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Try AWS Native preview for resources not in the classic version.

AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Try AWS Native preview for resources not in the classic version.

AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    Provides a resource to create an organization.

    !> WARNING: When migrating from a feature_set of CONSOLIDATED_BILLING to ALL, the Organization account owner will received an email stating the following: “You started the process to enable all features for your AWS organization. As part of that process, all member accounts that joined your organization by invitation must approve the change. You don’t need approval from member accounts that you directly created from within your AWS organization.” After all member accounts have accepted the invitation, the Organization account owner must then finalize the changes via the AWS Console. Until these steps are performed, the provider will perpetually show a difference, and the DescribeOrganization API will continue to show the FeatureSet as CONSOLIDATED_BILLING. See the AWS Organizations documentation for more information.

    !> WARNING: Warning from the AWS Docs: “We recommend that you enable integration between AWS Organizations and the specified AWS service by using the console or commands that are provided by the specified service. Doing so ensures that the service is aware that it can create the resources that are required for the integration. How the service creates those resources in the organization’s accounts depends on that service. For more information, see the documentation for the other AWS service.”

    Example Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
    const org = new aws.organizations.Organization("org", {
        awsServiceAccessPrincipals: [
        featureSet: "ALL",
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_aws as aws
    org = aws.organizations.Organization("org",
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := organizations.NewOrganization(ctx, "org", &organizations.OrganizationArgs{
    			AwsServiceAccessPrincipals: pulumi.StringArray{
    			FeatureSet: pulumi.String("ALL"),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var org = new Aws.Organizations.Organization("org", new()
            AwsServiceAccessPrincipals = new[]
            FeatureSet = "ALL",
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.aws.organizations.Organization;
    import com.pulumi.aws.organizations.OrganizationArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            var org = new Organization("org", OrganizationArgs.builder()
        type: aws:organizations:Organization
            - cloudtrail.amazonaws.com
            - config.amazonaws.com
          featureSet: ALL

    Create Organization Resource

    Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.

    Constructor syntax

    new Organization(name: string, args?: OrganizationArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
    def Organization(resource_name: str,
                     args: Optional[OrganizationArgs] = None,
                     opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
    def Organization(resource_name: str,
                     opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
                     aws_service_access_principals: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
                     enabled_policy_types: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
                     feature_set: Optional[str] = None)
    func NewOrganization(ctx *Context, name string, args *OrganizationArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*Organization, error)
    public Organization(string name, OrganizationArgs? args = null, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public Organization(String name, OrganizationArgs args)
    public Organization(String name, OrganizationArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
    type: aws:organizations:Organization
    properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
    options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.


    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args OrganizationArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    resource_name str
    The unique name of the resource.
    args OrganizationArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    ctx Context
    Context object for the current deployment.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args OrganizationArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOption
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args OrganizationArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name String
    The unique name of the resource.
    args OrganizationArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    options CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.

    Constructor example

    The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.

    var organizationResource = new Aws.Organizations.Organization("organizationResource", new()
        AwsServiceAccessPrincipals = new[]
        EnabledPolicyTypes = new[]
        FeatureSet = "string",
    example, err := organizations.NewOrganization(ctx, "organizationResource", &organizations.OrganizationArgs{
    	AwsServiceAccessPrincipals: pulumi.StringArray{
    	EnabledPolicyTypes: pulumi.StringArray{
    	FeatureSet: pulumi.String("string"),
    var organizationResource = new Organization("organizationResource", OrganizationArgs.builder()
    organization_resource = aws.organizations.Organization("organizationResource",
    const organizationResource = new aws.organizations.Organization("organizationResource", {
        awsServiceAccessPrincipals: ["string"],
        enabledPolicyTypes: ["string"],
        featureSet: "string",
    type: aws:organizations:Organization
            - string
            - string
        featureSet: string

    Organization Resource Properties

    To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.


    The Organization resource accepts the following input properties:

    AwsServiceAccessPrincipals List<string>
    List of AWS service principal names for which you want to enable integration with your organization. This is typically in the form of a URL, such as service-abbreviation.amazonaws.com. Organization must have feature_set set to ALL. Some services do not support enablement via this endpoint, see warning in aws docs.
    EnabledPolicyTypes List<string>
    List of Organizations policy types to enable in the Organization Root. Organization must have feature_set set to ALL. For additional information about valid policy types (e.g., AISERVICES_OPT_OUT_POLICY, BACKUP_POLICY, SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY, and TAG_POLICY), see the AWS Organizations API Reference.
    FeatureSet string
    Specify "ALL" (default) or "CONSOLIDATED_BILLING".
    AwsServiceAccessPrincipals []string
    List of AWS service principal names for which you want to enable integration with your organization. This is typically in the form of a URL, such as service-abbreviation.amazonaws.com. Organization must have feature_set set to ALL. Some services do not support enablement via this endpoint, see warning in aws docs.
    EnabledPolicyTypes []string
    List of Organizations policy types to enable in the Organization Root. Organization must have feature_set set to ALL. For additional information about valid policy types (e.g., AISERVICES_OPT_OUT_POLICY, BACKUP_POLICY, SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY, and TAG_POLICY), see the AWS Organizations API Reference.
    FeatureSet string
    Specify "ALL" (default) or "CONSOLIDATED_BILLING".
    awsServiceAccessPrincipals List<String>
    List of AWS service principal names for which you want to enable integration with your organization. This is typically in the form of a URL, such as service-abbreviation.amazonaws.com. Organization must have feature_set set to ALL. Some services do not support enablement via this endpoint, see warning in aws docs.
    enabledPolicyTypes List<String>
    List of Organizations policy types to enable in the Organization Root. Organization must have feature_set set to ALL. For additional information about valid policy types (e.g., AISERVICES_OPT_OUT_POLICY, BACKUP_POLICY, SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY, and TAG_POLICY), see the AWS Organizations API Reference.
    featureSet String
    Specify "ALL" (default) or "CONSOLIDATED_BILLING".
    awsServiceAccessPrincipals string[]
    List of AWS service principal names for which you want to enable integration with your organization. This is typically in the form of a URL, such as service-abbreviation.amazonaws.com. Organization must have feature_set set to ALL. Some services do not support enablement via this endpoint, see warning in aws docs.
    enabledPolicyTypes string[]
    List of Organizations policy types to enable in the Organization Root. Organization must have feature_set set to ALL. For additional information about valid policy types (e.g., AISERVICES_OPT_OUT_POLICY, BACKUP_POLICY, SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY, and TAG_POLICY), see the AWS Organizations API Reference.
    featureSet string
    Specify "ALL" (default) or "CONSOLIDATED_BILLING".
    aws_service_access_principals Sequence[str]
    List of AWS service principal names for which you want to enable integration with your organization. This is typically in the form of a URL, such as service-abbreviation.amazonaws.com. Organization must have feature_set set to ALL. Some services do not support enablement via this endpoint, see warning in aws docs.
    enabled_policy_types Sequence[str]
    List of Organizations policy types to enable in the Organization Root. Organization must have feature_set set to ALL. For additional information about valid policy types (e.g., AISERVICES_OPT_OUT_POLICY, BACKUP_POLICY, SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY, and TAG_POLICY), see the AWS Organizations API Reference.
    feature_set str
    Specify "ALL" (default) or "CONSOLIDATED_BILLING".
    awsServiceAccessPrincipals List<String>
    List of AWS service principal names for which you want to enable integration with your organization. This is typically in the form of a URL, such as service-abbreviation.amazonaws.com. Organization must have feature_set set to ALL. Some services do not support enablement via this endpoint, see warning in aws docs.
    enabledPolicyTypes List<String>
    List of Organizations policy types to enable in the Organization Root. Organization must have feature_set set to ALL. For additional information about valid policy types (e.g., AISERVICES_OPT_OUT_POLICY, BACKUP_POLICY, SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY, and TAG_POLICY), see the AWS Organizations API Reference.
    featureSet String
    Specify "ALL" (default) or "CONSOLIDATED_BILLING".


    All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the Organization resource produces the following output properties:

    Accounts List<OrganizationAccount>
    List of organization accounts including the master account. For a list excluding the master account, see the non_master_accounts attribute. All elements have these attributes:
    Arn string
    ARN of the root
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    MasterAccountArn string
    ARN of the master account
    MasterAccountEmail string
    Email address of the master account
    MasterAccountId string
    Identifier of the master account
    MasterAccountName string
    Name of the master account
    NonMasterAccounts List<OrganizationNonMasterAccount>
    List of organization accounts excluding the master account. For a list including the master account, see the accounts attribute. All elements have these attributes:
    Roots List<OrganizationRoot>
    List of organization roots. All elements have these attributes:
    Accounts []OrganizationAccount
    List of organization accounts including the master account. For a list excluding the master account, see the non_master_accounts attribute. All elements have these attributes:
    Arn string
    ARN of the root
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    MasterAccountArn string
    ARN of the master account
    MasterAccountEmail string
    Email address of the master account
    MasterAccountId string
    Identifier of the master account
    MasterAccountName string
    Name of the master account
    NonMasterAccounts []OrganizationNonMasterAccount
    List of organization accounts excluding the master account. For a list including the master account, see the accounts attribute. All elements have these attributes:
    Roots []OrganizationRoot
    List of organization roots. All elements have these attributes:
    accounts List<OrganizationAccount>
    List of organization accounts including the master account. For a list excluding the master account, see the non_master_accounts attribute. All elements have these attributes:
    arn String
    ARN of the root
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    masterAccountArn String
    ARN of the master account
    masterAccountEmail String
    Email address of the master account
    masterAccountId String
    Identifier of the master account
    masterAccountName String
    Name of the master account
    nonMasterAccounts List<OrganizationNonMasterAccount>
    List of organization accounts excluding the master account. For a list including the master account, see the accounts attribute. All elements have these attributes:
    roots List<OrganizationRoot>
    List of organization roots. All elements have these attributes:
    accounts OrganizationAccount[]
    List of organization accounts including the master account. For a list excluding the master account, see the non_master_accounts attribute. All elements have these attributes:
    arn string
    ARN of the root
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    masterAccountArn string
    ARN of the master account
    masterAccountEmail string
    Email address of the master account
    masterAccountId string
    Identifier of the master account
    masterAccountName string
    Name of the master account
    nonMasterAccounts OrganizationNonMasterAccount[]
    List of organization accounts excluding the master account. For a list including the master account, see the accounts attribute. All elements have these attributes:
    roots OrganizationRoot[]
    List of organization roots. All elements have these attributes:
    accounts Sequence[OrganizationAccount]
    List of organization accounts including the master account. For a list excluding the master account, see the non_master_accounts attribute. All elements have these attributes:
    arn str
    ARN of the root
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    master_account_arn str
    ARN of the master account
    master_account_email str
    Email address of the master account
    master_account_id str
    Identifier of the master account
    master_account_name str
    Name of the master account
    non_master_accounts Sequence[OrganizationNonMasterAccount]
    List of organization accounts excluding the master account. For a list including the master account, see the accounts attribute. All elements have these attributes:
    roots Sequence[OrganizationRoot]
    List of organization roots. All elements have these attributes:
    accounts List<Property Map>
    List of organization accounts including the master account. For a list excluding the master account, see the non_master_accounts attribute. All elements have these attributes:
    arn String
    ARN of the root
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    masterAccountArn String
    ARN of the master account
    masterAccountEmail String
    Email address of the master account
    masterAccountId String
    Identifier of the master account
    masterAccountName String
    Name of the master account
    nonMasterAccounts List<Property Map>
    List of organization accounts excluding the master account. For a list including the master account, see the accounts attribute. All elements have these attributes:
    roots List<Property Map>
    List of organization roots. All elements have these attributes:

    Look up Existing Organization Resource

    Get an existing Organization resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.

    public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: OrganizationState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): Organization
    def get(resource_name: str,
            id: str,
            opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
            accounts: Optional[Sequence[OrganizationAccountArgs]] = None,
            arn: Optional[str] = None,
            aws_service_access_principals: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
            enabled_policy_types: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
            feature_set: Optional[str] = None,
            master_account_arn: Optional[str] = None,
            master_account_email: Optional[str] = None,
            master_account_id: Optional[str] = None,
            master_account_name: Optional[str] = None,
            non_master_accounts: Optional[Sequence[OrganizationNonMasterAccountArgs]] = None,
            roots: Optional[Sequence[OrganizationRootArgs]] = None) -> Organization
    func GetOrganization(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *OrganizationState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*Organization, error)
    public static Organization Get(string name, Input<string> id, OrganizationState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public static Organization get(String name, Output<String> id, OrganizationState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
    Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The following state arguments are supported:
    Accounts List<OrganizationAccount>
    List of organization accounts including the master account. For a list excluding the master account, see the non_master_accounts attribute. All elements have these attributes:
    Arn string
    ARN of the root
    AwsServiceAccessPrincipals List<string>
    List of AWS service principal names for which you want to enable integration with your organization. This is typically in the form of a URL, such as service-abbreviation.amazonaws.com. Organization must have feature_set set to ALL. Some services do not support enablement via this endpoint, see warning in aws docs.
    EnabledPolicyTypes List<string>
    List of Organizations policy types to enable in the Organization Root. Organization must have feature_set set to ALL. For additional information about valid policy types (e.g., AISERVICES_OPT_OUT_POLICY, BACKUP_POLICY, SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY, and TAG_POLICY), see the AWS Organizations API Reference.
    FeatureSet string
    Specify "ALL" (default) or "CONSOLIDATED_BILLING".
    MasterAccountArn string
    ARN of the master account
    MasterAccountEmail string
    Email address of the master account
    MasterAccountId string
    Identifier of the master account
    MasterAccountName string
    Name of the master account
    NonMasterAccounts List<OrganizationNonMasterAccount>
    List of organization accounts excluding the master account. For a list including the master account, see the accounts attribute. All elements have these attributes:
    Roots List<OrganizationRoot>
    List of organization roots. All elements have these attributes:
    Accounts []OrganizationAccountArgs
    List of organization accounts including the master account. For a list excluding the master account, see the non_master_accounts attribute. All elements have these attributes:
    Arn string
    ARN of the root
    AwsServiceAccessPrincipals []string
    List of AWS service principal names for which you want to enable integration with your organization. This is typically in the form of a URL, such as service-abbreviation.amazonaws.com. Organization must have feature_set set to ALL. Some services do not support enablement via this endpoint, see warning in aws docs.
    EnabledPolicyTypes []string
    List of Organizations policy types to enable in the Organization Root. Organization must have feature_set set to ALL. For additional information about valid policy types (e.g., AISERVICES_OPT_OUT_POLICY, BACKUP_POLICY, SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY, and TAG_POLICY), see the AWS Organizations API Reference.
    FeatureSet string
    Specify "ALL" (default) or "CONSOLIDATED_BILLING".
    MasterAccountArn string
    ARN of the master account
    MasterAccountEmail string
    Email address of the master account
    MasterAccountId string
    Identifier of the master account
    MasterAccountName string
    Name of the master account
    NonMasterAccounts []OrganizationNonMasterAccountArgs
    List of organization accounts excluding the master account. For a list including the master account, see the accounts attribute. All elements have these attributes:
    Roots []OrganizationRootArgs
    List of organization roots. All elements have these attributes:
    accounts List<OrganizationAccount>
    List of organization accounts including the master account. For a list excluding the master account, see the non_master_accounts attribute. All elements have these attributes:
    arn String
    ARN of the root
    awsServiceAccessPrincipals List<String>
    List of AWS service principal names for which you want to enable integration with your organization. This is typically in the form of a URL, such as service-abbreviation.amazonaws.com. Organization must have feature_set set to ALL. Some services do not support enablement via this endpoint, see warning in aws docs.
    enabledPolicyTypes List<String>
    List of Organizations policy types to enable in the Organization Root. Organization must have feature_set set to ALL. For additional information about valid policy types (e.g., AISERVICES_OPT_OUT_POLICY, BACKUP_POLICY, SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY, and TAG_POLICY), see the AWS Organizations API Reference.
    featureSet String
    Specify "ALL" (default) or "CONSOLIDATED_BILLING".
    masterAccountArn String
    ARN of the master account
    masterAccountEmail String
    Email address of the master account
    masterAccountId String
    Identifier of the master account
    masterAccountName String
    Name of the master account
    nonMasterAccounts List<OrganizationNonMasterAccount>
    List of organization accounts excluding the master account. For a list including the master account, see the accounts attribute. All elements have these attributes:
    roots List<OrganizationRoot>
    List of organization roots. All elements have these attributes:
    accounts OrganizationAccount[]
    List of organization accounts including the master account. For a list excluding the master account, see the non_master_accounts attribute. All elements have these attributes:
    arn string
    ARN of the root
    awsServiceAccessPrincipals string[]
    List of AWS service principal names for which you want to enable integration with your organization. This is typically in the form of a URL, such as service-abbreviation.amazonaws.com. Organization must have feature_set set to ALL. Some services do not support enablement via this endpoint, see warning in aws docs.
    enabledPolicyTypes string[]
    List of Organizations policy types to enable in the Organization Root. Organization must have feature_set set to ALL. For additional information about valid policy types (e.g., AISERVICES_OPT_OUT_POLICY, BACKUP_POLICY, SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY, and TAG_POLICY), see the AWS Organizations API Reference.
    featureSet string
    Specify "ALL" (default) or "CONSOLIDATED_BILLING".
    masterAccountArn string
    ARN of the master account
    masterAccountEmail string
    Email address of the master account
    masterAccountId string
    Identifier of the master account
    masterAccountName string
    Name of the master account
    nonMasterAccounts OrganizationNonMasterAccount[]
    List of organization accounts excluding the master account. For a list including the master account, see the accounts attribute. All elements have these attributes:
    roots OrganizationRoot[]
    List of organization roots. All elements have these attributes:
    accounts Sequence[OrganizationAccountArgs]
    List of organization accounts including the master account. For a list excluding the master account, see the non_master_accounts attribute. All elements have these attributes:
    arn str
    ARN of the root
    aws_service_access_principals Sequence[str]
    List of AWS service principal names for which you want to enable integration with your organization. This is typically in the form of a URL, such as service-abbreviation.amazonaws.com. Organization must have feature_set set to ALL. Some services do not support enablement via this endpoint, see warning in aws docs.
    enabled_policy_types Sequence[str]
    List of Organizations policy types to enable in the Organization Root. Organization must have feature_set set to ALL. For additional information about valid policy types (e.g., AISERVICES_OPT_OUT_POLICY, BACKUP_POLICY, SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY, and TAG_POLICY), see the AWS Organizations API Reference.
    feature_set str
    Specify "ALL" (default) or "CONSOLIDATED_BILLING".
    master_account_arn str
    ARN of the master account
    master_account_email str
    Email address of the master account
    master_account_id str
    Identifier of the master account
    master_account_name str
    Name of the master account
    non_master_accounts Sequence[OrganizationNonMasterAccountArgs]
    List of organization accounts excluding the master account. For a list including the master account, see the accounts attribute. All elements have these attributes:
    roots Sequence[OrganizationRootArgs]
    List of organization roots. All elements have these attributes:
    accounts List<Property Map>
    List of organization accounts including the master account. For a list excluding the master account, see the non_master_accounts attribute. All elements have these attributes:
    arn String
    ARN of the root
    awsServiceAccessPrincipals List<String>
    List of AWS service principal names for which you want to enable integration with your organization. This is typically in the form of a URL, such as service-abbreviation.amazonaws.com. Organization must have feature_set set to ALL. Some services do not support enablement via this endpoint, see warning in aws docs.
    enabledPolicyTypes List<String>
    List of Organizations policy types to enable in the Organization Root. Organization must have feature_set set to ALL. For additional information about valid policy types (e.g., AISERVICES_OPT_OUT_POLICY, BACKUP_POLICY, SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY, and TAG_POLICY), see the AWS Organizations API Reference.
    featureSet String
    Specify "ALL" (default) or "CONSOLIDATED_BILLING".
    masterAccountArn String
    ARN of the master account
    masterAccountEmail String
    Email address of the master account
    masterAccountId String
    Identifier of the master account
    masterAccountName String
    Name of the master account
    nonMasterAccounts List<Property Map>
    List of organization accounts excluding the master account. For a list including the master account, see the accounts attribute. All elements have these attributes:
    roots List<Property Map>
    List of organization roots. All elements have these attributes:

    Supporting Types

    OrganizationAccount, OrganizationAccountArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the root
    Email string
    Email of the account
    Id string
    Identifier of the root
    Name string
    The name of the policy type
    Status string
    The status of the policy type as it relates to the associated root
    Arn string
    ARN of the root
    Email string
    Email of the account
    Id string
    Identifier of the root
    Name string
    The name of the policy type
    Status string
    The status of the policy type as it relates to the associated root
    arn String
    ARN of the root
    email String
    Email of the account
    id String
    Identifier of the root
    name String
    The name of the policy type
    status String
    The status of the policy type as it relates to the associated root
    arn string
    ARN of the root
    email string
    Email of the account
    id string
    Identifier of the root
    name string
    The name of the policy type
    status string
    The status of the policy type as it relates to the associated root
    arn str
    ARN of the root
    email str
    Email of the account
    id str
    Identifier of the root
    name str
    The name of the policy type
    status str
    The status of the policy type as it relates to the associated root
    arn String
    ARN of the root
    email String
    Email of the account
    id String
    Identifier of the root
    name String
    The name of the policy type
    status String
    The status of the policy type as it relates to the associated root

    OrganizationNonMasterAccount, OrganizationNonMasterAccountArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the root
    Email string
    Email of the account
    Id string
    Identifier of the root
    Name string
    The name of the policy type
    Status string
    The status of the policy type as it relates to the associated root
    Arn string
    ARN of the root
    Email string
    Email of the account
    Id string
    Identifier of the root
    Name string
    The name of the policy type
    Status string
    The status of the policy type as it relates to the associated root
    arn String
    ARN of the root
    email String
    Email of the account
    id String
    Identifier of the root
    name String
    The name of the policy type
    status String
    The status of the policy type as it relates to the associated root
    arn string
    ARN of the root
    email string
    Email of the account
    id string
    Identifier of the root
    name string
    The name of the policy type
    status string
    The status of the policy type as it relates to the associated root
    arn str
    ARN of the root
    email str
    Email of the account
    id str
    Identifier of the root
    name str
    The name of the policy type
    status str
    The status of the policy type as it relates to the associated root
    arn String
    ARN of the root
    email String
    Email of the account
    id String
    Identifier of the root
    name String
    The name of the policy type
    status String
    The status of the policy type as it relates to the associated root

    OrganizationRoot, OrganizationRootArgs

    Arn string
    ARN of the root
    Id string
    Identifier of the root
    Name string
    The name of the policy type
    PolicyTypes List<OrganizationRootPolicyType>
    List of policy types enabled for this root. All elements have these attributes:
    Arn string
    ARN of the root
    Id string
    Identifier of the root
    Name string
    The name of the policy type
    PolicyTypes []OrganizationRootPolicyType
    List of policy types enabled for this root. All elements have these attributes:
    arn String
    ARN of the root
    id String
    Identifier of the root
    name String
    The name of the policy type
    policyTypes List<OrganizationRootPolicyType>
    List of policy types enabled for this root. All elements have these attributes:
    arn string
    ARN of the root
    id string
    Identifier of the root
    name string
    The name of the policy type
    policyTypes OrganizationRootPolicyType[]
    List of policy types enabled for this root. All elements have these attributes:
    arn str
    ARN of the root
    id str
    Identifier of the root
    name str
    The name of the policy type
    policy_types Sequence[OrganizationRootPolicyType]
    List of policy types enabled for this root. All elements have these attributes:
    arn String
    ARN of the root
    id String
    Identifier of the root
    name String
    The name of the policy type
    policyTypes List<Property Map>
    List of policy types enabled for this root. All elements have these attributes:

    OrganizationRootPolicyType, OrganizationRootPolicyTypeArgs

    Status string
    The status of the policy type as it relates to the associated root
    Type string
    Status string
    The status of the policy type as it relates to the associated root
    Type string
    status String
    The status of the policy type as it relates to the associated root
    type String
    status string
    The status of the policy type as it relates to the associated root
    type string
    status str
    The status of the policy type as it relates to the associated root
    type str
    status String
    The status of the policy type as it relates to the associated root
    type String


    Using pulumi import, import the AWS organization using the id. For example:

    $ pulumi import aws:organizations/organization:Organization my_org o-1234567

    To learn more about importing existing cloud resources, see Importing resources.

    Package Details

    AWS Classic pulumi/pulumi-aws
    This Pulumi package is based on the aws Terraform Provider.
    aws logo

    Try AWS Native preview for resources not in the classic version.

    AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi