Explore with Pulumi AI
The Flux Configuration object returned in Get & Put response. Azure REST API version: 2023-05-01. Prior API version in Azure Native 1.x: 2021-11-01-preview.
Other available API versions: 2021-11-01-preview, 2022-01-01-preview, 2024-04-01-preview.
Example Usage
Create Flux Configuration
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Pulumi;
using AzureNative = Pulumi.AzureNative;
return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
var fluxConfiguration = new AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.FluxConfiguration("fluxConfiguration", new()
ClusterName = "clusterName1",
ClusterResourceName = "connectedClusters",
ClusterRp = "Microsoft.Kubernetes",
FluxConfigurationName = "srs-fluxconfig",
GitRepository = new AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.Inputs.GitRepositoryDefinitionArgs
HttpsCACert = "ZXhhbXBsZWNlcnRpZmljYXRl",
RepositoryRef = new AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.Inputs.RepositoryRefDefinitionArgs
Branch = "master",
SyncIntervalInSeconds = 600,
TimeoutInSeconds = 600,
Url = "",
Kustomizations =
{ "srs-kustomization1", new AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.Inputs.KustomizationDefinitionArgs
DependsOn = new() { },
Path = "./test/path",
PostBuild = new AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.Inputs.PostBuildDefinitionArgs
Substitute =
{ "cluster_env", "prod" },
{ "replica_count", "2" },
SubstituteFrom = new[]
new AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.Inputs.SubstituteFromDefinitionArgs
Kind = "ConfigMap",
Name = "cluster-test",
Optional = true,
SyncIntervalInSeconds = 600,
TimeoutInSeconds = 600,
Wait = true,
} },
{ "srs-kustomization2", new AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.Inputs.KustomizationDefinitionArgs
DependsOn = new[]
Path = "./other/test/path",
PostBuild = new AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.Inputs.PostBuildDefinitionArgs
SubstituteFrom = new[]
new AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.Inputs.SubstituteFromDefinitionArgs
Kind = "ConfigMap",
Name = "cluster-values",
Optional = true,
new AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.Inputs.SubstituteFromDefinitionArgs
Kind = "Secret",
Name = "secret-name",
Optional = false,
Prune = false,
RetryIntervalInSeconds = 600,
SyncIntervalInSeconds = 600,
TimeoutInSeconds = 600,
Wait = false,
} },
Namespace = "srs-namespace",
ReconciliationWaitDuration = "PT30M",
ResourceGroupName = "rg1",
Scope = AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.ScopeType.Cluster,
SourceKind = AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.SourceKindType.GitRepository,
Suspend = false,
WaitForReconciliation = true,
package main
import (
kubernetesconfiguration ""
func main() {
pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
_, err := kubernetesconfiguration.NewFluxConfiguration(ctx, "fluxConfiguration", &kubernetesconfiguration.FluxConfigurationArgs{
ClusterName: pulumi.String("clusterName1"),
ClusterResourceName: pulumi.String("connectedClusters"),
ClusterRp: pulumi.String("Microsoft.Kubernetes"),
FluxConfigurationName: pulumi.String("srs-fluxconfig"),
GitRepository: &kubernetesconfiguration.GitRepositoryDefinitionArgs{
HttpsCACert: pulumi.String("ZXhhbXBsZWNlcnRpZmljYXRl"),
RepositoryRef: &kubernetesconfiguration.RepositoryRefDefinitionArgs{
Branch: pulumi.String("master"),
SyncIntervalInSeconds: pulumi.Float64(600),
TimeoutInSeconds: pulumi.Float64(600),
Url: pulumi.String(""),
Kustomizations: kubernetesconfiguration.KustomizationDefinitionMap{
"srs-kustomization1": &kubernetesconfiguration.KustomizationDefinitionArgs{
DependsOn: pulumi.StringArray{},
Path: pulumi.String("./test/path"),
PostBuild: &kubernetesconfiguration.PostBuildDefinitionArgs{
Substitute: pulumi.StringMap{
"cluster_env": pulumi.String("prod"),
"replica_count": pulumi.String("2"),
SubstituteFrom: kubernetesconfiguration.SubstituteFromDefinitionArray{
Kind: pulumi.String("ConfigMap"),
Name: pulumi.String("cluster-test"),
Optional: pulumi.Bool(true),
SyncIntervalInSeconds: pulumi.Float64(600),
TimeoutInSeconds: pulumi.Float64(600),
Wait: pulumi.Bool(true),
"srs-kustomization2": &kubernetesconfiguration.KustomizationDefinitionArgs{
DependsOn: pulumi.StringArray{
Path: pulumi.String("./other/test/path"),
PostBuild: &kubernetesconfiguration.PostBuildDefinitionArgs{
SubstituteFrom: kubernetesconfiguration.SubstituteFromDefinitionArray{
Kind: pulumi.String("ConfigMap"),
Name: pulumi.String("cluster-values"),
Optional: pulumi.Bool(true),
Kind: pulumi.String("Secret"),
Name: pulumi.String("secret-name"),
Optional: pulumi.Bool(false),
Prune: pulumi.Bool(false),
RetryIntervalInSeconds: pulumi.Float64(600),
SyncIntervalInSeconds: pulumi.Float64(600),
TimeoutInSeconds: pulumi.Float64(600),
Wait: pulumi.Bool(false),
Namespace: pulumi.String("srs-namespace"),
ReconciliationWaitDuration: pulumi.String("PT30M"),
ResourceGroupName: pulumi.String("rg1"),
Scope: pulumi.String(kubernetesconfiguration.ScopeTypeCluster),
SourceKind: pulumi.String(kubernetesconfiguration.SourceKindTypeGitRepository),
Suspend: pulumi.Bool(false),
WaitForReconciliation: pulumi.Bool(true),
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
package generated_program;
import com.pulumi.Context;
import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
import com.pulumi.core.Output;
import com.pulumi.azurenative.kubernetesconfiguration.FluxConfiguration;
import com.pulumi.azurenative.kubernetesconfiguration.FluxConfigurationArgs;
import com.pulumi.azurenative.kubernetesconfiguration.inputs.GitRepositoryDefinitionArgs;
import com.pulumi.azurenative.kubernetesconfiguration.inputs.RepositoryRefDefinitionArgs;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {;
public static void stack(Context ctx) {
var fluxConfiguration = new FluxConfiguration("fluxConfiguration", FluxConfigurationArgs.builder()
Map.entry("srs-kustomization1", Map.ofEntries(
Map.entry("dependsOn", ),
Map.entry("path", "./test/path"),
Map.entry("postBuild", Map.ofEntries(
Map.entry("substitute", Map.ofEntries(
Map.entry("cluster_env", "prod"),
Map.entry("replica_count", "2")
Map.entry("substituteFrom", Map.ofEntries(
Map.entry("kind", "ConfigMap"),
Map.entry("name", "cluster-test"),
Map.entry("optional", true)
Map.entry("syncIntervalInSeconds", 600),
Map.entry("timeoutInSeconds", 600),
Map.entry("wait", true)
Map.entry("srs-kustomization2", Map.ofEntries(
Map.entry("dependsOn", "srs-kustomization1"),
Map.entry("path", "./other/test/path"),
Map.entry("postBuild", Map.of("substituteFrom",
Map.entry("kind", "ConfigMap"),
Map.entry("name", "cluster-values"),
Map.entry("optional", true)
Map.entry("kind", "Secret"),
Map.entry("name", "secret-name"),
Map.entry("optional", false)
Map.entry("prune", false),
Map.entry("retryIntervalInSeconds", 600),
Map.entry("syncIntervalInSeconds", 600),
Map.entry("timeoutInSeconds", 600),
Map.entry("wait", false)
import pulumi
import pulumi_azure_native as azure_native
flux_configuration = azure_native.kubernetesconfiguration.FluxConfiguration("fluxConfiguration",
"srs-kustomization1": azure_native.kubernetesconfiguration.KustomizationDefinitionArgs(
"cluster_env": "prod",
"replica_count": "2",
"srs-kustomization2": azure_native.kubernetesconfiguration.KustomizationDefinitionArgs(
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as azure_native from "@pulumi/azure-native";
const fluxConfiguration = new azure_native.kubernetesconfiguration.FluxConfiguration("fluxConfiguration", {
clusterName: "clusterName1",
clusterResourceName: "connectedClusters",
clusterRp: "Microsoft.Kubernetes",
fluxConfigurationName: "srs-fluxconfig",
gitRepository: {
httpsCACert: "ZXhhbXBsZWNlcnRpZmljYXRl",
repositoryRef: {
branch: "master",
syncIntervalInSeconds: 600,
timeoutInSeconds: 600,
url: "",
kustomizations: {
"srs-kustomization1": {
dependsOn: [],
path: "./test/path",
postBuild: {
substitute: {
cluster_env: "prod",
replica_count: "2",
substituteFrom: [{
kind: "ConfigMap",
name: "cluster-test",
optional: true,
syncIntervalInSeconds: 600,
timeoutInSeconds: 600,
wait: true,
"srs-kustomization2": {
dependsOn: ["srs-kustomization1"],
path: "./other/test/path",
postBuild: {
substituteFrom: [
kind: "ConfigMap",
name: "cluster-values",
optional: true,
kind: "Secret",
name: "secret-name",
optional: false,
prune: false,
retryIntervalInSeconds: 600,
syncIntervalInSeconds: 600,
timeoutInSeconds: 600,
wait: false,
namespace: "srs-namespace",
reconciliationWaitDuration: "PT30M",
resourceGroupName: "rg1",
scope: azure_native.kubernetesconfiguration.ScopeType.Cluster,
sourceKind: azure_native.kubernetesconfiguration.SourceKindType.GitRepository,
suspend: false,
waitForReconciliation: true,
type: azure-native:kubernetesconfiguration:FluxConfiguration
clusterName: clusterName1
clusterResourceName: connectedClusters
clusterRp: Microsoft.Kubernetes
fluxConfigurationName: srs-fluxconfig
httpsCACert: ZXhhbXBsZWNlcnRpZmljYXRl
branch: master
syncIntervalInSeconds: 600
timeoutInSeconds: 600
dependsOn: []
path: ./test/path
cluster_env: prod
replica_count: '2'
- kind: ConfigMap
name: cluster-test
optional: true
syncIntervalInSeconds: 600
timeoutInSeconds: 600
wait: true
- srs-kustomization1
path: ./other/test/path
- kind: ConfigMap
name: cluster-values
optional: true
- kind: Secret
name: secret-name
optional: false
prune: false
retryIntervalInSeconds: 600
syncIntervalInSeconds: 600
timeoutInSeconds: 600
wait: false
namespace: srs-namespace
reconciliationWaitDuration: PT30M
resourceGroupName: rg1
scope: cluster
sourceKind: GitRepository
suspend: false
waitForReconciliation: true
Create Flux Configuration with Bucket Source Kind
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Pulumi;
using AzureNative = Pulumi.AzureNative;
return await Deployment.RunAsync(() =>
var fluxConfiguration = new AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.FluxConfiguration("fluxConfiguration", new()
Bucket = new AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.Inputs.BucketDefinitionArgs
AccessKey = "fluxminiotest",
BucketName = "flux",
SyncIntervalInSeconds = 1000,
TimeoutInSeconds = 1000,
Url = "",
ClusterName = "clusterName1",
ClusterResourceName = "connectedClusters",
ClusterRp = "Microsoft.Kubernetes",
FluxConfigurationName = "srs-fluxconfig",
Kustomizations =
{ "srs-kustomization1", new AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.Inputs.KustomizationDefinitionArgs
DependsOn = new() { },
Path = "./test/path",
SyncIntervalInSeconds = 600,
TimeoutInSeconds = 600,
} },
{ "srs-kustomization2", new AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.Inputs.KustomizationDefinitionArgs
DependsOn = new[]
Path = "./other/test/path",
Prune = false,
RetryIntervalInSeconds = 600,
SyncIntervalInSeconds = 600,
TimeoutInSeconds = 600,
} },
Namespace = "srs-namespace",
ResourceGroupName = "rg1",
Scope = AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.ScopeType.Cluster,
SourceKind = AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.SourceKindType.Bucket,
Suspend = false,
package main
import (
kubernetesconfiguration ""
func main() {
pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
_, err := kubernetesconfiguration.NewFluxConfiguration(ctx, "fluxConfiguration", &kubernetesconfiguration.FluxConfigurationArgs{
Bucket: &kubernetesconfiguration.BucketDefinitionArgs{
AccessKey: pulumi.String("fluxminiotest"),
BucketName: pulumi.String("flux"),
SyncIntervalInSeconds: pulumi.Float64(1000),
TimeoutInSeconds: pulumi.Float64(1000),
Url: pulumi.String(""),
ClusterName: pulumi.String("clusterName1"),
ClusterResourceName: pulumi.String("connectedClusters"),
ClusterRp: pulumi.String("Microsoft.Kubernetes"),
FluxConfigurationName: pulumi.String("srs-fluxconfig"),
Kustomizations: kubernetesconfiguration.KustomizationDefinitionMap{
"srs-kustomization1": &kubernetesconfiguration.KustomizationDefinitionArgs{
DependsOn: pulumi.StringArray{},
Path: pulumi.String("./test/path"),
SyncIntervalInSeconds: pulumi.Float64(600),
TimeoutInSeconds: pulumi.Float64(600),
"srs-kustomization2": &kubernetesconfiguration.KustomizationDefinitionArgs{
DependsOn: pulumi.StringArray{
Path: pulumi.String("./other/test/path"),
Prune: pulumi.Bool(false),
RetryIntervalInSeconds: pulumi.Float64(600),
SyncIntervalInSeconds: pulumi.Float64(600),
TimeoutInSeconds: pulumi.Float64(600),
Namespace: pulumi.String("srs-namespace"),
ResourceGroupName: pulumi.String("rg1"),
Scope: pulumi.String(kubernetesconfiguration.ScopeTypeCluster),
SourceKind: pulumi.String(kubernetesconfiguration.SourceKindTypeBucket),
Suspend: pulumi.Bool(false),
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
package generated_program;
import com.pulumi.Context;
import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
import com.pulumi.core.Output;
import com.pulumi.azurenative.kubernetesconfiguration.FluxConfiguration;
import com.pulumi.azurenative.kubernetesconfiguration.FluxConfigurationArgs;
import com.pulumi.azurenative.kubernetesconfiguration.inputs.BucketDefinitionArgs;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {;
public static void stack(Context ctx) {
var fluxConfiguration = new FluxConfiguration("fluxConfiguration", FluxConfigurationArgs.builder()
Map.entry("srs-kustomization1", Map.ofEntries(
Map.entry("dependsOn", ),
Map.entry("path", "./test/path"),
Map.entry("syncIntervalInSeconds", 600),
Map.entry("timeoutInSeconds", 600)
Map.entry("srs-kustomization2", Map.ofEntries(
Map.entry("dependsOn", "srs-kustomization1"),
Map.entry("path", "./other/test/path"),
Map.entry("prune", false),
Map.entry("retryIntervalInSeconds", 600),
Map.entry("syncIntervalInSeconds", 600),
Map.entry("timeoutInSeconds", 600)
import pulumi
import pulumi_azure_native as azure_native
flux_configuration = azure_native.kubernetesconfiguration.FluxConfiguration("fluxConfiguration",
"srs-kustomization1": azure_native.kubernetesconfiguration.KustomizationDefinitionArgs(
"srs-kustomization2": azure_native.kubernetesconfiguration.KustomizationDefinitionArgs(
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as azure_native from "@pulumi/azure-native";
const fluxConfiguration = new azure_native.kubernetesconfiguration.FluxConfiguration("fluxConfiguration", {
bucket: {
accessKey: "fluxminiotest",
bucketName: "flux",
syncIntervalInSeconds: 1000,
timeoutInSeconds: 1000,
url: "",
clusterName: "clusterName1",
clusterResourceName: "connectedClusters",
clusterRp: "Microsoft.Kubernetes",
fluxConfigurationName: "srs-fluxconfig",
kustomizations: {
"srs-kustomization1": {
dependsOn: [],
path: "./test/path",
syncIntervalInSeconds: 600,
timeoutInSeconds: 600,
"srs-kustomization2": {
dependsOn: ["srs-kustomization1"],
path: "./other/test/path",
prune: false,
retryIntervalInSeconds: 600,
syncIntervalInSeconds: 600,
timeoutInSeconds: 600,
namespace: "srs-namespace",
resourceGroupName: "rg1",
scope: azure_native.kubernetesconfiguration.ScopeType.Cluster,
sourceKind: azure_native.kubernetesconfiguration.SourceKindType.Bucket,
suspend: false,
type: azure-native:kubernetesconfiguration:FluxConfiguration
accessKey: fluxminiotest
bucketName: flux
syncIntervalInSeconds: 1000
timeoutInSeconds: 1000
clusterName: clusterName1
clusterResourceName: connectedClusters
clusterRp: Microsoft.Kubernetes
fluxConfigurationName: srs-fluxconfig
dependsOn: []
path: ./test/path
syncIntervalInSeconds: 600
timeoutInSeconds: 600
- srs-kustomization1
path: ./other/test/path
prune: false
retryIntervalInSeconds: 600
syncIntervalInSeconds: 600
timeoutInSeconds: 600
namespace: srs-namespace
resourceGroupName: rg1
scope: cluster
sourceKind: Bucket
suspend: false
Create FluxConfiguration Resource
Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.
Constructor syntax
new FluxConfiguration(name: string, args: FluxConfigurationArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
def FluxConfiguration(resource_name: str,
args: FluxConfigurationArgs,
opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
def FluxConfiguration(resource_name: str,
opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
cluster_rp: Optional[str] = None,
resource_group_name: Optional[str] = None,
cluster_name: Optional[str] = None,
cluster_resource_name: Optional[str] = None,
kustomizations: Optional[Mapping[str, KustomizationDefinitionArgs]] = None,
configuration_protected_settings: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
flux_configuration_name: Optional[str] = None,
git_repository: Optional[GitRepositoryDefinitionArgs] = None,
azure_blob: Optional[AzureBlobDefinitionArgs] = None,
namespace: Optional[str] = None,
reconciliation_wait_duration: Optional[str] = None,
bucket: Optional[BucketDefinitionArgs] = None,
scope: Optional[Union[str, ScopeType]] = None,
source_kind: Optional[Union[str, SourceKindType]] = None,
suspend: Optional[bool] = None,
wait_for_reconciliation: Optional[bool] = None)
func NewFluxConfiguration(ctx *Context, name string, args FluxConfigurationArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*FluxConfiguration, error)
public FluxConfiguration(string name, FluxConfigurationArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
public FluxConfiguration(String name, FluxConfigurationArgs args)
public FluxConfiguration(String name, FluxConfigurationArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
type: azure-native:kubernetesconfiguration:FluxConfiguration
properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- name string
- The unique name of the resource.
- args FluxConfigurationArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts CustomResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- resource_name str
- The unique name of the resource.
- args FluxConfigurationArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts ResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- ctx Context
- Context object for the current deployment.
- name string
- The unique name of the resource.
- args FluxConfigurationArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts ResourceOption
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- name string
- The unique name of the resource.
- args FluxConfigurationArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- opts CustomResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
- name String
- The unique name of the resource.
- args FluxConfigurationArgs
- The arguments to resource properties.
- options CustomResourceOptions
- Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
Constructor example
The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.
var fluxConfigurationResource = new AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.FluxConfiguration("fluxConfigurationResource", new()
ClusterRp = "string",
ResourceGroupName = "string",
ClusterName = "string",
ClusterResourceName = "string",
Kustomizations =
{ "string", new AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.Inputs.KustomizationDefinitionArgs
DependsOn = new[]
Force = false,
Path = "string",
PostBuild = new AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.Inputs.PostBuildDefinitionArgs
Substitute =
{ "string", "string" },
SubstituteFrom = new[]
new AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.Inputs.SubstituteFromDefinitionArgs
Kind = "string",
Name = "string",
Optional = false,
Prune = false,
RetryIntervalInSeconds = 0,
SyncIntervalInSeconds = 0,
TimeoutInSeconds = 0,
Wait = false,
} },
ConfigurationProtectedSettings =
{ "string", "string" },
FluxConfigurationName = "string",
GitRepository = new AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.Inputs.GitRepositoryDefinitionArgs
HttpsCACert = "string",
HttpsUser = "string",
LocalAuthRef = "string",
RepositoryRef = new AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.Inputs.RepositoryRefDefinitionArgs
Branch = "string",
Commit = "string",
Semver = "string",
Tag = "string",
SshKnownHosts = "string",
SyncIntervalInSeconds = 0,
TimeoutInSeconds = 0,
Url = "string",
AzureBlob = new AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.Inputs.AzureBlobDefinitionArgs
AccountKey = "string",
ContainerName = "string",
LocalAuthRef = "string",
ManagedIdentity = new AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.Inputs.ManagedIdentityDefinitionArgs
ClientId = "string",
SasToken = "string",
ServicePrincipal = new AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.Inputs.ServicePrincipalDefinitionArgs
ClientCertificate = "string",
ClientCertificatePassword = "string",
ClientCertificateSendChain = false,
ClientId = "string",
ClientSecret = "string",
TenantId = "string",
SyncIntervalInSeconds = 0,
TimeoutInSeconds = 0,
Url = "string",
Namespace = "string",
ReconciliationWaitDuration = "string",
Bucket = new AzureNative.KubernetesConfiguration.Inputs.BucketDefinitionArgs
AccessKey = "string",
BucketName = "string",
Insecure = false,
LocalAuthRef = "string",
SyncIntervalInSeconds = 0,
TimeoutInSeconds = 0,
Url = "string",
Scope = "string",
SourceKind = "string",
Suspend = false,
WaitForReconciliation = false,
example, err := kubernetesconfiguration.NewFluxConfiguration(ctx, "fluxConfigurationResource", &kubernetesconfiguration.FluxConfigurationArgs{
ClusterRp: pulumi.String("string"),
ResourceGroupName: pulumi.String("string"),
ClusterName: pulumi.String("string"),
ClusterResourceName: pulumi.String("string"),
Kustomizations: kubernetesconfiguration.KustomizationDefinitionMap{
"string": &kubernetesconfiguration.KustomizationDefinitionArgs{
DependsOn: pulumi.StringArray{
Force: pulumi.Bool(false),
Path: pulumi.String("string"),
PostBuild: &kubernetesconfiguration.PostBuildDefinitionArgs{
Substitute: pulumi.StringMap{
"string": pulumi.String("string"),
SubstituteFrom: kubernetesconfiguration.SubstituteFromDefinitionArray{
Kind: pulumi.String("string"),
Name: pulumi.String("string"),
Optional: pulumi.Bool(false),
Prune: pulumi.Bool(false),
RetryIntervalInSeconds: pulumi.Float64(0),
SyncIntervalInSeconds: pulumi.Float64(0),
TimeoutInSeconds: pulumi.Float64(0),
Wait: pulumi.Bool(false),
ConfigurationProtectedSettings: pulumi.StringMap{
"string": pulumi.String("string"),
FluxConfigurationName: pulumi.String("string"),
GitRepository: &kubernetesconfiguration.GitRepositoryDefinitionArgs{
HttpsCACert: pulumi.String("string"),
HttpsUser: pulumi.String("string"),
LocalAuthRef: pulumi.String("string"),
RepositoryRef: &kubernetesconfiguration.RepositoryRefDefinitionArgs{
Branch: pulumi.String("string"),
Commit: pulumi.String("string"),
Semver: pulumi.String("string"),
Tag: pulumi.String("string"),
SshKnownHosts: pulumi.String("string"),
SyncIntervalInSeconds: pulumi.Float64(0),
TimeoutInSeconds: pulumi.Float64(0),
Url: pulumi.String("string"),
AzureBlob: &kubernetesconfiguration.AzureBlobDefinitionArgs{
AccountKey: pulumi.String("string"),
ContainerName: pulumi.String("string"),
LocalAuthRef: pulumi.String("string"),
ManagedIdentity: &kubernetesconfiguration.ManagedIdentityDefinitionArgs{
ClientId: pulumi.String("string"),
SasToken: pulumi.String("string"),
ServicePrincipal: &kubernetesconfiguration.ServicePrincipalDefinitionArgs{
ClientCertificate: pulumi.String("string"),
ClientCertificatePassword: pulumi.String("string"),
ClientCertificateSendChain: pulumi.Bool(false),
ClientId: pulumi.String("string"),
ClientSecret: pulumi.String("string"),
TenantId: pulumi.String("string"),
SyncIntervalInSeconds: pulumi.Float64(0),
TimeoutInSeconds: pulumi.Float64(0),
Url: pulumi.String("string"),
Namespace: pulumi.String("string"),
ReconciliationWaitDuration: pulumi.String("string"),
Bucket: &kubernetesconfiguration.BucketDefinitionArgs{
AccessKey: pulumi.String("string"),
BucketName: pulumi.String("string"),
Insecure: pulumi.Bool(false),
LocalAuthRef: pulumi.String("string"),
SyncIntervalInSeconds: pulumi.Float64(0),
TimeoutInSeconds: pulumi.Float64(0),
Url: pulumi.String("string"),
Scope: pulumi.String("string"),
SourceKind: pulumi.String("string"),
Suspend: pulumi.Bool(false),
WaitForReconciliation: pulumi.Bool(false),
var fluxConfigurationResource = new FluxConfiguration("fluxConfigurationResource", FluxConfigurationArgs.builder()
.kustomizations(Map.of("string", Map.ofEntries(
Map.entry("dependsOn", "string"),
Map.entry("force", false),
Map.entry("path", "string"),
Map.entry("postBuild", Map.ofEntries(
Map.entry("substitute", Map.of("string", "string")),
Map.entry("substituteFrom", Map.ofEntries(
Map.entry("kind", "string"),
Map.entry("name", "string"),
Map.entry("optional", false)
Map.entry("prune", false),
Map.entry("retryIntervalInSeconds", 0),
Map.entry("syncIntervalInSeconds", 0),
Map.entry("timeoutInSeconds", 0),
Map.entry("wait", false)
.configurationProtectedSettings(Map.of("string", "string"))
flux_configuration_resource = azure_native.kubernetesconfiguration.FluxConfiguration("fluxConfigurationResource",
"string": azure_native.kubernetesconfiguration.KustomizationDefinitionArgs(
"string": "string",
"string": "string",
const fluxConfigurationResource = new azure_native.kubernetesconfiguration.FluxConfiguration("fluxConfigurationResource", {
clusterRp: "string",
resourceGroupName: "string",
clusterName: "string",
clusterResourceName: "string",
kustomizations: {
string: {
dependsOn: ["string"],
force: false,
path: "string",
postBuild: {
substitute: {
string: "string",
substituteFrom: [{
kind: "string",
name: "string",
optional: false,
prune: false,
retryIntervalInSeconds: 0,
syncIntervalInSeconds: 0,
timeoutInSeconds: 0,
wait: false,
configurationProtectedSettings: {
string: "string",
fluxConfigurationName: "string",
gitRepository: {
httpsCACert: "string",
httpsUser: "string",
localAuthRef: "string",
repositoryRef: {
branch: "string",
commit: "string",
semver: "string",
tag: "string",
sshKnownHosts: "string",
syncIntervalInSeconds: 0,
timeoutInSeconds: 0,
url: "string",
azureBlob: {
accountKey: "string",
containerName: "string",
localAuthRef: "string",
managedIdentity: {
clientId: "string",
sasToken: "string",
servicePrincipal: {
clientCertificate: "string",
clientCertificatePassword: "string",
clientCertificateSendChain: false,
clientId: "string",
clientSecret: "string",
tenantId: "string",
syncIntervalInSeconds: 0,
timeoutInSeconds: 0,
url: "string",
namespace: "string",
reconciliationWaitDuration: "string",
bucket: {
accessKey: "string",
bucketName: "string",
insecure: false,
localAuthRef: "string",
syncIntervalInSeconds: 0,
timeoutInSeconds: 0,
url: "string",
scope: "string",
sourceKind: "string",
suspend: false,
waitForReconciliation: false,
type: azure-native:kubernetesconfiguration:FluxConfiguration
accountKey: string
containerName: string
localAuthRef: string
clientId: string
sasToken: string
clientCertificate: string
clientCertificatePassword: string
clientCertificateSendChain: false
clientId: string
clientSecret: string
tenantId: string
syncIntervalInSeconds: 0
timeoutInSeconds: 0
url: string
accessKey: string
bucketName: string
insecure: false
localAuthRef: string
syncIntervalInSeconds: 0
timeoutInSeconds: 0
url: string
clusterName: string
clusterResourceName: string
clusterRp: string
string: string
fluxConfigurationName: string
httpsCACert: string
httpsUser: string
localAuthRef: string
branch: string
commit: string
semver: string
tag: string
sshKnownHosts: string
syncIntervalInSeconds: 0
timeoutInSeconds: 0
url: string
- string
force: false
path: string
string: string
- kind: string
name: string
optional: false
prune: false
retryIntervalInSeconds: 0
syncIntervalInSeconds: 0
timeoutInSeconds: 0
wait: false
namespace: string
reconciliationWaitDuration: string
resourceGroupName: string
scope: string
sourceKind: string
suspend: false
waitForReconciliation: false
FluxConfiguration Resource Properties
To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.
The FluxConfiguration resource accepts the following input properties:
- Cluster
Name string - The name of the kubernetes cluster.
- Cluster
Resource stringName - The Kubernetes cluster resource name - i.e. managedClusters, connectedClusters, provisionedClusters.
- Cluster
Rp string - The Kubernetes cluster RP - i.e. Microsoft.ContainerService, Microsoft.Kubernetes, Microsoft.HybridContainerService.
- Resource
Group stringName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- Azure
Blob Pulumi.Azure Native. Kubernetes Configuration. Inputs. Azure Blob Definition - Parameters to reconcile to the AzureBlob source kind type.
- Bucket
Azure Native. Kubernetes Configuration. Inputs. Bucket Definition - Parameters to reconcile to the Bucket source kind type.
- Configuration
Protected Dictionary<string, string>Settings - Key-value pairs of protected configuration settings for the configuration
- Flux
Configuration stringName - Name of the Flux Configuration.
- Git
Repository Pulumi.Azure Native. Kubernetes Configuration. Inputs. Git Repository Definition - Parameters to reconcile to the GitRepository source kind type.
- Kustomizations
Dictionary<string, Pulumi.
Azure Native. Kubernetes Configuration. Inputs. Kustomization Definition Args> - Array of kustomizations used to reconcile the artifact pulled by the source type on the cluster.
- Namespace string
- The namespace to which this configuration is installed to. Maximum of 253 lower case alphanumeric characters, hyphen and period only.
- Reconciliation
Wait stringDuration - Maximum duration to wait for flux configuration reconciliation. E.g PT1H, PT5M, P1D
- Scope
string | Pulumi.
Azure Native. Kubernetes Configuration. Scope Type - Scope at which the operator will be installed.
- Source
Kind string | Pulumi.Azure Native. Kubernetes Configuration. Source Kind Type - Source Kind to pull the configuration data from.
- Suspend bool
- Whether this configuration should suspend its reconciliation of its kustomizations and sources.
- Wait
For boolReconciliation - Whether flux configuration deployment should wait for cluster to reconcile the kustomizations.
- Cluster
Name string - The name of the kubernetes cluster.
- Cluster
Resource stringName - The Kubernetes cluster resource name - i.e. managedClusters, connectedClusters, provisionedClusters.
- Cluster
Rp string - The Kubernetes cluster RP - i.e. Microsoft.ContainerService, Microsoft.Kubernetes, Microsoft.HybridContainerService.
- Resource
Group stringName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- Azure
Blob AzureBlob Definition Args - Parameters to reconcile to the AzureBlob source kind type.
- Bucket
Definition Args - Parameters to reconcile to the Bucket source kind type.
- Configuration
Protected map[string]stringSettings - Key-value pairs of protected configuration settings for the configuration
- Flux
Configuration stringName - Name of the Flux Configuration.
- Git
Repository GitRepository Definition Args - Parameters to reconcile to the GitRepository source kind type.
- Kustomizations
Definition Args - Array of kustomizations used to reconcile the artifact pulled by the source type on the cluster.
- Namespace string
- The namespace to which this configuration is installed to. Maximum of 253 lower case alphanumeric characters, hyphen and period only.
- Reconciliation
Wait stringDuration - Maximum duration to wait for flux configuration reconciliation. E.g PT1H, PT5M, P1D
- Scope
string | Scope
Type - Scope at which the operator will be installed.
- Source
Kind string | SourceKind Type - Source Kind to pull the configuration data from.
- Suspend bool
- Whether this configuration should suspend its reconciliation of its kustomizations and sources.
- Wait
For boolReconciliation - Whether flux configuration deployment should wait for cluster to reconcile the kustomizations.
- cluster
Name String - The name of the kubernetes cluster.
- cluster
Resource StringName - The Kubernetes cluster resource name - i.e. managedClusters, connectedClusters, provisionedClusters.
- cluster
Rp String - The Kubernetes cluster RP - i.e. Microsoft.ContainerService, Microsoft.Kubernetes, Microsoft.HybridContainerService.
- resource
Group StringName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- azure
Blob AzureBlob Definition - Parameters to reconcile to the AzureBlob source kind type.
- bucket
Definition - Parameters to reconcile to the Bucket source kind type.
- configuration
Protected Map<String,String>Settings - Key-value pairs of protected configuration settings for the configuration
- flux
Configuration StringName - Name of the Flux Configuration.
- git
Repository GitRepository Definition - Parameters to reconcile to the GitRepository source kind type.
- kustomizations
Definition Args> - Array of kustomizations used to reconcile the artifact pulled by the source type on the cluster.
- namespace String
- The namespace to which this configuration is installed to. Maximum of 253 lower case alphanumeric characters, hyphen and period only.
- reconciliation
Wait StringDuration - Maximum duration to wait for flux configuration reconciliation. E.g PT1H, PT5M, P1D
- scope
String | Scope
Type - Scope at which the operator will be installed.
- source
Kind String | SourceKind Type - Source Kind to pull the configuration data from.
- suspend Boolean
- Whether this configuration should suspend its reconciliation of its kustomizations and sources.
- wait
For BooleanReconciliation - Whether flux configuration deployment should wait for cluster to reconcile the kustomizations.
- cluster
Name string - The name of the kubernetes cluster.
- cluster
Resource stringName - The Kubernetes cluster resource name - i.e. managedClusters, connectedClusters, provisionedClusters.
- cluster
Rp string - The Kubernetes cluster RP - i.e. Microsoft.ContainerService, Microsoft.Kubernetes, Microsoft.HybridContainerService.
- resource
Group stringName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- azure
Blob AzureBlob Definition - Parameters to reconcile to the AzureBlob source kind type.
- bucket
Definition - Parameters to reconcile to the Bucket source kind type.
- configuration
Protected {[key: string]: string}Settings - Key-value pairs of protected configuration settings for the configuration
- flux
Configuration stringName - Name of the Flux Configuration.
- git
Repository GitRepository Definition - Parameters to reconcile to the GitRepository source kind type.
- kustomizations
{[key: string]: Kustomization
Definition Args} - Array of kustomizations used to reconcile the artifact pulled by the source type on the cluster.
- namespace string
- The namespace to which this configuration is installed to. Maximum of 253 lower case alphanumeric characters, hyphen and period only.
- reconciliation
Wait stringDuration - Maximum duration to wait for flux configuration reconciliation. E.g PT1H, PT5M, P1D
- scope
string | Scope
Type - Scope at which the operator will be installed.
- source
Kind string | SourceKind Type - Source Kind to pull the configuration data from.
- suspend boolean
- Whether this configuration should suspend its reconciliation of its kustomizations and sources.
- wait
For booleanReconciliation - Whether flux configuration deployment should wait for cluster to reconcile the kustomizations.
- cluster_
name str - The name of the kubernetes cluster.
- cluster_
resource_ strname - The Kubernetes cluster resource name - i.e. managedClusters, connectedClusters, provisionedClusters.
- cluster_
rp str - The Kubernetes cluster RP - i.e. Microsoft.ContainerService, Microsoft.Kubernetes, Microsoft.HybridContainerService.
- resource_
group_ strname - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- azure_
blob AzureBlob Definition Args - Parameters to reconcile to the AzureBlob source kind type.
- bucket
Definition Args - Parameters to reconcile to the Bucket source kind type.
- configuration_
protected_ Mapping[str, str]settings - Key-value pairs of protected configuration settings for the configuration
- flux_
configuration_ strname - Name of the Flux Configuration.
- git_
repository GitRepository Definition Args - Parameters to reconcile to the GitRepository source kind type.
- kustomizations
Mapping[str, Kustomization
Definition Args] - Array of kustomizations used to reconcile the artifact pulled by the source type on the cluster.
- namespace str
- The namespace to which this configuration is installed to. Maximum of 253 lower case alphanumeric characters, hyphen and period only.
- reconciliation_
wait_ strduration - Maximum duration to wait for flux configuration reconciliation. E.g PT1H, PT5M, P1D
- scope
str | Scope
Type - Scope at which the operator will be installed.
- source_
kind str | SourceKind Type - Source Kind to pull the configuration data from.
- suspend bool
- Whether this configuration should suspend its reconciliation of its kustomizations and sources.
- wait_
for_ boolreconciliation - Whether flux configuration deployment should wait for cluster to reconcile the kustomizations.
- cluster
Name String - The name of the kubernetes cluster.
- cluster
Resource StringName - The Kubernetes cluster resource name - i.e. managedClusters, connectedClusters, provisionedClusters.
- cluster
Rp String - The Kubernetes cluster RP - i.e. Microsoft.ContainerService, Microsoft.Kubernetes, Microsoft.HybridContainerService.
- resource
Group StringName - The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- azure
Blob Property Map - Parameters to reconcile to the AzureBlob source kind type.
- bucket Property Map
- Parameters to reconcile to the Bucket source kind type.
- configuration
Protected Map<String>Settings - Key-value pairs of protected configuration settings for the configuration
- flux
Configuration StringName - Name of the Flux Configuration.
- git
Repository Property Map - Parameters to reconcile to the GitRepository source kind type.
- kustomizations Map<Property Map>
- Array of kustomizations used to reconcile the artifact pulled by the source type on the cluster.
- namespace String
- The namespace to which this configuration is installed to. Maximum of 253 lower case alphanumeric characters, hyphen and period only.
- reconciliation
Wait StringDuration - Maximum duration to wait for flux configuration reconciliation. E.g PT1H, PT5M, P1D
- scope String | "cluster" | "namespace"
- Scope at which the operator will be installed.
- source
Kind String | "GitRepository" | "Bucket" | "Azure Blob" - Source Kind to pull the configuration data from.
- suspend Boolean
- Whether this configuration should suspend its reconciliation of its kustomizations and sources.
- wait
For BooleanReconciliation - Whether flux configuration deployment should wait for cluster to reconcile the kustomizations.
All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the FluxConfiguration resource produces the following output properties:
- Compliance
State string - Combined status of the Flux Kubernetes resources created by the fluxConfiguration or created by the managed objects.
- Error
Message string - Error message returned to the user in the case of provisioning failure.
- Id string
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- Name string
- The name of the resource
- Provisioning
State string - Status of the creation of the fluxConfiguration.
- Repository
Public stringKey - Public Key associated with this fluxConfiguration (either generated within the cluster or provided by the user).
- Source
Synced stringCommit Id - Branch and/or SHA of the source commit synced with the cluster.
- Source
Updated stringAt - Datetime the fluxConfiguration synced its source on the cluster.
- Status
Updated stringAt - Datetime the fluxConfiguration synced its status on the cluster with Azure.
- Statuses
Azure Native. Kubernetes Configuration. Outputs. Object Status Definition Response> - Statuses of the Flux Kubernetes resources created by the fluxConfiguration or created by the managed objects provisioned by the fluxConfiguration.
- System
Data Pulumi.Azure Native. Kubernetes Configuration. Outputs. System Data Response - Top level metadata
- Type string
- The type of the resource. E.g. "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" or "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
- Compliance
State string - Combined status of the Flux Kubernetes resources created by the fluxConfiguration or created by the managed objects.
- Error
Message string - Error message returned to the user in the case of provisioning failure.
- Id string
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- Name string
- The name of the resource
- Provisioning
State string - Status of the creation of the fluxConfiguration.
- Repository
Public stringKey - Public Key associated with this fluxConfiguration (either generated within the cluster or provided by the user).
- Source
Synced stringCommit Id - Branch and/or SHA of the source commit synced with the cluster.
- Source
Updated stringAt - Datetime the fluxConfiguration synced its source on the cluster.
- Status
Updated stringAt - Datetime the fluxConfiguration synced its status on the cluster with Azure.
- Statuses
Status Definition Response - Statuses of the Flux Kubernetes resources created by the fluxConfiguration or created by the managed objects provisioned by the fluxConfiguration.
- System
Data SystemData Response - Top level metadata
- Type string
- The type of the resource. E.g. "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" or "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
- compliance
State String - Combined status of the Flux Kubernetes resources created by the fluxConfiguration or created by the managed objects.
- error
Message String - Error message returned to the user in the case of provisioning failure.
- id String
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- name String
- The name of the resource
- provisioning
State String - Status of the creation of the fluxConfiguration.
- repository
Public StringKey - Public Key associated with this fluxConfiguration (either generated within the cluster or provided by the user).
- source
Synced StringCommit Id - Branch and/or SHA of the source commit synced with the cluster.
- source
Updated StringAt - Datetime the fluxConfiguration synced its source on the cluster.
- status
Updated StringAt - Datetime the fluxConfiguration synced its status on the cluster with Azure.
- statuses
Status Definition Response> - Statuses of the Flux Kubernetes resources created by the fluxConfiguration or created by the managed objects provisioned by the fluxConfiguration.
- system
Data SystemData Response - Top level metadata
- type String
- The type of the resource. E.g. "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" or "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
- compliance
State string - Combined status of the Flux Kubernetes resources created by the fluxConfiguration or created by the managed objects.
- error
Message string - Error message returned to the user in the case of provisioning failure.
- id string
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- name string
- The name of the resource
- provisioning
State string - Status of the creation of the fluxConfiguration.
- repository
Public stringKey - Public Key associated with this fluxConfiguration (either generated within the cluster or provided by the user).
- source
Synced stringCommit Id - Branch and/or SHA of the source commit synced with the cluster.
- source
Updated stringAt - Datetime the fluxConfiguration synced its source on the cluster.
- status
Updated stringAt - Datetime the fluxConfiguration synced its status on the cluster with Azure.
- statuses
Status Definition Response[] - Statuses of the Flux Kubernetes resources created by the fluxConfiguration or created by the managed objects provisioned by the fluxConfiguration.
- system
Data SystemData Response - Top level metadata
- type string
- The type of the resource. E.g. "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" or "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
- compliance_
state str - Combined status of the Flux Kubernetes resources created by the fluxConfiguration or created by the managed objects.
- error_
message str - Error message returned to the user in the case of provisioning failure.
- id str
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- name str
- The name of the resource
- provisioning_
state str - Status of the creation of the fluxConfiguration.
- repository_
public_ strkey - Public Key associated with this fluxConfiguration (either generated within the cluster or provided by the user).
- source_
synced_ strcommit_ id - Branch and/or SHA of the source commit synced with the cluster.
- source_
updated_ strat - Datetime the fluxConfiguration synced its source on the cluster.
- status_
updated_ strat - Datetime the fluxConfiguration synced its status on the cluster with Azure.
- statuses
Status Definition Response] - Statuses of the Flux Kubernetes resources created by the fluxConfiguration or created by the managed objects provisioned by the fluxConfiguration.
- system_
data SystemData Response - Top level metadata
- type str
- The type of the resource. E.g. "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" or "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
- compliance
State String - Combined status of the Flux Kubernetes resources created by the fluxConfiguration or created by the managed objects.
- error
Message String - Error message returned to the user in the case of provisioning failure.
- id String
- The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
- name String
- The name of the resource
- provisioning
State String - Status of the creation of the fluxConfiguration.
- repository
Public StringKey - Public Key associated with this fluxConfiguration (either generated within the cluster or provided by the user).
- source
Synced StringCommit Id - Branch and/or SHA of the source commit synced with the cluster.
- source
Updated StringAt - Datetime the fluxConfiguration synced its source on the cluster.
- status
Updated StringAt - Datetime the fluxConfiguration synced its status on the cluster with Azure.
- statuses List<Property Map>
- Statuses of the Flux Kubernetes resources created by the fluxConfiguration or created by the managed objects provisioned by the fluxConfiguration.
- system
Data Property Map - Top level metadata
- type String
- The type of the resource. E.g. "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" or "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
Supporting Types
AzureBlobDefinition, AzureBlobDefinitionArgs
- Account
Key string - The account key (shared key) to access the storage account
- Container
Name string - The Azure Blob container name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.
- Local
Auth stringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- Managed
Identity Pulumi.Azure Native. Kubernetes Configuration. Inputs. Managed Identity Definition - Parameters to authenticate using a Managed Identity.
- Sas
Token string - The Shared Access token to access the storage container
- Service
Principal Pulumi.Azure Native. Kubernetes Configuration. Inputs. Service Principal Definition - Parameters to authenticate using Service Principal.
- Sync
Interval doubleIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.
- Timeout
In doubleSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.
- Url string
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration Azure Blob storage account.
- Account
Key string - The account key (shared key) to access the storage account
- Container
Name string - The Azure Blob container name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.
- Local
Auth stringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- Managed
Identity ManagedIdentity Definition - Parameters to authenticate using a Managed Identity.
- Sas
Token string - The Shared Access token to access the storage container
- Service
Principal ServicePrincipal Definition - Parameters to authenticate using Service Principal.
- Sync
Interval float64In Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.
- Timeout
In float64Seconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.
- Url string
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration Azure Blob storage account.
- account
Key String - The account key (shared key) to access the storage account
- container
Name String - The Azure Blob container name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.
- local
Auth StringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- managed
Identity ManagedIdentity Definition - Parameters to authenticate using a Managed Identity.
- sas
Token String - The Shared Access token to access the storage container
- service
Principal ServicePrincipal Definition - Parameters to authenticate using Service Principal.
- sync
Interval DoubleIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.
- timeout
In DoubleSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.
- url String
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration Azure Blob storage account.
- account
Key string - The account key (shared key) to access the storage account
- container
Name string - The Azure Blob container name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.
- local
Auth stringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- managed
Identity ManagedIdentity Definition - Parameters to authenticate using a Managed Identity.
- sas
Token string - The Shared Access token to access the storage container
- service
Principal ServicePrincipal Definition - Parameters to authenticate using Service Principal.
- sync
Interval numberIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.
- timeout
In numberSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.
- url string
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration Azure Blob storage account.
- account_
key str - The account key (shared key) to access the storage account
- container_
name str - The Azure Blob container name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.
- local_
auth_ strref - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- managed_
identity ManagedIdentity Definition - Parameters to authenticate using a Managed Identity.
- sas_
token str - The Shared Access token to access the storage container
- service_
principal ServicePrincipal Definition - Parameters to authenticate using Service Principal.
- sync_
interval_ floatin_ seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.
- timeout_
in_ floatseconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.
- url str
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration Azure Blob storage account.
- account
Key String - The account key (shared key) to access the storage account
- container
Name String - The Azure Blob container name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.
- local
Auth StringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- managed
Identity Property Map - Parameters to authenticate using a Managed Identity.
- sas
Token String - The Shared Access token to access the storage container
- service
Principal Property Map - Parameters to authenticate using Service Principal.
- sync
Interval NumberIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.
- timeout
In NumberSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.
- url String
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration Azure Blob storage account.
AzureBlobDefinitionResponse, AzureBlobDefinitionResponseArgs
- Account
Key string - The account key (shared key) to access the storage account
- Container
Name string - The Azure Blob container name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.
- Local
Auth stringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- Managed
Identity Pulumi.Azure Native. Kubernetes Configuration. Inputs. Managed Identity Definition Response - Parameters to authenticate using a Managed Identity.
- Sas
Token string - The Shared Access token to access the storage container
- Service
Principal Pulumi.Azure Native. Kubernetes Configuration. Inputs. Service Principal Definition Response - Parameters to authenticate using Service Principal.
- Sync
Interval doubleIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.
- Timeout
In doubleSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.
- Url string
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration Azure Blob storage account.
- Account
Key string - The account key (shared key) to access the storage account
- Container
Name string - The Azure Blob container name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.
- Local
Auth stringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- Managed
Identity ManagedIdentity Definition Response - Parameters to authenticate using a Managed Identity.
- Sas
Token string - The Shared Access token to access the storage container
- Service
Principal ServicePrincipal Definition Response - Parameters to authenticate using Service Principal.
- Sync
Interval float64In Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.
- Timeout
In float64Seconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.
- Url string
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration Azure Blob storage account.
- account
Key String - The account key (shared key) to access the storage account
- container
Name String - The Azure Blob container name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.
- local
Auth StringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- managed
Identity ManagedIdentity Definition Response - Parameters to authenticate using a Managed Identity.
- sas
Token String - The Shared Access token to access the storage container
- service
Principal ServicePrincipal Definition Response - Parameters to authenticate using Service Principal.
- sync
Interval DoubleIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.
- timeout
In DoubleSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.
- url String
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration Azure Blob storage account.
- account
Key string - The account key (shared key) to access the storage account
- container
Name string - The Azure Blob container name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.
- local
Auth stringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- managed
Identity ManagedIdentity Definition Response - Parameters to authenticate using a Managed Identity.
- sas
Token string - The Shared Access token to access the storage container
- service
Principal ServicePrincipal Definition Response - Parameters to authenticate using Service Principal.
- sync
Interval numberIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.
- timeout
In numberSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.
- url string
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration Azure Blob storage account.
- account_
key str - The account key (shared key) to access the storage account
- container_
name str - The Azure Blob container name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.
- local_
auth_ strref - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- managed_
identity ManagedIdentity Definition Response - Parameters to authenticate using a Managed Identity.
- sas_
token str - The Shared Access token to access the storage container
- service_
principal ServicePrincipal Definition Response - Parameters to authenticate using Service Principal.
- sync_
interval_ floatin_ seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.
- timeout_
in_ floatseconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.
- url str
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration Azure Blob storage account.
- account
Key String - The account key (shared key) to access the storage account
- container
Name String - The Azure Blob container name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.
- local
Auth StringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- managed
Identity Property Map - Parameters to authenticate using a Managed Identity.
- sas
Token String - The Shared Access token to access the storage container
- service
Principal Property Map - Parameters to authenticate using Service Principal.
- sync
Interval NumberIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.
- timeout
In NumberSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster Azure Blob source with the remote.
- url String
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration Azure Blob storage account.
BucketDefinition, BucketDefinitionArgs
- Access
Key string - Plaintext access key used to securely access the S3 bucket
- Bucket
Name string - The bucket name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.
- Insecure bool
- Specify whether to use insecure communication when puling data from the S3 bucket.
- Local
Auth stringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- Sync
Interval doubleIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster bucket source with the remote.
- Timeout
In doubleSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster bucket source with the remote.
- Url string
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration S3 bucket.
- Access
Key string - Plaintext access key used to securely access the S3 bucket
- Bucket
Name string - The bucket name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.
- Insecure bool
- Specify whether to use insecure communication when puling data from the S3 bucket.
- Local
Auth stringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- Sync
Interval float64In Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster bucket source with the remote.
- Timeout
In float64Seconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster bucket source with the remote.
- Url string
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration S3 bucket.
- access
Key String - Plaintext access key used to securely access the S3 bucket
- bucket
Name String - The bucket name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.
- insecure Boolean
- Specify whether to use insecure communication when puling data from the S3 bucket.
- local
Auth StringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- sync
Interval DoubleIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster bucket source with the remote.
- timeout
In DoubleSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster bucket source with the remote.
- url String
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration S3 bucket.
- access
Key string - Plaintext access key used to securely access the S3 bucket
- bucket
Name string - The bucket name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.
- insecure boolean
- Specify whether to use insecure communication when puling data from the S3 bucket.
- local
Auth stringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- sync
Interval numberIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster bucket source with the remote.
- timeout
In numberSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster bucket source with the remote.
- url string
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration S3 bucket.
- access_
key str - Plaintext access key used to securely access the S3 bucket
- bucket_
name str - The bucket name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.
- insecure bool
- Specify whether to use insecure communication when puling data from the S3 bucket.
- local_
auth_ strref - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- sync_
interval_ floatin_ seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster bucket source with the remote.
- timeout_
in_ floatseconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster bucket source with the remote.
- url str
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration S3 bucket.
- access
Key String - Plaintext access key used to securely access the S3 bucket
- bucket
Name String - The bucket name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.
- insecure Boolean
- Specify whether to use insecure communication when puling data from the S3 bucket.
- local
Auth StringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- sync
Interval NumberIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster bucket source with the remote.
- timeout
In NumberSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster bucket source with the remote.
- url String
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration S3 bucket.
BucketDefinitionResponse, BucketDefinitionResponseArgs
- Access
Key string - Plaintext access key used to securely access the S3 bucket
- Bucket
Name string - The bucket name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.
- Insecure bool
- Specify whether to use insecure communication when puling data from the S3 bucket.
- Local
Auth stringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- Sync
Interval doubleIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster bucket source with the remote.
- Timeout
In doubleSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster bucket source with the remote.
- Url string
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration S3 bucket.
- Access
Key string - Plaintext access key used to securely access the S3 bucket
- Bucket
Name string - The bucket name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.
- Insecure bool
- Specify whether to use insecure communication when puling data from the S3 bucket.
- Local
Auth stringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- Sync
Interval float64In Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster bucket source with the remote.
- Timeout
In float64Seconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster bucket source with the remote.
- Url string
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration S3 bucket.
- access
Key String - Plaintext access key used to securely access the S3 bucket
- bucket
Name String - The bucket name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.
- insecure Boolean
- Specify whether to use insecure communication when puling data from the S3 bucket.
- local
Auth StringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- sync
Interval DoubleIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster bucket source with the remote.
- timeout
In DoubleSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster bucket source with the remote.
- url String
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration S3 bucket.
- access
Key string - Plaintext access key used to securely access the S3 bucket
- bucket
Name string - The bucket name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.
- insecure boolean
- Specify whether to use insecure communication when puling data from the S3 bucket.
- local
Auth stringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- sync
Interval numberIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster bucket source with the remote.
- timeout
In numberSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster bucket source with the remote.
- url string
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration S3 bucket.
- access_
key str - Plaintext access key used to securely access the S3 bucket
- bucket_
name str - The bucket name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.
- insecure bool
- Specify whether to use insecure communication when puling data from the S3 bucket.
- local_
auth_ strref - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- sync_
interval_ floatin_ seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster bucket source with the remote.
- timeout_
in_ floatseconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster bucket source with the remote.
- url str
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration S3 bucket.
- access
Key String - Plaintext access key used to securely access the S3 bucket
- bucket
Name String - The bucket name to sync from the url endpoint for the flux configuration.
- insecure Boolean
- Specify whether to use insecure communication when puling data from the S3 bucket.
- local
Auth StringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- sync
Interval NumberIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster bucket source with the remote.
- timeout
In NumberSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster bucket source with the remote.
- url String
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration S3 bucket.
GitRepositoryDefinition, GitRepositoryDefinitionArgs
- Https
CACert string - Base64-encoded HTTPS certificate authority contents used to access git private git repositories over HTTPS
- Https
User string - Plaintext HTTPS username used to access private git repositories over HTTPS
- Local
Auth stringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- Repository
Ref Pulumi.Azure Native. Kubernetes Configuration. Inputs. Repository Ref Definition - The source reference for the GitRepository object.
- Ssh
Known stringHosts - Base64-encoded known_hosts value containing public SSH keys required to access private git repositories over SSH
- Sync
Interval doubleIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote.
- Timeout
In doubleSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote.
- Url string
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration git repository.
- Https
CACert string - Base64-encoded HTTPS certificate authority contents used to access git private git repositories over HTTPS
- Https
User string - Plaintext HTTPS username used to access private git repositories over HTTPS
- Local
Auth stringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- Repository
Ref RepositoryRef Definition - The source reference for the GitRepository object.
- Ssh
Known stringHosts - Base64-encoded known_hosts value containing public SSH keys required to access private git repositories over SSH
- Sync
Interval float64In Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote.
- Timeout
In float64Seconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote.
- Url string
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration git repository.
- https
CACert String - Base64-encoded HTTPS certificate authority contents used to access git private git repositories over HTTPS
- https
User String - Plaintext HTTPS username used to access private git repositories over HTTPS
- local
Auth StringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- repository
Ref RepositoryRef Definition - The source reference for the GitRepository object.
- ssh
Known StringHosts - Base64-encoded known_hosts value containing public SSH keys required to access private git repositories over SSH
- sync
Interval DoubleIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote.
- timeout
In DoubleSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote.
- url String
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration git repository.
- https
CACert string - Base64-encoded HTTPS certificate authority contents used to access git private git repositories over HTTPS
- https
User string - Plaintext HTTPS username used to access private git repositories over HTTPS
- local
Auth stringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- repository
Ref RepositoryRef Definition - The source reference for the GitRepository object.
- ssh
Known stringHosts - Base64-encoded known_hosts value containing public SSH keys required to access private git repositories over SSH
- sync
Interval numberIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote.
- timeout
In numberSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote.
- url string
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration git repository.
- https_
ca_ strcert - Base64-encoded HTTPS certificate authority contents used to access git private git repositories over HTTPS
- https_
user str - Plaintext HTTPS username used to access private git repositories over HTTPS
- local_
auth_ strref - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- repository_
ref RepositoryRef Definition - The source reference for the GitRepository object.
- ssh_
known_ strhosts - Base64-encoded known_hosts value containing public SSH keys required to access private git repositories over SSH
- sync_
interval_ floatin_ seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote.
- timeout_
in_ floatseconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote.
- url str
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration git repository.
- https
CACert String - Base64-encoded HTTPS certificate authority contents used to access git private git repositories over HTTPS
- https
User String - Plaintext HTTPS username used to access private git repositories over HTTPS
- local
Auth StringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- repository
Ref Property Map - The source reference for the GitRepository object.
- ssh
Known StringHosts - Base64-encoded known_hosts value containing public SSH keys required to access private git repositories over SSH
- sync
Interval NumberIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote.
- timeout
In NumberSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote.
- url String
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration git repository.
GitRepositoryDefinitionResponse, GitRepositoryDefinitionResponseArgs
- Https
CACert string - Base64-encoded HTTPS certificate authority contents used to access git private git repositories over HTTPS
- Https
User string - Plaintext HTTPS username used to access private git repositories over HTTPS
- Local
Auth stringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- Repository
Ref Pulumi.Azure Native. Kubernetes Configuration. Inputs. Repository Ref Definition Response - The source reference for the GitRepository object.
- Ssh
Known stringHosts - Base64-encoded known_hosts value containing public SSH keys required to access private git repositories over SSH
- Sync
Interval doubleIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote.
- Timeout
In doubleSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote.
- Url string
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration git repository.
- Https
CACert string - Base64-encoded HTTPS certificate authority contents used to access git private git repositories over HTTPS
- Https
User string - Plaintext HTTPS username used to access private git repositories over HTTPS
- Local
Auth stringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- Repository
Ref RepositoryRef Definition Response - The source reference for the GitRepository object.
- Ssh
Known stringHosts - Base64-encoded known_hosts value containing public SSH keys required to access private git repositories over SSH
- Sync
Interval float64In Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote.
- Timeout
In float64Seconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote.
- Url string
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration git repository.
- https
CACert String - Base64-encoded HTTPS certificate authority contents used to access git private git repositories over HTTPS
- https
User String - Plaintext HTTPS username used to access private git repositories over HTTPS
- local
Auth StringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- repository
Ref RepositoryRef Definition Response - The source reference for the GitRepository object.
- ssh
Known StringHosts - Base64-encoded known_hosts value containing public SSH keys required to access private git repositories over SSH
- sync
Interval DoubleIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote.
- timeout
In DoubleSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote.
- url String
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration git repository.
- https
CACert string - Base64-encoded HTTPS certificate authority contents used to access git private git repositories over HTTPS
- https
User string - Plaintext HTTPS username used to access private git repositories over HTTPS
- local
Auth stringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- repository
Ref RepositoryRef Definition Response - The source reference for the GitRepository object.
- ssh
Known stringHosts - Base64-encoded known_hosts value containing public SSH keys required to access private git repositories over SSH
- sync
Interval numberIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote.
- timeout
In numberSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote.
- url string
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration git repository.
- https_
ca_ strcert - Base64-encoded HTTPS certificate authority contents used to access git private git repositories over HTTPS
- https_
user str - Plaintext HTTPS username used to access private git repositories over HTTPS
- local_
auth_ strref - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- repository_
ref RepositoryRef Definition Response - The source reference for the GitRepository object.
- ssh_
known_ strhosts - Base64-encoded known_hosts value containing public SSH keys required to access private git repositories over SSH
- sync_
interval_ floatin_ seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote.
- timeout_
in_ floatseconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote.
- url str
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration git repository.
- https
CACert String - Base64-encoded HTTPS certificate authority contents used to access git private git repositories over HTTPS
- https
User String - Plaintext HTTPS username used to access private git repositories over HTTPS
- local
Auth StringRef - Name of a local secret on the Kubernetes cluster to use as the authentication secret rather than the managed or user-provided configuration secrets.
- repository
Ref Property Map - The source reference for the GitRepository object.
- ssh
Known StringHosts - Base64-encoded known_hosts value containing public SSH keys required to access private git repositories over SSH
- sync
Interval NumberIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote.
- timeout
In NumberSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the cluster git repository source with the remote.
- url String
- The URL to sync for the flux configuration git repository.
HelmReleasePropertiesDefinitionResponse, HelmReleasePropertiesDefinitionResponseArgs
- Failure
Count double - Total number of times that the HelmRelease failed to install or upgrade
- Helm
Chart Pulumi.Ref Azure Native. Kubernetes Configuration. Inputs. Object Reference Definition Response - The reference to the HelmChart object used as the source to this HelmRelease
- Install
Failure doubleCount - Number of times that the HelmRelease failed to install
- Last
Revision doubleApplied - The revision number of the last released object change
- Upgrade
Failure doubleCount - Number of times that the HelmRelease failed to upgrade
- Failure
Count float64 - Total number of times that the HelmRelease failed to install or upgrade
- Helm
Chart ObjectRef Reference Definition Response - The reference to the HelmChart object used as the source to this HelmRelease
- Install
Failure float64Count - Number of times that the HelmRelease failed to install
- Last
Revision float64Applied - The revision number of the last released object change
- Upgrade
Failure float64Count - Number of times that the HelmRelease failed to upgrade
- failure
Count Double - Total number of times that the HelmRelease failed to install or upgrade
- helm
Chart ObjectRef Reference Definition Response - The reference to the HelmChart object used as the source to this HelmRelease
- install
Failure DoubleCount - Number of times that the HelmRelease failed to install
- last
Revision DoubleApplied - The revision number of the last released object change
- upgrade
Failure DoubleCount - Number of times that the HelmRelease failed to upgrade
- failure
Count number - Total number of times that the HelmRelease failed to install or upgrade
- helm
Chart ObjectRef Reference Definition Response - The reference to the HelmChart object used as the source to this HelmRelease
- install
Failure numberCount - Number of times that the HelmRelease failed to install
- last
Revision numberApplied - The revision number of the last released object change
- upgrade
Failure numberCount - Number of times that the HelmRelease failed to upgrade
- failure_
count float - Total number of times that the HelmRelease failed to install or upgrade
- helm_
chart_ Objectref Reference Definition Response - The reference to the HelmChart object used as the source to this HelmRelease
- install_
failure_ floatcount - Number of times that the HelmRelease failed to install
- last_
revision_ floatapplied - The revision number of the last released object change
- upgrade_
failure_ floatcount - Number of times that the HelmRelease failed to upgrade
- failure
Count Number - Total number of times that the HelmRelease failed to install or upgrade
- helm
Chart Property MapRef - The reference to the HelmChart object used as the source to this HelmRelease
- install
Failure NumberCount - Number of times that the HelmRelease failed to install
- last
Revision NumberApplied - The revision number of the last released object change
- upgrade
Failure NumberCount - Number of times that the HelmRelease failed to upgrade
KustomizationDefinition, KustomizationDefinitionArgs
- Depends
On List<string> - Specifies other Kustomizations that this Kustomization depends on. This Kustomization will not reconcile until all dependencies have completed their reconciliation.
- Force bool
- Enable/disable re-creating Kubernetes resources on the cluster when patching fails due to an immutable field change.
- Path string
- The path in the source reference to reconcile on the cluster.
- Post
Build Pulumi.Azure Native. Kubernetes Configuration. Inputs. Post Build Definition - Used for variable substitution for this Kustomization after kustomize build.
- Prune bool
- Enable/disable garbage collections of Kubernetes objects created by this Kustomization.
- Retry
Interval doubleIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster in the event of failure on reconciliation.
- Sync
Interval doubleIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster.
- Timeout
In doubleSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster.
- Wait bool
- Enable/disable health check for all Kubernetes objects created by this Kustomization.
- Depends
On []string - Specifies other Kustomizations that this Kustomization depends on. This Kustomization will not reconcile until all dependencies have completed their reconciliation.
- Force bool
- Enable/disable re-creating Kubernetes resources on the cluster when patching fails due to an immutable field change.
- Path string
- The path in the source reference to reconcile on the cluster.
- Post
Build PostBuild Definition - Used for variable substitution for this Kustomization after kustomize build.
- Prune bool
- Enable/disable garbage collections of Kubernetes objects created by this Kustomization.
- Retry
Interval float64In Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster in the event of failure on reconciliation.
- Sync
Interval float64In Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster.
- Timeout
In float64Seconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster.
- Wait bool
- Enable/disable health check for all Kubernetes objects created by this Kustomization.
- depends
On List<String> - Specifies other Kustomizations that this Kustomization depends on. This Kustomization will not reconcile until all dependencies have completed their reconciliation.
- force Boolean
- Enable/disable re-creating Kubernetes resources on the cluster when patching fails due to an immutable field change.
- path String
- The path in the source reference to reconcile on the cluster.
- post
Build PostBuild Definition - Used for variable substitution for this Kustomization after kustomize build.
- prune Boolean
- Enable/disable garbage collections of Kubernetes objects created by this Kustomization.
- retry
Interval DoubleIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster in the event of failure on reconciliation.
- sync
Interval DoubleIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster.
- timeout
In DoubleSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster.
- wait_ Boolean
- Enable/disable health check for all Kubernetes objects created by this Kustomization.
- depends
On string[] - Specifies other Kustomizations that this Kustomization depends on. This Kustomization will not reconcile until all dependencies have completed their reconciliation.
- force boolean
- Enable/disable re-creating Kubernetes resources on the cluster when patching fails due to an immutable field change.
- path string
- The path in the source reference to reconcile on the cluster.
- post
Build PostBuild Definition - Used for variable substitution for this Kustomization after kustomize build.
- prune boolean
- Enable/disable garbage collections of Kubernetes objects created by this Kustomization.
- retry
Interval numberIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster in the event of failure on reconciliation.
- sync
Interval numberIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster.
- timeout
In numberSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster.
- wait boolean
- Enable/disable health check for all Kubernetes objects created by this Kustomization.
- depends_
on Sequence[str] - Specifies other Kustomizations that this Kustomization depends on. This Kustomization will not reconcile until all dependencies have completed their reconciliation.
- force bool
- Enable/disable re-creating Kubernetes resources on the cluster when patching fails due to an immutable field change.
- path str
- The path in the source reference to reconcile on the cluster.
- post_
build PostBuild Definition - Used for variable substitution for this Kustomization after kustomize build.
- prune bool
- Enable/disable garbage collections of Kubernetes objects created by this Kustomization.
- retry_
interval_ floatin_ seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster in the event of failure on reconciliation.
- sync_
interval_ floatin_ seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster.
- timeout_
in_ floatseconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster.
- wait bool
- Enable/disable health check for all Kubernetes objects created by this Kustomization.
- depends
On List<String> - Specifies other Kustomizations that this Kustomization depends on. This Kustomization will not reconcile until all dependencies have completed their reconciliation.
- force Boolean
- Enable/disable re-creating Kubernetes resources on the cluster when patching fails due to an immutable field change.
- path String
- The path in the source reference to reconcile on the cluster.
- post
Build Property Map - Used for variable substitution for this Kustomization after kustomize build.
- prune Boolean
- Enable/disable garbage collections of Kubernetes objects created by this Kustomization.
- retry
Interval NumberIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster in the event of failure on reconciliation.
- sync
Interval NumberIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster.
- timeout
In NumberSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster.
- wait Boolean
- Enable/disable health check for all Kubernetes objects created by this Kustomization.
KustomizationDefinitionResponse, KustomizationDefinitionResponseArgs
- Name string
- Name of the Kustomization, matching the key in the Kustomizations object map.
- Depends
On List<string> - Specifies other Kustomizations that this Kustomization depends on. This Kustomization will not reconcile until all dependencies have completed their reconciliation.
- Force bool
- Enable/disable re-creating Kubernetes resources on the cluster when patching fails due to an immutable field change.
- Path string
- The path in the source reference to reconcile on the cluster.
- Post
Build Pulumi.Azure Native. Kubernetes Configuration. Inputs. Post Build Definition Response - Used for variable substitution for this Kustomization after kustomize build.
- Prune bool
- Enable/disable garbage collections of Kubernetes objects created by this Kustomization.
- Retry
Interval doubleIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster in the event of failure on reconciliation.
- Sync
Interval doubleIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster.
- Timeout
In doubleSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster.
- Wait bool
- Enable/disable health check for all Kubernetes objects created by this Kustomization.
- Name string
- Name of the Kustomization, matching the key in the Kustomizations object map.
- Depends
On []string - Specifies other Kustomizations that this Kustomization depends on. This Kustomization will not reconcile until all dependencies have completed their reconciliation.
- Force bool
- Enable/disable re-creating Kubernetes resources on the cluster when patching fails due to an immutable field change.
- Path string
- The path in the source reference to reconcile on the cluster.
- Post
Build PostBuild Definition Response - Used for variable substitution for this Kustomization after kustomize build.
- Prune bool
- Enable/disable garbage collections of Kubernetes objects created by this Kustomization.
- Retry
Interval float64In Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster in the event of failure on reconciliation.
- Sync
Interval float64In Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster.
- Timeout
In float64Seconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster.
- Wait bool
- Enable/disable health check for all Kubernetes objects created by this Kustomization.
- name String
- Name of the Kustomization, matching the key in the Kustomizations object map.
- depends
On List<String> - Specifies other Kustomizations that this Kustomization depends on. This Kustomization will not reconcile until all dependencies have completed their reconciliation.
- force Boolean
- Enable/disable re-creating Kubernetes resources on the cluster when patching fails due to an immutable field change.
- path String
- The path in the source reference to reconcile on the cluster.
- post
Build PostBuild Definition Response - Used for variable substitution for this Kustomization after kustomize build.
- prune Boolean
- Enable/disable garbage collections of Kubernetes objects created by this Kustomization.
- retry
Interval DoubleIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster in the event of failure on reconciliation.
- sync
Interval DoubleIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster.
- timeout
In DoubleSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster.
- wait_ Boolean
- Enable/disable health check for all Kubernetes objects created by this Kustomization.
- name string
- Name of the Kustomization, matching the key in the Kustomizations object map.
- depends
On string[] - Specifies other Kustomizations that this Kustomization depends on. This Kustomization will not reconcile until all dependencies have completed their reconciliation.
- force boolean
- Enable/disable re-creating Kubernetes resources on the cluster when patching fails due to an immutable field change.
- path string
- The path in the source reference to reconcile on the cluster.
- post
Build PostBuild Definition Response - Used for variable substitution for this Kustomization after kustomize build.
- prune boolean
- Enable/disable garbage collections of Kubernetes objects created by this Kustomization.
- retry
Interval numberIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster in the event of failure on reconciliation.
- sync
Interval numberIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster.
- timeout
In numberSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster.
- wait boolean
- Enable/disable health check for all Kubernetes objects created by this Kustomization.
- name str
- Name of the Kustomization, matching the key in the Kustomizations object map.
- depends_
on Sequence[str] - Specifies other Kustomizations that this Kustomization depends on. This Kustomization will not reconcile until all dependencies have completed their reconciliation.
- force bool
- Enable/disable re-creating Kubernetes resources on the cluster when patching fails due to an immutable field change.
- path str
- The path in the source reference to reconcile on the cluster.
- post_
build PostBuild Definition Response - Used for variable substitution for this Kustomization after kustomize build.
- prune bool
- Enable/disable garbage collections of Kubernetes objects created by this Kustomization.
- retry_
interval_ floatin_ seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster in the event of failure on reconciliation.
- sync_
interval_ floatin_ seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster.
- timeout_
in_ floatseconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster.
- wait bool
- Enable/disable health check for all Kubernetes objects created by this Kustomization.
- name String
- Name of the Kustomization, matching the key in the Kustomizations object map.
- depends
On List<String> - Specifies other Kustomizations that this Kustomization depends on. This Kustomization will not reconcile until all dependencies have completed their reconciliation.
- force Boolean
- Enable/disable re-creating Kubernetes resources on the cluster when patching fails due to an immutable field change.
- path String
- The path in the source reference to reconcile on the cluster.
- post
Build Property Map - Used for variable substitution for this Kustomization after kustomize build.
- prune Boolean
- Enable/disable garbage collections of Kubernetes objects created by this Kustomization.
- retry
Interval NumberIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster in the event of failure on reconciliation.
- sync
Interval NumberIn Seconds - The interval at which to re-reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster.
- timeout
In NumberSeconds - The maximum time to attempt to reconcile the Kustomization on the cluster.
- wait Boolean
- Enable/disable health check for all Kubernetes objects created by this Kustomization.
ManagedIdentityDefinition, ManagedIdentityDefinitionArgs
- Client
Id string - The client Id for authenticating a Managed Identity.
- Client
Id string - The client Id for authenticating a Managed Identity.
- client
Id String - The client Id for authenticating a Managed Identity.
- client
Id string - The client Id for authenticating a Managed Identity.
- client_
id str - The client Id for authenticating a Managed Identity.
- client
Id String - The client Id for authenticating a Managed Identity.
ManagedIdentityDefinitionResponse, ManagedIdentityDefinitionResponseArgs
- Client
Id string - The client Id for authenticating a Managed Identity.
- Client
Id string - The client Id for authenticating a Managed Identity.
- client
Id String - The client Id for authenticating a Managed Identity.
- client
Id string - The client Id for authenticating a Managed Identity.
- client_
id str - The client Id for authenticating a Managed Identity.
- client
Id String - The client Id for authenticating a Managed Identity.
ObjectReferenceDefinitionResponse, ObjectReferenceDefinitionResponseArgs
ObjectStatusConditionDefinitionResponse, ObjectStatusConditionDefinitionResponseArgs
- Last
Transition stringTime - Last time this status condition has changed
- Message string
- A more verbose description of the object status condition
- Reason string
- Reason for the specified status condition type status
- Status string
- Status of the Kubernetes object condition type
- Type string
- Object status condition type for this object
- Last
Transition stringTime - Last time this status condition has changed
- Message string
- A more verbose description of the object status condition
- Reason string
- Reason for the specified status condition type status
- Status string
- Status of the Kubernetes object condition type
- Type string
- Object status condition type for this object
- last
Transition StringTime - Last time this status condition has changed
- message String
- A more verbose description of the object status condition
- reason String
- Reason for the specified status condition type status
- status String
- Status of the Kubernetes object condition type
- type String
- Object status condition type for this object
- last
Transition stringTime - Last time this status condition has changed
- message string
- A more verbose description of the object status condition
- reason string
- Reason for the specified status condition type status
- status string
- Status of the Kubernetes object condition type
- type string
- Object status condition type for this object
- last_
transition_ strtime - Last time this status condition has changed
- message str
- A more verbose description of the object status condition
- reason str
- Reason for the specified status condition type status
- status str
- Status of the Kubernetes object condition type
- type str
- Object status condition type for this object
- last
Transition StringTime - Last time this status condition has changed
- message String
- A more verbose description of the object status condition
- reason String
- Reason for the specified status condition type status
- status String
- Status of the Kubernetes object condition type
- type String
- Object status condition type for this object
ObjectStatusDefinitionResponse, ObjectStatusDefinitionResponseArgs
- Applied
By Pulumi.Azure Native. Kubernetes Configuration. Inputs. Object Reference Definition Response - Object reference to the Kustomization that applied this object
- Compliance
State string - Compliance state of the applied object showing whether the applied object has come into a ready state on the cluster.
- Helm
Release Pulumi.Properties Azure Native. Kubernetes Configuration. Inputs. Helm Release Properties Definition Response - Additional properties that are provided from objects of the HelmRelease kind
- Kind string
- Kind of the applied object
- Name string
- Name of the applied object
- Namespace string
- Namespace of the applied object
- Status
Conditions List<Pulumi.Azure Native. Kubernetes Configuration. Inputs. Object Status Condition Definition Response> - List of Kubernetes object status conditions present on the cluster
- Applied
By ObjectReference Definition Response - Object reference to the Kustomization that applied this object
- Compliance
State string - Compliance state of the applied object showing whether the applied object has come into a ready state on the cluster.
- Helm
Release HelmProperties Release Properties Definition Response - Additional properties that are provided from objects of the HelmRelease kind
- Kind string
- Kind of the applied object
- Name string
- Name of the applied object
- Namespace string
- Namespace of the applied object
- Status
Conditions []ObjectStatus Condition Definition Response - List of Kubernetes object status conditions present on the cluster
- applied
By ObjectReference Definition Response - Object reference to the Kustomization that applied this object
- compliance
State String - Compliance state of the applied object showing whether the applied object has come into a ready state on the cluster.
- helm
Release HelmProperties Release Properties Definition Response - Additional properties that are provided from objects of the HelmRelease kind
- kind String
- Kind of the applied object
- name String
- Name of the applied object
- namespace String
- Namespace of the applied object
- status
Conditions List<ObjectStatus Condition Definition Response> - List of Kubernetes object status conditions present on the cluster
- applied
By ObjectReference Definition Response - Object reference to the Kustomization that applied this object
- compliance
State string - Compliance state of the applied object showing whether the applied object has come into a ready state on the cluster.
- helm
Release HelmProperties Release Properties Definition Response - Additional properties that are provided from objects of the HelmRelease kind
- kind string
- Kind of the applied object
- name string
- Name of the applied object
- namespace string
- Namespace of the applied object
- status
Conditions ObjectStatus Condition Definition Response[] - List of Kubernetes object status conditions present on the cluster
- applied_
by ObjectReference Definition Response - Object reference to the Kustomization that applied this object
- compliance_
state str - Compliance state of the applied object showing whether the applied object has come into a ready state on the cluster.
- helm_
release_ Helmproperties Release Properties Definition Response - Additional properties that are provided from objects of the HelmRelease kind
- kind str
- Kind of the applied object
- name str
- Name of the applied object
- namespace str
- Namespace of the applied object
- status_
conditions Sequence[ObjectStatus Condition Definition Response] - List of Kubernetes object status conditions present on the cluster
- applied
By Property Map - Object reference to the Kustomization that applied this object
- compliance
State String - Compliance state of the applied object showing whether the applied object has come into a ready state on the cluster.
- helm
Release Property MapProperties - Additional properties that are provided from objects of the HelmRelease kind
- kind String
- Kind of the applied object
- name String
- Name of the applied object
- namespace String
- Namespace of the applied object
- status
Conditions List<Property Map> - List of Kubernetes object status conditions present on the cluster
PostBuildDefinition, PostBuildDefinitionArgs
- Substitute Dictionary<string, string>
- Key/value pairs holding the variables to be substituted in this Kustomization.
- Substitute
From List<Pulumi.Azure Native. Kubernetes Configuration. Inputs. Substitute From Definition> - Array of ConfigMaps/Secrets from which the variables are substituted for this Kustomization.
- Substitute map[string]string
- Key/value pairs holding the variables to be substituted in this Kustomization.
- Substitute
From []SubstituteFrom Definition - Array of ConfigMaps/Secrets from which the variables are substituted for this Kustomization.
- substitute Map<String,String>
- Key/value pairs holding the variables to be substituted in this Kustomization.
- substitute
From List<SubstituteFrom Definition> - Array of ConfigMaps/Secrets from which the variables are substituted for this Kustomization.
- substitute {[key: string]: string}
- Key/value pairs holding the variables to be substituted in this Kustomization.
- substitute
From SubstituteFrom Definition[] - Array of ConfigMaps/Secrets from which the variables are substituted for this Kustomization.
- substitute Mapping[str, str]
- Key/value pairs holding the variables to be substituted in this Kustomization.
- substitute_
from Sequence[SubstituteFrom Definition] - Array of ConfigMaps/Secrets from which the variables are substituted for this Kustomization.
- substitute Map<String>
- Key/value pairs holding the variables to be substituted in this Kustomization.
- substitute
From List<Property Map> - Array of ConfigMaps/Secrets from which the variables are substituted for this Kustomization.
PostBuildDefinitionResponse, PostBuildDefinitionResponseArgs
- Substitute Dictionary<string, string>
- Key/value pairs holding the variables to be substituted in this Kustomization.
- Substitute
From List<Pulumi.Azure Native. Kubernetes Configuration. Inputs. Substitute From Definition Response> - Array of ConfigMaps/Secrets from which the variables are substituted for this Kustomization.
- Substitute map[string]string
- Key/value pairs holding the variables to be substituted in this Kustomization.
- Substitute
From []SubstituteFrom Definition Response - Array of ConfigMaps/Secrets from which the variables are substituted for this Kustomization.
- substitute Map<String,String>
- Key/value pairs holding the variables to be substituted in this Kustomization.
- substitute
From List<SubstituteFrom Definition Response> - Array of ConfigMaps/Secrets from which the variables are substituted for this Kustomization.
- substitute {[key: string]: string}
- Key/value pairs holding the variables to be substituted in this Kustomization.
- substitute
From SubstituteFrom Definition Response[] - Array of ConfigMaps/Secrets from which the variables are substituted for this Kustomization.
- substitute Mapping[str, str]
- Key/value pairs holding the variables to be substituted in this Kustomization.
- substitute_
from Sequence[SubstituteFrom Definition Response] - Array of ConfigMaps/Secrets from which the variables are substituted for this Kustomization.
- substitute Map<String>
- Key/value pairs holding the variables to be substituted in this Kustomization.
- substitute
From List<Property Map> - Array of ConfigMaps/Secrets from which the variables are substituted for this Kustomization.
RepositoryRefDefinition, RepositoryRefDefinitionArgs
- Branch string
- The git repository branch name to checkout.
- Commit string
- The commit SHA to checkout. This value must be combined with the branch name to be valid. This takes precedence over semver.
- Semver string
- The semver range used to match against git repository tags. This takes precedence over tag.
- Tag string
- The git repository tag name to checkout. This takes precedence over branch.
- Branch string
- The git repository branch name to checkout.
- Commit string
- The commit SHA to checkout. This value must be combined with the branch name to be valid. This takes precedence over semver.
- Semver string
- The semver range used to match against git repository tags. This takes precedence over tag.
- Tag string
- The git repository tag name to checkout. This takes precedence over branch.
- branch String
- The git repository branch name to checkout.
- commit String
- The commit SHA to checkout. This value must be combined with the branch name to be valid. This takes precedence over semver.
- semver String
- The semver range used to match against git repository tags. This takes precedence over tag.
- tag String
- The git repository tag name to checkout. This takes precedence over branch.
- branch string
- The git repository branch name to checkout.
- commit string
- The commit SHA to checkout. This value must be combined with the branch name to be valid. This takes precedence over semver.
- semver string
- The semver range used to match against git repository tags. This takes precedence over tag.
- tag string
- The git repository tag name to checkout. This takes precedence over branch.
- branch str
- The git repository branch name to checkout.
- commit str
- The commit SHA to checkout. This value must be combined with the branch name to be valid. This takes precedence over semver.
- semver str
- The semver range used to match against git repository tags. This takes precedence over tag.
- tag str
- The git repository tag name to checkout. This takes precedence over branch.
- branch String
- The git repository branch name to checkout.
- commit String
- The commit SHA to checkout. This value must be combined with the branch name to be valid. This takes precedence over semver.
- semver String
- The semver range used to match against git repository tags. This takes precedence over tag.
- tag String
- The git repository tag name to checkout. This takes precedence over branch.
RepositoryRefDefinitionResponse, RepositoryRefDefinitionResponseArgs
- Branch string
- The git repository branch name to checkout.
- Commit string
- The commit SHA to checkout. This value must be combined with the branch name to be valid. This takes precedence over semver.
- Semver string
- The semver range used to match against git repository tags. This takes precedence over tag.
- Tag string
- The git repository tag name to checkout. This takes precedence over branch.
- Branch string
- The git repository branch name to checkout.
- Commit string
- The commit SHA to checkout. This value must be combined with the branch name to be valid. This takes precedence over semver.
- Semver string
- The semver range used to match against git repository tags. This takes precedence over tag.
- Tag string
- The git repository tag name to checkout. This takes precedence over branch.
- branch String
- The git repository branch name to checkout.
- commit String
- The commit SHA to checkout. This value must be combined with the branch name to be valid. This takes precedence over semver.
- semver String
- The semver range used to match against git repository tags. This takes precedence over tag.
- tag String
- The git repository tag name to checkout. This takes precedence over branch.
- branch string
- The git repository branch name to checkout.
- commit string
- The commit SHA to checkout. This value must be combined with the branch name to be valid. This takes precedence over semver.
- semver string
- The semver range used to match against git repository tags. This takes precedence over tag.
- tag string
- The git repository tag name to checkout. This takes precedence over branch.
- branch str
- The git repository branch name to checkout.
- commit str
- The commit SHA to checkout. This value must be combined with the branch name to be valid. This takes precedence over semver.
- semver str
- The semver range used to match against git repository tags. This takes precedence over tag.
- tag str
- The git repository tag name to checkout. This takes precedence over branch.
- branch String
- The git repository branch name to checkout.
- commit String
- The commit SHA to checkout. This value must be combined with the branch name to be valid. This takes precedence over semver.
- semver String
- The semver range used to match against git repository tags. This takes precedence over tag.
- tag String
- The git repository tag name to checkout. This takes precedence over branch.
ScopeType, ScopeTypeArgs
- Cluster
- cluster
- @Namespace
- namespace
- Scope
Type Cluster - cluster
- Scope
Type Namespace - namespace
- Cluster
- cluster
- Namespace
- namespace
- Cluster
- cluster
- Namespace
- namespace
- cluster
- namespace
- "cluster"
- cluster
- "namespace"
- namespace
ServicePrincipalDefinition, ServicePrincipalDefinitionArgs
- Client
Certificate string - Base64-encoded certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal
- Client
Certificate stringPassword - The password for the certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal
- Client
Certificate boolSend Chain - Specifies whether to include x5c header in client claims when acquiring a token to enable subject name / issuer based authentication for the Client Certificate
- Client
Id string - The client Id for authenticating a Service Principal.
- Client
Secret string - The client secret for authenticating a Service Principal
- Tenant
Id string - The tenant Id for authenticating a Service Principal
- Client
Certificate string - Base64-encoded certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal
- Client
Certificate stringPassword - The password for the certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal
- Client
Certificate boolSend Chain - Specifies whether to include x5c header in client claims when acquiring a token to enable subject name / issuer based authentication for the Client Certificate
- Client
Id string - The client Id for authenticating a Service Principal.
- Client
Secret string - The client secret for authenticating a Service Principal
- Tenant
Id string - The tenant Id for authenticating a Service Principal
- client
Certificate String - Base64-encoded certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal
- client
Certificate StringPassword - The password for the certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal
- client
Certificate BooleanSend Chain - Specifies whether to include x5c header in client claims when acquiring a token to enable subject name / issuer based authentication for the Client Certificate
- client
Id String - The client Id for authenticating a Service Principal.
- client
Secret String - The client secret for authenticating a Service Principal
- tenant
Id String - The tenant Id for authenticating a Service Principal
- client
Certificate string - Base64-encoded certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal
- client
Certificate stringPassword - The password for the certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal
- client
Certificate booleanSend Chain - Specifies whether to include x5c header in client claims when acquiring a token to enable subject name / issuer based authentication for the Client Certificate
- client
Id string - The client Id for authenticating a Service Principal.
- client
Secret string - The client secret for authenticating a Service Principal
- tenant
Id string - The tenant Id for authenticating a Service Principal
- client_
certificate str - Base64-encoded certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal
- client_
certificate_ strpassword - The password for the certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal
- client_
certificate_ boolsend_ chain - Specifies whether to include x5c header in client claims when acquiring a token to enable subject name / issuer based authentication for the Client Certificate
- client_
id str - The client Id for authenticating a Service Principal.
- client_
secret str - The client secret for authenticating a Service Principal
- tenant_
id str - The tenant Id for authenticating a Service Principal
- client
Certificate String - Base64-encoded certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal
- client
Certificate StringPassword - The password for the certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal
- client
Certificate BooleanSend Chain - Specifies whether to include x5c header in client claims when acquiring a token to enable subject name / issuer based authentication for the Client Certificate
- client
Id String - The client Id for authenticating a Service Principal.
- client
Secret String - The client secret for authenticating a Service Principal
- tenant
Id String - The tenant Id for authenticating a Service Principal
ServicePrincipalDefinitionResponse, ServicePrincipalDefinitionResponseArgs
- Client
Certificate string - Base64-encoded certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal
- Client
Certificate stringPassword - The password for the certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal
- Client
Certificate boolSend Chain - Specifies whether to include x5c header in client claims when acquiring a token to enable subject name / issuer based authentication for the Client Certificate
- Client
Id string - The client Id for authenticating a Service Principal.
- Client
Secret string - The client secret for authenticating a Service Principal
- Tenant
Id string - The tenant Id for authenticating a Service Principal
- Client
Certificate string - Base64-encoded certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal
- Client
Certificate stringPassword - The password for the certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal
- Client
Certificate boolSend Chain - Specifies whether to include x5c header in client claims when acquiring a token to enable subject name / issuer based authentication for the Client Certificate
- Client
Id string - The client Id for authenticating a Service Principal.
- Client
Secret string - The client secret for authenticating a Service Principal
- Tenant
Id string - The tenant Id for authenticating a Service Principal
- client
Certificate String - Base64-encoded certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal
- client
Certificate StringPassword - The password for the certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal
- client
Certificate BooleanSend Chain - Specifies whether to include x5c header in client claims when acquiring a token to enable subject name / issuer based authentication for the Client Certificate
- client
Id String - The client Id for authenticating a Service Principal.
- client
Secret String - The client secret for authenticating a Service Principal
- tenant
Id String - The tenant Id for authenticating a Service Principal
- client
Certificate string - Base64-encoded certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal
- client
Certificate stringPassword - The password for the certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal
- client
Certificate booleanSend Chain - Specifies whether to include x5c header in client claims when acquiring a token to enable subject name / issuer based authentication for the Client Certificate
- client
Id string - The client Id for authenticating a Service Principal.
- client
Secret string - The client secret for authenticating a Service Principal
- tenant
Id string - The tenant Id for authenticating a Service Principal
- client_
certificate str - Base64-encoded certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal
- client_
certificate_ strpassword - The password for the certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal
- client_
certificate_ boolsend_ chain - Specifies whether to include x5c header in client claims when acquiring a token to enable subject name / issuer based authentication for the Client Certificate
- client_
id str - The client Id for authenticating a Service Principal.
- client_
secret str - The client secret for authenticating a Service Principal
- tenant_
id str - The tenant Id for authenticating a Service Principal
- client
Certificate String - Base64-encoded certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal
- client
Certificate StringPassword - The password for the certificate used to authenticate a Service Principal
- client
Certificate BooleanSend Chain - Specifies whether to include x5c header in client claims when acquiring a token to enable subject name / issuer based authentication for the Client Certificate
- client
Id String - The client Id for authenticating a Service Principal.
- client
Secret String - The client secret for authenticating a Service Principal
- tenant
Id String - The tenant Id for authenticating a Service Principal
SourceKindType, SourceKindTypeArgs
- Git
Repository - GitRepository
- Bucket
- Bucket
- Azure
Blob - AzureBlob
- Source
Kind Type Git Repository - GitRepository
- Source
Kind Type Bucket - Bucket
- Source
Kind Type Azure Blob - AzureBlob
- Git
Repository - GitRepository
- Bucket
- Bucket
- Azure
Blob - AzureBlob
- Git
Repository - GitRepository
- Bucket
- Bucket
- Azure
Blob - AzureBlob
- GitRepository
- Bucket
- AzureBlob
- "Git
Repository" - GitRepository
- "Bucket"
- Bucket
- "Azure
Blob" - AzureBlob
SubstituteFromDefinition, SubstituteFromDefinitionArgs
SubstituteFromDefinitionResponse, SubstituteFromDefinitionResponseArgs
SystemDataResponse, SystemDataResponseArgs
- Created
At string - The timestamp of resource creation (UTC).
- Created
By string - The identity that created the resource.
- Created
By stringType - The type of identity that created the resource.
- Last
Modified stringAt - The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC)
- Last
Modified stringBy - The identity that last modified the resource.
- Last
Modified stringBy Type - The type of identity that last modified the resource.
- Created
At string - The timestamp of resource creation (UTC).
- Created
By string - The identity that created the resource.
- Created
By stringType - The type of identity that created the resource.
- Last
Modified stringAt - The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC)
- Last
Modified stringBy - The identity that last modified the resource.
- Last
Modified stringBy Type - The type of identity that last modified the resource.
- created
At String - The timestamp of resource creation (UTC).
- created
By String - The identity that created the resource.
- created
By StringType - The type of identity that created the resource.
- last
Modified StringAt - The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC)
- last
Modified StringBy - The identity that last modified the resource.
- last
Modified StringBy Type - The type of identity that last modified the resource.
- created
At string - The timestamp of resource creation (UTC).
- created
By string - The identity that created the resource.
- created
By stringType - The type of identity that created the resource.
- last
Modified stringAt - The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC)
- last
Modified stringBy - The identity that last modified the resource.
- last
Modified stringBy Type - The type of identity that last modified the resource.
- created_
at str - The timestamp of resource creation (UTC).
- created_
by str - The identity that created the resource.
- created_
by_ strtype - The type of identity that created the resource.
- last_
modified_ strat - The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC)
- last_
modified_ strby - The identity that last modified the resource.
- last_
modified_ strby_ type - The type of identity that last modified the resource.
- created
At String - The timestamp of resource creation (UTC).
- created
By String - The identity that created the resource.
- created
By StringType - The type of identity that created the resource.
- last
Modified StringAt - The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC)
- last
Modified StringBy - The identity that last modified the resource.
- last
Modified StringBy Type - The type of identity that last modified the resource.
An existing resource can be imported using its type token, name, and identifier, e.g.
$ pulumi import azure-native:kubernetesconfiguration:FluxConfiguration srs-fluxconfig /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/{clusterRp}/{clusterResourceName}/{clusterName}/providers/Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/fluxConfigurations/{fluxConfigurationName}
To learn more about importing existing cloud resources, see Importing resources.
Package Details
- Repository
- Azure Native pulumi/pulumi-azure-native
- License
- Apache-2.0