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  5. InstanceFleet

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AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Try AWS Native preview for resources not in the classic version.

AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    Provides an Elastic MapReduce Cluster Instance Fleet configuration. See Amazon Elastic MapReduce Documentation for more information.

    NOTE: At this time, Instance Fleets cannot be destroyed through the API nor web interface. Instance Fleets are destroyed when the EMR Cluster is destroyed. the provider will resize any Instance Fleet to zero when destroying the resource.

    Example Usage

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
    import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
    const task = new aws.emr.InstanceFleet("task", {
        clusterId: cluster.id,
        instanceTypeConfigs: [
                bidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice: 100,
                ebsConfigs: [{
                    size: 100,
                    type: "gp2",
                    volumesPerInstance: 1,
                instanceType: "m4.xlarge",
                weightedCapacity: 1,
                bidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice: 100,
                ebsConfigs: [{
                    size: 100,
                    type: "gp2",
                    volumesPerInstance: 1,
                instanceType: "m4.2xlarge",
                weightedCapacity: 2,
        launchSpecifications: {
            spotSpecifications: [{
                allocationStrategy: "capacity-optimized",
                blockDurationMinutes: 0,
                timeoutAction: "TERMINATE_CLUSTER",
                timeoutDurationMinutes: 10,
        name: "task fleet",
        targetOnDemandCapacity: 1,
        targetSpotCapacity: 1,
    import pulumi
    import pulumi_aws as aws
    task = aws.emr.InstanceFleet("task",
                "bidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice": 100,
                "ebsConfigs": [{
                    "size": 100,
                    "type": "gp2",
                    "volumesPerInstance": 1,
                "instanceType": "m4.xlarge",
                "weightedCapacity": 1,
                "bidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice": 100,
                "ebsConfigs": [{
                    "size": 100,
                    "type": "gp2",
                    "volumesPerInstance": 1,
                "instanceType": "m4.2xlarge",
                "weightedCapacity": 2,
            "spotSpecifications": [{
                "allocationStrategy": "capacity-optimized",
                "blockDurationMinutes": 0,
                "timeoutAction": "TERMINATE_CLUSTER",
                "timeoutDurationMinutes": 10,
        name="task fleet",
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    	pulumi.Run(func(ctx *pulumi.Context) error {
    		_, err := emr.NewInstanceFleet(ctx, "task", &emr.InstanceFleetArgs{
    			ClusterId: pulumi.Any(cluster.Id),
    			InstanceTypeConfigs: emr.InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigArray{
    					BidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice: pulumi.Float64(100),
    					EbsConfigs: emr.InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigEbsConfigArray{
    							Size:               pulumi.Int(100),
    							Type:               pulumi.String("gp2"),
    							VolumesPerInstance: pulumi.Int(1),
    					InstanceType:     pulumi.String("m4.xlarge"),
    					WeightedCapacity: pulumi.Int(1),
    					BidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice: pulumi.Float64(100),
    					EbsConfigs: emr.InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigEbsConfigArray{
    							Size:               pulumi.Int(100),
    							Type:               pulumi.String("gp2"),
    							VolumesPerInstance: pulumi.Int(1),
    					InstanceType:     pulumi.String("m4.2xlarge"),
    					WeightedCapacity: pulumi.Int(2),
    			LaunchSpecifications: &emr.InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsArgs{
    				SpotSpecifications: emr.InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsSpotSpecificationArray{
    						AllocationStrategy:     pulumi.String("capacity-optimized"),
    						BlockDurationMinutes:   pulumi.Int(0),
    						TimeoutAction:          pulumi.String("TERMINATE_CLUSTER"),
    						TimeoutDurationMinutes: pulumi.Int(10),
    			Name:                   pulumi.String("task fleet"),
    			TargetOnDemandCapacity: pulumi.Int(1),
    			TargetSpotCapacity:     pulumi.Int(1),
    		if err != nil {
    			return err
    		return nil
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using Pulumi;
    using Aws = Pulumi.Aws;
    return await Deployment.RunAsync(() => 
        var task = new Aws.Emr.InstanceFleet("task", new()
            ClusterId = cluster.Id,
            InstanceTypeConfigs = new[]
                new Aws.Emr.Inputs.InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigArgs
                    BidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice = 100,
                    EbsConfigs = new[]
                        new Aws.Emr.Inputs.InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigEbsConfigArgs
                            Size = 100,
                            Type = "gp2",
                            VolumesPerInstance = 1,
                    InstanceType = "m4.xlarge",
                    WeightedCapacity = 1,
                new Aws.Emr.Inputs.InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigArgs
                    BidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice = 100,
                    EbsConfigs = new[]
                        new Aws.Emr.Inputs.InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigEbsConfigArgs
                            Size = 100,
                            Type = "gp2",
                            VolumesPerInstance = 1,
                    InstanceType = "m4.2xlarge",
                    WeightedCapacity = 2,
            LaunchSpecifications = new Aws.Emr.Inputs.InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsArgs
                SpotSpecifications = new[]
                    new Aws.Emr.Inputs.InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsSpotSpecificationArgs
                        AllocationStrategy = "capacity-optimized",
                        BlockDurationMinutes = 0,
                        TimeoutAction = "TERMINATE_CLUSTER",
                        TimeoutDurationMinutes = 10,
            Name = "task fleet",
            TargetOnDemandCapacity = 1,
            TargetSpotCapacity = 1,
    package generated_program;
    import com.pulumi.Context;
    import com.pulumi.Pulumi;
    import com.pulumi.core.Output;
    import com.pulumi.aws.emr.InstanceFleet;
    import com.pulumi.aws.emr.InstanceFleetArgs;
    import com.pulumi.aws.emr.inputs.InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigArgs;
    import com.pulumi.aws.emr.inputs.InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsArgs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.nio.file.Files;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    public class App {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        public static void stack(Context ctx) {
            var task = new InstanceFleet("task", InstanceFleetArgs.builder()
                .name("task fleet")
        type: aws:emr:InstanceFleet
          clusterId: ${cluster.id}
            - bidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice: 100
                - size: 100
                  type: gp2
                  volumesPerInstance: 1
              instanceType: m4.xlarge
              weightedCapacity: 1
            - bidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice: 100
                - size: 100
                  type: gp2
                  volumesPerInstance: 1
              instanceType: m4.2xlarge
              weightedCapacity: 2
              - allocationStrategy: capacity-optimized
                blockDurationMinutes: 0
                timeoutAction: TERMINATE_CLUSTER
                timeoutDurationMinutes: 10
          name: task fleet
          targetOnDemandCapacity: 1
          targetSpotCapacity: 1

    Create InstanceFleet Resource

    Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.

    Constructor syntax

    new InstanceFleet(name: string, args: InstanceFleetArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
    def InstanceFleet(resource_name: str,
                      args: InstanceFleetArgs,
                      opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
    def InstanceFleet(resource_name: str,
                      opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
                      cluster_id: Optional[str] = None,
                      instance_type_configs: Optional[Sequence[InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigArgs]] = None,
                      launch_specifications: Optional[InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsArgs] = None,
                      name: Optional[str] = None,
                      target_on_demand_capacity: Optional[int] = None,
                      target_spot_capacity: Optional[int] = None)
    func NewInstanceFleet(ctx *Context, name string, args InstanceFleetArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*InstanceFleet, error)
    public InstanceFleet(string name, InstanceFleetArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public InstanceFleet(String name, InstanceFleetArgs args)
    public InstanceFleet(String name, InstanceFleetArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
    type: aws:emr:InstanceFleet
    properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
    options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.


    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args InstanceFleetArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    resource_name str
    The unique name of the resource.
    args InstanceFleetArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    ctx Context
    Context object for the current deployment.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args InstanceFleetArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOption
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args InstanceFleetArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name String
    The unique name of the resource.
    args InstanceFleetArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    options CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.

    Constructor example

    The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.

    var instanceFleetResource = new Aws.Emr.InstanceFleet("instanceFleetResource", new()
        ClusterId = "string",
        InstanceTypeConfigs = new[]
            new Aws.Emr.Inputs.InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigArgs
                InstanceType = "string",
                BidPrice = "string",
                BidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice = 0,
                Configurations = new[]
                    new Aws.Emr.Inputs.InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigConfigurationArgs
                        Classification = "string",
                        Properties = 
                            { "string", "string" },
                EbsConfigs = new[]
                    new Aws.Emr.Inputs.InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigEbsConfigArgs
                        Size = 0,
                        Type = "string",
                        Iops = 0,
                        VolumesPerInstance = 0,
                WeightedCapacity = 0,
        LaunchSpecifications = new Aws.Emr.Inputs.InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsArgs
            OnDemandSpecifications = new[]
                new Aws.Emr.Inputs.InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsOnDemandSpecificationArgs
                    AllocationStrategy = "string",
            SpotSpecifications = new[]
                new Aws.Emr.Inputs.InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsSpotSpecificationArgs
                    AllocationStrategy = "string",
                    TimeoutAction = "string",
                    TimeoutDurationMinutes = 0,
                    BlockDurationMinutes = 0,
        Name = "string",
        TargetOnDemandCapacity = 0,
        TargetSpotCapacity = 0,
    example, err := emr.NewInstanceFleet(ctx, "instanceFleetResource", &emr.InstanceFleetArgs{
    	ClusterId: pulumi.String("string"),
    	InstanceTypeConfigs: emr.InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigArray{
    			InstanceType:                        pulumi.String("string"),
    			BidPrice:                            pulumi.String("string"),
    			BidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice: pulumi.Float64(0),
    			Configurations: emr.InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigConfigurationArray{
    					Classification: pulumi.String("string"),
    					Properties: pulumi.StringMap{
    						"string": pulumi.String("string"),
    			EbsConfigs: emr.InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigEbsConfigArray{
    					Size:               pulumi.Int(0),
    					Type:               pulumi.String("string"),
    					Iops:               pulumi.Int(0),
    					VolumesPerInstance: pulumi.Int(0),
    			WeightedCapacity: pulumi.Int(0),
    	LaunchSpecifications: &emr.InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsArgs{
    		OnDemandSpecifications: emr.InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsOnDemandSpecificationArray{
    				AllocationStrategy: pulumi.String("string"),
    		SpotSpecifications: emr.InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsSpotSpecificationArray{
    				AllocationStrategy:     pulumi.String("string"),
    				TimeoutAction:          pulumi.String("string"),
    				TimeoutDurationMinutes: pulumi.Int(0),
    				BlockDurationMinutes:   pulumi.Int(0),
    	Name:                   pulumi.String("string"),
    	TargetOnDemandCapacity: pulumi.Int(0),
    	TargetSpotCapacity:     pulumi.Int(0),
    var instanceFleetResource = new InstanceFleet("instanceFleetResource", InstanceFleetArgs.builder()
                .properties(Map.of("string", "string"))
    instance_fleet_resource = aws.emr.InstanceFleet("instanceFleetResource",
            "instanceType": "string",
            "bidPrice": "string",
            "bidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice": 0,
            "configurations": [{
                "classification": "string",
                "properties": {
                    "string": "string",
            "ebsConfigs": [{
                "size": 0,
                "type": "string",
                "iops": 0,
                "volumesPerInstance": 0,
            "weightedCapacity": 0,
            "onDemandSpecifications": [{
                "allocationStrategy": "string",
            "spotSpecifications": [{
                "allocationStrategy": "string",
                "timeoutAction": "string",
                "timeoutDurationMinutes": 0,
                "blockDurationMinutes": 0,
    const instanceFleetResource = new aws.emr.InstanceFleet("instanceFleetResource", {
        clusterId: "string",
        instanceTypeConfigs: [{
            instanceType: "string",
            bidPrice: "string",
            bidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice: 0,
            configurations: [{
                classification: "string",
                properties: {
                    string: "string",
            ebsConfigs: [{
                size: 0,
                type: "string",
                iops: 0,
                volumesPerInstance: 0,
            weightedCapacity: 0,
        launchSpecifications: {
            onDemandSpecifications: [{
                allocationStrategy: "string",
            spotSpecifications: [{
                allocationStrategy: "string",
                timeoutAction: "string",
                timeoutDurationMinutes: 0,
                blockDurationMinutes: 0,
        name: "string",
        targetOnDemandCapacity: 0,
        targetSpotCapacity: 0,
    type: aws:emr:InstanceFleet
        clusterId: string
            - bidPrice: string
              bidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice: 0
                - classification: string
                    string: string
                - iops: 0
                  size: 0
                  type: string
                  volumesPerInstance: 0
              instanceType: string
              weightedCapacity: 0
                - allocationStrategy: string
                - allocationStrategy: string
                  blockDurationMinutes: 0
                  timeoutAction: string
                  timeoutDurationMinutes: 0
        name: string
        targetOnDemandCapacity: 0
        targetSpotCapacity: 0

    InstanceFleet Resource Properties

    To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.


    The InstanceFleet resource accepts the following input properties:

    ClusterId string
    ID of the EMR Cluster to attach to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    InstanceTypeConfigs List<InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfig>
    Configuration block for instance fleet
    LaunchSpecifications InstanceFleetLaunchSpecifications
    Configuration block for launch specification
    Name string
    Friendly name given to the instance fleet.
    TargetOnDemandCapacity int
    The target capacity of On-Demand units for the instance fleet, which determines how many On-Demand instances to provision.
    TargetSpotCapacity int
    The target capacity of Spot units for the instance fleet, which determines how many Spot instances to provision.
    ClusterId string
    ID of the EMR Cluster to attach to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    InstanceTypeConfigs []InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigArgs
    Configuration block for instance fleet
    LaunchSpecifications InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsArgs
    Configuration block for launch specification
    Name string
    Friendly name given to the instance fleet.
    TargetOnDemandCapacity int
    The target capacity of On-Demand units for the instance fleet, which determines how many On-Demand instances to provision.
    TargetSpotCapacity int
    The target capacity of Spot units for the instance fleet, which determines how many Spot instances to provision.
    clusterId String
    ID of the EMR Cluster to attach to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    instanceTypeConfigs List<InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfig>
    Configuration block for instance fleet
    launchSpecifications InstanceFleetLaunchSpecifications
    Configuration block for launch specification
    name String
    Friendly name given to the instance fleet.
    targetOnDemandCapacity Integer
    The target capacity of On-Demand units for the instance fleet, which determines how many On-Demand instances to provision.
    targetSpotCapacity Integer
    The target capacity of Spot units for the instance fleet, which determines how many Spot instances to provision.
    clusterId string
    ID of the EMR Cluster to attach to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    instanceTypeConfigs InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfig[]
    Configuration block for instance fleet
    launchSpecifications InstanceFleetLaunchSpecifications
    Configuration block for launch specification
    name string
    Friendly name given to the instance fleet.
    targetOnDemandCapacity number
    The target capacity of On-Demand units for the instance fleet, which determines how many On-Demand instances to provision.
    targetSpotCapacity number
    The target capacity of Spot units for the instance fleet, which determines how many Spot instances to provision.
    cluster_id str
    ID of the EMR Cluster to attach to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    instance_type_configs Sequence[InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigArgs]
    Configuration block for instance fleet
    launch_specifications InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsArgs
    Configuration block for launch specification
    name str
    Friendly name given to the instance fleet.
    target_on_demand_capacity int
    The target capacity of On-Demand units for the instance fleet, which determines how many On-Demand instances to provision.
    target_spot_capacity int
    The target capacity of Spot units for the instance fleet, which determines how many Spot instances to provision.
    clusterId String
    ID of the EMR Cluster to attach to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    instanceTypeConfigs List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for instance fleet
    launchSpecifications Property Map
    Configuration block for launch specification
    name String
    Friendly name given to the instance fleet.
    targetOnDemandCapacity Number
    The target capacity of On-Demand units for the instance fleet, which determines how many On-Demand instances to provision.
    targetSpotCapacity Number
    The target capacity of Spot units for the instance fleet, which determines how many Spot instances to provision.


    All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the InstanceFleet resource produces the following output properties:

    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    ProvisionedOnDemandCapacity int
    The number of On-Demand units that have been provisioned for the instance fleet to fulfill TargetOnDemandCapacity. This provisioned capacity might be less than or greater than TargetOnDemandCapacity.
    ProvisionedSpotCapacity int
    The number of Spot units that have been provisioned for this instance fleet to fulfill TargetSpotCapacity. This provisioned capacity might be less than or greater than TargetSpotCapacity.
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    ProvisionedOnDemandCapacity int
    The number of On-Demand units that have been provisioned for the instance fleet to fulfill TargetOnDemandCapacity. This provisioned capacity might be less than or greater than TargetOnDemandCapacity.
    ProvisionedSpotCapacity int
    The number of Spot units that have been provisioned for this instance fleet to fulfill TargetSpotCapacity. This provisioned capacity might be less than or greater than TargetSpotCapacity.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    provisionedOnDemandCapacity Integer
    The number of On-Demand units that have been provisioned for the instance fleet to fulfill TargetOnDemandCapacity. This provisioned capacity might be less than or greater than TargetOnDemandCapacity.
    provisionedSpotCapacity Integer
    The number of Spot units that have been provisioned for this instance fleet to fulfill TargetSpotCapacity. This provisioned capacity might be less than or greater than TargetSpotCapacity.
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    provisionedOnDemandCapacity number
    The number of On-Demand units that have been provisioned for the instance fleet to fulfill TargetOnDemandCapacity. This provisioned capacity might be less than or greater than TargetOnDemandCapacity.
    provisionedSpotCapacity number
    The number of Spot units that have been provisioned for this instance fleet to fulfill TargetSpotCapacity. This provisioned capacity might be less than or greater than TargetSpotCapacity.
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    provisioned_on_demand_capacity int
    The number of On-Demand units that have been provisioned for the instance fleet to fulfill TargetOnDemandCapacity. This provisioned capacity might be less than or greater than TargetOnDemandCapacity.
    provisioned_spot_capacity int
    The number of Spot units that have been provisioned for this instance fleet to fulfill TargetSpotCapacity. This provisioned capacity might be less than or greater than TargetSpotCapacity.
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    provisionedOnDemandCapacity Number
    The number of On-Demand units that have been provisioned for the instance fleet to fulfill TargetOnDemandCapacity. This provisioned capacity might be less than or greater than TargetOnDemandCapacity.
    provisionedSpotCapacity Number
    The number of Spot units that have been provisioned for this instance fleet to fulfill TargetSpotCapacity. This provisioned capacity might be less than or greater than TargetSpotCapacity.

    Look up Existing InstanceFleet Resource

    Get an existing InstanceFleet resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.

    public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: InstanceFleetState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): InstanceFleet
    def get(resource_name: str,
            id: str,
            opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
            cluster_id: Optional[str] = None,
            instance_type_configs: Optional[Sequence[InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigArgs]] = None,
            launch_specifications: Optional[InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsArgs] = None,
            name: Optional[str] = None,
            provisioned_on_demand_capacity: Optional[int] = None,
            provisioned_spot_capacity: Optional[int] = None,
            target_on_demand_capacity: Optional[int] = None,
            target_spot_capacity: Optional[int] = None) -> InstanceFleet
    func GetInstanceFleet(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *InstanceFleetState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*InstanceFleet, error)
    public static InstanceFleet Get(string name, Input<string> id, InstanceFleetState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public static InstanceFleet get(String name, Output<String> id, InstanceFleetState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
    Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The following state arguments are supported:
    ClusterId string
    ID of the EMR Cluster to attach to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    InstanceTypeConfigs List<InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfig>
    Configuration block for instance fleet
    LaunchSpecifications InstanceFleetLaunchSpecifications
    Configuration block for launch specification
    Name string
    Friendly name given to the instance fleet.
    ProvisionedOnDemandCapacity int
    The number of On-Demand units that have been provisioned for the instance fleet to fulfill TargetOnDemandCapacity. This provisioned capacity might be less than or greater than TargetOnDemandCapacity.
    ProvisionedSpotCapacity int
    The number of Spot units that have been provisioned for this instance fleet to fulfill TargetSpotCapacity. This provisioned capacity might be less than or greater than TargetSpotCapacity.
    TargetOnDemandCapacity int
    The target capacity of On-Demand units for the instance fleet, which determines how many On-Demand instances to provision.
    TargetSpotCapacity int
    The target capacity of Spot units for the instance fleet, which determines how many Spot instances to provision.
    ClusterId string
    ID of the EMR Cluster to attach to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    InstanceTypeConfigs []InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigArgs
    Configuration block for instance fleet
    LaunchSpecifications InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsArgs
    Configuration block for launch specification
    Name string
    Friendly name given to the instance fleet.
    ProvisionedOnDemandCapacity int
    The number of On-Demand units that have been provisioned for the instance fleet to fulfill TargetOnDemandCapacity. This provisioned capacity might be less than or greater than TargetOnDemandCapacity.
    ProvisionedSpotCapacity int
    The number of Spot units that have been provisioned for this instance fleet to fulfill TargetSpotCapacity. This provisioned capacity might be less than or greater than TargetSpotCapacity.
    TargetOnDemandCapacity int
    The target capacity of On-Demand units for the instance fleet, which determines how many On-Demand instances to provision.
    TargetSpotCapacity int
    The target capacity of Spot units for the instance fleet, which determines how many Spot instances to provision.
    clusterId String
    ID of the EMR Cluster to attach to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    instanceTypeConfigs List<InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfig>
    Configuration block for instance fleet
    launchSpecifications InstanceFleetLaunchSpecifications
    Configuration block for launch specification
    name String
    Friendly name given to the instance fleet.
    provisionedOnDemandCapacity Integer
    The number of On-Demand units that have been provisioned for the instance fleet to fulfill TargetOnDemandCapacity. This provisioned capacity might be less than or greater than TargetOnDemandCapacity.
    provisionedSpotCapacity Integer
    The number of Spot units that have been provisioned for this instance fleet to fulfill TargetSpotCapacity. This provisioned capacity might be less than or greater than TargetSpotCapacity.
    targetOnDemandCapacity Integer
    The target capacity of On-Demand units for the instance fleet, which determines how many On-Demand instances to provision.
    targetSpotCapacity Integer
    The target capacity of Spot units for the instance fleet, which determines how many Spot instances to provision.
    clusterId string
    ID of the EMR Cluster to attach to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    instanceTypeConfigs InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfig[]
    Configuration block for instance fleet
    launchSpecifications InstanceFleetLaunchSpecifications
    Configuration block for launch specification
    name string
    Friendly name given to the instance fleet.
    provisionedOnDemandCapacity number
    The number of On-Demand units that have been provisioned for the instance fleet to fulfill TargetOnDemandCapacity. This provisioned capacity might be less than or greater than TargetOnDemandCapacity.
    provisionedSpotCapacity number
    The number of Spot units that have been provisioned for this instance fleet to fulfill TargetSpotCapacity. This provisioned capacity might be less than or greater than TargetSpotCapacity.
    targetOnDemandCapacity number
    The target capacity of On-Demand units for the instance fleet, which determines how many On-Demand instances to provision.
    targetSpotCapacity number
    The target capacity of Spot units for the instance fleet, which determines how many Spot instances to provision.
    cluster_id str
    ID of the EMR Cluster to attach to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    instance_type_configs Sequence[InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigArgs]
    Configuration block for instance fleet
    launch_specifications InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsArgs
    Configuration block for launch specification
    name str
    Friendly name given to the instance fleet.
    provisioned_on_demand_capacity int
    The number of On-Demand units that have been provisioned for the instance fleet to fulfill TargetOnDemandCapacity. This provisioned capacity might be less than or greater than TargetOnDemandCapacity.
    provisioned_spot_capacity int
    The number of Spot units that have been provisioned for this instance fleet to fulfill TargetSpotCapacity. This provisioned capacity might be less than or greater than TargetSpotCapacity.
    target_on_demand_capacity int
    The target capacity of On-Demand units for the instance fleet, which determines how many On-Demand instances to provision.
    target_spot_capacity int
    The target capacity of Spot units for the instance fleet, which determines how many Spot instances to provision.
    clusterId String
    ID of the EMR Cluster to attach to. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
    instanceTypeConfigs List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for instance fleet
    launchSpecifications Property Map
    Configuration block for launch specification
    name String
    Friendly name given to the instance fleet.
    provisionedOnDemandCapacity Number
    The number of On-Demand units that have been provisioned for the instance fleet to fulfill TargetOnDemandCapacity. This provisioned capacity might be less than or greater than TargetOnDemandCapacity.
    provisionedSpotCapacity Number
    The number of Spot units that have been provisioned for this instance fleet to fulfill TargetSpotCapacity. This provisioned capacity might be less than or greater than TargetSpotCapacity.
    targetOnDemandCapacity Number
    The target capacity of On-Demand units for the instance fleet, which determines how many On-Demand instances to provision.
    targetSpotCapacity Number
    The target capacity of Spot units for the instance fleet, which determines how many Spot instances to provision.

    Supporting Types

    InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfig, InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigArgs

    InstanceType string
    An EC2 instance type, such as m4.xlarge.
    BidPrice string
    The bid price for each EC2 Spot instance type as defined by instance_type. Expressed in USD. If neither bid_price nor bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price is provided, bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price defaults to 100%.
    BidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice double
    The bid price, as a percentage of On-Demand price, for each EC2 Spot instance as defined by instance_type. Expressed as a number (for example, 20 specifies 20%). If neither bid_price nor bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price is provided, bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price defaults to 100%.
    Configurations List<InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigConfiguration>
    A configuration classification that applies when provisioning cluster instances, which can include configurations for applications and software that run on the cluster. List of configuration blocks.
    EbsConfigs List<InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigEbsConfig>
    Configuration block(s) for EBS volumes attached to each instance in the instance group. Detailed below.
    WeightedCapacity int
    The number of units that a provisioned instance of this type provides toward fulfilling the target capacities defined in aws.emr.InstanceFleet.
    InstanceType string
    An EC2 instance type, such as m4.xlarge.
    BidPrice string
    The bid price for each EC2 Spot instance type as defined by instance_type. Expressed in USD. If neither bid_price nor bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price is provided, bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price defaults to 100%.
    BidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice float64
    The bid price, as a percentage of On-Demand price, for each EC2 Spot instance as defined by instance_type. Expressed as a number (for example, 20 specifies 20%). If neither bid_price nor bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price is provided, bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price defaults to 100%.
    Configurations []InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigConfiguration
    A configuration classification that applies when provisioning cluster instances, which can include configurations for applications and software that run on the cluster. List of configuration blocks.
    EbsConfigs []InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigEbsConfig
    Configuration block(s) for EBS volumes attached to each instance in the instance group. Detailed below.
    WeightedCapacity int
    The number of units that a provisioned instance of this type provides toward fulfilling the target capacities defined in aws.emr.InstanceFleet.
    instanceType String
    An EC2 instance type, such as m4.xlarge.
    bidPrice String
    The bid price for each EC2 Spot instance type as defined by instance_type. Expressed in USD. If neither bid_price nor bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price is provided, bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price defaults to 100%.
    bidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice Double
    The bid price, as a percentage of On-Demand price, for each EC2 Spot instance as defined by instance_type. Expressed as a number (for example, 20 specifies 20%). If neither bid_price nor bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price is provided, bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price defaults to 100%.
    configurations List<InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigConfiguration>
    A configuration classification that applies when provisioning cluster instances, which can include configurations for applications and software that run on the cluster. List of configuration blocks.
    ebsConfigs List<InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigEbsConfig>
    Configuration block(s) for EBS volumes attached to each instance in the instance group. Detailed below.
    weightedCapacity Integer
    The number of units that a provisioned instance of this type provides toward fulfilling the target capacities defined in aws.emr.InstanceFleet.
    instanceType string
    An EC2 instance type, such as m4.xlarge.
    bidPrice string
    The bid price for each EC2 Spot instance type as defined by instance_type. Expressed in USD. If neither bid_price nor bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price is provided, bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price defaults to 100%.
    bidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice number
    The bid price, as a percentage of On-Demand price, for each EC2 Spot instance as defined by instance_type. Expressed as a number (for example, 20 specifies 20%). If neither bid_price nor bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price is provided, bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price defaults to 100%.
    configurations InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigConfiguration[]
    A configuration classification that applies when provisioning cluster instances, which can include configurations for applications and software that run on the cluster. List of configuration blocks.
    ebsConfigs InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigEbsConfig[]
    Configuration block(s) for EBS volumes attached to each instance in the instance group. Detailed below.
    weightedCapacity number
    The number of units that a provisioned instance of this type provides toward fulfilling the target capacities defined in aws.emr.InstanceFleet.
    instance_type str
    An EC2 instance type, such as m4.xlarge.
    bid_price str
    The bid price for each EC2 Spot instance type as defined by instance_type. Expressed in USD. If neither bid_price nor bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price is provided, bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price defaults to 100%.
    bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price float
    The bid price, as a percentage of On-Demand price, for each EC2 Spot instance as defined by instance_type. Expressed as a number (for example, 20 specifies 20%). If neither bid_price nor bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price is provided, bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price defaults to 100%.
    configurations Sequence[InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigConfiguration]
    A configuration classification that applies when provisioning cluster instances, which can include configurations for applications and software that run on the cluster. List of configuration blocks.
    ebs_configs Sequence[InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigEbsConfig]
    Configuration block(s) for EBS volumes attached to each instance in the instance group. Detailed below.
    weighted_capacity int
    The number of units that a provisioned instance of this type provides toward fulfilling the target capacities defined in aws.emr.InstanceFleet.
    instanceType String
    An EC2 instance type, such as m4.xlarge.
    bidPrice String
    The bid price for each EC2 Spot instance type as defined by instance_type. Expressed in USD. If neither bid_price nor bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price is provided, bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price defaults to 100%.
    bidPriceAsPercentageOfOnDemandPrice Number
    The bid price, as a percentage of On-Demand price, for each EC2 Spot instance as defined by instance_type. Expressed as a number (for example, 20 specifies 20%). If neither bid_price nor bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price is provided, bid_price_as_percentage_of_on_demand_price defaults to 100%.
    configurations List<Property Map>
    A configuration classification that applies when provisioning cluster instances, which can include configurations for applications and software that run on the cluster. List of configuration blocks.
    ebsConfigs List<Property Map>
    Configuration block(s) for EBS volumes attached to each instance in the instance group. Detailed below.
    weightedCapacity Number
    The number of units that a provisioned instance of this type provides toward fulfilling the target capacities defined in aws.emr.InstanceFleet.

    InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigConfiguration, InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigConfigurationArgs

    Classification string
    The classification within a configuration.
    Properties Dictionary<string, string>
    A map of properties specified within a configuration classification
    Classification string
    The classification within a configuration.
    Properties map[string]string
    A map of properties specified within a configuration classification
    classification String
    The classification within a configuration.
    properties Map<String,String>
    A map of properties specified within a configuration classification
    classification string
    The classification within a configuration.
    properties {[key: string]: string}
    A map of properties specified within a configuration classification
    classification str
    The classification within a configuration.
    properties Mapping[str, str]
    A map of properties specified within a configuration classification
    classification String
    The classification within a configuration.
    properties Map<String>
    A map of properties specified within a configuration classification

    InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigEbsConfig, InstanceFleetInstanceTypeConfigEbsConfigArgs

    Size int
    The volume size, in gibibytes (GiB).
    Type string
    The volume type. Valid options are gp2, io1, standard and st1. See EBS Volume Types.
    Iops int
    The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports
    VolumesPerInstance int
    The number of EBS volumes with this configuration to attach to each EC2 instance in the instance group (default is 1)
    Size int
    The volume size, in gibibytes (GiB).
    Type string
    The volume type. Valid options are gp2, io1, standard and st1. See EBS Volume Types.
    Iops int
    The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports
    VolumesPerInstance int
    The number of EBS volumes with this configuration to attach to each EC2 instance in the instance group (default is 1)
    size Integer
    The volume size, in gibibytes (GiB).
    type String
    The volume type. Valid options are gp2, io1, standard and st1. See EBS Volume Types.
    iops Integer
    The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports
    volumesPerInstance Integer
    The number of EBS volumes with this configuration to attach to each EC2 instance in the instance group (default is 1)
    size number
    The volume size, in gibibytes (GiB).
    type string
    The volume type. Valid options are gp2, io1, standard and st1. See EBS Volume Types.
    iops number
    The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports
    volumesPerInstance number
    The number of EBS volumes with this configuration to attach to each EC2 instance in the instance group (default is 1)
    size int
    The volume size, in gibibytes (GiB).
    type str
    The volume type. Valid options are gp2, io1, standard and st1. See EBS Volume Types.
    iops int
    The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports
    volumes_per_instance int
    The number of EBS volumes with this configuration to attach to each EC2 instance in the instance group (default is 1)
    size Number
    The volume size, in gibibytes (GiB).
    type String
    The volume type. Valid options are gp2, io1, standard and st1. See EBS Volume Types.
    iops Number
    The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports
    volumesPerInstance Number
    The number of EBS volumes with this configuration to attach to each EC2 instance in the instance group (default is 1)

    InstanceFleetLaunchSpecifications, InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsArgs

    OnDemandSpecifications List<InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsOnDemandSpecification>
    Configuration block for on demand instances launch specifications
    SpotSpecifications List<InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsSpotSpecification>
    Configuration block for spot instances launch specifications
    OnDemandSpecifications []InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsOnDemandSpecification
    Configuration block for on demand instances launch specifications
    SpotSpecifications []InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsSpotSpecification
    Configuration block for spot instances launch specifications
    onDemandSpecifications List<InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsOnDemandSpecification>
    Configuration block for on demand instances launch specifications
    spotSpecifications List<InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsSpotSpecification>
    Configuration block for spot instances launch specifications
    onDemandSpecifications InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsOnDemandSpecification[]
    Configuration block for on demand instances launch specifications
    spotSpecifications InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsSpotSpecification[]
    Configuration block for spot instances launch specifications
    on_demand_specifications Sequence[InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsOnDemandSpecification]
    Configuration block for on demand instances launch specifications
    spot_specifications Sequence[InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsSpotSpecification]
    Configuration block for spot instances launch specifications
    onDemandSpecifications List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for on demand instances launch specifications
    spotSpecifications List<Property Map>
    Configuration block for spot instances launch specifications

    InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsOnDemandSpecification, InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsOnDemandSpecificationArgs

    AllocationStrategy string
    Specifies one of the following strategies to launch Spot Instance fleets: price-capacity-optimized, capacity-optimized, lowest-price, or diversified. For more information on the provisioning strategies, see Allocation strategies for Spot Instances.
    AllocationStrategy string
    Specifies one of the following strategies to launch Spot Instance fleets: price-capacity-optimized, capacity-optimized, lowest-price, or diversified. For more information on the provisioning strategies, see Allocation strategies for Spot Instances.
    allocationStrategy String
    Specifies one of the following strategies to launch Spot Instance fleets: price-capacity-optimized, capacity-optimized, lowest-price, or diversified. For more information on the provisioning strategies, see Allocation strategies for Spot Instances.
    allocationStrategy string
    Specifies one of the following strategies to launch Spot Instance fleets: price-capacity-optimized, capacity-optimized, lowest-price, or diversified. For more information on the provisioning strategies, see Allocation strategies for Spot Instances.
    allocation_strategy str
    Specifies one of the following strategies to launch Spot Instance fleets: price-capacity-optimized, capacity-optimized, lowest-price, or diversified. For more information on the provisioning strategies, see Allocation strategies for Spot Instances.
    allocationStrategy String
    Specifies one of the following strategies to launch Spot Instance fleets: price-capacity-optimized, capacity-optimized, lowest-price, or diversified. For more information on the provisioning strategies, see Allocation strategies for Spot Instances.

    InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsSpotSpecification, InstanceFleetLaunchSpecificationsSpotSpecificationArgs

    AllocationStrategy string
    Specifies one of the following strategies to launch Spot Instance fleets: price-capacity-optimized, capacity-optimized, lowest-price, or diversified. For more information on the provisioning strategies, see Allocation strategies for Spot Instances.
    TimeoutAction string
    The action to take when TargetSpotCapacity has not been fulfilled when the TimeoutDurationMinutes has expired; that is, when all Spot instances could not be provisioned within the Spot provisioning timeout. Valid values are TERMINATE_CLUSTER and SWITCH_TO_ON_DEMAND. SWITCH_TO_ON_DEMAND specifies that if no Spot instances are available, On-Demand Instances should be provisioned to fulfill any remaining Spot capacity.
    TimeoutDurationMinutes int
    The spot provisioning timeout period in minutes. If Spot instances are not provisioned within this time period, the TimeOutAction is taken. Minimum value is 5 and maximum value is 1440. The timeout applies only during initial provisioning, when the cluster is first created.
    BlockDurationMinutes int
    The defined duration for Spot instances (also known as Spot blocks) in minutes. When specified, the Spot instance does not terminate before the defined duration expires, and defined duration pricing for Spot instances applies. Valid values are 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, or 360. The duration period starts as soon as a Spot instance receives its instance ID. At the end of the duration, Amazon EC2 marks the Spot instance for termination and provides a Spot instance termination notice, which gives the instance a two-minute warning before it terminates.
    AllocationStrategy string
    Specifies one of the following strategies to launch Spot Instance fleets: price-capacity-optimized, capacity-optimized, lowest-price, or diversified. For more information on the provisioning strategies, see Allocation strategies for Spot Instances.
    TimeoutAction string
    The action to take when TargetSpotCapacity has not been fulfilled when the TimeoutDurationMinutes has expired; that is, when all Spot instances could not be provisioned within the Spot provisioning timeout. Valid values are TERMINATE_CLUSTER and SWITCH_TO_ON_DEMAND. SWITCH_TO_ON_DEMAND specifies that if no Spot instances are available, On-Demand Instances should be provisioned to fulfill any remaining Spot capacity.
    TimeoutDurationMinutes int
    The spot provisioning timeout period in minutes. If Spot instances are not provisioned within this time period, the TimeOutAction is taken. Minimum value is 5 and maximum value is 1440. The timeout applies only during initial provisioning, when the cluster is first created.
    BlockDurationMinutes int
    The defined duration for Spot instances (also known as Spot blocks) in minutes. When specified, the Spot instance does not terminate before the defined duration expires, and defined duration pricing for Spot instances applies. Valid values are 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, or 360. The duration period starts as soon as a Spot instance receives its instance ID. At the end of the duration, Amazon EC2 marks the Spot instance for termination and provides a Spot instance termination notice, which gives the instance a two-minute warning before it terminates.
    allocationStrategy String
    Specifies one of the following strategies to launch Spot Instance fleets: price-capacity-optimized, capacity-optimized, lowest-price, or diversified. For more information on the provisioning strategies, see Allocation strategies for Spot Instances.
    timeoutAction String
    The action to take when TargetSpotCapacity has not been fulfilled when the TimeoutDurationMinutes has expired; that is, when all Spot instances could not be provisioned within the Spot provisioning timeout. Valid values are TERMINATE_CLUSTER and SWITCH_TO_ON_DEMAND. SWITCH_TO_ON_DEMAND specifies that if no Spot instances are available, On-Demand Instances should be provisioned to fulfill any remaining Spot capacity.
    timeoutDurationMinutes Integer
    The spot provisioning timeout period in minutes. If Spot instances are not provisioned within this time period, the TimeOutAction is taken. Minimum value is 5 and maximum value is 1440. The timeout applies only during initial provisioning, when the cluster is first created.
    blockDurationMinutes Integer
    The defined duration for Spot instances (also known as Spot blocks) in minutes. When specified, the Spot instance does not terminate before the defined duration expires, and defined duration pricing for Spot instances applies. Valid values are 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, or 360. The duration period starts as soon as a Spot instance receives its instance ID. At the end of the duration, Amazon EC2 marks the Spot instance for termination and provides a Spot instance termination notice, which gives the instance a two-minute warning before it terminates.
    allocationStrategy string
    Specifies one of the following strategies to launch Spot Instance fleets: price-capacity-optimized, capacity-optimized, lowest-price, or diversified. For more information on the provisioning strategies, see Allocation strategies for Spot Instances.
    timeoutAction string
    The action to take when TargetSpotCapacity has not been fulfilled when the TimeoutDurationMinutes has expired; that is, when all Spot instances could not be provisioned within the Spot provisioning timeout. Valid values are TERMINATE_CLUSTER and SWITCH_TO_ON_DEMAND. SWITCH_TO_ON_DEMAND specifies that if no Spot instances are available, On-Demand Instances should be provisioned to fulfill any remaining Spot capacity.
    timeoutDurationMinutes number
    The spot provisioning timeout period in minutes. If Spot instances are not provisioned within this time period, the TimeOutAction is taken. Minimum value is 5 and maximum value is 1440. The timeout applies only during initial provisioning, when the cluster is first created.
    blockDurationMinutes number
    The defined duration for Spot instances (also known as Spot blocks) in minutes. When specified, the Spot instance does not terminate before the defined duration expires, and defined duration pricing for Spot instances applies. Valid values are 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, or 360. The duration period starts as soon as a Spot instance receives its instance ID. At the end of the duration, Amazon EC2 marks the Spot instance for termination and provides a Spot instance termination notice, which gives the instance a two-minute warning before it terminates.
    allocation_strategy str
    Specifies one of the following strategies to launch Spot Instance fleets: price-capacity-optimized, capacity-optimized, lowest-price, or diversified. For more information on the provisioning strategies, see Allocation strategies for Spot Instances.
    timeout_action str
    The action to take when TargetSpotCapacity has not been fulfilled when the TimeoutDurationMinutes has expired; that is, when all Spot instances could not be provisioned within the Spot provisioning timeout. Valid values are TERMINATE_CLUSTER and SWITCH_TO_ON_DEMAND. SWITCH_TO_ON_DEMAND specifies that if no Spot instances are available, On-Demand Instances should be provisioned to fulfill any remaining Spot capacity.
    timeout_duration_minutes int
    The spot provisioning timeout period in minutes. If Spot instances are not provisioned within this time period, the TimeOutAction is taken. Minimum value is 5 and maximum value is 1440. The timeout applies only during initial provisioning, when the cluster is first created.
    block_duration_minutes int
    The defined duration for Spot instances (also known as Spot blocks) in minutes. When specified, the Spot instance does not terminate before the defined duration expires, and defined duration pricing for Spot instances applies. Valid values are 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, or 360. The duration period starts as soon as a Spot instance receives its instance ID. At the end of the duration, Amazon EC2 marks the Spot instance for termination and provides a Spot instance termination notice, which gives the instance a two-minute warning before it terminates.
    allocationStrategy String
    Specifies one of the following strategies to launch Spot Instance fleets: price-capacity-optimized, capacity-optimized, lowest-price, or diversified. For more information on the provisioning strategies, see Allocation strategies for Spot Instances.
    timeoutAction String
    The action to take when TargetSpotCapacity has not been fulfilled when the TimeoutDurationMinutes has expired; that is, when all Spot instances could not be provisioned within the Spot provisioning timeout. Valid values are TERMINATE_CLUSTER and SWITCH_TO_ON_DEMAND. SWITCH_TO_ON_DEMAND specifies that if no Spot instances are available, On-Demand Instances should be provisioned to fulfill any remaining Spot capacity.
    timeoutDurationMinutes Number
    The spot provisioning timeout period in minutes. If Spot instances are not provisioned within this time period, the TimeOutAction is taken. Minimum value is 5 and maximum value is 1440. The timeout applies only during initial provisioning, when the cluster is first created.
    blockDurationMinutes Number
    The defined duration for Spot instances (also known as Spot blocks) in minutes. When specified, the Spot instance does not terminate before the defined duration expires, and defined duration pricing for Spot instances applies. Valid values are 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, or 360. The duration period starts as soon as a Spot instance receives its instance ID. At the end of the duration, Amazon EC2 marks the Spot instance for termination and provides a Spot instance termination notice, which gives the instance a two-minute warning before it terminates.


    Using pulumi import, import EMR Instance Fleet using the EMR Cluster identifier and Instance Fleet identifier separated by a forward slash (/). For example:

    $ pulumi import aws:emr/instanceFleet:InstanceFleet example j-123456ABCDEF/if-15EK4O09RZLNR

    To learn more about importing existing cloud resources, see Importing resources.

    Package Details

    AWS Classic pulumi/pulumi-aws
    This Pulumi package is based on the aws Terraform Provider.
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    Try AWS Native preview for resources not in the classic version.

    AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi