We recommend using Azure Native.
Explore with Pulumi AI
Manages a Virtual Machine Run Command.
Example Usage
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as azure from "@pulumi/azure";
const exampleResourceGroup = new azure.core.ResourceGroup("example", {
name: "example-resources",
location: "West Europe",
const exampleVirtualNetwork = new azure.network.VirtualNetwork("example", {
name: "example-vnet",
addressSpaces: [""],
location: exampleResourceGroup.location,
resourceGroupName: exampleResourceGroup.name,
const exampleSubnet = new azure.network.Subnet("example", {
name: "internal",
resourceGroupName: exampleResourceGroup.name,
virtualNetworkName: exampleVirtualNetwork.name,
addressPrefixes: [""],
const exampleNetworkInterface = new azure.network.NetworkInterface("example", {
name: "example-nic",
location: exampleResourceGroup.location,
resourceGroupName: exampleResourceGroup.name,
ipConfigurations: [{
name: "internal",
subnetId: exampleSubnet.id,
privateIpAddressAllocation: "Dynamic",
const exampleUserAssignedIdentity = new azure.authorization.UserAssignedIdentity("example", {
name: "example-uai",
resourceGroupName: exampleResourceGroup.name,
location: exampleResourceGroup.location,
const exampleLinuxVirtualMachine = new azure.compute.LinuxVirtualMachine("example", {
name: "example-VM",
resourceGroupName: exampleResourceGroup.name,
location: exampleResourceGroup.location,
size: "Standard_B2s",
adminUsername: "adminuser",
adminPassword: "P@$$w0rd1234!",
disablePasswordAuthentication: false,
networkInterfaceIds: [exampleNetworkInterface.id],
osDisk: {
caching: "ReadWrite",
storageAccountType: "Premium_LRS",
sourceImageReference: {
publisher: "Canonical",
offer: "0001-com-ubuntu-server-jammy",
sku: "22_04-lts",
version: "latest",
identity: {
type: "SystemAssigned, UserAssigned",
identityIds: [exampleUserAssignedIdentity.id],
const exampleAccount = new azure.storage.Account("example", {
name: "exampleaccount",
resourceGroupName: exampleResourceGroup.name,
location: exampleResourceGroup.location,
accountTier: "Standard",
accountReplicationType: "LRS",
const exampleAssignment = new azure.authorization.Assignment("example", {
scope: exampleAccount.id,
roleDefinitionName: "Storage Blob Data Contributor",
principalId: exampleUserAssignedIdentity.principalId,
const exampleContainer = new azure.storage.Container("example", {
name: "example-sc",
storageAccountName: exampleAccount.name,
containerAccessType: "blob",
const example1 = new azure.storage.Blob("example1", {
name: "script1",
storageAccountName: exampleAccount.name,
storageContainerName: exampleContainer.name,
type: "Block",
sourceContent: "echo 'hello world'",
const example2 = new azure.storage.Blob("example2", {
name: "output",
storageAccountName: exampleAccount.name,
storageContainerName: exampleContainer.name,
type: "Append",
const example3 = new azure.storage.Blob("example3", {
name: "error",
storageAccountName: exampleAccount.name,
storageContainerName: exampleContainer.name,
type: "Append",
const example = azure.storage.getAccountSASOutput({
connectionString: exampleAccount.primaryConnectionString,
httpsOnly: true,
signedVersion: "2019-10-10",
start: "2023-04-01T00:00:00Z",
expiry: "2024-04-01T00:00:00Z",
resourceTypes: {
service: false,
container: false,
object: true,
services: {
blob: true,
queue: false,
table: false,
file: false,
permissions: {
read: true,
write: true,
"delete": false,
list: false,
add: true,
create: true,
update: false,
process: false,
tag: false,
filter: false,
// basic example
const exampleRunCommand = new azure.compute.RunCommand("example", {
name: "example-vmrc",
location: exampleResourceGroup.location,
virtualMachineId: exampleLinuxVirtualMachine.id,
source: {
script: "echo 'hello world'",
// authorize to storage blob using user assigned identity
const example2RunCommand = new azure.compute.RunCommand("example2", {
location: exampleResourceGroup.location,
name: "example2-vmrc",
virtualMachineId: exampleLinuxVirtualMachine.id,
outputBlobUri: example2.id,
errorBlobUri: example3.id,
runAsPassword: "P@$$w0rd1234!",
runAsUser: "adminuser",
source: {
scriptUri: example1.id,
scriptUriManagedIdentity: {
clientId: exampleUserAssignedIdentity.clientId,
errorBlobManagedIdentity: {
clientId: exampleUserAssignedIdentity.clientId,
outputBlobManagedIdentity: {
clientId: exampleUserAssignedIdentity.clientId,
parameters: [{
name: "examplev1",
value: "val1",
protectedParameters: [{
name: "examplev2",
value: "val2",
tags: {
environment: "terraform-examples",
some_key: "some-value",
}, {
dependsOn: [exampleAssignment],
// authorize to storage blob using SAS token
const example3RunCommand = new azure.compute.RunCommand("example3", {
location: exampleResourceGroup.location,
name: "example3-vmrc",
virtualMachineId: exampleLinuxVirtualMachine.id,
runAsPassword: "P@$$w0rd1234!",
runAsUser: "adminuser",
errorBlobUri: pulumi.all([example3.id, example]).apply(([id, example]) => `${id}${example.sas}`),
outputBlobUri: pulumi.all([example2.id, example]).apply(([id, example]) => `${id}${example.sas}`),
source: {
scriptUri: pulumi.all([example1.id, example]).apply(([id, example]) => `${id}${example.sas}`),
parameters: [{
name: "example-vm1",
value: "val1",
tags: {
environment: "terraform-example-s",
some_key: "some-value",
import pulumi
import pulumi_azure as azure
example_resource_group = azure.core.ResourceGroup("example",
location="West Europe")
example_virtual_network = azure.network.VirtualNetwork("example",
example_subnet = azure.network.Subnet("example",
example_network_interface = azure.network.NetworkInterface("example",
example_user_assigned_identity = azure.authorization.UserAssignedIdentity("example",
example_linux_virtual_machine = azure.compute.LinuxVirtualMachine("example",
type="SystemAssigned, UserAssigned",
example_account = azure.storage.Account("example",
example_assignment = azure.authorization.Assignment("example",
role_definition_name="Storage Blob Data Contributor",
example_container = azure.storage.Container("example",
example1 = azure.storage.Blob("example1",
source_content="echo 'hello world'")
example2 = azure.storage.Blob("example2",
example3 = azure.storage.Blob("example3",
example = azure.storage.get_account_sas_output(connection_string=example_account.primary_connection_string,
# basic example
example_run_command = azure.compute.RunCommand("example",
script="echo 'hello world'",
# authorize to storage blob using user assigned identity
example2_run_command = azure.compute.RunCommand("example2",
"environment": "terraform-examples",
"some_key": "some-value",
# authorize to storage blob using SAS token
example3_run_command = azure.compute.RunCommand("example3",
error_blob_uri=pulumi.Output.all(example3.id, example).apply(lambda id, example: f"{id}{example.sas}"),
output_blob_uri=pulumi.Output.all(example2.id, example).apply(lambda id, example: f"{id}{example.sas}"),
script_uri=pulumi.Output.all(example1.id, example).apply(lambda id, example: f"{id}{example.sas}"),
"environment": "terraform-example-s",
"some_key": "some-value",
package main
import (
func main() {
pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
exampleResourceGroup, err := core.NewResourceGroup(ctx, "example", &core.ResourceGroupArgs{
Name: pulumi.String("example-resources"),
Location: pulumi.String("West Europe"),
if err != nil {
return err
exampleVirtualNetwork, err := network.NewVirtualNetwork(ctx, "example", &network.VirtualNetworkArgs{
Name: pulumi.String("example-vnet"),
AddressSpaces: pulumi.StringArray{
Location: exampleResourceGroup.Location,
ResourceGroupName: exampleResourceGroup.Name,
if err != nil {
return err
exampleSubnet, err := network.NewSubnet(ctx, "example", &network.SubnetArgs{
Name: pulumi.String("internal"),
ResourceGroupName: exampleResourceGroup.Name,
VirtualNetworkName: exampleVirtualNetwork.Name,
AddressPrefixes: pulumi.StringArray{
if err != nil {
return err
exampleNetworkInterface, err := network.NewNetworkInterface(ctx, "example", &network.NetworkInterfaceArgs{
Name: pulumi.String("example-nic"),
Location: exampleResourceGroup.Location,
ResourceGroupName: exampleResourceGroup.Name,
IpConfigurations: network.NetworkInterfaceIpConfigurationArray{
Name: pulumi.String("internal"),
SubnetId: exampleSubnet.ID(),
PrivateIpAddressAllocation: pulumi.String("Dynamic"),
if err != nil {
return err
exampleUserAssignedIdentity, err := authorization.NewUserAssignedIdentity(ctx, "example", &authorization.UserAssignedIdentityArgs{
Name: pulumi.String("example-uai"),
ResourceGroupName: exampleResourceGroup.Name,
Location: exampleResourceGroup.Location,
if err != nil {
return err
exampleLinuxVirtualMachine, err := compute.NewLinuxVirtualMachine(ctx, "example", &compute.LinuxVirtualMachineArgs{
Name: pulumi.String("example-VM"),
ResourceGroupName: exampleResourceGroup.Name,
Location: exampleResourceGroup.Location,
Size: pulumi.String("Standard_B2s"),
AdminUsername: pulumi.String("adminuser"),
AdminPassword: pulumi.String("P@$$w0rd1234!"),
DisablePasswordAuthentication: pulumi.Bool(false),
NetworkInterfaceIds: pulumi.StringArray{
OsDisk: &compute.LinuxVirtualMachineOsDiskArgs{
Caching: pulumi.String("ReadWrite"),
StorageAccountType: pulumi.String("Premium_LRS"),
SourceImageReference: &compute.LinuxVirtualMachineSourceImageReferenceArgs{
Publisher: pulumi.String("Canonical"),
Offer: pulumi.String("0001-com-ubuntu-server-jammy"),
Sku: pulumi.String("22_04-lts"),
Version: pulumi.String("latest"),
Identity: &compute.LinuxVirtualMachineIdentityArgs{
Type: pulumi.String("SystemAssigned, UserAssigned"),
IdentityIds: pulumi.StringArray{
if err != nil {
return err
exampleAccount, err := storage.NewAccount(ctx, "example", &storage.AccountArgs{
Name: pulumi.String("exampleaccount"),
ResourceGroupName: exampleResourceGroup.Name,
Location: exampleResourceGroup.Location,
AccountTier: pulumi.String("Standard"),
AccountReplicationType: pulumi.String("LRS"),
if err != nil {
return err
exampleAssignment, err := authorization.NewAssignment(ctx, "example", &authorization.AssignmentArgs{
Scope: exampleAccount.ID(),
RoleDefinitionName: pulumi.String("Storage Blob Data Contributor"),
PrincipalId: exampleUserAssignedIdentity.PrincipalId,
if err != nil {
return err
exampleContainer, err := storage.NewContainer(ctx, "example", &storage.ContainerArgs{
Name: pulumi.String("example-sc"),
StorageAccountName: exampleAccount.Name,
ContainerAccessType: pulumi.String("blob"),
if err != nil {
return err
example1, err := storage.NewBlob(ctx, "example1", &storage.BlobArgs{
Name: pulumi.String("script1"),
StorageAccountName: exampleAccount.Name,
StorageContainerName: exampleContainer.Name,
Type: pulumi.String("Block"),
SourceContent: pulumi.String("echo 'hello world'"),
if err != nil {
return err
example2, err := storage.NewBlob(ctx, "example2", &storage.BlobArgs{
Name: pulumi.String("output"),
StorageAccountName: exampleAccount.Name,
StorageContainerName: exampleContainer.Name,
Type: pulumi.String("Append"),
if err != nil {
return err
example3, err := storage.NewBlob(ctx, "example3", &storage.BlobArgs{
Name: pulumi.String("error"),
StorageAccountName: exampleAccount.Name,
StorageContainerName: exampleContainer.Name,
Type: pulumi.String("Append"),
if err != nil {
return err
example := storage.GetAccountSASOutput(ctx, storage.GetAccountSASOutputArgs{
ConnectionString: exampleAccount.PrimaryConnectionString,
HttpsOnly: pulumi.Bool(true),
SignedVersion: pulumi.String("2019-10-10"),
Start: pulumi.String("2023-04-01T00:00:00Z"),
Expiry: pulumi.String("2024-04-01T00:00:00Z"),
ResourceTypes: &storage.GetAccountSASResourceTypesArgs{
Service: pulumi.Bool(false),
Container: pulumi.Bool(false),
Object: pulumi.Bool(true),
Services: &storage.GetAccountSASServicesArgs{
Blob: pulumi.Bool(true),
Queue: pulumi.Bool(false),
Table: pulumi.Bool(false),
File: pulumi.Bool(false),
Permissions: &storage.GetAccountSASPermissionsArgs{
Read: pulumi.Bool(true),
Write: pulumi.Bool(true),
Delete: pulumi.Bool(false),
List: pulumi.Bool(false),
Add: pulumi.Bool(true),
Create: pulumi.Bool(true),
Update: pulumi.Bool(false),
Process: pulumi.Bool(false),
Tag: pulumi.Bool(false),
Filter: pulumi.Bool(false),
}, nil)
// basic example
_, err = compute.NewRunCommand(ctx, "example", &compute.RunCommandArgs{
Name: pulumi.String("example-vmrc"),
Location: exampleResourceGroup.Location,
VirtualMachineId: exampleLinuxVirtualMachine.ID(),
Source: &compute.RunCommandSourceArgs{
Script: pulumi.String("echo 'hello world'"),
if err != nil {
return err
// authorize to storage blob using user assigned identity
_, err = compute.NewRunCommand(ctx, "example2", &compute.RunCommandArgs{
Location: exampleResourceGroup.Location,
Name: pulumi.String("example2-vmrc"),
VirtualMachineId: exampleLinuxVirtualMachine.ID(),
OutputBlobUri: example2.ID(),
ErrorBlobUri: example3.ID(),
RunAsPassword: pulumi.String("P@$$w0rd1234!"),
RunAsUser: pulumi.String("adminuser"),
Source: &compute.RunCommandSourceArgs{
ScriptUri: example1.ID(),
ScriptUriManagedIdentity: &compute.RunCommandSourceScriptUriManagedIdentityArgs{
ClientId: exampleUserAssignedIdentity.ClientId,
ErrorBlobManagedIdentity: &compute.RunCommandErrorBlobManagedIdentityArgs{
ClientId: exampleUserAssignedIdentity.ClientId,
OutputBlobManagedIdentity: &compute.RunCommandOutputBlobManagedIdentityArgs{
ClientId: exampleUserAssignedIdentity.ClientId,
Parameters: compute.RunCommandParameterArray{
Name: pulumi.String("examplev1"),
Value: pulumi.String("val1"),
ProtectedParameters: compute.RunCommandProtectedParameterArray{
Name: pulumi.String("examplev2"),
Value: pulumi.String("val2"),
Tags: pulumi.StringMap{
"environment": pulumi.String("terraform-examples"),
"some_key": pulumi.String("some-value"),
}, pulumi.DependsOn([]pulumi.Resource{
if err != nil {
return err
// authorize to storage blob using SAS token
_, err = compute.NewRunCommand(ctx, "example3", &compute.RunCommandArgs{
Location: exampleResourceGroup.Location,
Name: pulumi.String("example3-vmrc"),
VirtualMachineId: exampleLinuxVirtualMachine.ID(),
RunAsPassword: pulumi.String("P@$$w0rd1234!"),
RunAsUser: pulumi.String("adminuser"),
ErrorBlobUri: pulumi.All(example3.ID(), example).ApplyT(func(_args []interface{}) (string, error) {
id := _args[0].(string)
example := _args[1].(storage.GetAccountSASResult)
return fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", id, example.Sas), nil
OutputBlobUri: pulumi.All(example2.ID(), example).ApplyT(func(_args []interface{}) (string, error) {
id := _args[0].(string)
example := _args[1].(storage.GetAccountSASResult)
return fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", id, example.Sas), nil
Source: &compute.RunCommandSourceArgs{
ScriptUri: pulumi.All(example1.ID(), example).ApplyT(func(_args []interface{}) (string, error) {
id := _args[0].(string)
example := _args[1].(storage.GetAccountSASResult)
return fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", id, example.Sas), nil
Parameters: compute.RunCommandParameterArray{
Name: pulumi.String("example-vm1"),
Value: pulumi.String("val1"),
Tags: pulumi.StringMap{
"environment": pulumi.String("terraform-example-s"),
"some_key": pulumi.String("some-value"),
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Pulumi;
using Azure = Pulumi.Azure;
return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
var exampleResourceGroup = new Azure.Core.ResourceGroup("example", new()
Name = "example-resources",
Location = "West Europe",
var exampleVirtualNetwork = new Azure.Network.VirtualNetwork("example", new()
Name = "example-vnet",
AddressSpaces = new[]
Location = exampleResourceGroup.Location,
ResourceGroupName = exampleResourceGroup.Name,
var exampleSubnet = new Azure.Network.Subnet("example", new()
Name = "internal",
ResourceGroupName = exampleResourceGroup.Name,
VirtualNetworkName = exampleVirtualNetwork.Name,
AddressPrefixes = new[]
var exampleNetworkInterface = new Azure.Network.NetworkInterface("example", new()
Name = "example-nic",
Location = exampleResourceGroup.Location,
ResourceGroupName = exampleResourceGroup.Name,
IpConfigurations = new[]
new Azure.Network.Inputs.NetworkInterfaceIpConfigurationArgs
Name = "internal",
SubnetId = exampleSubnet.Id,
PrivateIpAddressAllocation = "Dynamic",
var exampleUserAssignedIdentity = new Azure.Authorization.UserAssignedIdentity("example", new()
Name = "example-uai",
ResourceGroupName = exampleResourceGroup.Name,
Location = exampleResourceGroup.Location,
var exampleLinuxVirtualMachine = new Azure.Compute.LinuxVirtualMachine("example", new()
Name = "example-VM",
ResourceGroupName = exampleResourceGroup.Name,
Location = exampleResourceGroup.Location,
Size = "Standard_B2s",
AdminUsername = "adminuser",
AdminPassword = "P@$$w0rd1234!",
DisablePasswordAuthentication = false,
NetworkInterfaceIds = new[]
OsDisk = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.LinuxVirtualMachineOsDiskArgs
Caching = "ReadWrite",
StorageAccountType = "Premium_LRS",
SourceImageReference = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.LinuxVirtualMachineSourceImageReferenceArgs
Publisher = "Canonical",
Offer = "0001-com-ubuntu-server-jammy",
Sku = "22_04-lts",
Version = "latest",
Identity = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.LinuxVirtualMachineIdentityArgs
Type = "SystemAssigned, UserAssigned",
IdentityIds = new[]
var exampleAccount = new Azure.Storage.Account("example", new()
Name = "exampleaccount",
ResourceGroupName = exampleResourceGroup.Name,
Location = exampleResourceGroup.Location,
AccountTier = "Standard",
AccountReplicationType = "LRS",
var exampleAssignment = new Azure.Authorization.Assignment("example", new()
Scope = exampleAccount.Id,
RoleDefinitionName = "Storage Blob Data Contributor",
PrincipalId = exampleUserAssignedIdentity.PrincipalId,
var exampleContainer = new Azure.Storage.Container("example", new()
Name = "example-sc",
StorageAccountName = exampleAccount.Name,
ContainerAccessType = "blob",
var example1 = new Azure.Storage.Blob("example1", new()
Name = "script1",
StorageAccountName = exampleAccount.Name,
StorageContainerName = exampleContainer.Name,
Type = "Block",
SourceContent = "echo 'hello world'",
var example2 = new Azure.Storage.Blob("example2", new()
Name = "output",
StorageAccountName = exampleAccount.Name,
StorageContainerName = exampleContainer.Name,
Type = "Append",
var example3 = new Azure.Storage.Blob("example3", new()
Name = "error",
StorageAccountName = exampleAccount.Name,
StorageContainerName = exampleContainer.Name,
Type = "Append",
var example = Azure.Storage.GetAccountSAS.Invoke(new()
ConnectionString = exampleAccount.PrimaryConnectionString,
HttpsOnly = true,
SignedVersion = "2019-10-10",
Start = "2023-04-01T00:00:00Z",
Expiry = "2024-04-01T00:00:00Z",
ResourceTypes = new Azure.Storage.Inputs.GetAccountSASResourceTypesInputArgs
Service = false,
Container = false,
Object = true,
Services = new Azure.Storage.Inputs.GetAccountSASServicesInputArgs
Blob = true,
Queue = false,
Table = false,
File = false,
Permissions = new Azure.Storage.Inputs.GetAccountSASPermissionsInputArgs
Read = true,
Write = true,
Delete = false,
List = false,
Add = true,
Create = true,
Update = false,
Process = false,
Tag = false,
Filter = false,
// basic example
var exampleRunCommand = new Azure.Compute.RunCommand("example", new()
Name = "example-vmrc",
Location = exampleResourceGroup.Location,
VirtualMachineId = exampleLinuxVirtualMachine.Id,
Source = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.RunCommandSourceArgs
Script = "echo 'hello world'",
// authorize to storage blob using user assigned identity
var example2RunCommand = new Azure.Compute.RunCommand("example2", new()
Location = exampleResourceGroup.Location,
Name = "example2-vmrc",
VirtualMachineId = exampleLinuxVirtualMachine.Id,
OutputBlobUri = example2.Id,
ErrorBlobUri = example3.Id,
RunAsPassword = "P@$$w0rd1234!",
RunAsUser = "adminuser",
Source = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.RunCommandSourceArgs
ScriptUri = example1.Id,
ScriptUriManagedIdentity = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.RunCommandSourceScriptUriManagedIdentityArgs
ClientId = exampleUserAssignedIdentity.ClientId,
ErrorBlobManagedIdentity = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.RunCommandErrorBlobManagedIdentityArgs
ClientId = exampleUserAssignedIdentity.ClientId,
OutputBlobManagedIdentity = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.RunCommandOutputBlobManagedIdentityArgs
ClientId = exampleUserAssignedIdentity.ClientId,
Parameters = new[]
new Azure.Compute.Inputs.RunCommandParameterArgs
Name = "examplev1",
Value = "val1",
ProtectedParameters = new[]
new Azure.Compute.Inputs.RunCommandProtectedParameterArgs
Name = "examplev2",
Value = "val2",
Tags =
{ "environment", "terraform-examples" },
{ "some_key", "some-value" },
}, new CustomResourceOptions
DependsOn =
// authorize to storage blob using SAS token
var example3RunCommand = new Azure.Compute.RunCommand("example3", new()
Location = exampleResourceGroup.Location,
Name = "example3-vmrc",
VirtualMachineId = exampleLinuxVirtualMachine.Id,
RunAsPassword = "P@$$w0rd1234!",
RunAsUser = "adminuser",
ErrorBlobUri = Output.Tuple(example3.Id, example).Apply(values =>
var id = values.Item1;
var example = values.Item2;
return $"{id}{example.Apply(getAccountSASResult => getAccountSASResult.Sas)}";
OutputBlobUri = Output.Tuple(example2.Id, example).Apply(values =>
var id = values.Item1;
var example = values.Item2;
return $"{id}{example.Apply(getAccountSASResult => getAccountSASResult.Sas)}";
Source = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.RunCommandSourceArgs
ScriptUri = Output.Tuple(example1.Id, example).Apply(values =>
var id = values.Item1;
var example = values.Item2;
return $"{id}{example.Apply(getAccountSASResult => getAccountSASResult.Sas)}";
Parameters = new[]
new Azure.Compute.Inputs.RunCommandParameterArgs
Name = "example-vm1",
Value = "val1",
Tags =
{ "environment", "terraform-example-s" },
{ "some_key", "some-value" },
package generated_program;
import com.pulumi.Context;
import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
import com.pulumi.core.Output;
import com.pulumi.azure.core.ResourceGroup;
import com.pulumi.azure.core.ResourceGroupArgs;
import com.pulumi.azure.network.VirtualNetwork;
import com.pulumi.azure.network.VirtualNetworkArgs;
import com.pulumi.azure.network.Subnet;
import com.pulumi.azure.network.SubnetArgs;
import com.pulumi.azure.network.NetworkInterface;
import com.pulumi.azure.network.NetworkInterfaceArgs;
import com.pulumi.azure.network.inputs.NetworkInterfaceIpConfigurationArgs;
import com.pulumi.azure.authorization.UserAssignedIdentity;
import com.pulumi.azure.authorization.UserAssignedIdentityArgs;
import com.pulumi.azure.compute.LinuxVirtualMachine;
import com.pulumi.azure.compute.LinuxVirtualMachineArgs;
import com.pulumi.azure.compute.inputs.LinuxVirtualMachineOsDiskArgs;
import com.pulumi.azure.compute.inputs.LinuxVirtualMachineSourceImageReferenceArgs;
import com.pulumi.azure.compute.inputs.LinuxVirtualMachineIdentityArgs;
import com.pulumi.azure.storage.Account;
import com.pulumi.azure.storage.AccountArgs;
import com.pulumi.azure.authorization.Assignment;
import com.pulumi.azure.authorization.AssignmentArgs;
import com.pulumi.azure.storage.Container;
import com.pulumi.azure.storage.ContainerArgs;
import com.pulumi.azure.storage.Blob;
import com.pulumi.azure.storage.BlobArgs;
import com.pulumi.azure.storage.StorageFunctions;
import com.pulumi.azure.storage.inputs.GetAccountSASArgs;
import com.pulumi.azure.storage.inputs.GetAccountSASResourceTypesArgs;
import com.pulumi.azure.storage.inputs.GetAccountSASServicesArgs;
import com.pulumi.azure.storage.inputs.GetAccountSASPermissionsArgs;
import com.pulumi.azure.compute.RunCommand;
import com.pulumi.azure.compute.RunCommandArgs;
import com.pulumi.azure.compute.inputs.RunCommandSourceArgs;
import com.pulumi.azure.compute.inputs.RunCommandSourceScriptUriManagedIdentityArgs;
import com.pulumi.azure.compute.inputs.RunCommandErrorBlobManagedIdentityArgs;
import com.pulumi.azure.compute.inputs.RunCommandOutputBlobManagedIdentityArgs;
import com.pulumi.azure.compute.inputs.RunCommandParameterArgs;
import com.pulumi.azure.compute.inputs.RunCommandProtectedParameterArgs;
import com.pulumi.resources.CustomResourceOptions;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.io.File;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {
public static void stack(Context ctx) {
var exampleResourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("exampleResourceGroup", ResourceGroupArgs.builder()
.location("West Europe")
var exampleVirtualNetwork = new VirtualNetwork("exampleVirtualNetwork", VirtualNetworkArgs.builder()
var exampleSubnet = new Subnet("exampleSubnet", SubnetArgs.builder()
var exampleNetworkInterface = new NetworkInterface("exampleNetworkInterface", NetworkInterfaceArgs.builder()
var exampleUserAssignedIdentity = new UserAssignedIdentity("exampleUserAssignedIdentity", UserAssignedIdentityArgs.builder()
var exampleLinuxVirtualMachine = new LinuxVirtualMachine("exampleLinuxVirtualMachine", LinuxVirtualMachineArgs.builder()
.type("SystemAssigned, UserAssigned")
var exampleAccount = new Account("exampleAccount", AccountArgs.builder()
var exampleAssignment = new Assignment("exampleAssignment", AssignmentArgs.builder()
.roleDefinitionName("Storage Blob Data Contributor")
var exampleContainer = new Container("exampleContainer", ContainerArgs.builder()
var example1 = new Blob("example1", BlobArgs.builder()
.sourceContent("echo 'hello world'")
var example2 = new Blob("example2", BlobArgs.builder()
var example3 = new Blob("example3", BlobArgs.builder()
final var example = StorageFunctions.getAccountSAS(GetAccountSASArgs.builder()
// basic example
var exampleRunCommand = new RunCommand("exampleRunCommand", RunCommandArgs.builder()
.script("echo 'hello world'")
// authorize to storage blob using user assigned identity
var example2RunCommand = new RunCommand("example2RunCommand", RunCommandArgs.builder()
Map.entry("environment", "terraform-examples"),
Map.entry("some_key", "some-value")
.build(), CustomResourceOptions.builder()
// authorize to storage blob using SAS token
var example3RunCommand = new RunCommand("example3RunCommand", RunCommandArgs.builder()
.errorBlobUri(Output.tuple(example3.id(), example.applyValue(getAccountSASResult -> getAccountSASResult)).applyValue(values -> {
var id = values.t1;
var example = values.t2;
return String.format("%s%s", id,example.applyValue(getAccountSASResult -> getAccountSASResult.sas()));
.outputBlobUri(Output.tuple(example2.id(), example.applyValue(getAccountSASResult -> getAccountSASResult)).applyValue(values -> {
var id = values.t1;
var example = values.t2;
return String.format("%s%s", id,example.applyValue(getAccountSASResult -> getAccountSASResult.sas()));
.scriptUri(Output.tuple(example1.id(), example.applyValue(getAccountSASResult -> getAccountSASResult)).applyValue(values -> {
var id = values.t1;
var example = values.t2;
return String.format("%s%s", id,example.applyValue(getAccountSASResult -> getAccountSASResult.sas()));
Map.entry("environment", "terraform-example-s"),
Map.entry("some_key", "some-value")
type: azure:core:ResourceGroup
name: example
name: example-resources
location: West Europe
type: azure:network:VirtualNetwork
name: example
name: example-vnet
location: ${exampleResourceGroup.location}
resourceGroupName: ${exampleResourceGroup.name}
type: azure:network:Subnet
name: example
name: internal
resourceGroupName: ${exampleResourceGroup.name}
virtualNetworkName: ${exampleVirtualNetwork.name}
type: azure:network:NetworkInterface
name: example
name: example-nic
location: ${exampleResourceGroup.location}
resourceGroupName: ${exampleResourceGroup.name}
- name: internal
subnetId: ${exampleSubnet.id}
privateIpAddressAllocation: Dynamic
type: azure:authorization:UserAssignedIdentity
name: example
name: example-uai
resourceGroupName: ${exampleResourceGroup.name}
location: ${exampleResourceGroup.location}
type: azure:compute:LinuxVirtualMachine
name: example
name: example-VM
resourceGroupName: ${exampleResourceGroup.name}
location: ${exampleResourceGroup.location}
size: Standard_B2s
adminUsername: adminuser
adminPassword: P@$$w0rd1234!
disablePasswordAuthentication: false
- ${exampleNetworkInterface.id}
caching: ReadWrite
storageAccountType: Premium_LRS
publisher: Canonical
offer: 0001-com-ubuntu-server-jammy
sku: 22_04-lts
version: latest
type: SystemAssigned, UserAssigned
- ${exampleUserAssignedIdentity.id}
type: azure:authorization:Assignment
name: example
scope: ${exampleAccount.id}
roleDefinitionName: Storage Blob Data Contributor
principalId: ${exampleUserAssignedIdentity.principalId}
type: azure:storage:Account
name: example
name: exampleaccount
resourceGroupName: ${exampleResourceGroup.name}
location: ${exampleResourceGroup.location}
accountTier: Standard
accountReplicationType: LRS
type: azure:storage:Container
name: example
name: example-sc
storageAccountName: ${exampleAccount.name}
containerAccessType: blob
type: azure:storage:Blob
name: script1
storageAccountName: ${exampleAccount.name}
storageContainerName: ${exampleContainer.name}
type: Block
sourceContent: echo 'hello world'
type: azure:storage:Blob
name: output
storageAccountName: ${exampleAccount.name}
storageContainerName: ${exampleContainer.name}
type: Append
type: azure:storage:Blob
name: error
storageAccountName: ${exampleAccount.name}
storageContainerName: ${exampleContainer.name}
type: Append
# basic example
type: azure:compute:RunCommand
name: example
name: example-vmrc
location: ${exampleResourceGroup.location}
virtualMachineId: ${exampleLinuxVirtualMachine.id}
script: echo 'hello world'
# authorize to storage blob using user assigned identity
type: azure:compute:RunCommand
name: example2
location: ${exampleResourceGroup.location}
name: example2-vmrc
virtualMachineId: ${exampleLinuxVirtualMachine.id}
outputBlobUri: ${example2.id}
errorBlobUri: ${example3.id}
runAsPassword: P@$$w0rd1234!
runAsUser: adminuser
scriptUri: ${example1.id}
clientId: ${exampleUserAssignedIdentity.clientId}
clientId: ${exampleUserAssignedIdentity.clientId}
clientId: ${exampleUserAssignedIdentity.clientId}
- name: examplev1
value: val1
- name: examplev2
value: val2
environment: terraform-examples
some_key: some-value
- ${exampleAssignment}
# authorize to storage blob using SAS token
type: azure:compute:RunCommand
name: example3
location: ${exampleResourceGroup.location}
name: example3-vmrc
virtualMachineId: ${exampleLinuxVirtualMachine.id}
runAsPassword: P@$$w0rd1234!
runAsUser: adminuser
errorBlobUri: ${example3.id}${example.sas}
outputBlobUri: ${example2.id}${example.sas}
scriptUri: ${example1.id}${example.sas}
- name: example-vm1
value: val1
environment: terraform-example-s
some_key: some-value
Function: azure:storage:getAccountSAS
connectionString: ${exampleAccount.primaryConnectionString}
httpsOnly: true
signedVersion: 2019-10-10
start: 2023-04-01T00:00:00Z
expiry: 2024-04-01T00:00:00Z
service: false
container: false
object: true
blob: true
queue: false
table: false
file: false
read: true
write: true
delete: false
list: false
add: true
create: true
update: false
process: false
tag: false
filter: false
Create RunCommand Resource
Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.
Constructor syntax
new RunCommand(name: string, args: RunCommandArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
def RunCommand(resource_name: str,
args: RunCommandArgs,
opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
def RunCommand(resource_name: str,
opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
source: Optional[RunCommandSourceArgs] = None,
virtual_machine_id: Optional[str] = None,
parameters: Optional[Sequence[RunCommandParameterArgs]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
output_blob_managed_identity: Optional[RunCommandOutputBlobManagedIdentityArgs] = None,
output_blob_uri: Optional[str] = None,
error_blob_managed_identity: Optional[RunCommandErrorBlobManagedIdentityArgs] = None,
protected_parameters: Optional[Sequence[RunCommandProtectedParameterArgs]] = None,
run_as_password: Optional[str] = None,
run_as_user: Optional[str] = None,
location: Optional[str] = None,
tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
error_blob_uri: Optional[str] = None)
func NewRunCommand(ctx *Context, name string, args RunCommandArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*RunCommand, error)
public RunCommand(string name, RunCommandArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
public RunCommand(String name, RunCommandArgs args)
public RunCommand(String name, RunCommandArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
type: azure:compute:RunCommand
properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- name string
- The unique name of the resource.
- args RunCommandArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts CustomResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- resource_name str
- The unique name of the resource.
- args RunCommandArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts ResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- ctx Context
- Context object for the current deployment.
- name string
- The unique name of the resource.
- args RunCommandArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts ResourceOption
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- name string
- The unique name of the resource.
- args RunCommandArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts CustomResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- name String
- The unique name of the resource.
- args RunCommandArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- options CustomResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
Constructor example
The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.
var runCommandResource = new Azure.Compute.RunCommand("runCommandResource", new()
Source = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.RunCommandSourceArgs
CommandId = "string",
Script = "string",
ScriptUri = "string",
ScriptUriManagedIdentity = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.RunCommandSourceScriptUriManagedIdentityArgs
ClientId = "string",
ObjectId = "string",
VirtualMachineId = "string",
Parameters = new[]
new Azure.Compute.Inputs.RunCommandParameterArgs
Name = "string",
Value = "string",
Name = "string",
OutputBlobManagedIdentity = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.RunCommandOutputBlobManagedIdentityArgs
ClientId = "string",
ObjectId = "string",
OutputBlobUri = "string",
ErrorBlobManagedIdentity = new Azure.Compute.Inputs.RunCommandErrorBlobManagedIdentityArgs
ClientId = "string",
ObjectId = "string",
ProtectedParameters = new[]
new Azure.Compute.Inputs.RunCommandProtectedParameterArgs
Name = "string",
Value = "string",
RunAsPassword = "string",
RunAsUser = "string",
Location = "string",
Tags =
{ "string", "string" },
ErrorBlobUri = "string",
example, err := compute.NewRunCommand(ctx, "runCommandResource", &compute.RunCommandArgs{
Source: &compute.RunCommandSourceArgs{
CommandId: pulumi.String("string"),
Script: pulumi.String("string"),
ScriptUri: pulumi.String("string"),
ScriptUriManagedIdentity: &compute.RunCommandSourceScriptUriManagedIdentityArgs{
ClientId: pulumi.String("string"),
ObjectId: pulumi.String("string"),
VirtualMachineId: pulumi.String("string"),
Parameters: compute.RunCommandParameterArray{
Name: pulumi.String("string"),
Value: pulumi.String("string"),
Name: pulumi.String("string"),
OutputBlobManagedIdentity: &compute.RunCommandOutputBlobManagedIdentityArgs{
ClientId: pulumi.String("string"),
ObjectId: pulumi.String("string"),
OutputBlobUri: pulumi.String("string"),
ErrorBlobManagedIdentity: &compute.RunCommandErrorBlobManagedIdentityArgs{
ClientId: pulumi.String("string"),
ObjectId: pulumi.String("string"),
ProtectedParameters: compute.RunCommandProtectedParameterArray{
Name: pulumi.String("string"),
Value: pulumi.String("string"),
RunAsPassword: pulumi.String("string"),
RunAsUser: pulumi.String("string"),
Location: pulumi.String("string"),
Tags: pulumi.StringMap{
"string": pulumi.String("string"),
ErrorBlobUri: pulumi.String("string"),
var runCommandResource = new RunCommand("runCommandResource", RunCommandArgs.builder()
.tags(Map.of("string", "string"))
run_command_resource = azure.compute.RunCommand("runCommandResource",
"string": "string",
const runCommandResource = new azure.compute.RunCommand("runCommandResource", {
source: {
commandId: "string",
script: "string",
scriptUri: "string",
scriptUriManagedIdentity: {
clientId: "string",
objectId: "string",
virtualMachineId: "string",
parameters: [{
name: "string",
value: "string",
name: "string",
outputBlobManagedIdentity: {
clientId: "string",
objectId: "string",
outputBlobUri: "string",
errorBlobManagedIdentity: {
clientId: "string",
objectId: "string",
protectedParameters: [{
name: "string",
value: "string",
runAsPassword: "string",
runAsUser: "string",
location: "string",
tags: {
string: "string",
errorBlobUri: "string",
type: azure:compute:RunCommand
clientId: string
objectId: string
errorBlobUri: string
location: string
name: string
clientId: string
objectId: string
outputBlobUri: string
- name: string
value: string
- name: string
value: string
runAsPassword: string
runAsUser: string
commandId: string
script: string
scriptUri: string
clientId: string
objectId: string
string: string
virtualMachineId: string
RunCommand Resource Properties
To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.
The RunCommand resource accepts the following input properties:
- Source
Command Source - A
block as defined below. The source of the run command script. - Virtual
Machine stringId - Specifies the Virtual Machine ID within which this Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- Error
Blob RunManaged Identity Command Error Blob Managed Identity - An
block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to errorBlobUri storage blob. - Error
Blob stringUri - Specifies the Azure storage blob where script error stream will be uploaded.
- Location string
- The Azure Region where the Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- Name string
- Specifies the name of this Virtual Machine Run Command. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- Output
Blob RunManaged Identity Command Output Blob Managed Identity - An
block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to outputBlobUri storage blob. - Output
Blob stringUri - Specifies the Azure storage blob where script output stream will be uploaded. It can be basic blob URI with SAS token.
- Parameters
Command Parameter> - A list of
blocks as defined below. The parameters used by the script. - Protected
Parameters List<RunCommand Protected Parameter> - A list of
blocks as defined below. The protected parameters used by the script. - Run
As stringPassword - Specifies the user account password on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- Run
As stringUser - Specifies the user account on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- Dictionary<string, string>
- A mapping of tags which should be assigned to the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- Source
Command Source Args - A
block as defined below. The source of the run command script. - Virtual
Machine stringId - Specifies the Virtual Machine ID within which this Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- Error
Blob RunManaged Identity Command Error Blob Managed Identity Args - An
block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to errorBlobUri storage blob. - Error
Blob stringUri - Specifies the Azure storage blob where script error stream will be uploaded.
- Location string
- The Azure Region where the Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- Name string
- Specifies the name of this Virtual Machine Run Command. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- Output
Blob RunManaged Identity Command Output Blob Managed Identity Args - An
block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to outputBlobUri storage blob. - Output
Blob stringUri - Specifies the Azure storage blob where script output stream will be uploaded. It can be basic blob URI with SAS token.
- Parameters
Command Parameter Args - A list of
blocks as defined below. The parameters used by the script. - Protected
Parameters []RunCommand Protected Parameter Args - A list of
blocks as defined below. The protected parameters used by the script. - Run
As stringPassword - Specifies the user account password on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- Run
As stringUser - Specifies the user account on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- map[string]string
- A mapping of tags which should be assigned to the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- source
Command Source - A
block as defined below. The source of the run command script. - virtual
Machine StringId - Specifies the Virtual Machine ID within which this Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- error
Blob RunManaged Identity Command Error Blob Managed Identity - An
block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to errorBlobUri storage blob. - error
Blob StringUri - Specifies the Azure storage blob where script error stream will be uploaded.
- location String
- The Azure Region where the Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- name String
- Specifies the name of this Virtual Machine Run Command. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- output
Blob RunManaged Identity Command Output Blob Managed Identity - An
block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to outputBlobUri storage blob. - output
Blob StringUri - Specifies the Azure storage blob where script output stream will be uploaded. It can be basic blob URI with SAS token.
- parameters
Command Parameter> - A list of
blocks as defined below. The parameters used by the script. - protected
Parameters List<RunCommand Protected Parameter> - A list of
blocks as defined below. The protected parameters used by the script. - run
As StringPassword - Specifies the user account password on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- run
As StringUser - Specifies the user account on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- Map<String,String>
- A mapping of tags which should be assigned to the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- source
Command Source - A
block as defined below. The source of the run command script. - virtual
Machine stringId - Specifies the Virtual Machine ID within which this Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- error
Blob RunManaged Identity Command Error Blob Managed Identity - An
block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to errorBlobUri storage blob. - error
Blob stringUri - Specifies the Azure storage blob where script error stream will be uploaded.
- location string
- The Azure Region where the Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- name string
- Specifies the name of this Virtual Machine Run Command. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- output
Blob RunManaged Identity Command Output Blob Managed Identity - An
block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to outputBlobUri storage blob. - output
Blob stringUri - Specifies the Azure storage blob where script output stream will be uploaded. It can be basic blob URI with SAS token.
- parameters
Command Parameter[] - A list of
blocks as defined below. The parameters used by the script. - protected
Parameters RunCommand Protected Parameter[] - A list of
blocks as defined below. The protected parameters used by the script. - run
As stringPassword - Specifies the user account password on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- run
As stringUser - Specifies the user account on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- {[key: string]: string}
- A mapping of tags which should be assigned to the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- source
Command Source Args - A
block as defined below. The source of the run command script. - virtual_
machine_ strid - Specifies the Virtual Machine ID within which this Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- error_
blob_ Runmanaged_ identity Command Error Blob Managed Identity Args - An
block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to errorBlobUri storage blob. - error_
blob_ struri - Specifies the Azure storage blob where script error stream will be uploaded.
- location str
- The Azure Region where the Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- name str
- Specifies the name of this Virtual Machine Run Command. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- output_
blob_ Runmanaged_ identity Command Output Blob Managed Identity Args - An
block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to outputBlobUri storage blob. - output_
blob_ struri - Specifies the Azure storage blob where script output stream will be uploaded. It can be basic blob URI with SAS token.
- parameters
Command Parameter Args] - A list of
blocks as defined below. The parameters used by the script. - protected_
parameters Sequence[RunCommand Protected Parameter Args] - A list of
blocks as defined below. The protected parameters used by the script. - run_
as_ strpassword - Specifies the user account password on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- run_
as_ struser - Specifies the user account on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- Mapping[str, str]
- A mapping of tags which should be assigned to the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- source Property Map
- A
block as defined below. The source of the run command script. - virtual
Machine StringId - Specifies the Virtual Machine ID within which this Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- error
Blob Property MapManaged Identity - An
block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to errorBlobUri storage blob. - error
Blob StringUri - Specifies the Azure storage blob where script error stream will be uploaded.
- location String
- The Azure Region where the Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- name String
- Specifies the name of this Virtual Machine Run Command. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- output
Blob Property MapManaged Identity - An
block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to outputBlobUri storage blob. - output
Blob StringUri - Specifies the Azure storage blob where script output stream will be uploaded. It can be basic blob URI with SAS token.
- parameters List<Property Map>
- A list of
blocks as defined below. The parameters used by the script. - protected
Parameters List<Property Map> - A list of
blocks as defined below. The protected parameters used by the script. - run
As StringPassword - Specifies the user account password on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- run
As StringUser - Specifies the user account on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- Map<String>
- A mapping of tags which should be assigned to the Virtual Machine Run Command.
All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the RunCommand resource produces the following output properties:
- Id string
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- Instance
Views List<RunCommand Instance View>
- Id string
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- Instance
Views []RunCommand Instance View
- id String
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- instance
Views List<RunCommand Instance View>
- id string
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- instance
Views RunCommand Instance View[]
- id str
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- instance_
views Sequence[RunCommand Instance View]
- id String
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- instance
Views List<Property Map>
Look up Existing RunCommand Resource
Get an existing RunCommand resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.
public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: RunCommandState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): RunCommand
def get(resource_name: str,
id: str,
opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
error_blob_managed_identity: Optional[RunCommandErrorBlobManagedIdentityArgs] = None,
error_blob_uri: Optional[str] = None,
instance_views: Optional[Sequence[RunCommandInstanceViewArgs]] = None,
location: Optional[str] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
output_blob_managed_identity: Optional[RunCommandOutputBlobManagedIdentityArgs] = None,
output_blob_uri: Optional[str] = None,
parameters: Optional[Sequence[RunCommandParameterArgs]] = None,
protected_parameters: Optional[Sequence[RunCommandProtectedParameterArgs]] = None,
run_as_password: Optional[str] = None,
run_as_user: Optional[str] = None,
source: Optional[RunCommandSourceArgs] = None,
tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
virtual_machine_id: Optional[str] = None) -> RunCommand
func GetRunCommand(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *RunCommandState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*RunCommand, error)
public static RunCommand Get(string name, Input<string> id, RunCommandState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
public static RunCommand get(String name, Output<String> id, RunCommandState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
- name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- state
- Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
- opts
- A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
- resource_name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- state
- Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
- opts
- A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
- name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- state
- Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
- opts
- A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
- name
- The unique name of the resulting resource.
- id
- The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
- state
- Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
- opts
- A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
- Error
Blob RunManaged Identity Command Error Blob Managed Identity - An
block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to errorBlobUri storage blob. - Error
Blob stringUri - Specifies the Azure storage blob where script error stream will be uploaded.
- Instance
Views List<RunCommand Instance View> - Location string
- The Azure Region where the Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- Name string
- Specifies the name of this Virtual Machine Run Command. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- Output
Blob RunManaged Identity Command Output Blob Managed Identity - An
block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to outputBlobUri storage blob. - Output
Blob stringUri - Specifies the Azure storage blob where script output stream will be uploaded. It can be basic blob URI with SAS token.
- Parameters
Command Parameter> - A list of
blocks as defined below. The parameters used by the script. - Protected
Parameters List<RunCommand Protected Parameter> - A list of
blocks as defined below. The protected parameters used by the script. - Run
As stringPassword - Specifies the user account password on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- Run
As stringUser - Specifies the user account on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- Source
Command Source - A
block as defined below. The source of the run command script. - Dictionary<string, string>
- A mapping of tags which should be assigned to the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- Virtual
Machine stringId - Specifies the Virtual Machine ID within which this Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- Error
Blob RunManaged Identity Command Error Blob Managed Identity Args - An
block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to errorBlobUri storage blob. - Error
Blob stringUri - Specifies the Azure storage blob where script error stream will be uploaded.
- Instance
Views []RunCommand Instance View Args - Location string
- The Azure Region where the Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- Name string
- Specifies the name of this Virtual Machine Run Command. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- Output
Blob RunManaged Identity Command Output Blob Managed Identity Args - An
block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to outputBlobUri storage blob. - Output
Blob stringUri - Specifies the Azure storage blob where script output stream will be uploaded. It can be basic blob URI with SAS token.
- Parameters
Command Parameter Args - A list of
blocks as defined below. The parameters used by the script. - Protected
Parameters []RunCommand Protected Parameter Args - A list of
blocks as defined below. The protected parameters used by the script. - Run
As stringPassword - Specifies the user account password on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- Run
As stringUser - Specifies the user account on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- Source
Command Source Args - A
block as defined below. The source of the run command script. - map[string]string
- A mapping of tags which should be assigned to the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- Virtual
Machine stringId - Specifies the Virtual Machine ID within which this Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- error
Blob RunManaged Identity Command Error Blob Managed Identity - An
block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to errorBlobUri storage blob. - error
Blob StringUri - Specifies the Azure storage blob where script error stream will be uploaded.
- instance
Views List<RunCommand Instance View> - location String
- The Azure Region where the Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- name String
- Specifies the name of this Virtual Machine Run Command. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- output
Blob RunManaged Identity Command Output Blob Managed Identity - An
block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to outputBlobUri storage blob. - output
Blob StringUri - Specifies the Azure storage blob where script output stream will be uploaded. It can be basic blob URI with SAS token.
- parameters
Command Parameter> - A list of
blocks as defined below. The parameters used by the script. - protected
Parameters List<RunCommand Protected Parameter> - A list of
blocks as defined below. The protected parameters used by the script. - run
As StringPassword - Specifies the user account password on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- run
As StringUser - Specifies the user account on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- source
Command Source - A
block as defined below. The source of the run command script. - Map<String,String>
- A mapping of tags which should be assigned to the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- virtual
Machine StringId - Specifies the Virtual Machine ID within which this Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- error
Blob RunManaged Identity Command Error Blob Managed Identity - An
block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to errorBlobUri storage blob. - error
Blob stringUri - Specifies the Azure storage blob where script error stream will be uploaded.
- instance
Views RunCommand Instance View[] - location string
- The Azure Region where the Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- name string
- Specifies the name of this Virtual Machine Run Command. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- output
Blob RunManaged Identity Command Output Blob Managed Identity - An
block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to outputBlobUri storage blob. - output
Blob stringUri - Specifies the Azure storage blob where script output stream will be uploaded. It can be basic blob URI with SAS token.
- parameters
Command Parameter[] - A list of
blocks as defined below. The parameters used by the script. - protected
Parameters RunCommand Protected Parameter[] - A list of
blocks as defined below. The protected parameters used by the script. - run
As stringPassword - Specifies the user account password on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- run
As stringUser - Specifies the user account on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- source
Command Source - A
block as defined below. The source of the run command script. - {[key: string]: string}
- A mapping of tags which should be assigned to the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- virtual
Machine stringId - Specifies the Virtual Machine ID within which this Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- error_
blob_ Runmanaged_ identity Command Error Blob Managed Identity Args - An
block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to errorBlobUri storage blob. - error_
blob_ struri - Specifies the Azure storage blob where script error stream will be uploaded.
- instance_
views Sequence[RunCommand Instance View Args] - location str
- The Azure Region where the Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- name str
- Specifies the name of this Virtual Machine Run Command. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- output_
blob_ Runmanaged_ identity Command Output Blob Managed Identity Args - An
block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to outputBlobUri storage blob. - output_
blob_ struri - Specifies the Azure storage blob where script output stream will be uploaded. It can be basic blob URI with SAS token.
- parameters
Command Parameter Args] - A list of
blocks as defined below. The parameters used by the script. - protected_
parameters Sequence[RunCommand Protected Parameter Args] - A list of
blocks as defined below. The protected parameters used by the script. - run_
as_ strpassword - Specifies the user account password on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- run_
as_ struser - Specifies the user account on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- source
Command Source Args - A
block as defined below. The source of the run command script. - Mapping[str, str]
- A mapping of tags which should be assigned to the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- virtual_
machine_ strid - Specifies the Virtual Machine ID within which this Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- error
Blob Property MapManaged Identity - An
block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to errorBlobUri storage blob. - error
Blob StringUri - Specifies the Azure storage blob where script error stream will be uploaded.
- instance
Views List<Property Map> - location String
- The Azure Region where the Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- name String
- Specifies the name of this Virtual Machine Run Command. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
- output
Blob Property MapManaged Identity - An
block as defined below. User-assigned managed Identity that has access to outputBlobUri storage blob. - output
Blob StringUri - Specifies the Azure storage blob where script output stream will be uploaded. It can be basic blob URI with SAS token.
- parameters List<Property Map>
- A list of
blocks as defined below. The parameters used by the script. - protected
Parameters List<Property Map> - A list of
blocks as defined below. The protected parameters used by the script. - run
As StringPassword - Specifies the user account password on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- run
As StringUser - Specifies the user account on the VM when executing the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- source Property Map
- A
block as defined below. The source of the run command script. - Map<String>
- A mapping of tags which should be assigned to the Virtual Machine Run Command.
- virtual
Machine StringId - Specifies the Virtual Machine ID within which this Virtual Machine Run Command should exist. Changing this forces a new Virtual Machine Run Command to be created.
Supporting Types
RunCommandErrorBlobManagedIdentity, RunCommandErrorBlobManagedIdentityArgs
RunCommandInstanceView, RunCommandInstanceViewArgs
- End
Time string - Error
Message string - Execution
Message string - Execution
State string - Exit
Code int - Output string
- Start
Time string
- End
Time string - Error
Message string - Execution
Message string - Execution
State string - Exit
Code int - Output string
- Start
Time string
- end
Time String - error
Message String - execution
Message String - execution
State String - exit
Code Integer - output String
- start
Time String
- end
Time string - error
Message string - execution
Message string - execution
State string - exit
Code number - output string
- start
Time string
- end_
time str - error_
message str - execution_
message str - execution_
state str - exit_
code int - output str
- start_
time str
- end
Time String - error
Message String - execution
Message String - execution
State String - exit
Code Number - output String
- start
Time String
RunCommandOutputBlobManagedIdentity, RunCommandOutputBlobManagedIdentityArgs
RunCommandParameter, RunCommandParameterArgs
RunCommandProtectedParameter, RunCommandProtectedParameterArgs
RunCommandSource, RunCommandSourceArgs
- Command
Id string - Script string
- Script
Uri string - Script
Uri RunManaged Identity Command Source Script Uri Managed Identity - A
block as defined above.
- Command
Id string - Script string
- Script
Uri string - Script
Uri RunManaged Identity Command Source Script Uri Managed Identity - A
block as defined above.
- command
Id String - script String
- script
Uri String - script
Uri RunManaged Identity Command Source Script Uri Managed Identity - A
block as defined above.
- command
Id string - script string
- script
Uri string - script
Uri RunManaged Identity Command Source Script Uri Managed Identity - A
block as defined above.
- command_
id str - script str
- script_
uri str - script_
uri_ Runmanaged_ identity Command Source Script Uri Managed Identity - A
block as defined above.
- command
Id String - script String
- script
Uri String - script
Uri Property MapManaged Identity - A
block as defined above.
RunCommandSourceScriptUriManagedIdentity, RunCommandSourceScriptUriManagedIdentityArgs
An existing Virtual Machine Run Command can be imported into Terraform using the resource id
, e.g.
$ pulumi import azure:compute/runCommand:RunCommand example /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/mygroup1/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm1/runCommands/rc1
To learn more about importing existing cloud resources, see Importing resources.
Package Details
- Repository
- Azure Classic pulumi/pulumi-azure
- License
- Apache-2.0
- Notes
- This Pulumi package is based on the
Terraform Provider.