerLocationArgs

    A http_server_location block as defined below.

    The following supported arguments are specific to Delimited Text Dataset:

    name str
    Specifies the name of the Data Factory Dataset. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. Must be globally unique. See the Microsoft documentation for all restrictions.
    null_value str
    The null value string. Defaults to "".
    parameters Mapping[str, str]
    A map of parameters to associate with the Data Factory Dataset.
    quote_character str
    The quote character. Defaults to ".
    row_delimiter str
    The row delimiter. Defaults to any of the following values on read: \r\n, \r, \n, and \n or \r\n on write by mapping data flow and Copy activity respectively.
    schema_columns Sequence[DatasetDelimitedTextSchemaColumnArgs]
    A schema_column block as defined below.
    dataFactoryId String
    The Data Factory ID in which to associate the Linked Service with. Changing this forces a new resource.
    linkedServiceName String
    The Data Factory Linked Service name in which to associate the Dataset with.
    additionalProperties Map<String>

    A map of additional properties to associate with the Data Factory Dataset.

    The following supported locations for a Delimited Text Dataset (exactly one of them must be set):

    annotations List<String>
    List of tags that can be used for describing the Data Factory Dataset.
    azureBlobFsLocation Property Map
    An azure_blob_fs_location block as defined below.
    azureBlobStorageLocation Property Map
    An azure_blob_storage_location block as defined below.
    columnDelimiter String
    The column delimiter. Defaults to ,.
    compressionCodec String
    The compression codec used to read/write text files. Valid values are None, bzip2, gzip, deflate, ZipDeflate, TarGzip, Tar, snappy and lz4. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    compressionLevel String
    The compression ratio for the Data Factory Dataset. Valid values are Fastest or Optimal. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    description String
    The description for the Data Factory Dataset.
    encoding String
    The encoding format for the file.
    escapeCharacter String
    The escape character. Defaults to \.
    firstRowAsHeader Boolean
    When used as input, treat the first row of data as headers. When used as output, write the headers into the output as the first row of data. Defaults to false.
    folder String
    The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, the Dataset will appear at the root level.
    httpServerLocation Property Map

    A http_server_location block as defined below.

    The following supported arguments are specific to Delimited Text Dataset:

    name String
    Specifies the name of the Data Factory Dataset. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. Must be globally unique. See the Microsoft documentation for all restrictions.
    nullValue String
    The null value string. Defaults to "".
    parameters Map<String>
    A map of parameters to associate with the Data Factory Dataset.
    quoteCharacter String
    The quote character. Defaults to ".
    rowDelimiter String
    The row delimiter. Defaults to any of the following values on read: \r\n, \r, \n, and \n or \r\n on write by mapping data flow and Copy activity respectively.
    schemaColumns List<Property Map>
    A schema_column block as defined below.


    All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the DatasetDelimitedText resource produces the following output properties:

    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.

    Look up Existing DatasetDelimitedText Resource

    Get an existing DatasetDelimitedText resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.

    public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: DatasetDelimitedTextState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): DatasetDelimitedText
    def get(resource_name: str,
            id: str,
            opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
            additional_properties: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
            annotations: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
            azure_blob_fs_location: Optional[DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobFsLocationArgs] = None,
            azure_blob_storage_location: Optional[DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobStorageLocationArgs] = None,
            column_delimiter: Optional[str] = None,
            compression_codec: Optional[str] = None,
            compression_level: Optional[str] = None,
            data_factory_id: Optional[str] = None,
            description: Optional[str] = None,
            encoding: Optional[str] = None,
            escape_character: Optional[str] = None,
            first_row_as_header: Optional[bool] = None,
            folder: Optional[str] = None,
            http_server_location: Optional[DatasetDelimitedTextHttpServerLocationArgs] = None,
            linked_service_name: Optional[str] = None,
            name: Optional[str] = None,
            null_value: Optional[str] = None,
            parameters: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
            quote_character: Optional[str] = None,
            row_delimiter: Optional[str] = None,
            schema_columns: Optional[Sequence[DatasetDelimitedTextSchemaColumnArgs]] = None) -> DatasetDelimitedText
    func GetDatasetDelimitedText(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *DatasetDelimitedTextState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*DatasetDelimitedText, error)
    public static DatasetDelimitedText Get(string name, Input<string> id, DatasetDelimitedTextState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public static DatasetDelimitedText get(String name, Output<String> id, DatasetDelimitedTextState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
    Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The following state arguments are supported:
    AdditionalProperties Dictionary<string, string>

    A map of additional properties to associate with the Data Factory Dataset.

