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  5. getIndex

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AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Try AWS Native preview for resources not in the classic version.

AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    Provides details about a specific Amazon Kendra Index.

    Example Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
    const example = aws.kendra.getIndex({
        id: "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789123",
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_aws as aws
    example = aws.kendra.get_index(id="12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789123")
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := kendra.LookupIndex(ctx, &kendra.LookupIndexArgs{
    			Id: "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789123",
    		}, nil)
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var example = Aws.Kendra.GetIndex.Invoke(new()
            Id = "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789123",
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.aws.kendra.KendraFunctions;
    import com.pulumi.aws.kendra.inputs.GetIndexArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            final var example = KendraFunctions.getIndex(GetIndexArgs.builder()
          Function: aws:kendra:getIndex
            id: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789123

    Using getIndex

    Two invocation forms are available. The direct form accepts plain arguments and either blocks until the result value is available, or returns a Promise-wrapped result. The output form accepts Input-wrapped arguments and returns an Output-wrapped result.

    function getIndex(args: GetIndexArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Promise<GetIndexResult>
    function getIndexOutput(args: GetIndexOutputArgs, opts?: InvokeOptions): Output<GetIndexResult>
    def get_index(id: Optional[str] = None,
                  tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
                  opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> GetIndexResult
    def get_index_output(id: Optional[pulumi.Input[str]] = None,
                  tags: Optional[pulumi.Input[Mapping[str, pulumi.Input[str]]]] = None,
                  opts: Optional[InvokeOptions] = None) -> Output[GetIndexResult]
    func LookupIndex(ctx *Context, args *LookupIndexArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) (*LookupIndexResult, error)
    func LookupIndexOutput(ctx *Context, args *LookupIndexOutputArgs, opts ...InvokeOption) LookupIndexResultOutput

    > Note: This function is named LookupIndex in the Go SDK.

    public static class GetIndex 
        public static Task<GetIndexResult> InvokeAsync(GetIndexArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
        public static Output<GetIndexResult> Invoke(GetIndexInvokeArgs args, InvokeOptions? opts = null)
    public static CompletableFuture<GetIndexResult> getIndex(GetIndexArgs args, InvokeOptions options)
    // Output-based functions aren't available in Java yet
      function: aws:kendra/getIndex:getIndex
        # arguments dictionary

    The following arguments are supported:

    Id string
    Returns information on a specific Index by id.
    Tags Dictionary<string, string>
    Metadata that helps organize the Indices you create.
    Id string
    Returns information on a specific Index by id.
    Tags map[string]string
    Metadata that helps organize the Indices you create.
    id String
    Returns information on a specific Index by id.
    tags Map<String,String>
    Metadata that helps organize the Indices you create.
    id string
    Returns information on a specific Index by id.
    tags {[key: string]: string}
    Metadata that helps organize the Indices you create.
    id str
    Returns information on a specific Index by id.
    tags Mapping[str, str]
    Metadata that helps organize the Indices you create.
    id String
    Returns information on a specific Index by id.
    tags Map<String>
    Metadata that helps organize the Indices you create.

    getIndex Result

    The following output properties are available:

    Arn string
    ARN of the Index.
    CapacityUnits List<GetIndexCapacityUnit>
    Block that sets the number of additional document storage and query capacity units that should be used by the index. Documented below.
    CreatedAt string
    Unix datetime that the index was created.
    Description string
    Description of the Index.
    DocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdates List<GetIndexDocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdate>
    One or more blocks that specify the configuration settings for any metadata applied to the documents in the index. Documented below.
    Edition string
    Amazon Kendra edition for the index.
    ErrorMessage string
    When the Status field value is FAILED, this contains a message that explains why.
    Id string
    Identifier of the Index.
    IndexStatistics List<GetIndexIndexStatistic>
    Block that provides information about the number of FAQ questions and answers and the number of text documents indexed. Documented below.
    Name string
    Name of the index field. Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 30.
    RoleArn string
    An AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that gives Amazon Kendra permissions to access your Amazon CloudWatch logs and metrics. This is also the role you use when you call the BatchPutDocument API to index documents from an Amazon S3 bucket.
    ServerSideEncryptionConfigurations List<GetIndexServerSideEncryptionConfiguration>
    A block that specifies the identifier of the AWS KMS customer managed key (CMK) that's used to encrypt data indexed by Amazon Kendra. Amazon Kendra doesn't support asymmetric CMKs. Documented below.
    Status string
    Current status of the index. When the value is ACTIVE, the index is ready for use. If the Status field value is FAILED, the error_message field contains a message that explains why.
    Tags Dictionary<string, string>
    Metadata that helps organize the Indices you create.
    UpdatedAt string
    Unix datetime that the index was last updated.
    UserContextPolicy string
    User context policy. Valid values are ATTRIBUTE_FILTER or USER_TOKEN. For more information, refer to UserContextPolicy.
    UserGroupResolutionConfigurations List<GetIndexUserGroupResolutionConfiguration>
    A block that enables fetching access levels of groups and users from an AWS Single Sign-On identity source. Documented below.
    UserTokenConfigurations List<GetIndexUserTokenConfiguration>
    A block that specifies the user token configuration. Documented below.
    Arn string
    ARN of the Index.
    CapacityUnits []GetIndexCapacityUnit
    Block that sets the number of additional document storage and query capacity units that should be used by the index. Documented below.
    CreatedAt string
    Unix datetime that the index was created.
    Description string
    Description of the Index.
    DocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdates []GetIndexDocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdate
    One or more blocks that specify the configuration settings for any metadata applied to the documents in the index. Documented below.
    Edition string
    Amazon Kendra edition for the index.
    ErrorMessage string
    When the Status field value is FAILED, this contains a message that explains why.
    Id string
    Identifier of the Index.
    IndexStatistics []GetIndexIndexStatistic
    Block that provides information about the number of FAQ questions and answers and the number of text documents indexed. Documented below.
    Name string
    Name of the index field. Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 30.
    RoleArn string
    An AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that gives Amazon Kendra permissions to access your Amazon CloudWatch logs and metrics. This is also the role you use when you call the BatchPutDocument API to index documents from an Amazon S3 bucket.
    ServerSideEncryptionConfigurations []GetIndexServerSideEncryptionConfiguration
    A block that specifies the identifier of the AWS KMS customer managed key (CMK) that's used to encrypt data indexed by Amazon Kendra. Amazon Kendra doesn't support asymmetric CMKs. Documented below.
    Status string
    Current status of the index. When the value is ACTIVE, the index is ready for use. If the Status field value is FAILED, the error_message field contains a message that explains why.
    Tags map[string]string
    Metadata that helps organize the Indices you create.
    UpdatedAt string
    Unix datetime that the index was last updated.
    UserContextPolicy string
    User context policy. Valid values are ATTRIBUTE_FILTER or USER_TOKEN. For more information, refer to UserContextPolicy.
    UserGroupResolutionConfigurations []GetIndexUserGroupResolutionConfiguration
    A block that enables fetching access levels of groups and users from an AWS Single Sign-On identity source. Documented below.
    UserTokenConfigurations []GetIndexUserTokenConfiguration
    A block that specifies the user token configuration. Documented below.
    arn String
    ARN of the Index.
    capacityUnits List<GetIndexCapacityUnit>
    Block that sets the number of additional document storage and query capacity units that should be used by the index. Documented below.
    createdAt String
    Unix datetime that the index was created.
    description String
    Description of the Index.
    documentMetadataConfigurationUpdates List<GetIndexDocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdate>
    One or more blocks that specify the configuration settings for any metadata applied to the documents in the index. Documented below.
    edition String
    Amazon Kendra edition for the index.
    errorMessage String
    When the Status field value is FAILED, this contains a message that explains why.
    id String
    Identifier of the Index.
    indexStatistics List<GetIndexIndexStatistic>
    Block that provides information about the number of FAQ questions and answers and the number of text documents indexed. Documented below.
    name String
    Name of the index field. Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 30.
    roleArn String
    An AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that gives Amazon Kendra permissions to access your Amazon CloudWatch logs and metrics. This is also the role you use when you call the BatchPutDocument API to index documents from an Amazon S3 bucket.
    serverSideEncryptionConfigurations List<GetIndexServerSideEncryptionConfiguration>
    A block that specifies the identifier of the AWS KMS customer managed key (CMK) that's used to encrypt data indexed by Amazon Kendra. Amazon Kendra doesn't support asymmetric CMKs. Documented below.
    status String
    Current status of the index. When the value is ACTIVE, the index is ready for use. If the Status field value is FAILED, the error_message field contains a message that explains why.
    tags Map<String,String>
    Metadata that helps organize the Indices you create.
    updatedAt String
    Unix datetime that the index was last updated.
    userContextPolicy String
    User context policy. Valid values are ATTRIBUTE_FILTER or USER_TOKEN. For more information, refer to UserContextPolicy.
    userGroupResolutionConfigurations List<GetIndexUserGroupResolutionConfiguration>
    A block that enables fetching access levels of groups and users from an AWS Single Sign-On identity source. Documented below.
    userTokenConfigurations List<GetIndexUserTokenConfiguration>
    A block that specifies the user token configuration. Documented below.
    arn string
    ARN of the Index.
    capacityUnits GetIndexCapacityUnit[]
    Block that sets the number of additional document storage and query capacity units that should be used by the index. Documented below.
    createdAt string
    Unix datetime that the index was created.
    description string
    Description of the Index.
    documentMetadataConfigurationUpdates GetIndexDocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdate[]
    One or more blocks that specify the configuration settings for any metadata applied to the documents in the index. Documented below.
    edition string
    Amazon Kendra edition for the index.
    errorMessage string
    When the Status field value is FAILED, this contains a message that explains why.
    id string
    Identifier of the Index.
    indexStatistics GetIndexIndexStatistic[]
    Block that provides information about the number of FAQ questions and answers and the number of text documents indexed. Documented below.
    name string
    Name of the index field. Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 30.
    roleArn string
    An AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that gives Amazon Kendra permissions to access your Amazon CloudWatch logs and metrics. This is also the role you use when you call the BatchPutDocument API to index documents from an Amazon S3 bucket.
    serverSideEncryptionConfigurations GetIndexServerSideEncryptionConfiguration[]
    A block that specifies the identifier of the AWS KMS customer managed key (CMK) that's used to encrypt data indexed by Amazon Kendra. Amazon Kendra doesn't support asymmetric CMKs. Documented below.
    status string
    Current status of the index. When the value is ACTIVE, the index is ready for use. If the Status field value is FAILED, the error_message field contains a message that explains why.
    tags {[key: string]: string}
    Metadata that helps organize the Indices you create.
    updatedAt string
    Unix datetime that the index was last updated.
    userContextPolicy string
    User context policy. Valid values are ATTRIBUTE_FILTER or USER_TOKEN. For more information, refer to UserContextPolicy.
    userGroupResolutionConfigurations GetIndexUserGroupResolutionConfiguration[]
    A block that enables fetching access levels of groups and users from an AWS Single Sign-On identity source. Documented below.
    userTokenConfigurations GetIndexUserTokenConfiguration[]
    A block that specifies the user token configuration. Documented below.
    arn str
    ARN of the Index.
    capacity_units Sequence[GetIndexCapacityUnit]
    Block that sets the number of additional document storage and query capacity units that should be used by the index. Documented below.
    created_at str
    Unix datetime that the index was created.
    description str
    Description of the Index.
    document_metadata_configuration_updates Sequence[GetIndexDocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdate]
    One or more blocks that specify the configuration settings for any metadata applied to the documents in the index. Documented below.
    edition str
    Amazon Kendra edition for the index.
    error_message str
    When the Status field value is FAILED, this contains a message that explains why.
    id str
    Identifier of the Index.
    index_statistics Sequence[GetIndexIndexStatistic]
    Block that provides information about the number of FAQ questions and answers and the number of text documents indexed. Documented below.
    name str
    Name of the index field. Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 30.
    role_arn str
    An AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that gives Amazon Kendra permissions to access your Amazon CloudWatch logs and metrics. This is also the role you use when you call the BatchPutDocument API to index documents from an Amazon S3 bucket.
    server_side_encryption_configurations Sequence[GetIndexServerSideEncryptionConfiguration]
    A block that specifies the identifier of the AWS KMS customer managed key (CMK) that's used to encrypt data indexed by Amazon Kendra. Amazon Kendra doesn't support asymmetric CMKs. Documented below.
    status str
    Current status of the index. When the value is ACTIVE, the index is ready for use. If the Status field value is FAILED, the error_message field contains a message that explains why.
    tags Mapping[str, str]
    Metadata that helps organize the Indices you create.
    updated_at str
    Unix datetime that the index was last updated.
    user_context_policy str
    User context policy. Valid values are ATTRIBUTE_FILTER or USER_TOKEN. For more information, refer to UserContextPolicy.
    user_group_resolution_configurations Sequence[GetIndexUserGroupResolutionConfiguration]
    A block that enables fetching access levels of groups and users from an AWS Single Sign-On identity source. Documented below.
    user_token_configurations Sequence[GetIndexUserTokenConfiguration]
    A block that specifies the user token configuration. Documented below.
    arn String
    ARN of the Index.
    capacityUnits List<Property Map>
    Block that sets the number of additional document storage and query capacity units that should be used by the index. Documented below.
    createdAt String
    Unix datetime that the index was created.
    description String
    Description of the Index.
    documentMetadataConfigurationUpdates List<Property Map>
    One or more blocks that specify the configuration settings for any metadata applied to the documents in the index. Documented below.
    edition String
    Amazon Kendra edition for the index.
    errorMessage String
    When the Status field value is FAILED, this contains a message that explains why.
    id String
    Identifier of the Index.
    indexStatistics List<Property Map>
    Block that provides information about the number of FAQ questions and answers and the number of text documents indexed. Documented below.
    name String
    Name of the index field. Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 30.
    roleArn String
    An AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that gives Amazon Kendra permissions to access your Amazon CloudWatch logs and metrics. This is also the role you use when you call the BatchPutDocument API to index documents from an Amazon S3 bucket.
    serverSideEncryptionConfigurations List<Property Map>
    A block that specifies the identifier of the AWS KMS customer managed key (CMK) that's used to encrypt data indexed by Amazon Kendra. Amazon Kendra doesn't support asymmetric CMKs. Documented below.
    status String
    Current status of the index. When the value is ACTIVE, the index is ready for use. If the Status field value is FAILED, the error_message field contains a message that explains why.
    tags Map<String>
    Metadata that helps organize the Indices you create.
    updatedAt String
    Unix datetime that the index was last updated.
    userContextPolicy String
    User context policy. Valid values are ATTRIBUTE_FILTER or USER_TOKEN. For more information, refer to UserContextPolicy.
    userGroupResolutionConfigurations List<Property Map>
    A block that enables fetching access levels of groups and users from an AWS Single Sign-On identity source. Documented below.
    userTokenConfigurations List<Property Map>
    A block that specifies the user token configuration. Documented below.

    Supporting Types


    QueryCapacityUnits int
    The amount of extra query capacity for an index and GetQuerySuggestions capacity. For more information, refer to QueryCapacityUnits.
    StorageCapacityUnits int
    The amount of extra storage capacity for an index. A single capacity unit provides 30 GB of storage space or 100,000 documents, whichever is reached first. Minimum value of 0.
    QueryCapacityUnits int
    The amount of extra query capacity for an index and GetQuerySuggestions capacity. For more information, refer to QueryCapacityUnits.
    StorageCapacityUnits int
    The amount of extra storage capacity for an index. A single capacity unit provides 30 GB of storage space or 100,000 documents, whichever is reached first. Minimum value of 0.
    queryCapacityUnits Integer
    The amount of extra query capacity for an index and GetQuerySuggestions capacity. For more information, refer to QueryCapacityUnits.
    storageCapacityUnits Integer
    The amount of extra storage capacity for an index. A single capacity unit provides 30 GB of storage space or 100,000 documents, whichever is reached first. Minimum value of 0.
    queryCapacityUnits number
    The amount of extra query capacity for an index and GetQuerySuggestions capacity. For more information, refer to QueryCapacityUnits.
    storageCapacityUnits number
    The amount of extra storage capacity for an index. A single capacity unit provides 30 GB of storage space or 100,000 documents, whichever is reached first. Minimum value of 0.
    query_capacity_units int
    The amount of extra query capacity for an index and GetQuerySuggestions capacity. For more information, refer to QueryCapacityUnits.
    storage_capacity_units int
    The amount of extra storage capacity for an index. A single capacity unit provides 30 GB of storage space or 100,000 documents, whichever is reached first. Minimum value of 0.
    queryCapacityUnits Number
    The amount of extra query capacity for an index and GetQuerySuggestions capacity. For more information, refer to QueryCapacityUnits.
    storageCapacityUnits Number
    The amount of extra storage capacity for an index. A single capacity unit provides 30 GB of storage space or 100,000 documents, whichever is reached first. Minimum value of 0.


    Name string
    Name of the index field. Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 30.
    Relevances List<GetIndexDocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdateRelevance>
    Block that provides manual tuning parameters to determine how the field affects the search results. Documented below.
    Searches List<GetIndexDocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdateSearch>
    Block that provides information about how the field is used during a search. Documented below.
    Type string
    Data type of the index field. Valid values are STRING_VALUE, STRING_LIST_VALUE, LONG_VALUE, DATE_VALUE.
    Name string
    Name of the index field. Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 30.
    Relevances []GetIndexDocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdateRelevance
    Block that provides manual tuning parameters to determine how the field affects the search results. Documented below.
    Searches []GetIndexDocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdateSearch
    Block that provides information about how the field is used during a search. Documented below.
    Type string
    Data type of the index field. Valid values are STRING_VALUE, STRING_LIST_VALUE, LONG_VALUE, DATE_VALUE.
    name String
    Name of the index field. Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 30.
    relevances List<GetIndexDocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdateRelevance>
    Block that provides manual tuning parameters to determine how the field affects the search results. Documented below.
    searches List<GetIndexDocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdateSearch>
    Block that provides information about how the field is used during a search. Documented below.
    type String
    Data type of the index field. Valid values are STRING_VALUE, STRING_LIST_VALUE, LONG_VALUE, DATE_VALUE.
    name string
    Name of the index field. Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 30.
    relevances GetIndexDocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdateRelevance[]
    Block that provides manual tuning parameters to determine how the field affects the search results. Documented below.
    searches GetIndexDocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdateSearch[]
    Block that provides information about how the field is used during a search. Documented below.
    type string
    Data type of the index field. Valid values are STRING_VALUE, STRING_LIST_VALUE, LONG_VALUE, DATE_VALUE.
    name str
    Name of the index field. Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 30.
    relevances Sequence[GetIndexDocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdateRelevance]
    Block that provides manual tuning parameters to determine how the field affects the search results. Documented below.
    searches Sequence[GetIndexDocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdateSearch]
    Block that provides information about how the field is used during a search. Documented below.
    type str
    Data type of the index field. Valid values are STRING_VALUE, STRING_LIST_VALUE, LONG_VALUE, DATE_VALUE.
    name String
    Name of the index field. Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 30.
    relevances List<Property Map>
    Block that provides manual tuning parameters to determine how the field affects the search results. Documented below.
    searches List<Property Map>
    Block that provides information about how the field is used during a search. Documented below.
    type String
    Data type of the index field. Valid values are STRING_VALUE, STRING_LIST_VALUE, LONG_VALUE, DATE_VALUE.


    Duration string
    Time period that the boost applies to. For more information, refer to Duration.
    Freshness bool
    How "fresh" a document is. For more information, refer to Freshness.
    Importance int
    Relative importance of the field in the search. Larger numbers provide more of a boost than smaller numbers. Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 10.
    RankOrder string
    Determines how values should be interpreted. For more information, refer to RankOrder.
    ValuesImportanceMap Dictionary<string, int>
    A list of values that should be given a different boost when they appear in the result list. For more information, refer to ValueImportanceMap.
    Duration string
    Time period that the boost applies to. For more information, refer to Duration.
    Freshness bool
    How "fresh" a document is. For more information, refer to Freshness.
    Importance int
    Relative importance of the field in the search. Larger numbers provide more of a boost than smaller numbers. Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 10.
    RankOrder string
    Determines how values should be interpreted. For more information, refer to RankOrder.
    ValuesImportanceMap map[string]int
    A list of values that should be given a different boost when they appear in the result list. For more information, refer to ValueImportanceMap.
    duration String
    Time period that the boost applies to. For more information, refer to Duration.
    freshness Boolean
    How "fresh" a document is. For more information, refer to Freshness.
    importance Integer
    Relative importance of the field in the search. Larger numbers provide more of a boost than smaller numbers. Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 10.
    rankOrder String
    Determines how values should be interpreted. For more information, refer to RankOrder.
    valuesImportanceMap Map<String,Integer>
    A list of values that should be given a different boost when they appear in the result list. For more information, refer to ValueImportanceMap.
    duration string
    Time period that the boost applies to. For more information, refer to Duration.
    freshness boolean
    How "fresh" a document is. For more information, refer to Freshness.
    importance number
    Relative importance of the field in the search. Larger numbers provide more of a boost than smaller numbers. Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 10.
    rankOrder string
    Determines how values should be interpreted. For more information, refer to RankOrder.
    valuesImportanceMap {[key: string]: number}
    A list of values that should be given a different boost when they appear in the result list. For more information, refer to ValueImportanceMap.
    duration str
    Time period that the boost applies to. For more information, refer to Duration.
    freshness bool
    How "fresh" a document is. For more information, refer to Freshness.
    importance int
    Relative importance of the field in the search. Larger numbers provide more of a boost than smaller numbers. Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 10.
    rank_order str
    Determines how values should be interpreted. For more information, refer to RankOrder.
    values_importance_map Mapping[str, int]
    A list of values that should be given a different boost when they appear in the result list. For more information, refer to ValueImportanceMap.
    duration String
    Time period that the boost applies to. For more information, refer to Duration.
    freshness Boolean
    How "fresh" a document is. For more information, refer to Freshness.
    importance Number
    Relative importance of the field in the search. Larger numbers provide more of a boost than smaller numbers. Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 10.
    rankOrder String
    Determines how values should be interpreted. For more information, refer to RankOrder.
    valuesImportanceMap Map<Number>
    A list of values that should be given a different boost when they appear in the result list. For more information, refer to ValueImportanceMap.


    Displayable bool
    Determines whether the field is returned in the query response. The default is true.
    Facetable bool
    Whether the field can be used to create search facets, a count of results for each value in the field. The default is false.
    Searchable bool
    Determines whether the field is used in the search. If the Searchable field is true, you can use relevance tuning to manually tune how Amazon Kendra weights the field in the search. The default is true for string fields and false for number and date fields.
    Sortable bool
    Determines whether the field can be used to sort the results of a query. If you specify sorting on a field that does not have Sortable set to true, Amazon Kendra returns an exception. The default is false.
    Displayable bool
    Determines whether the field is returned in the query response. The default is true.
    Facetable bool
    Whether the field can be used to create search facets, a count of results for each value in the field. The default is false.
    Searchable bool
    Determines whether the field is used in the search. If the Searchable field is true, you can use relevance tuning to manually tune how Amazon Kendra weights the field in the search. The default is true for string fields and false for number and date fields.
    Sortable bool
    Determines whether the field can be used to sort the results of a query. If you specify sorting on a field that does not have Sortable set to true, Amazon Kendra returns an exception. The default is false.
    displayable Boolean
    Determines whether the field is returned in the query response. The default is true.
    facetable Boolean
    Whether the field can be used to create search facets, a count of results for each value in the field. The default is false.
    searchable Boolean
    Determines whether the field is used in the search. If the Searchable field is true, you can use relevance tuning to manually tune how Amazon Kendra weights the field in the search. The default is true for string fields and false for number and date fields.
    sortable Boolean
    Determines whether the field can be used to sort the results of a query. If you specify sorting on a field that does not have Sortable set to true, Amazon Kendra returns an exception. The default is false.
    displayable boolean
    Determines whether the field is returned in the query response. The default is true.
    facetable boolean
    Whether the field can be used to create search facets, a count of results for each value in the field. The default is false.
    searchable boolean
    Determines whether the field is used in the search. If the Searchable field is true, you can use relevance tuning to manually tune how Amazon Kendra weights the field in the search. The default is true for string fields and false for number and date fields.
    sortable boolean
    Determines whether the field can be used to sort the results of a query. If you specify sorting on a field that does not have Sortable set to true, Amazon Kendra returns an exception. The default is false.
    displayable bool
    Determines whether the field is returned in the query response. The default is true.
    facetable bool
    Whether the field can be used to create search facets, a count of results for each value in the field. The default is false.
    searchable bool
    Determines whether the field is used in the search. If the Searchable field is true, you can use relevance tuning to manually tune how Amazon Kendra weights the field in the search. The default is true for string fields and false for number and date fields.
    sortable bool
    Determines whether the field can be used to sort the results of a query. If you specify sorting on a field that does not have Sortable set to true, Amazon Kendra returns an exception. The default is false.
    displayable Boolean
    Determines whether the field is returned in the query response. The default is true.
    facetable Boolean
    Whether the field can be used to create search facets, a count of results for each value in the field. The default is false.
    searchable Boolean
    Determines whether the field is used in the search. If the Searchable field is true, you can use relevance tuning to manually tune how Amazon Kendra weights the field in the search. The default is true for string fields and false for number and date fields.
    sortable Boolean
    Determines whether the field can be used to sort the results of a query. If you specify sorting on a field that does not have Sortable set to true, Amazon Kendra returns an exception. The default is false.


    FaqStatistics List<GetIndexIndexStatisticFaqStatistic>
    Block that specifies the number of question and answer topics in the index. Documented below.
    TextDocumentStatistics List<GetIndexIndexStatisticTextDocumentStatistic>
    A block that specifies the number of text documents indexed.
    FaqStatistics []GetIndexIndexStatisticFaqStatistic
    Block that specifies the number of question and answer topics in the index. Documented below.
    TextDocumentStatistics []GetIndexIndexStatisticTextDocumentStatistic
    A block that specifies the number of text documents indexed.
    faqStatistics List<GetIndexIndexStatisticFaqStatistic>
    Block that specifies the number of question and answer topics in the index. Documented below.
    textDocumentStatistics List<GetIndexIndexStatisticTextDocumentStatistic>
    A block that specifies the number of text documents indexed.
    faqStatistics GetIndexIndexStatisticFaqStatistic[]
    Block that specifies the number of question and answer topics in the index. Documented below.
    textDocumentStatistics GetIndexIndexStatisticTextDocumentStatistic[]
    A block that specifies the number of text documents indexed.
    faq_statistics Sequence[GetIndexIndexStatisticFaqStatistic]
    Block that specifies the number of question and answer topics in the index. Documented below.
    text_document_statistics Sequence[GetIndexIndexStatisticTextDocumentStatistic]
    A block that specifies the number of text documents indexed.
    faqStatistics List<Property Map>
    Block that specifies the number of question and answer topics in the index. Documented below.
    textDocumentStatistics List<Property Map>
    A block that specifies the number of text documents indexed.


    IndexedQuestionAnswersCount int
    The total number of FAQ questions and answers contained in the index.
    IndexedQuestionAnswersCount int
    The total number of FAQ questions and answers contained in the index.
    indexedQuestionAnswersCount Integer
    The total number of FAQ questions and answers contained in the index.
    indexedQuestionAnswersCount number
    The total number of FAQ questions and answers contained in the index.
    indexed_question_answers_count int
    The total number of FAQ questions and answers contained in the index.
    indexedQuestionAnswersCount Number
    The total number of FAQ questions and answers contained in the index.


    IndexedTextBytes int
    Total size, in bytes, of the indexed documents.
    IndexedTextDocumentsCount int
    The number of text documents indexed.
    IndexedTextBytes int
    Total size, in bytes, of the indexed documents.
    IndexedTextDocumentsCount int
    The number of text documents indexed.
    indexedTextBytes Integer
    Total size, in bytes, of the indexed documents.
    indexedTextDocumentsCount Integer
    The number of text documents indexed.
    indexedTextBytes number
    Total size, in bytes, of the indexed documents.
    indexedTextDocumentsCount number
    The number of text documents indexed.
    indexed_text_bytes int
    Total size, in bytes, of the indexed documents.
    indexed_text_documents_count int
    The number of text documents indexed.
    indexedTextBytes Number
    Total size, in bytes, of the indexed documents.
    indexedTextDocumentsCount Number
    The number of text documents indexed.


    KmsKeyId string
    Identifier of the AWS KMScustomer master key (CMK). Amazon Kendra doesn't support asymmetric CMKs.
    KmsKeyId string
    Identifier of the AWS KMScustomer master key (CMK). Amazon Kendra doesn't support asymmetric CMKs.
    kmsKeyId String
    Identifier of the AWS KMScustomer master key (CMK). Amazon Kendra doesn't support asymmetric CMKs.
    kmsKeyId string
    Identifier of the AWS KMScustomer master key (CMK). Amazon Kendra doesn't support asymmetric CMKs.
    kms_key_id str
    Identifier of the AWS KMScustomer master key (CMK). Amazon Kendra doesn't support asymmetric CMKs.
    kmsKeyId String
    Identifier of the AWS KMScustomer master key (CMK). Amazon Kendra doesn't support asymmetric CMKs.


    UserGroupResolutionMode string
    The identity store provider (mode) you want to use to fetch access levels of groups and users. AWS Single Sign-On is currently the only available mode. Your users and groups must exist in an AWS SSO identity source in order to use this mode. Valid Values are AWS_SSO or NONE.
    UserGroupResolutionMode string
    The identity store provider (mode) you want to use to fetch access levels of groups and users. AWS Single Sign-On is currently the only available mode. Your users and groups must exist in an AWS SSO identity source in order to use this mode. Valid Values are AWS_SSO or NONE.
    userGroupResolutionMode String
    The identity store provider (mode) you want to use to fetch access levels of groups and users. AWS Single Sign-On is currently the only available mode. Your users and groups must exist in an AWS SSO identity source in order to use this mode. Valid Values are AWS_SSO or NONE.
    userGroupResolutionMode string
    The identity store provider (mode) you want to use to fetch access levels of groups and users. AWS Single Sign-On is currently the only available mode. Your users and groups must exist in an AWS SSO identity source in order to use this mode. Valid Values are AWS_SSO or NONE.
    user_group_resolution_mode str
    The identity store provider (mode) you want to use to fetch access levels of groups and users. AWS Single Sign-On is currently the only available mode. Your users and groups must exist in an AWS SSO identity source in order to use this mode. Valid Values are AWS_SSO or NONE.
    userGroupResolutionMode String
    The identity store provider (mode) you want to use to fetch access levels of groups and users. AWS Single Sign-On is currently the only available mode. Your users and groups must exist in an AWS SSO identity source in order to use this mode. Valid Values are AWS_SSO or NONE.


    JsonTokenTypeConfigurations List<GetIndexUserTokenConfigurationJsonTokenTypeConfiguration>
    A block that specifies the information about the JSON token type configuration.
    JwtTokenTypeConfigurations List<GetIndexUserTokenConfigurationJwtTokenTypeConfiguration>
    A block that specifies the information about the JWT token type configuration.
    JsonTokenTypeConfigurations []GetIndexUserTokenConfigurationJsonTokenTypeConfiguration
    A block that specifies the information about the JSON token type configuration.
    JwtTokenTypeConfigurations []GetIndexUserTokenConfigurationJwtTokenTypeConfiguration
    A block that specifies the information about the JWT token type configuration.
    jsonTokenTypeConfigurations List<GetIndexUserTokenConfigurationJsonTokenTypeConfiguration>
    A block that specifies the information about the JSON token type configuration.
    jwtTokenTypeConfigurations List<GetIndexUserTokenConfigurationJwtTokenTypeConfiguration>
    A block that specifies the information about the JWT token type configuration.
    jsonTokenTypeConfigurations GetIndexUserTokenConfigurationJsonTokenTypeConfiguration[]
    A block that specifies the information about the JSON token type configuration.
    jwtTokenTypeConfigurations GetIndexUserTokenConfigurationJwtTokenTypeConfiguration[]
    A block that specifies the information about the JWT token type configuration.
    json_token_type_configurations Sequence[GetIndexUserTokenConfigurationJsonTokenTypeConfiguration]
    A block that specifies the information about the JSON token type configuration.
    jwt_token_type_configurations Sequence[GetIndexUserTokenConfigurationJwtTokenTypeConfiguration]
    A block that specifies the information about the JWT token type configuration.
    jsonTokenTypeConfigurations List<Property Map>
    A block that specifies the information about the JSON token type configuration.
    jwtTokenTypeConfigurations List<Property Map>
    A block that specifies the information about the JWT token type configuration.


    GroupAttributeField string
    The group attribute field.
    UserNameAttributeField string
    The user name attribute field.
    GroupAttributeField string
    The group attribute field.
    UserNameAttributeField string
    The user name attribute field.
    groupAttributeField String
    The group attribute field.
    userNameAttributeField String
    The user name attribute field.
    groupAttributeField string
    The group attribute field.
    userNameAttributeField string
    The user name attribute field.
    group_attribute_field str
    The group attribute field.
    user_name_attribute_field str
    The user name attribute field.
    groupAttributeField String
    The group attribute field.
    userNameAttributeField String
    The user name attribute field.


    ClaimRegex string
    Regular expression that identifies the claim.
    GroupAttributeField string
    The group attribute field.
    Issuer string
    Issuer of the token.
    KeyLocation string
    Location of the key. Valid values are URL or SECRET_MANAGER
    SecretsManagerArn string
    ARN of the secret.
    Url string
    Signing key URL.
    UserNameAttributeField string
    The user name attribute field.
    ClaimRegex string
    Regular expression that identifies the claim.
    GroupAttributeField string
    The group attribute field.
    Issuer string
    Issuer of the token.
    KeyLocation string
    Location of the key. Valid values are URL or SECRET_MANAGER
    SecretsManagerArn string
    ARN of the secret.
    Url string
    Signing key URL.
    UserNameAttributeField string
    The user name attribute field.
    claimRegex String
    Regular expression that identifies the claim.
    groupAttributeField String
    The group attribute field.
    issuer String
    Issuer of the token.
    keyLocation String
    Location of the key. Valid values are URL or SECRET_MANAGER
    secretsManagerArn String
    ARN of the secret.
    url String
    Signing key URL.
    userNameAttributeField String
    The user name attribute field.
    claimRegex string
    Regular expression that identifies the claim.
    groupAttributeField string
    The group attribute field.
    issuer string
    Issuer of the token.
    keyLocation string
    Location of the key. Valid values are URL or SECRET_MANAGER
    secretsManagerArn string
    ARN of the secret.
    url string
    Signing key URL.
    userNameAttributeField string
    The user name attribute field.
    claim_regex str
    Regular expression that identifies the claim.
    group_attribute_field str
    The group attribute field.
    issuer str
    Issuer of the token.
    key_location str
    Location of the key. Valid values are URL or SECRET_MANAGER
    secrets_manager_arn str
    ARN of the secret.
    url str
    Signing key URL.
    user_name_attribute_field str
    The user name attribute field.
    claimRegex String
    Regular expression that identifies the claim.
    groupAttributeField String
    The group attribute field.
    issuer String
    Issuer of the token.
    keyLocation String
    Location of the key. Valid values are URL or SECRET_MANAGER
    secretsManagerArn String
    ARN of the secret.
    url String
    Signing key URL.
    userNameAttributeField String
    The user name attribute field.

    Package Details

    AWS Classic pulumi/pulumi-aws
    This Pulumi package is based on the aws Terraform Provider.
    aws logo

    Try AWS Native preview for resources not in the classic version.

    AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi