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AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi


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Try AWS Native preview for resources not in the classic version.

AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi

    Create GraphQLApi Resource

    Resources are created with functions called constructors. To learn more about declaring and configuring resources, see Resources.

    Constructor syntax

    new GraphQLApi(name: string, args: GraphQLApiArgs, opts?: CustomResourceOptions);
    def GraphQLApi(resource_name: str,
                   args: GraphQLApiArgs,
                   opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None)
    def GraphQLApi(resource_name: str,
                   opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
                   authentication_type: Optional[str] = None,
                   openid_connect_config: Optional[GraphQLApiOpenidConnectConfigArgs] = None,
                   introspection_config: Optional[str] = None,
                   lambda_authorizer_config: Optional[GraphQLApiLambdaAuthorizerConfigArgs] = None,
                   log_config: Optional[GraphQLApiLogConfigArgs] = None,
                   name: Optional[str] = None,
                   additional_authentication_providers: Optional[Sequence[GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderArgs]] = None,
                   query_depth_limit: Optional[int] = None,
                   resolver_count_limit: Optional[int] = None,
                   schema: Optional[str] = None,
                   tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
                   user_pool_config: Optional[GraphQLApiUserPoolConfigArgs] = None,
                   visibility: Optional[str] = None,
                   xray_enabled: Optional[bool] = None)
    func NewGraphQLApi(ctx *Context, name string, args GraphQLApiArgs, opts ...ResourceOption) (*GraphQLApi, error)
    public GraphQLApi(string name, GraphQLApiArgs args, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public GraphQLApi(String name, GraphQLApiArgs args)
    public GraphQLApi(String name, GraphQLApiArgs args, CustomResourceOptions options)
    type: aws:appsync:GraphQLApi
    properties: # The arguments to resource properties.
    options: # Bag of options to control resource's behavior.


    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args GraphQLApiArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    resource_name str
    The unique name of the resource.
    args GraphQLApiArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    ctx Context
    Context object for the current deployment.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args GraphQLApiArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts ResourceOption
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name string
    The unique name of the resource.
    args GraphQLApiArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    opts CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.
    name String
    The unique name of the resource.
    args GraphQLApiArgs
    The arguments to resource properties.
    options CustomResourceOptions
    Bag of options to control resource's behavior.

    Constructor example

    The following reference example uses placeholder values for all input properties.

    var graphQLApiResource = new Aws.AppSync.GraphQLApi("graphQLApiResource", new()
        AuthenticationType = "string",
        OpenidConnectConfig = new Aws.AppSync.Inputs.GraphQLApiOpenidConnectConfigArgs
            Issuer = "string",
            AuthTtl = 0,
            ClientId = "string",
            IatTtl = 0,
        IntrospectionConfig = "string",
        LambdaAuthorizerConfig = new Aws.AppSync.Inputs.GraphQLApiLambdaAuthorizerConfigArgs
            AuthorizerUri = "string",
            AuthorizerResultTtlInSeconds = 0,
            IdentityValidationExpression = "string",
        LogConfig = new Aws.AppSync.Inputs.GraphQLApiLogConfigArgs
            CloudwatchLogsRoleArn = "string",
            FieldLogLevel = "string",
            ExcludeVerboseContent = false,
        Name = "string",
        AdditionalAuthenticationProviders = new[]
            new Aws.AppSync.Inputs.GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderArgs
                AuthenticationType = "string",
                LambdaAuthorizerConfig = new Aws.AppSync.Inputs.GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderLambdaAuthorizerConfigArgs
                    AuthorizerUri = "string",
                    AuthorizerResultTtlInSeconds = 0,
                    IdentityValidationExpression = "string",
                OpenidConnectConfig = new Aws.AppSync.Inputs.GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderOpenidConnectConfigArgs
                    Issuer = "string",
                    AuthTtl = 0,
                    ClientId = "string",
                    IatTtl = 0,
                UserPoolConfig = new Aws.AppSync.Inputs.GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderUserPoolConfigArgs
                    UserPoolId = "string",
                    AppIdClientRegex = "string",
                    AwsRegion = "string",
        QueryDepthLimit = 0,
        ResolverCountLimit = 0,
        Schema = "string",
        Tags = 
            { "string", "string" },
        UserPoolConfig = new Aws.AppSync.Inputs.GraphQLApiUserPoolConfigArgs
            DefaultAction = "string",
            UserPoolId = "string",
            AppIdClientRegex = "string",
            AwsRegion = "string",
        Visibility = "string",
        XrayEnabled = false,
    example, err := appsync.NewGraphQLApi(ctx, "graphQLApiResource", &appsync.GraphQLApiArgs{
    	AuthenticationType: pulumi.String("string"),
    	OpenidConnectConfig: &appsync.GraphQLApiOpenidConnectConfigArgs{
    		Issuer:   pulumi.String("string"),
    		AuthTtl:  pulumi.Int(0),
    		ClientId: pulumi.String("string"),
    		IatTtl:   pulumi.Int(0),
    	IntrospectionConfig: pulumi.String("string"),
    	LambdaAuthorizerConfig: &appsync.GraphQLApiLambdaAuthorizerConfigArgs{
    		AuthorizerUri:                pulumi.String("string"),
    		AuthorizerResultTtlInSeconds: pulumi.Int(0),
    		IdentityValidationExpression: pulumi.String("string"),
    	LogConfig: &appsync.GraphQLApiLogConfigArgs{
    		CloudwatchLogsRoleArn: pulumi.String("string"),
    		FieldLogLevel:         pulumi.String("string"),
    		ExcludeVerboseContent: pulumi.Bool(false),
    	Name: pulumi.String("string"),
    	AdditionalAuthenticationProviders: appsync.GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderArray{
    			AuthenticationType: pulumi.String("string"),
    			LambdaAuthorizerConfig: &appsync.GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderLambdaAuthorizerConfigArgs{
    				AuthorizerUri:                pulumi.String("string"),
    				AuthorizerResultTtlInSeconds: pulumi.Int(0),
    				IdentityValidationExpression: pulumi.String("string"),
    			OpenidConnectConfig: &appsync.GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderOpenidConnectConfigArgs{
    				Issuer:   pulumi.String("string"),
    				AuthTtl:  pulumi.Int(0),
    				ClientId: pulumi.String("string"),
    				IatTtl:   pulumi.Int(0),
    			UserPoolConfig: &appsync.GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderUserPoolConfigArgs{
    				UserPoolId:       pulumi.String("string"),
    				AppIdClientRegex: pulumi.String("string"),
    				AwsRegion:        pulumi.String("string"),
    	QueryDepthLimit:    pulumi.Int(0),
    	ResolverCountLimit: pulumi.Int(0),
    	Schema:             pulumi.String("string"),
    	Tags: pulumi.StringMap{
    		"string": pulumi.String("string"),
    	UserPoolConfig: &appsync.GraphQLApiUserPoolConfigArgs{
    		DefaultAction:    pulumi.String("string"),
    		UserPoolId:       pulumi.String("string"),
    		AppIdClientRegex: pulumi.String("string"),
    		AwsRegion:        pulumi.String("string"),
    	Visibility:  pulumi.String("string"),
    	XrayEnabled: pulumi.Bool(false),
    var graphQLApiResource = new GraphQLApi("graphQLApiResource", GraphQLApiArgs.builder()
        .tags(Map.of("string", "string"))
    graph_ql_api_resource = aws.appsync.GraphQLApi("graphQLApiResource",
            "issuer": "string",
            "authTtl": 0,
            "clientId": "string",
            "iatTtl": 0,
            "authorizerUri": "string",
            "authorizerResultTtlInSeconds": 0,
            "identityValidationExpression": "string",
            "cloudwatchLogsRoleArn": "string",
            "fieldLogLevel": "string",
            "excludeVerboseContent": False,
            "authenticationType": "string",
            "lambdaAuthorizerConfig": {
                "authorizerUri": "string",
                "authorizerResultTtlInSeconds": 0,
                "identityValidationExpression": "string",
            "openidConnectConfig": {
                "issuer": "string",
                "authTtl": 0,
                "clientId": "string",
                "iatTtl": 0,
            "userPoolConfig": {
                "userPoolId": "string",
                "appIdClientRegex": "string",
                "awsRegion": "string",
            "string": "string",
            "defaultAction": "string",
            "userPoolId": "string",
            "appIdClientRegex": "string",
            "awsRegion": "string",
    const graphQLApiResource = new aws.appsync.GraphQLApi("graphQLApiResource", {
        authenticationType: "string",
        openidConnectConfig: {
            issuer: "string",
            authTtl: 0,
            clientId: "string",
            iatTtl: 0,
        introspectionConfig: "string",
        lambdaAuthorizerConfig: {
            authorizerUri: "string",
            authorizerResultTtlInSeconds: 0,
            identityValidationExpression: "string",
        logConfig: {
            cloudwatchLogsRoleArn: "string",
            fieldLogLevel: "string",
            excludeVerboseContent: false,
        name: "string",
        additionalAuthenticationProviders: [{
            authenticationType: "string",
            lambdaAuthorizerConfig: {
                authorizerUri: "string",
                authorizerResultTtlInSeconds: 0,
                identityValidationExpression: "string",
            openidConnectConfig: {
                issuer: "string",
                authTtl: 0,
                clientId: "string",
                iatTtl: 0,
            userPoolConfig: {
                userPoolId: "string",
                appIdClientRegex: "string",
                awsRegion: "string",
        queryDepthLimit: 0,
        resolverCountLimit: 0,
        schema: "string",
        tags: {
            string: "string",
        userPoolConfig: {
            defaultAction: "string",
            userPoolId: "string",
            appIdClientRegex: "string",
            awsRegion: "string",
        visibility: "string",
        xrayEnabled: false,
    type: aws:appsync:GraphQLApi
            - authenticationType: string
                authorizerResultTtlInSeconds: 0
                authorizerUri: string
                identityValidationExpression: string
                authTtl: 0
                clientId: string
                iatTtl: 0
                issuer: string
                appIdClientRegex: string
                awsRegion: string
                userPoolId: string
        authenticationType: string
        introspectionConfig: string
            authorizerResultTtlInSeconds: 0
            authorizerUri: string
            identityValidationExpression: string
            cloudwatchLogsRoleArn: string
            excludeVerboseContent: false
            fieldLogLevel: string
        name: string
            authTtl: 0
            clientId: string
            iatTtl: 0
            issuer: string
        queryDepthLimit: 0
        resolverCountLimit: 0
        schema: string
            string: string
            appIdClientRegex: string
            awsRegion: string
            defaultAction: string
            userPoolId: string
        visibility: string
        xrayEnabled: false

    GraphQLApi Resource Properties

    To learn more about resource properties and how to use them, see Inputs and Outputs in the Architecture and Concepts docs.


    The GraphQLApi resource accepts the following input properties:

    AuthenticationType string
    AdditionalAuthenticationProviders List<GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProvider>
    One or more additional authentication providers for the GraphqlApi. Defined below.
    IntrospectionConfig string
    Sets the value of the GraphQL API to enable (ENABLED) or disable (DISABLED) introspection. If no value is provided, the introspection configuration will be set to ENABLED by default. This field will produce an error if the operation attempts to use the introspection feature while this field is disabled. For more information about introspection, see GraphQL introspection.
    LambdaAuthorizerConfig GraphQLApiLambdaAuthorizerConfig
    Nested argument containing Lambda authorizer configuration. Defined below.
    LogConfig GraphQLApiLogConfig
    Nested argument containing logging configuration. Defined below.
    Name string
    User-supplied name for the GraphqlApi.
    OpenidConnectConfig GraphQLApiOpenidConnectConfig
    Nested argument containing OpenID Connect configuration. Defined below.
    QueryDepthLimit int

    The maximum depth a query can have in a single request. Depth refers to the amount of nested levels allowed in the body of query. The default value is 0 (or unspecified), which indicates there's no depth limit. If you set a limit, it can be between 1 and 75 nested levels. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls out of bounds.

    Note that fields can still be set to nullable or non-nullable. If a non-nullable field produces an error, the error will be thrown upwards to the first nullable field available.

    ResolverCountLimit int
    The maximum number of resolvers that can be invoked in a single request. The default value is 0 (or unspecified), which will set the limit to 10000. When specified, the limit value can be between 1 and 10000. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls out of bounds.
    Schema string
    Schema definition, in GraphQL schema language format. This provider cannot perform drift detection of this configuration.
    Tags Dictionary<string, string>
    Map of tags to assign to the resource. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    UserPoolConfig GraphQLApiUserPoolConfig
    Amazon Cognito User Pool configuration. Defined below.
    Visibility string
    Sets the value of the GraphQL API to public (GLOBAL) or private (PRIVATE). If no value is provided, the visibility will be set to GLOBAL by default. This value cannot be changed once the API has been created.
    XrayEnabled bool
    Whether tracing with X-ray is enabled. Defaults to false.
    AuthenticationType string
    AdditionalAuthenticationProviders []GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderArgs
    One or more additional authentication providers for the GraphqlApi. Defined below.
    IntrospectionConfig string
    Sets the value of the GraphQL API to enable (ENABLED) or disable (DISABLED) introspection. If no value is provided, the introspection configuration will be set to ENABLED by default. This field will produce an error if the operation attempts to use the introspection feature while this field is disabled. For more information about introspection, see GraphQL introspection.
    LambdaAuthorizerConfig GraphQLApiLambdaAuthorizerConfigArgs
    Nested argument containing Lambda authorizer configuration. Defined below.
    LogConfig GraphQLApiLogConfigArgs
    Nested argument containing logging configuration. Defined below.
    Name string
    User-supplied name for the GraphqlApi.
    OpenidConnectConfig GraphQLApiOpenidConnectConfigArgs
    Nested argument containing OpenID Connect configuration. Defined below.
    QueryDepthLimit int

    The maximum depth a query can have in a single request. Depth refers to the amount of nested levels allowed in the body of query. The default value is 0 (or unspecified), which indicates there's no depth limit. If you set a limit, it can be between 1 and 75 nested levels. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls out of bounds.

    Note that fields can still be set to nullable or non-nullable. If a non-nullable field produces an error, the error will be thrown upwards to the first nullable field available.

    ResolverCountLimit int
    The maximum number of resolvers that can be invoked in a single request. The default value is 0 (or unspecified), which will set the limit to 10000. When specified, the limit value can be between 1 and 10000. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls out of bounds.
    Schema string
    Schema definition, in GraphQL schema language format. This provider cannot perform drift detection of this configuration.
    Tags map[string]string
    Map of tags to assign to the resource. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    UserPoolConfig GraphQLApiUserPoolConfigArgs
    Amazon Cognito User Pool configuration. Defined below.
    Visibility string
    Sets the value of the GraphQL API to public (GLOBAL) or private (PRIVATE). If no value is provided, the visibility will be set to GLOBAL by default. This value cannot be changed once the API has been created.
    XrayEnabled bool
    Whether tracing with X-ray is enabled. Defaults to false.
    authenticationType String
    additionalAuthenticationProviders List<GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProvider>
    One or more additional authentication providers for the GraphqlApi. Defined below.
    introspectionConfig String
    Sets the value of the GraphQL API to enable (ENABLED) or disable (DISABLED) introspection. If no value is provided, the introspection configuration will be set to ENABLED by default. This field will produce an error if the operation attempts to use the introspection feature while this field is disabled. For more information about introspection, see GraphQL introspection.
    lambdaAuthorizerConfig GraphQLApiLambdaAuthorizerConfig
    Nested argument containing Lambda authorizer configuration. Defined below.
    logConfig GraphQLApiLogConfig
    Nested argument containing logging configuration. Defined below.
    name String
    User-supplied name for the GraphqlApi.
    openidConnectConfig GraphQLApiOpenidConnectConfig
    Nested argument containing OpenID Connect configuration. Defined below.
    queryDepthLimit Integer

    The maximum depth a query can have in a single request. Depth refers to the amount of nested levels allowed in the body of query. The default value is 0 (or unspecified), which indicates there's no depth limit. If you set a limit, it can be between 1 and 75 nested levels. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls out of bounds.

    Note that fields can still be set to nullable or non-nullable. If a non-nullable field produces an error, the error will be thrown upwards to the first nullable field available.

    resolverCountLimit Integer
    The maximum number of resolvers that can be invoked in a single request. The default value is 0 (or unspecified), which will set the limit to 10000. When specified, the limit value can be between 1 and 10000. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls out of bounds.
    schema String
    Schema definition, in GraphQL schema language format. This provider cannot perform drift detection of this configuration.
    tags Map<String,String>
    Map of tags to assign to the resource. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    userPoolConfig GraphQLApiUserPoolConfig
    Amazon Cognito User Pool configuration. Defined below.
    visibility String
    Sets the value of the GraphQL API to public (GLOBAL) or private (PRIVATE). If no value is provided, the visibility will be set to GLOBAL by default. This value cannot be changed once the API has been created.
    xrayEnabled Boolean
    Whether tracing with X-ray is enabled. Defaults to false.
    authenticationType string
    additionalAuthenticationProviders GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProvider[]
    One or more additional authentication providers for the GraphqlApi. Defined below.
    introspectionConfig string
    Sets the value of the GraphQL API to enable (ENABLED) or disable (DISABLED) introspection. If no value is provided, the introspection configuration will be set to ENABLED by default. This field will produce an error if the operation attempts to use the introspection feature while this field is disabled. For more information about introspection, see GraphQL introspection.
    lambdaAuthorizerConfig GraphQLApiLambdaAuthorizerConfig
    Nested argument containing Lambda authorizer configuration. Defined below.
    logConfig GraphQLApiLogConfig
    Nested argument containing logging configuration. Defined below.
    name string
    User-supplied name for the GraphqlApi.
    openidConnectConfig GraphQLApiOpenidConnectConfig
    Nested argument containing OpenID Connect configuration. Defined below.
    queryDepthLimit number

    The maximum depth a query can have in a single request. Depth refers to the amount of nested levels allowed in the body of query. The default value is 0 (or unspecified), which indicates there's no depth limit. If you set a limit, it can be between 1 and 75 nested levels. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls out of bounds.

    Note that fields can still be set to nullable or non-nullable. If a non-nullable field produces an error, the error will be thrown upwards to the first nullable field available.

    resolverCountLimit number
    The maximum number of resolvers that can be invoked in a single request. The default value is 0 (or unspecified), which will set the limit to 10000. When specified, the limit value can be between 1 and 10000. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls out of bounds.
    schema string
    Schema definition, in GraphQL schema language format. This provider cannot perform drift detection of this configuration.
    tags {[key: string]: string}
    Map of tags to assign to the resource. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    userPoolConfig GraphQLApiUserPoolConfig
    Amazon Cognito User Pool configuration. Defined below.
    visibility string
    Sets the value of the GraphQL API to public (GLOBAL) or private (PRIVATE). If no value is provided, the visibility will be set to GLOBAL by default. This value cannot be changed once the API has been created.
    xrayEnabled boolean
    Whether tracing with X-ray is enabled. Defaults to false.
    authentication_type str
    additional_authentication_providers Sequence[GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderArgs]
    One or more additional authentication providers for the GraphqlApi. Defined below.
    introspection_config str
    Sets the value of the GraphQL API to enable (ENABLED) or disable (DISABLED) introspection. If no value is provided, the introspection configuration will be set to ENABLED by default. This field will produce an error if the operation attempts to use the introspection feature while this field is disabled. For more information about introspection, see GraphQL introspection.
    lambda_authorizer_config GraphQLApiLambdaAuthorizerConfigArgs
    Nested argument containing Lambda authorizer configuration. Defined below.
    log_config GraphQLApiLogConfigArgs
    Nested argument containing logging configuration. Defined below.
    name str
    User-supplied name for the GraphqlApi.
    openid_connect_config GraphQLApiOpenidConnectConfigArgs
    Nested argument containing OpenID Connect configuration. Defined below.
    query_depth_limit int

    The maximum depth a query can have in a single request. Depth refers to the amount of nested levels allowed in the body of query. The default value is 0 (or unspecified), which indicates there's no depth limit. If you set a limit, it can be between 1 and 75 nested levels. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls out of bounds.

    Note that fields can still be set to nullable or non-nullable. If a non-nullable field produces an error, the error will be thrown upwards to the first nullable field available.

    resolver_count_limit int
    The maximum number of resolvers that can be invoked in a single request. The default value is 0 (or unspecified), which will set the limit to 10000. When specified, the limit value can be between 1 and 10000. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls out of bounds.
    schema str
    Schema definition, in GraphQL schema language format. This provider cannot perform drift detection of this configuration.
    tags Mapping[str, str]
    Map of tags to assign to the resource. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    user_pool_config GraphQLApiUserPoolConfigArgs
    Amazon Cognito User Pool configuration. Defined below.
    visibility str
    Sets the value of the GraphQL API to public (GLOBAL) or private (PRIVATE). If no value is provided, the visibility will be set to GLOBAL by default. This value cannot be changed once the API has been created.
    xray_enabled bool
    Whether tracing with X-ray is enabled. Defaults to false.
    authenticationType String
    additionalAuthenticationProviders List<Property Map>
    One or more additional authentication providers for the GraphqlApi. Defined below.
    introspectionConfig String
    Sets the value of the GraphQL API to enable (ENABLED) or disable (DISABLED) introspection. If no value is provided, the introspection configuration will be set to ENABLED by default. This field will produce an error if the operation attempts to use the introspection feature while this field is disabled. For more information about introspection, see GraphQL introspection.
    lambdaAuthorizerConfig Property Map
    Nested argument containing Lambda authorizer configuration. Defined below.
    logConfig Property Map
    Nested argument containing logging configuration. Defined below.
    name String
    User-supplied name for the GraphqlApi.
    openidConnectConfig Property Map
    Nested argument containing OpenID Connect configuration. Defined below.
    queryDepthLimit Number

    The maximum depth a query can have in a single request. Depth refers to the amount of nested levels allowed in the body of query. The default value is 0 (or unspecified), which indicates there's no depth limit. If you set a limit, it can be between 1 and 75 nested levels. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls out of bounds.

    Note that fields can still be set to nullable or non-nullable. If a non-nullable field produces an error, the error will be thrown upwards to the first nullable field available.

    resolverCountLimit Number
    The maximum number of resolvers that can be invoked in a single request. The default value is 0 (or unspecified), which will set the limit to 10000. When specified, the limit value can be between 1 and 10000. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls out of bounds.
    schema String
    Schema definition, in GraphQL schema language format. This provider cannot perform drift detection of this configuration.
    tags Map<String>
    Map of tags to assign to the resource. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    userPoolConfig Property Map
    Amazon Cognito User Pool configuration. Defined below.
    visibility String
    Sets the value of the GraphQL API to public (GLOBAL) or private (PRIVATE). If no value is provided, the visibility will be set to GLOBAL by default. This value cannot be changed once the API has been created.
    xrayEnabled Boolean
    Whether tracing with X-ray is enabled. Defaults to false.


    All input properties are implicitly available as output properties. Additionally, the GraphQLApi resource produces the following output properties:

    Arn string
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    TagsAll Dictionary<string, string>
    Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    Uris Dictionary<string, string>
    Map of URIs associated with the APIE.g., uris["GRAPHQL"] = https://ID.appsync-api.REGION.amazonaws.com/graphql
    Arn string
    Id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    TagsAll map[string]string
    Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    Uris map[string]string
    Map of URIs associated with the APIE.g., uris["GRAPHQL"] = https://ID.appsync-api.REGION.amazonaws.com/graphql
    arn String
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    tagsAll Map<String,String>
    Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    uris Map<String,String>
    Map of URIs associated with the APIE.g., uris["GRAPHQL"] = https://ID.appsync-api.REGION.amazonaws.com/graphql
    arn string
    id string
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    tagsAll {[key: string]: string}
    Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    uris {[key: string]: string}
    Map of URIs associated with the APIE.g., uris["GRAPHQL"] = https://ID.appsync-api.REGION.amazonaws.com/graphql
    arn str
    id str
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    tags_all Mapping[str, str]
    Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    uris Mapping[str, str]
    Map of URIs associated with the APIE.g., uris["GRAPHQL"] = https://ID.appsync-api.REGION.amazonaws.com/graphql
    arn String
    id String
    The provider-assigned unique ID for this managed resource.
    tagsAll Map<String>
    Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    uris Map<String>
    Map of URIs associated with the APIE.g., uris["GRAPHQL"] = https://ID.appsync-api.REGION.amazonaws.com/graphql

    Look up Existing GraphQLApi Resource

    Get an existing GraphQLApi resource’s state with the given name, ID, and optional extra properties used to qualify the lookup.

    public static get(name: string, id: Input<ID>, state?: GraphQLApiState, opts?: CustomResourceOptions): GraphQLApi
    def get(resource_name: str,
            id: str,
            opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
            additional_authentication_providers: Optional[Sequence[GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderArgs]] = None,
            arn: Optional[str] = None,
            authentication_type: Optional[str] = None,
            introspection_config: Optional[str] = None,
            lambda_authorizer_config: Optional[GraphQLApiLambdaAuthorizerConfigArgs] = None,
            log_config: Optional[GraphQLApiLogConfigArgs] = None,
            name: Optional[str] = None,
            openid_connect_config: Optional[GraphQLApiOpenidConnectConfigArgs] = None,
            query_depth_limit: Optional[int] = None,
            resolver_count_limit: Optional[int] = None,
            schema: Optional[str] = None,
            tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
            tags_all: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
            uris: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
            user_pool_config: Optional[GraphQLApiUserPoolConfigArgs] = None,
            visibility: Optional[str] = None,
            xray_enabled: Optional[bool] = None) -> GraphQLApi
    func GetGraphQLApi(ctx *Context, name string, id IDInput, state *GraphQLApiState, opts ...ResourceOption) (*GraphQLApi, error)
    public static GraphQLApi Get(string name, Input<string> id, GraphQLApiState? state, CustomResourceOptions? opts = null)
    public static GraphQLApi get(String name, Output<String> id, GraphQLApiState state, CustomResourceOptions options)
    Resource lookup is not supported in YAML
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The unique name of the resulting resource.
    The unique provider ID of the resource to lookup.
    Any extra arguments used during the lookup.
    A bag of options that control this resource's behavior.
    The following state arguments are supported:
    AdditionalAuthenticationProviders List<GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProvider>
    One or more additional authentication providers for the GraphqlApi. Defined below.
    Arn string
    AuthenticationType string
    IntrospectionConfig string
    Sets the value of the GraphQL API to enable (ENABLED) or disable (DISABLED) introspection. If no value is provided, the introspection configuration will be set to ENABLED by default. This field will produce an error if the operation attempts to use the introspection feature while this field is disabled. For more information about introspection, see GraphQL introspection.
    LambdaAuthorizerConfig GraphQLApiLambdaAuthorizerConfig
    Nested argument containing Lambda authorizer configuration. Defined below.
    LogConfig GraphQLApiLogConfig
    Nested argument containing logging configuration. Defined below.
    Name string
    User-supplied name for the GraphqlApi.
    OpenidConnectConfig GraphQLApiOpenidConnectConfig
    Nested argument containing OpenID Connect configuration. Defined below.
    QueryDepthLimit int

    The maximum depth a query can have in a single request. Depth refers to the amount of nested levels allowed in the body of query. The default value is 0 (or unspecified), which indicates there's no depth limit. If you set a limit, it can be between 1 and 75 nested levels. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls out of bounds.

    Note that fields can still be set to nullable or non-nullable. If a non-nullable field produces an error, the error will be thrown upwards to the first nullable field available.

    ResolverCountLimit int
    The maximum number of resolvers that can be invoked in a single request. The default value is 0 (or unspecified), which will set the limit to 10000. When specified, the limit value can be between 1 and 10000. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls out of bounds.
    Schema string
    Schema definition, in GraphQL schema language format. This provider cannot perform drift detection of this configuration.
    Tags Dictionary<string, string>
    Map of tags to assign to the resource. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    TagsAll Dictionary<string, string>
    Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    Uris Dictionary<string, string>
    Map of URIs associated with the APIE.g., uris["GRAPHQL"] = https://ID.appsync-api.REGION.amazonaws.com/graphql
    UserPoolConfig GraphQLApiUserPoolConfig
    Amazon Cognito User Pool configuration. Defined below.
    Visibility string
    Sets the value of the GraphQL API to public (GLOBAL) or private (PRIVATE). If no value is provided, the visibility will be set to GLOBAL by default. This value cannot be changed once the API has been created.
    XrayEnabled bool
    Whether tracing with X-ray is enabled. Defaults to false.
    AdditionalAuthenticationProviders []GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderArgs
    One or more additional authentication providers for the GraphqlApi. Defined below.
    Arn string
    AuthenticationType string
    IntrospectionConfig string
    Sets the value of the GraphQL API to enable (ENABLED) or disable (DISABLED) introspection. If no value is provided, the introspection configuration will be set to ENABLED by default. This field will produce an error if the operation attempts to use the introspection feature while this field is disabled. For more information about introspection, see GraphQL introspection.
    LambdaAuthorizerConfig GraphQLApiLambdaAuthorizerConfigArgs
    Nested argument containing Lambda authorizer configuration. Defined below.
    LogConfig GraphQLApiLogConfigArgs
    Nested argument containing logging configuration. Defined below.
    Name string
    User-supplied name for the GraphqlApi.
    OpenidConnectConfig GraphQLApiOpenidConnectConfigArgs
    Nested argument containing OpenID Connect configuration. Defined below.
    QueryDepthLimit int

    The maximum depth a query can have in a single request. Depth refers to the amount of nested levels allowed in the body of query. The default value is 0 (or unspecified), which indicates there's no depth limit. If you set a limit, it can be between 1 and 75 nested levels. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls out of bounds.

    Note that fields can still be set to nullable or non-nullable. If a non-nullable field produces an error, the error will be thrown upwards to the first nullable field available.

    ResolverCountLimit int
    The maximum number of resolvers that can be invoked in a single request. The default value is 0 (or unspecified), which will set the limit to 10000. When specified, the limit value can be between 1 and 10000. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls out of bounds.
    Schema string
    Schema definition, in GraphQL schema language format. This provider cannot perform drift detection of this configuration.
    Tags map[string]string
    Map of tags to assign to the resource. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    TagsAll map[string]string
    Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    Uris map[string]string
    Map of URIs associated with the APIE.g., uris["GRAPHQL"] = https://ID.appsync-api.REGION.amazonaws.com/graphql
    UserPoolConfig GraphQLApiUserPoolConfigArgs
    Amazon Cognito User Pool configuration. Defined below.
    Visibility string
    Sets the value of the GraphQL API to public (GLOBAL) or private (PRIVATE). If no value is provided, the visibility will be set to GLOBAL by default. This value cannot be changed once the API has been created.
    XrayEnabled bool
    Whether tracing with X-ray is enabled. Defaults to false.
    additionalAuthenticationProviders List<GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProvider>
    One or more additional authentication providers for the GraphqlApi. Defined below.
    arn String
    authenticationType String
    introspectionConfig String
    Sets the value of the GraphQL API to enable (ENABLED) or disable (DISABLED) introspection. If no value is provided, the introspection configuration will be set to ENABLED by default. This field will produce an error if the operation attempts to use the introspection feature while this field is disabled. For more information about introspection, see GraphQL introspection.
    lambdaAuthorizerConfig GraphQLApiLambdaAuthorizerConfig
    Nested argument containing Lambda authorizer configuration. Defined below.
    logConfig GraphQLApiLogConfig
    Nested argument containing logging configuration. Defined below.
    name String
    User-supplied name for the GraphqlApi.
    openidConnectConfig GraphQLApiOpenidConnectConfig
    Nested argument containing OpenID Connect configuration. Defined below.
    queryDepthLimit Integer

    The maximum depth a query can have in a single request. Depth refers to the amount of nested levels allowed in the body of query. The default value is 0 (or unspecified), which indicates there's no depth limit. If you set a limit, it can be between 1 and 75 nested levels. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls out of bounds.

    Note that fields can still be set to nullable or non-nullable. If a non-nullable field produces an error, the error will be thrown upwards to the first nullable field available.

    resolverCountLimit Integer
    The maximum number of resolvers that can be invoked in a single request. The default value is 0 (or unspecified), which will set the limit to 10000. When specified, the limit value can be between 1 and 10000. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls out of bounds.
    schema String
    Schema definition, in GraphQL schema language format. This provider cannot perform drift detection of this configuration.
    tags Map<String,String>
    Map of tags to assign to the resource. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    tagsAll Map<String,String>
    Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    uris Map<String,String>
    Map of URIs associated with the APIE.g., uris["GRAPHQL"] = https://ID.appsync-api.REGION.amazonaws.com/graphql
    userPoolConfig GraphQLApiUserPoolConfig
    Amazon Cognito User Pool configuration. Defined below.
    visibility String
    Sets the value of the GraphQL API to public (GLOBAL) or private (PRIVATE). If no value is provided, the visibility will be set to GLOBAL by default. This value cannot be changed once the API has been created.
    xrayEnabled Boolean
    Whether tracing with X-ray is enabled. Defaults to false.
    additionalAuthenticationProviders GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProvider[]
    One or more additional authentication providers for the GraphqlApi. Defined below.
    arn string
    authenticationType string
    introspectionConfig string
    Sets the value of the GraphQL API to enable (ENABLED) or disable (DISABLED) introspection. If no value is provided, the introspection configuration will be set to ENABLED by default. This field will produce an error if the operation attempts to use the introspection feature while this field is disabled. For more information about introspection, see GraphQL introspection.
    lambdaAuthorizerConfig GraphQLApiLambdaAuthorizerConfig
    Nested argument containing Lambda authorizer configuration. Defined below.
    logConfig GraphQLApiLogConfig
    Nested argument containing logging configuration. Defined below.
    name string
    User-supplied name for the GraphqlApi.
    openidConnectConfig GraphQLApiOpenidConnectConfig
    Nested argument containing OpenID Connect configuration. Defined below.
    queryDepthLimit number

    The maximum depth a query can have in a single request. Depth refers to the amount of nested levels allowed in the body of query. The default value is 0 (or unspecified), which indicates there's no depth limit. If you set a limit, it can be between 1 and 75 nested levels. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls out of bounds.

    Note that fields can still be set to nullable or non-nullable. If a non-nullable field produces an error, the error will be thrown upwards to the first nullable field available.

    resolverCountLimit number
    The maximum number of resolvers that can be invoked in a single request. The default value is 0 (or unspecified), which will set the limit to 10000. When specified, the limit value can be between 1 and 10000. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls out of bounds.
    schema string
    Schema definition, in GraphQL schema language format. This provider cannot perform drift detection of this configuration.
    tags {[key: string]: string}
    Map of tags to assign to the resource. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    tagsAll {[key: string]: string}
    Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    uris {[key: string]: string}
    Map of URIs associated with the APIE.g., uris["GRAPHQL"] = https://ID.appsync-api.REGION.amazonaws.com/graphql
    userPoolConfig GraphQLApiUserPoolConfig
    Amazon Cognito User Pool configuration. Defined below.
    visibility string
    Sets the value of the GraphQL API to public (GLOBAL) or private (PRIVATE). If no value is provided, the visibility will be set to GLOBAL by default. This value cannot be changed once the API has been created.
    xrayEnabled boolean
    Whether tracing with X-ray is enabled. Defaults to false.
    additional_authentication_providers Sequence[GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderArgs]
    One or more additional authentication providers for the GraphqlApi. Defined below.
    arn str
    authentication_type str
    introspection_config str
    Sets the value of the GraphQL API to enable (ENABLED) or disable (DISABLED) introspection. If no value is provided, the introspection configuration will be set to ENABLED by default. This field will produce an error if the operation attempts to use the introspection feature while this field is disabled. For more information about introspection, see GraphQL introspection.
    lambda_authorizer_config GraphQLApiLambdaAuthorizerConfigArgs
    Nested argument containing Lambda authorizer configuration. Defined below.
    log_config GraphQLApiLogConfigArgs
    Nested argument containing logging configuration. Defined below.
    name str
    User-supplied name for the GraphqlApi.
    openid_connect_config GraphQLApiOpenidConnectConfigArgs
    Nested argument containing OpenID Connect configuration. Defined below.
    query_depth_limit int

    The maximum depth a query can have in a single request. Depth refers to the amount of nested levels allowed in the body of query. The default value is 0 (or unspecified), which indicates there's no depth limit. If you set a limit, it can be between 1 and 75 nested levels. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls out of bounds.

    Note that fields can still be set to nullable or non-nullable. If a non-nullable field produces an error, the error will be thrown upwards to the first nullable field available.

    resolver_count_limit int
    The maximum number of resolvers that can be invoked in a single request. The default value is 0 (or unspecified), which will set the limit to 10000. When specified, the limit value can be between 1 and 10000. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls out of bounds.
    schema str
    Schema definition, in GraphQL schema language format. This provider cannot perform drift detection of this configuration.
    tags Mapping[str, str]
    Map of tags to assign to the resource. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    tags_all Mapping[str, str]
    Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    uris Mapping[str, str]
    Map of URIs associated with the APIE.g., uris["GRAPHQL"] = https://ID.appsync-api.REGION.amazonaws.com/graphql
    user_pool_config GraphQLApiUserPoolConfigArgs
    Amazon Cognito User Pool configuration. Defined below.
    visibility str
    Sets the value of the GraphQL API to public (GLOBAL) or private (PRIVATE). If no value is provided, the visibility will be set to GLOBAL by default. This value cannot be changed once the API has been created.
    xray_enabled bool
    Whether tracing with X-ray is enabled. Defaults to false.
    additionalAuthenticationProviders List<Property Map>
    One or more additional authentication providers for the GraphqlApi. Defined below.
    arn String
    authenticationType String
    introspectionConfig String
    Sets the value of the GraphQL API to enable (ENABLED) or disable (DISABLED) introspection. If no value is provided, the introspection configuration will be set to ENABLED by default. This field will produce an error if the operation attempts to use the introspection feature while this field is disabled. For more information about introspection, see GraphQL introspection.
    lambdaAuthorizerConfig Property Map
    Nested argument containing Lambda authorizer configuration. Defined below.
    logConfig Property Map
    Nested argument containing logging configuration. Defined below.
    name String
    User-supplied name for the GraphqlApi.
    openidConnectConfig Property Map
    Nested argument containing OpenID Connect configuration. Defined below.
    queryDepthLimit Number

    The maximum depth a query can have in a single request. Depth refers to the amount of nested levels allowed in the body of query. The default value is 0 (or unspecified), which indicates there's no depth limit. If you set a limit, it can be between 1 and 75 nested levels. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls out of bounds.

    Note that fields can still be set to nullable or non-nullable. If a non-nullable field produces an error, the error will be thrown upwards to the first nullable field available.

    resolverCountLimit Number
    The maximum number of resolvers that can be invoked in a single request. The default value is 0 (or unspecified), which will set the limit to 10000. When specified, the limit value can be between 1 and 10000. This field will produce a limit error if the operation falls out of bounds.
    schema String
    Schema definition, in GraphQL schema language format. This provider cannot perform drift detection of this configuration.
    tags Map<String>
    Map of tags to assign to the resource. If configured with a provider default_tags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
    tagsAll Map<String>
    Map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider default_tags configuration block.

    Deprecated: Please use tags instead.

    uris Map<String>
    Map of URIs associated with the APIE.g., uris["GRAPHQL"] = https://ID.appsync-api.REGION.amazonaws.com/graphql
    userPoolConfig Property Map
    Amazon Cognito User Pool configuration. Defined below.
    visibility String
    Sets the value of the GraphQL API to public (GLOBAL) or private (PRIVATE). If no value is provided, the visibility will be set to GLOBAL by default. This value cannot be changed once the API has been created.
    xrayEnabled Boolean
    Whether tracing with X-ray is enabled. Defaults to false.

    Supporting Types

    GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProvider, GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderArgs

    AuthenticationType string
    LambdaAuthorizerConfig GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderLambdaAuthorizerConfig
    Nested argument containing Lambda authorizer configuration. Defined below.
    OpenidConnectConfig GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderOpenidConnectConfig
    Nested argument containing OpenID Connect configuration. Defined below.
    UserPoolConfig GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderUserPoolConfig
    Amazon Cognito User Pool configuration. Defined below.
    AuthenticationType string
    LambdaAuthorizerConfig GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderLambdaAuthorizerConfig
    Nested argument containing Lambda authorizer configuration. Defined below.
    OpenidConnectConfig GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderOpenidConnectConfig
    Nested argument containing OpenID Connect configuration. Defined below.
    UserPoolConfig GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderUserPoolConfig
    Amazon Cognito User Pool configuration. Defined below.
    authenticationType String
    lambdaAuthorizerConfig GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderLambdaAuthorizerConfig
    Nested argument containing Lambda authorizer configuration. Defined below.
    openidConnectConfig GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderOpenidConnectConfig
    Nested argument containing OpenID Connect configuration. Defined below.
    userPoolConfig GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderUserPoolConfig
    Amazon Cognito User Pool configuration. Defined below.
    authenticationType string
    lambdaAuthorizerConfig GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderLambdaAuthorizerConfig
    Nested argument containing Lambda authorizer configuration. Defined below.
    openidConnectConfig GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderOpenidConnectConfig
    Nested argument containing OpenID Connect configuration. Defined below.
    userPoolConfig GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderUserPoolConfig
    Amazon Cognito User Pool configuration. Defined below.
    authentication_type str
    lambda_authorizer_config GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderLambdaAuthorizerConfig
    Nested argument containing Lambda authorizer configuration. Defined below.
    openid_connect_config GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderOpenidConnectConfig
    Nested argument containing OpenID Connect configuration. Defined below.
    user_pool_config GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderUserPoolConfig
    Amazon Cognito User Pool configuration. Defined below.
    authenticationType String
    lambdaAuthorizerConfig Property Map
    Nested argument containing Lambda authorizer configuration. Defined below.
    openidConnectConfig Property Map
    Nested argument containing OpenID Connect configuration. Defined below.
    userPoolConfig Property Map
    Amazon Cognito User Pool configuration. Defined below.

    GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderLambdaAuthorizerConfig, GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderLambdaAuthorizerConfigArgs

    AuthorizerUri string
    ARN of the Lambda function to be called for authorization. Note: This Lambda function must have a resource-based policy assigned to it, to allow lambda:InvokeFunction from service principal appsync.amazonaws.com.
    AuthorizerResultTtlInSeconds int
    Number of seconds a response should be cached for. The default is 5 minutes (300 seconds). The Lambda function can override this by returning a ttlOverride key in its response. A value of 0 disables caching of responses. Minimum value of 0. Maximum value of 3600.
    IdentityValidationExpression string
    Regular expression for validation of tokens before the Lambda function is called.
    AuthorizerUri string
    ARN of the Lambda function to be called for authorization. Note: This Lambda function must have a resource-based policy assigned to it, to allow lambda:InvokeFunction from service principal appsync.amazonaws.com.
    AuthorizerResultTtlInSeconds int
    Number of seconds a response should be cached for. The default is 5 minutes (300 seconds). The Lambda function can override this by returning a ttlOverride key in its response. A value of 0 disables caching of responses. Minimum value of 0. Maximum value of 3600.
    IdentityValidationExpression string
    Regular expression for validation of tokens before the Lambda function is called.
    authorizerUri String
    ARN of the Lambda function to be called for authorization. Note: This Lambda function must have a resource-based policy assigned to it, to allow lambda:InvokeFunction from service principal appsync.amazonaws.com.
    authorizerResultTtlInSeconds Integer
    Number of seconds a response should be cached for. The default is 5 minutes (300 seconds). The Lambda function can override this by returning a ttlOverride key in its response. A value of 0 disables caching of responses. Minimum value of 0. Maximum value of 3600.
    identityValidationExpression String
    Regular expression for validation of tokens before the Lambda function is called.
    authorizerUri string
    ARN of the Lambda function to be called for authorization. Note: This Lambda function must have a resource-based policy assigned to it, to allow lambda:InvokeFunction from service principal appsync.amazonaws.com.
    authorizerResultTtlInSeconds number
    Number of seconds a response should be cached for. The default is 5 minutes (300 seconds). The Lambda function can override this by returning a ttlOverride key in its response. A value of 0 disables caching of responses. Minimum value of 0. Maximum value of 3600.
    identityValidationExpression string
    Regular expression for validation of tokens before the Lambda function is called.
    authorizer_uri str
    ARN of the Lambda function to be called for authorization. Note: This Lambda function must have a resource-based policy assigned to it, to allow lambda:InvokeFunction from service principal appsync.amazonaws.com.
    authorizer_result_ttl_in_seconds int
    Number of seconds a response should be cached for. The default is 5 minutes (300 seconds). The Lambda function can override this by returning a ttlOverride key in its response. A value of 0 disables caching of responses. Minimum value of 0. Maximum value of 3600.
    identity_validation_expression str
    Regular expression for validation of tokens before the Lambda function is called.
    authorizerUri String
    ARN of the Lambda function to be called for authorization. Note: This Lambda function must have a resource-based policy assigned to it, to allow lambda:InvokeFunction from service principal appsync.amazonaws.com.
    authorizerResultTtlInSeconds Number
    Number of seconds a response should be cached for. The default is 5 minutes (300 seconds). The Lambda function can override this by returning a ttlOverride key in its response. A value of 0 disables caching of responses. Minimum value of 0. Maximum value of 3600.
    identityValidationExpression String
    Regular expression for validation of tokens before the Lambda function is called.

    GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderOpenidConnectConfig, GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderOpenidConnectConfigArgs

    Issuer string
    Issuer for the OpenID Connect configuration. The issuer returned by discovery MUST exactly match the value of iss in the ID Token.
    AuthTtl int
    Number of milliseconds a token is valid after being authenticated.
    ClientId string
    Client identifier of the Relying party at the OpenID identity provider. This identifier is typically obtained when the Relying party is registered with the OpenID identity provider. You can specify a regular expression so the AWS AppSync can validate against multiple client identifiers at a time.
    IatTtl int
    Number of milliseconds a token is valid after being issued to a user.
    Issuer string
    Issuer for the OpenID Connect configuration. The issuer returned by discovery MUST exactly match the value of iss in the ID Token.
    AuthTtl int
    Number of milliseconds a token is valid after being authenticated.
    ClientId string
    Client identifier of the Relying party at the OpenID identity provider. This identifier is typically obtained when the Relying party is registered with the OpenID identity provider. You can specify a regular expression so the AWS AppSync can validate against multiple client identifiers at a time.
    IatTtl int
    Number of milliseconds a token is valid after being issued to a user.
    issuer String
    Issuer for the OpenID Connect configuration. The issuer returned by discovery MUST exactly match the value of iss in the ID Token.
    authTtl Integer
    Number of milliseconds a token is valid after being authenticated.
    clientId String
    Client identifier of the Relying party at the OpenID identity provider. This identifier is typically obtained when the Relying party is registered with the OpenID identity provider. You can specify a regular expression so the AWS AppSync can validate against multiple client identifiers at a time.
    iatTtl Integer
    Number of milliseconds a token is valid after being issued to a user.
    issuer string
    Issuer for the OpenID Connect configuration. The issuer returned by discovery MUST exactly match the value of iss in the ID Token.
    authTtl number
    Number of milliseconds a token is valid after being authenticated.
    clientId string
    Client identifier of the Relying party at the OpenID identity provider. This identifier is typically obtained when the Relying party is registered with the OpenID identity provider. You can specify a regular expression so the AWS AppSync can validate against multiple client identifiers at a time.
    iatTtl number
    Number of milliseconds a token is valid after being issued to a user.
    issuer str
    Issuer for the OpenID Connect configuration. The issuer returned by discovery MUST exactly match the value of iss in the ID Token.
    auth_ttl int
    Number of milliseconds a token is valid after being authenticated.
    client_id str
    Client identifier of the Relying party at the OpenID identity provider. This identifier is typically obtained when the Relying party is registered with the OpenID identity provider. You can specify a regular expression so the AWS AppSync can validate against multiple client identifiers at a time.
    iat_ttl int
    Number of milliseconds a token is valid after being issued to a user.
    issuer String
    Issuer for the OpenID Connect configuration. The issuer returned by discovery MUST exactly match the value of iss in the ID Token.
    authTtl Number
    Number of milliseconds a token is valid after being authenticated.
    clientId String
    Client identifier of the Relying party at the OpenID identity provider. This identifier is typically obtained when the Relying party is registered with the OpenID identity provider. You can specify a regular expression so the AWS AppSync can validate against multiple client identifiers at a time.
    iatTtl Number
    Number of milliseconds a token is valid after being issued to a user.

    GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderUserPoolConfig, GraphQLApiAdditionalAuthenticationProviderUserPoolConfigArgs

    UserPoolId string
    User pool ID.
    AppIdClientRegex string
    Regular expression for validating the incoming Amazon Cognito User Pool app client ID.
    AwsRegion string
    AWS region in which the user pool was created.
    UserPoolId string
    User pool ID.
    AppIdClientRegex string
    Regular expression for validating the incoming Amazon Cognito User Pool app client ID.
    AwsRegion string
    AWS region in which the user pool was created.
    userPoolId String
    User pool ID.
    appIdClientRegex String
    Regular expression for validating the incoming Amazon Cognito User Pool app client ID.
    awsRegion String
    AWS region in which the user pool was created.
    userPoolId string
    User pool ID.
    appIdClientRegex string
    Regular expression for validating the incoming Amazon Cognito User Pool app client ID.
    awsRegion string
    AWS region in which the user pool was created.
    user_pool_id str
    User pool ID.
    app_id_client_regex str
    Regular expression for validating the incoming Amazon Cognito User Pool app client ID.
    aws_region str
    AWS region in which the user pool was created.
    userPoolId String
    User pool ID.
    appIdClientRegex String
    Regular expression for validating the incoming Amazon Cognito User Pool app client ID.
    awsRegion String
    AWS region in which the user pool was created.

    GraphQLApiLambdaAuthorizerConfig, GraphQLApiLambdaAuthorizerConfigArgs

    AuthorizerUri string
    ARN of the Lambda function to be called for authorization. Note: This Lambda function must have a resource-based policy assigned to it, to allow lambda:InvokeFunction from service principal appsync.amazonaws.com.
    AuthorizerResultTtlInSeconds int
    Number of seconds a response should be cached for. The default is 5 minutes (300 seconds). The Lambda function can override this by returning a ttlOverride key in its response. A value of 0 disables caching of responses. Minimum value of 0. Maximum value of 3600.
    IdentityValidationExpression string
    Regular expression for validation of tokens before the Lambda function is called.
    AuthorizerUri string
    ARN of the Lambda function to be called for authorization. Note: This Lambda function must have a resource-based policy assigned to it, to allow lambda:InvokeFunction from service principal appsync.amazonaws.com.
    AuthorizerResultTtlInSeconds int
    Number of seconds a response should be cached for. The default is 5 minutes (300 seconds). The Lambda function can override this by returning a ttlOverride key in its response. A value of 0 disables caching of responses. Minimum value of 0. Maximum value of 3600.
    IdentityValidationExpression string
    Regular expression for validation of tokens before the Lambda function is called.
    authorizerUri String
    ARN of the Lambda function to be called for authorization. Note: This Lambda function must have a resource-based policy assigned to it, to allow lambda:InvokeFunction from service principal appsync.amazonaws.com.
    authorizerResultTtlInSeconds Integer
    Number of seconds a response should be cached for. The default is 5 minutes (300 seconds). The Lambda function can override this by returning a ttlOverride key in its response. A value of 0 disables caching of responses. Minimum value of 0. Maximum value of 3600.
    identityValidationExpression String
    Regular expression for validation of tokens before the Lambda function is called.
    authorizerUri string
    ARN of the Lambda function to be called for authorization. Note: This Lambda function must have a resource-based policy assigned to it, to allow lambda:InvokeFunction from service principal appsync.amazonaws.com.
    authorizerResultTtlInSeconds number
    Number of seconds a response should be cached for. The default is 5 minutes (300 seconds). The Lambda function can override this by returning a ttlOverride key in its response. A value of 0 disables caching of responses. Minimum value of 0. Maximum value of 3600.
    identityValidationExpression string
    Regular expression for validation of tokens before the Lambda function is called.
    authorizer_uri str
    ARN of the Lambda function to be called for authorization. Note: This Lambda function must have a resource-based policy assigned to it, to allow lambda:InvokeFunction from service principal appsync.amazonaws.com.
    authorizer_result_ttl_in_seconds int
    Number of seconds a response should be cached for. The default is 5 minutes (300 seconds). The Lambda function can override this by returning a ttlOverride key in its response. A value of 0 disables caching of responses. Minimum value of 0. Maximum value of 3600.
    identity_validation_expression str
    Regular expression for validation of tokens before the Lambda function is called.
    authorizerUri String
    ARN of the Lambda function to be called for authorization. Note: This Lambda function must have a resource-based policy assigned to it, to allow lambda:InvokeFunction from service principal appsync.amazonaws.com.
    authorizerResultTtlInSeconds Number
    Number of seconds a response should be cached for. The default is 5 minutes (300 seconds). The Lambda function can override this by returning a ttlOverride key in its response. A value of 0 disables caching of responses. Minimum value of 0. Maximum value of 3600.
    identityValidationExpression String
    Regular expression for validation of tokens before the Lambda function is called.

    GraphQLApiLogConfig, GraphQLApiLogConfigArgs

    CloudwatchLogsRoleArn string
    Amazon Resource Name of the service role that AWS AppSync will assume to publish to Amazon CloudWatch logs in your account.
    FieldLogLevel string
    Field logging level. Valid values: ALL, ERROR, NONE.
    ExcludeVerboseContent bool
    Set to TRUE to exclude sections that contain information such as headers, context, and evaluated mapping templates, regardless of logging level. Valid values: true, false. Default value: false
    CloudwatchLogsRoleArn string
    Amazon Resource Name of the service role that AWS AppSync will assume to publish to Amazon CloudWatch logs in your account.
    FieldLogLevel string
    Field logging level. Valid values: ALL, ERROR, NONE.
    ExcludeVerboseContent bool
    Set to TRUE to exclude sections that contain information such as headers, context, and evaluated mapping templates, regardless of logging level. Valid values: true, false. Default value: false
    cloudwatchLogsRoleArn String
    Amazon Resource Name of the service role that AWS AppSync will assume to publish to Amazon CloudWatch logs in your account.
    fieldLogLevel String
    Field logging level. Valid values: ALL, ERROR, NONE.
    excludeVerboseContent Boolean
    Set to TRUE to exclude sections that contain information such as headers, context, and evaluated mapping templates, regardless of logging level. Valid values: true, false. Default value: false
    cloudwatchLogsRoleArn string
    Amazon Resource Name of the service role that AWS AppSync will assume to publish to Amazon CloudWatch logs in your account.
    fieldLogLevel string
    Field logging level. Valid values: ALL, ERROR, NONE.
    excludeVerboseContent boolean
    Set to TRUE to exclude sections that contain information such as headers, context, and evaluated mapping templates, regardless of logging level. Valid values: true, false. Default value: false
    cloudwatch_logs_role_arn str
    Amazon Resource Name of the service role that AWS AppSync will assume to publish to Amazon CloudWatch logs in your account.
    field_log_level str
    Field logging level. Valid values: ALL, ERROR, NONE.
    exclude_verbose_content bool
    Set to TRUE to exclude sections that contain information such as headers, context, and evaluated mapping templates, regardless of logging level. Valid values: true, false. Default value: false
    cloudwatchLogsRoleArn String
    Amazon Resource Name of the service role that AWS AppSync will assume to publish to Amazon CloudWatch logs in your account.
    fieldLogLevel String
    Field logging level. Valid values: ALL, ERROR, NONE.
    excludeVerboseContent Boolean
    Set to TRUE to exclude sections that contain information such as headers, context, and evaluated mapping templates, regardless of logging level. Valid values: true, false. Default value: false

    GraphQLApiOpenidConnectConfig, GraphQLApiOpenidConnectConfigArgs

    Issuer string
    Issuer for the OpenID Connect configuration. The issuer returned by discovery MUST exactly match the value of iss in the ID Token.
    AuthTtl int
    Number of milliseconds a token is valid after being authenticated.
    ClientId string
    Client identifier of the Relying party at the OpenID identity provider. This identifier is typically obtained when the Relying party is registered with the OpenID identity provider. You can specify a regular expression so the AWS AppSync can validate against multiple client identifiers at a time.
    IatTtl int
    Number of milliseconds a token is valid after being issued to a user.
    Issuer string
    Issuer for the OpenID Connect configuration. The issuer returned by discovery MUST exactly match the value of iss in the ID Token.
    AuthTtl int
    Number of milliseconds a token is valid after being authenticated.
    ClientId string
    Client identifier of the Relying party at the OpenID identity provider. This identifier is typically obtained when the Relying party is registered with the OpenID identity provider. You can specify a regular expression so the AWS AppSync can validate against multiple client identifiers at a time.
    IatTtl int
    Number of milliseconds a token is valid after being issued to a user.
    issuer String
    Issuer for the OpenID Connect configuration. The issuer returned by discovery MUST exactly match the value of iss in the ID Token.
    authTtl Integer
    Number of milliseconds a token is valid after being authenticated.
    clientId String
    Client identifier of the Relying party at the OpenID identity provider. This identifier is typically obtained when the Relying party is registered with the OpenID identity provider. You can specify a regular expression so the AWS AppSync can validate against multiple client identifiers at a time.
    iatTtl Integer
    Number of milliseconds a token is valid after being issued to a user.
    issuer string
    Issuer for the OpenID Connect configuration. The issuer returned by discovery MUST exactly match the value of iss in the ID Token.
    authTtl number
    Number of milliseconds a token is valid after being authenticated.
    clientId string
    Client identifier of the Relying party at the OpenID identity provider. This identifier is typically obtained when the Relying party is registered with the OpenID identity provider. You can specify a regular expression so the AWS AppSync can validate against multiple client identifiers at a time.
    iatTtl number
    Number of milliseconds a token is valid after being issued to a user.
    issuer str
    Issuer for the OpenID Connect configuration. The issuer returned by discovery MUST exactly match the value of iss in the ID Token.
    auth_ttl int
    Number of milliseconds a token is valid after being authenticated.
    client_id str
    Client identifier of the Relying party at the OpenID identity provider. This identifier is typically obtained when the Relying party is registered with the OpenID identity provider. You can specify a regular expression so the AWS AppSync can validate against multiple client identifiers at a time.
    iat_ttl int
    Number of milliseconds a token is valid after being issued to a user.
    issuer String
    Issuer for the OpenID Connect configuration. The issuer returned by discovery MUST exactly match the value of iss in the ID Token.
    authTtl Number
    Number of milliseconds a token is valid after being authenticated.
    clientId String
    Client identifier of the Relying party at the OpenID identity provider. This identifier is typically obtained when the Relying party is registered with the OpenID identity provider. You can specify a regular expression so the AWS AppSync can validate against multiple client identifiers at a time.
    iatTtl Number
    Number of milliseconds a token is valid after being issued to a user.

    GraphQLApiUserPoolConfig, GraphQLApiUserPoolConfigArgs

    DefaultAction string
    Action that you want your GraphQL API to take when a request that uses Amazon Cognito User Pool authentication doesn't match the Amazon Cognito User Pool configuration. Valid: ALLOW and DENY
    UserPoolId string
    User pool ID.
    AppIdClientRegex string
    Regular expression for validating the incoming Amazon Cognito User Pool app client ID.
    AwsRegion string
    AWS region in which the user pool was created.
    DefaultAction string
    Action that you want your GraphQL API to take when a request that uses Amazon Cognito User Pool authentication doesn't match the Amazon Cognito User Pool configuration. Valid: ALLOW and DENY
    UserPoolId string
    User pool ID.
    AppIdClientRegex string
    Regular expression for validating the incoming Amazon Cognito User Pool app client ID.
    AwsRegion string
    AWS region in which the user pool was created.
    defaultAction String
    Action that you want your GraphQL API to take when a request that uses Amazon Cognito User Pool authentication doesn't match the Amazon Cognito User Pool configuration. Valid: ALLOW and DENY
    userPoolId String
    User pool ID.
    appIdClientRegex String
    Regular expression for validating the incoming Amazon Cognito User Pool app client ID.
    awsRegion String
    AWS region in which the user pool was created.
    defaultAction string
    Action that you want your GraphQL API to take when a request that uses Amazon Cognito User Pool authentication doesn't match the Amazon Cognito User Pool configuration. Valid: ALLOW and DENY
    userPoolId string
    User pool ID.
    appIdClientRegex string
    Regular expression for validating the incoming Amazon Cognito User Pool app client ID.
    awsRegion string
    AWS region in which the user pool was created.
    default_action str
    Action that you want your GraphQL API to take when a request that uses Amazon Cognito User Pool authentication doesn't match the Amazon Cognito User Pool configuration. Valid: ALLOW and DENY
    user_pool_id str
    User pool ID.
    app_id_client_regex str
    Regular expression for validating the incoming Amazon Cognito User Pool app client ID.
    aws_region str
    AWS region in which the user pool was created.
    defaultAction String
    Action that you want your GraphQL API to take when a request that uses Amazon Cognito User Pool authentication doesn't match the Amazon Cognito User Pool configuration. Valid: ALLOW and DENY
    userPoolId String
    User pool ID.
    appIdClientRegex String
    Regular expression for validating the incoming Amazon Cognito User Pool app client ID.
    awsRegion String
    AWS region in which the user pool was created.

    Package Details

    AWS Classic pulumi/pulumi-aws
    This Pulumi package is based on the aws Terraform Provider.
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    Try AWS Native preview for resources not in the classic version.

    AWS Classic v6.42.0 published on Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024 by Pulumi