    The following supported locations for a Delimited Text Dataset (exactly one of them must be set):

    Annotations List<string>
    List of tags that can be used for describing the Data Factory Dataset.
    AzureBlobFsLocation DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobFsLocation
    An azure_blob_fs_location block as defined below.
    AzureBlobStorageLocation DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobStorageLocation
    An azure_blob_storage_location block as defined below.
    ColumnDelimiter string
    The column delimiter. Defaults to ,.
    CompressionCodec string
    The compression codec used to read/write text files. Valid values are None, bzip2, gzip, deflate, ZipDeflate, TarGzip, Tar, snappy and lz4. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    CompressionLevel string
    The compression ratio for the Data Factory Dataset. Valid values are Fastest or Optimal. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    DataFactoryId string
    The Data Factory ID in which to associate the Linked Service with. Changing this forces a new resource.
    Description string
    The description for the Data Factory Dataset.
    Encoding string
    The encoding format for the file.
    EscapeCharacter string
    The escape character. Defaults to \.
    FirstRowAsHeader bool
    When used as input, treat the first row of data as headers. When used as output, write the headers into the output as the first row of data. Defaults to false.
    Folder string
    The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, the Dataset will appear at the root level.
    HttpServerLocation DatasetDelimitedTextHttpServerLocation

    A http_server_location block as defined below.

    The following supported arguments are specific to Delimited Text Dataset:

    LinkedServiceName string
    The Data Factory Linked Service name in which to associate the Dataset with.
    Name string
    Specifies the name of the Data Factory Dataset. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. Must be globally unique. See the Microsoft documentation for all restrictions.
    NullValue string
    The null value string. Defaults to "".
    Parameters Dictionary<string, string>
    A map of parameters to associate with the Data Factory Dataset.
    QuoteCharacter string
    The quote character. Defaults to ".
    RowDelimiter string
    The row delimiter. Defaults to any of the following values on read: \r\n, \r, \n, and \n or \r\n on write by mapping data flow and Copy activity respectively.
    SchemaColumns List<DatasetDelimitedTextSchemaColumn>
    A schema_column block as defined below.
    AdditionalProperties map[string]string

    A map of additional properties to associate with the Data Factory Dataset.

    The following supported locations for a Delimited Text Dataset (exactly one of them must be set):

    Annotations []string
    List of tags that can be used for describing the Data Factory Dataset.
    AzureBlobFsLocation DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobFsLocationArgs
    An azure_blob_fs_location block as defined below.
    AzureBlobStorageLocation DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobStorageLocationArgs
    An azure_blob_storage_location block as defined below.
    ColumnDelimiter string
    The column delimiter. Defaults to ,.
    CompressionCodec string
    The compression codec used to read/write text files. Valid values are None, bzip2, gzip, deflate, ZipDeflate, TarGzip, Tar, snappy and lz4. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    CompressionLevel string
    The compression ratio for the Data Factory Dataset. Valid values are Fastest or Optimal. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    DataFactoryId string
    The Data Factory ID in which to associate the Linked Service with. Changing this forces a new resource.
    Description string
    The description for the Data Factory Dataset.
    Encoding string
    The encoding format for the file.
    EscapeCharacter string
    The escape character. Defaults to \.
    FirstRowAsHeader bool
    When used as input, treat the first row of data as headers. When used as output, write the headers into the output as the first row of data. Defaults to false.
    Folder string
    The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, the Dataset will appear at the root level.
    HttpServerLocation DatasetDelimitedTextHttpServerLocationArgs

    A http_server_location block as defined below.

    The following supported arguments are specific to Delimited Text Dataset:

    LinkedServiceName string
    The Data Factory Linked Service name in which to associate the Dataset with.
    Name string
    Specifies the name of the Data Factory Dataset. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. Must be globally unique. See the Microsoft documentation for all restrictions.
    NullValue string
    The null value string. Defaults to "".
    Parameters map[string]string
    A map of parameters to associate with the Data Factory Dataset.
    QuoteCharacter string
    The quote character. Defaults to ".
    RowDelimiter string
    The row delimiter. Defaults to any of the following values on read: \r\n, \r, \n, and \n or \r\n on write by mapping data flow and Copy activity respectively.
    SchemaColumns []DatasetDelimitedTextSchemaColumnArgs
    A schema_column block as defined below.
    additionalProperties Map<String,String>

    A map of additional properties to associate with the Data Factory Dataset.

    The following supported locations for a Delimited Text Dataset (exactly one of them must be set):

    annotations List<String>
    List of tags that can be used for describing the Data Factory Dataset.
    azureBlobFsLocation DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobFsLocation
    An azure_blob_fs_location block as defined below.
    azureBlobStorageLocation DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobStorageLocation
    An azure_blob_storage_location block as defined below.
    columnDelimiter String
    The column delimiter. Defaults to ,.
    compressionCodec String
    The compression codec used to read/write text files. Valid values are None, bzip2, gzip, deflate, ZipDeflate, TarGzip, Tar, snappy and lz4. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    compressionLevel String
    The compression ratio for the Data Factory Dataset. Valid values are Fastest or Optimal. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    dataFactoryId String
    The Data Factory ID in which to associate the Linked Service with. Changing this forces a new resource.
    description String
    The description for the Data Factory Dataset.
    encoding String
    The encoding format for the file.
    escapeCharacter String
    The escape character. Defaults to \.
    firstRowAsHeader Boolean
    When used as input, treat the first row of data as headers. When used as output, write the headers into the output as the first row of data. Defaults to false.
    folder String
    The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, the Dataset will appear at the root level.
    httpServerLocation DatasetDelimitedTextHttpServerLocation

    A http_server_location block as defined below.

    The following supported arguments are specific to Delimited Text Dataset:

    linkedServiceName String
    The Data Factory Linked Service name in which to associate the Dataset with.
    name String
    Specifies the name of the Data Factory Dataset. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. Must be globally unique. See the Microsoft documentation for all restrictions.
    nullValue String
    The null value string. Defaults to "".
    parameters Map<String,String>
    A map of parameters to associate with the Data Factory Dataset.
    quoteCharacter String
    The quote character. Defaults to ".
    rowDelimiter String
    The row delimiter. Defaults to any of the following values on read: \r\n, \r, \n, and \n or \r\n on write by mapping data flow and Copy activity respectively.
    schemaColumns List<DatasetDelimitedTextSchemaColumn>
    A schema_column block as defined below.
    additionalProperties {[key: string]: string}

    A map of additional properties to associate with the Data Factory Dataset.

    The following supported locations for a Delimited Text Dataset (exactly one of them must be set):

    annotations string[]
    List of tags that can be used for describing the Data Factory Dataset.
    azureBlobFsLocation DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobFsLocation
    An azure_blob_fs_location block as defined below.
    azureBlobStorageLocation DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobStorageLocation
    An azure_blob_storage_location block as defined below.
    columnDelimiter string
    The column delimiter. Defaults to ,.
    compressionCodec string
    The compression codec used to read/write text files. Valid values are None, bzip2, gzip, deflate, ZipDeflate, TarGzip, Tar, snappy and lz4. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    compressionLevel string
    The compression ratio for the Data Factory Dataset. Valid values are Fastest or Optimal. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    dataFactoryId string
    The Data Factory ID in which to associate the Linked Service with. Changing this forces a new resource.
    description string
    The description for the Data Factory Dataset.
    encoding string
    The encoding format for the file.
    escapeCharacter string
    The escape character. Defaults to \.
    firstRowAsHeader boolean
    When used as input, treat the first row of data as headers. When used as output, write the headers into the output as the first row of data. Defaults to false.
    folder string
    The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, the Dataset will appear at the root level.
    httpServerLocation DatasetDelimitedTextHttpServerLocation

    A http_server_location block as defined below.

    The following supported arguments are specific to Delimited Text Dataset:

    linkedServiceName string
    The Data Factory Linked Service name in which to associate the Dataset with.
    name string
    Specifies the name of the Data Factory Dataset. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. Must be globally unique. See the Microsoft documentation for all restrictions.
    nullValue string
    The null value string. Defaults to "".
    parameters {[key: string]: string}
    A map of parameters to associate with the Data Factory Dataset.
    quoteCharacter string
    The quote character. Defaults to ".
    rowDelimiter string
    The row delimiter. Defaults to any of the following values on read: \r\n, \r, \n, and \n or \r\n on write by mapping data flow and Copy activity respectively.
    schemaColumns DatasetDelimitedTextSchemaColumn[]
    A schema_column block as defined below.
    additional_properties Mapping[str, str]

    A map of additional properties to associate with the Data Factory Dataset.

    The following supported locations for a Delimited Text Dataset (exactly one of them must be set):

    annotations Sequence[str]
    List of tags that can be used for describing the Data Factory Dataset.
    azure_blob_fs_location DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobFsLocationArgs
    An azure_blob_fs_location block as defined below.
    azure_blob_storage_location DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobStorageLocationArgs
    An azure_blob_storage_location block as defined below.
    column_delimiter str
    The column delimiter. Defaults to ,.
    compression_codec str
    The compression codec used to read/write text files. Valid values are None, bzip2, gzip, deflate, ZipDeflate, TarGzip, Tar, snappy and lz4. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    compression_level str
    The compression ratio for the Data Factory Dataset. Valid values are Fastest or Optimal. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    data_factory_id str
    The Data Factory ID in which to associate the Linked Service with. Changing this forces a new resource.
    description str
    The description for the Data Factory Dataset.
    encoding str
    The encoding format for the file.
    escape_character str
    The escape character. Defaults to \.
    first_row_as_header bool
    When used as input, treat the first row of data as headers. When used as output, write the headers into the output as the first row of data. Defaults to false.
    folder str
    The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, the Dataset will appear at the root level.
    http_server_location DatasetDelimitedTextHttpServerLocationArgs

    A http_server_location block as defined below.

    The following supported arguments are specific to Delimited Text Dataset:

    linked_service_name str
    The Data Factory Linked Service name in which to associate the Dataset with.
    name str
    Specifies the name of the Data Factory Dataset. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. Must be globally unique. See the Microsoft documentation for all restrictions.
    null_value str
    The null value string. Defaults to "".
    parameters Mapping[str, str]
    A map of parameters to associate with the Data Factory Dataset.
    quote_character str
    The quote character. Defaults to ".
    row_delimiter str
    The row delimiter. Defaults to any of the following values on read: \r\n, \r, \n, and \n or \r\n on write by mapping data flow and Copy activity respectively.
    schema_columns Sequence[DatasetDelimitedTextSchemaColumnArgs]
    A schema_column block as defined below.
    additionalProperties Map<String>

    A map of additional properties to associate with the Data Factory Dataset.

    The following supported locations for a Delimited Text Dataset (exactly one of them must be set):

    annotations List<String>
    List of tags that can be used for describing the Data Factory Dataset.
    azureBlobFsLocation Property Map
    An azure_blob_fs_location block as defined below.
    azureBlobStorageLocation Property Map
    An azure_blob_storage_location block as defined below.
    columnDelimiter String
    The column delimiter. Defaults to ,.
    compressionCodec String
    The compression codec used to read/write text files. Valid values are None, bzip2, gzip, deflate, ZipDeflate, TarGzip, Tar, snappy and lz4. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    compressionLevel String
    The compression ratio for the Data Factory Dataset. Valid values are Fastest or Optimal. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    dataFactoryId String
    The Data Factory ID in which to associate the Linked Service with. Changing this forces a new resource.
    description String
    The description for the Data Factory Dataset.
    encoding String
    The encoding format for the file.
    escapeCharacter String
    The escape character. Defaults to \.
    firstRowAsHeader Boolean
    When used as input, treat the first row of data as headers. When used as output, write the headers into the output as the first row of data. Defaults to false.
    folder String
    The folder that this Dataset is in. If not specified, the Dataset will appear at the root level.
    httpServerLocation Property Map

    A http_server_location block as defined below.

    The following supported arguments are specific to Delimited Text Dataset:

    linkedServiceName String
    The Data Factory Linked Service name in which to associate the Dataset with.
    name String
    Specifies the name of the Data Factory Dataset. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. Must be globally unique. See the Microsoft documentation for all restrictions.
    nullValue String
    The null value string. Defaults to "".
    parameters Map<String>
    A map of parameters to associate with the Data Factory Dataset.
    quoteCharacter String
    The quote character. Defaults to ".
    rowDelimiter String
    The row delimiter. Defaults to any of the following values on read: \r\n, \r, \n, and \n or \r\n on write by mapping data flow and Copy activity respectively.
    schemaColumns List<Property Map>
    A schema_column block as defined below.

    Supporting Types

    DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobFsLocation, DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobFsLocationArgs

    DynamicFileSystemEnabled bool
    Is the file_system using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    DynamicFilenameEnabled bool
    Is the filename using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    DynamicPathEnabled bool
    Is the path using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    FileSystem string
    The storage data lake gen2 file system on the Azure Blob Storage Account hosting the file.
    Filename string
    The filename of the file.
    Path string
    The folder path to the file.
    DynamicFileSystemEnabled bool
    Is the file_system using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    DynamicFilenameEnabled bool
    Is the filename using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    DynamicPathEnabled bool
    Is the path using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    FileSystem string
    The storage data lake gen2 file system on the Azure Blob Storage Account hosting the file.
    Filename string
    The filename of the file.
    Path string
    The folder path to the file.
    dynamicFileSystemEnabled Boolean
    Is the file_system using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    dynamicFilenameEnabled Boolean
    Is the filename using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    dynamicPathEnabled Boolean
    Is the path using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    fileSystem String
    The storage data lake gen2 file system on the Azure Blob Storage Account hosting the file.
    filename String
    The filename of the file.
    path String
    The folder path to the file.
    dynamicFileSystemEnabled boolean
    Is the file_system using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    dynamicFilenameEnabled boolean
    Is the filename using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    dynamicPathEnabled boolean
    Is the path using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    fileSystem string
    The storage data lake gen2 file system on the Azure Blob Storage Account hosting the file.
    filename string
    The filename of the file.
    path string
    The folder path to the file.
    dynamic_file_system_enabled bool
    Is the file_system using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    dynamic_filename_enabled bool
    Is the filename using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    dynamic_path_enabled bool
    Is the path using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    file_system str
    The storage data lake gen2 file system on the Azure Blob Storage Account hosting the file.
    filename str
    The filename of the file.
    path str
    The folder path to the file.
    dynamicFileSystemEnabled Boolean
    Is the file_system using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    dynamicFilenameEnabled Boolean
    Is the filename using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    dynamicPathEnabled Boolean
    Is the path using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    fileSystem String
    The storage data lake gen2 file system on the Azure Blob Storage Account hosting the file.
    filename String
    The filename of the file.
    path String
    The folder path to the file.

    DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobStorageLocation, DatasetDelimitedTextAzureBlobStorageLocationArgs

    Container string
    The container on the Azure Blob Storage Account hosting the file.
    DynamicContainerEnabled bool
    Is the container using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    DynamicFilenameEnabled bool
    Is the filename using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    DynamicPathEnabled bool
    Is the path using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    Filename string
    The filename of the file.
    Path string
    The folder path to the file. This can be an empty string.
    Container string
    The container on the Azure Blob Storage Account hosting the file.
    DynamicContainerEnabled bool
    Is the container using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    DynamicFilenameEnabled bool
    Is the filename using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    DynamicPathEnabled bool
    Is the path using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    Filename string
    The filename of the file.
    Path string
    The folder path to the file. This can be an empty string.
    container String
    The container on the Azure Blob Storage Account hosting the file.
    dynamicContainerEnabled Boolean
    Is the container using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    dynamicFilenameEnabled Boolean
    Is the filename using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    dynamicPathEnabled Boolean
    Is the path using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    filename String
    The filename of the file.
    path String
    The folder path to the file. This can be an empty string.
    container string
    The container on the Azure Blob Storage Account hosting the file.
    dynamicContainerEnabled boolean
    Is the container using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    dynamicFilenameEnabled boolean
    Is the filename using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    dynamicPathEnabled boolean
    Is the path using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    filename string
    The filename of the file.
    path string
    The folder path to the file. This can be an empty string.
    container str
    The container on the Azure Blob Storage Account hosting the file.
    dynamic_container_enabled bool
    Is the container using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    dynamic_filename_enabled bool
    Is the filename using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    dynamic_path_enabled bool
    Is the path using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    filename str
    The filename of the file.
    path str
    The folder path to the file. This can be an empty string.
    container String
    The container on the Azure Blob Storage Account hosting the file.
    dynamicContainerEnabled Boolean
    Is the container using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    dynamicFilenameEnabled Boolean
    Is the filename using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    dynamicPathEnabled Boolean
    Is the path using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    filename String
    The filename of the file.
    path String
    The folder path to the file. This can be an empty string.

    DatasetDelimitedTextHttpServerLocation, DatasetDelimitedTextHttpServerLocationArgs

    Filename string
    The filename of the file on the web server.
    Path string
    The folder path to the file on the web server.
    RelativeUrl string
    The base URL to the web server hosting the file.
    DynamicFilenameEnabled bool
    Is the filename using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    DynamicPathEnabled bool
    Is the path using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    Filename string
    The filename of the file on the web server.
    Path string
    The folder path to the file on the web server.
    RelativeUrl string
    The base URL to the web server hosting the file.
    DynamicFilenameEnabled bool
    Is the filename using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    DynamicPathEnabled bool
    Is the path using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    filename String
    The filename of the file on the web server.
    path String
    The folder path to the file on the web server.
    relativeUrl String
    The base URL to the web server hosting the file.
    dynamicFilenameEnabled Boolean
    Is the filename using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    dynamicPathEnabled Boolean
    Is the path using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    filename string
    The filename of the file on the web server.
    path string
    The folder path to the file on the web server.
    relativeUrl string
    The base URL to the web server hosting the file.
    dynamicFilenameEnabled boolean
    Is the filename using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    dynamicPathEnabled boolean
    Is the path using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    filename str
    The filename of the file on the web server.
    path str
    The folder path to the file on the web server.
    relative_url str
    The base URL to the web server hosting the file.
    dynamic_filename_enabled bool
    Is the filename using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    dynamic_path_enabled bool
    Is the path using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    filename String
    The filename of the file on the web server.
    path String
    The folder path to the file on the web server.
    relativeUrl String
    The base URL to the web server hosting the file.
    dynamicFilenameEnabled Boolean
    Is the filename using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.
    dynamicPathEnabled Boolean
    Is the path using dynamic expression, function or system variables? Defaults to false.

    DatasetDelimitedTextSchemaColumn, DatasetDelimitedTextSchemaColumnArgs

    Name string
    The name of the column.
    Description string
    The description of the column.
    Type string
    Type of the column. Valid values are Byte, Byte[], Boolean, Date, DateTime,DateTimeOffset, Decimal, Double, Guid, Int16, Int32, Int64, Single, String, TimeSpan. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    Name string
    The name of the column.
    Description string
    The description of the column.
    Type string
    Type of the column. Valid values are Byte, Byte[], Boolean, Date, DateTime,DateTimeOffset, Decimal, Double, Guid, Int16, Int32, Int64, Single, String, TimeSpan. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    name String
    The name of the column.
    description String
    The description of the column.
    type String
    Type of the column. Valid values are Byte, Byte[], Boolean, Date, DateTime,DateTimeOffset, Decimal, Double, Guid, Int16, Int32, Int64, Single, String, TimeSpan. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    name string
    The name of the column.
    description string
    The description of the column.
    type string
    Type of the column. Valid values are Byte, Byte[], Boolean, Date, DateTime,DateTimeOffset, Decimal, Double, Guid, Int16, Int32, Int64, Single, String, TimeSpan. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    name str
    The name of the column.
    description str
    The description of the column.
    type str
    Type of the column. Valid values are Byte, Byte[], Boolean, Date, DateTime,DateTimeOffset, Decimal, Double, Guid, Int16, Int32, Int64, Single, String, TimeSpan. Please note these values are case sensitive.
    name String
    The name of the column.
    description String
    The description of the column.
    type String
    Type of the column. Valid values are Byte, Byte[], Boolean, Date, DateTime,DateTimeOffset, Decimal, Double, Guid, Int16, Int32, Int64, Single, String, TimeSpan. Please note these values are case sensitive.


    Data Factory Datasets can be imported using the resource id, e.g.

    $ pulumi import azure:datafactory/datasetDelimitedText:DatasetDelimitedText example /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/example/providers/Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/example/datasets/example

    To learn more about importing existing cloud resources, see Importing resources.

    Package Details

    Azure Classic pulumi/pulumi-azure
    This Pulumi package is based on the azurerm Terraform Provider.
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    We recommend using Azure Native.

    Azure Classic v5.81.0 published on Monday, Jun 24, 2024 by Pulumi